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Muller generator replication by Romerouk

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  • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
    However - the solid state devices aren't proven as a generating OU device yet but Romero's Muller machine has been.
    What proof?


    • None in the OU device, but Romero's word carries much and his videos more
      When we spin the rotor the effects are seen, there are only indications that the effects are present without rotor movement.
      Where is the proof that this isn't the case ?
      Last edited by Slider2732; 07-01-2011, 05:42 PM.


      • Please help: Did not get the rotor acceleration

        Hello "Slider2732"
        I follow your help to experiment, Did not get the rotor acceleration.
        No load speed 1100rpm. Once connected 12V/5W lamp load, Speed ​​decreased to 900rpm, Input current also increased.
        I do not resonance?
        Concrete should be adjusted where?
        What are the parameters related with resonance?

        I use:
        Rotor magnets: Φ30x15mm,
        Coil core: Φ10x25mm ferrite,
        10x0.18mm multi-strand wire, winding 300 turn,
        Start 1,2,3,4,5 connected to end 6,7,8,9,10,
        Start 6,7,8,9,10 and end 1,2,3,4,5 Connected to the drive circuit.
        Coil and the rotor magnet gap of about 8mm.


        • Hi yx
          Looking at my own results so far - the tuning for the increased speed and resonance has 3 stages.
          The first, is to ensure the rotor will turn with the new coil.
          The second, to have the circuit running so that the rotor speed never changes, no matter how much voltage is applied to the circuit.
          The third, is to move the coil left and right and further and nearer to the coil by tiny amounts. At 1 point only, you will see the effects.

          Could you do a quick test to ensure the circuit is running as it should ? Start up at your running voltage and then use less and less voltage into the circuit...the rotor should stay at the same speed, your amps will also decrease


          • Hey Slider,

            Have you been able to replicate the first coil setup and get the neon to
            light again without rotor movement ?

            This, I feel, is a most important little experiment. It shows signs of
            amplification at a stand still - hence I mentioned magnacoaster.



            • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
     was the failing to build a Bedini SSG in the first case that got me really into all this. Weird really. I'm very sure that some time down the road a chap will demo something and my wow comments will result in him saying 'oh its just a standard Bedini XLS, everyones made one' !
              Thought I already said it :-) LOL
              Oh well sometimes it does require a visual:
              I did not attempt to replicate experiment exactly, only to show the effects as I see them.

              Self-oscillation can be achieved as well. So the multiple pulses per magnet pass do not allow the wheel to catch up to speed. When the CFL is introduced the pulses drop to one per magnet pass. This allows the wheel to pick up speed. As we all know the SSG has a few speeds that can be reached w/ the same resistance to the base. the effect can be increased if a magnet is added to the coil, I chose to keep it simple.

              I’m still trying to understand the difference between these effects and what Slider is doing. I wound up a small 32 awg 10 filer to give a try this weekend to see if there is a drastic difference. I will report back if I find something.



              • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                Thought I already said it :-) LOL
                Oh well sometimes it does require a visual:
                I did not attempt to replicate experiment exactly, only to show the effects as I see them.

                Self-oscillation can be achieved as well. So the multiple pulses per magnet pass do not allow the wheel to catch up to speed. When the CFL is introduced the pulses drop to one per magnet pass. This allows the wheel to pick up speed. As we all know the SSG has a few speeds that can be reached w/ the same resistance to the base. the effect can be increased if a magnet is added to the coil, I chose to keep it simple.

                I’m still trying to understand the difference between these effects and what Slider is doing. I wound up a small 32 awg 10 filer to give a try this weekend to see if there is a drastic difference. I will report back if I find something.

                Hey Patrick
                your video shows up as private when the link is clicked. not sure if that is on purpose, but wanted to let you know in case it wasn't
                The absence of proof is not proof of absence


                • @Penno - Yep, got it to light while stationary and then when spinning. That was when I quickly grabbed all the glues I could find and no doubt moved it a hair out of place again.
                  Another interesting thing, is that small transistors, like the D667 will get hot pretty quick if they are not in resonance. When correct, they can run and run.

                  @minoly - same here, just the 'Private' screen. I have no doubt whatsoever that you are correct. There's a lot of respect for your work and Bolt's of course.


                  • Originally posted by Neight View Post
                    Hey Patrick
                    your video shows up as private when the link is clicked. not sure if that is on purpose, but wanted to let you know in case it wasn't
                    Oops :-) try it now
                    YouTube - ‪CFL effects speed of Bedini SSG‬‏


                    • The fix worked
                      I still find it completely hilarious how a lightbulb can be used as a motor throttle control the world's energy crisis may yet be solved by cigarette packet foil and a Snickers bar.
                      Yer right though, it might not be a Bedini XLS, but indeed an SSG,


                      • YouTube - ‪RG Group Pulse Motor Acceleration Test (Part 3)‬‏

                        Very interesting. When shorted without the capacitor in parallel, the RPM dropped (sounds like 3400 RPM from 4000). When connecting the capacitor in parallel, the RPM dropped... double time (2191 RPM). Seems like LENZ kicked in even worse with capacitance at resonance. Could this be why RUK dynamo draw so much watts even when unloaded.

                        Thank you Jdo and group.


                        • Bruce.


                          You maintained that your coil of 200 strands was capable of producing two hundred times the power. I can bring the quotes over from your TPU thread. You care to explain that claim? Here's one of your claims:

                          "Hi Stefan,

                          Anyone using this technique as part of an overunity prize request, I ask for HALF the OU prize, as I am now open sourcing this".
                          Last edited by synchro; 07-02-2011, 04:14 AM.


                          • Electric Goose.


                            Call me a troll or whatever you like but I am kindly suggesting you take a step back and look at this honestly. I have to agree with syncro here and I don't see what you are getting excited about in your litz arrangement because all you are doing is splitting up the 'magnetic load' and then later recombining it in series or parallel.

                            Are you serious? A whacking great bench grinder with loads of torque powered by a 220v 10amp wall outlet and you are thrilled that you can glean 11 volts and 50 - 100ma back from that??? You are a million miles from break even let alone overunity.

                            Everything in the Universe obeys simple laws of physics and granted there are some laws that arent in the mainstream eye yet, let us look for a moment at what YOU are focussing on which is the lowering of resistance in wires and hopefully if you do enough of that you are supposedly going to achieve OU???!!

                            Ask yourself this then. IF you made the perfect rollerskate which has zero resistance (the bearing) and forgetting about the resistance of air for a moment let us suppose that once you spin that wheel, it keeps spinning infinitum. Does this mean that if you put that rollerskate on a upward inclined slope it will propel itself up the hill??? Of course not! It wont even speed up on a flat surface because the losses are everywhere outside the environment of the bearing.

                            Oh but I forget. You think that smashing together 3 frequencies in a magic arrangement will herald forth the angels song and aetheric OU itself. There is no magic frequency or frequencies and what you are seeking to do only is a fancy way of killing the dipole through an overly complicted circuit when you would have been better off hooking the light bulb to the battery in the first place.

                            I also find it amusing that all the circuits that you propose a-la- steven mark look nothing like his device. You have masses of tubes and circuit boards that couldnt possibly fit in a small device let alone Grandma's suitcase!! Don't LISTEN to what SM SAID because he was a deceitful SOB who gave snippets of truth which added to the illusion that he was telling the overall truth. HE NEVER WAS.

                            You might think I am saying that the TPU is rubbish. This is not what I am saying at all. Honestly, I do not know whether it was real or not. I only deal with facts and dont believe carte blanche what people tell me. I know OU exists. However SM and the TPU is an unknown because all you have is a bunch of blurry videos and bulldust statements from a man that was a PROVEN LIAR and fraudulent human being. These things are FACT. He took a lot of peoples money in different lands and would always make lame excuses when authorities wanted to indepedently test the device. Yet you chose to believe everything the man says knowing this??? Are you gullible?

                            I have read at length the rantings of SM who was a narcisitic person and whilst there is much fact laced through his dialogue, this is what makes it sound so semi quasi-scientific and credible. In SM, I see a man that was if nothing else a good salesman and like all great salesman, they have no issues bending the truth and using 'sleight of hand' to avoid the truth. Ever talked to a car salesman and try to nail them on a tricky issue?? Same thing. SM talked AROUND EVERYTHING except how the device works. None of this makes any sense either, because one of the theories has always been that he was either paid off or threatened to keep quiet. One thing is for sure, if either of those things were true, SM wouldnt have talked at all not even to give you the slightest hint.

                            Use common sense on this.

                            Anyhoo...I wish you well in ur testing.


                            • Bruce's OU Claims.


                              You began to make bogus and outragous overunity claims useing your super advanced two wire Ohm's Law math, and you never retracted any of those hyper delusional claims. All you've continued to do is maintain that I lack the comprehension to fully understand your futuristic physics. I deeply resent that.

                              Lidmotor recently observed that he found no advantage to useing multi strand Litz over single strand in his Romero coils, a position I took from the outset.

                              Who are you to try and bully me off this thread with those wild and preposterous over unity claims of yours? I want you to admit you've been wrong, and stop persecuting and demeaning me for taking the time to correct you.


                              • result form test coil.

                                Using the circuits posted
                                The florescent globe consumes 18 Watts at 300 volts.

                                The load increases motor speed by a 200 RPM.
                                Disconnect the globe and RPM drops back to 850.

                                I don’t know at this stage what direction to go in to make improvements
                                I think I will try more research with changing gap and coil size.

