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Muller generator replication by Romerouk

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  • Originally posted by yx630514 View Post
    Hi toranarod:
    Please tell me you use energy-saving lamp type,
    AC or DC?
    How much power? How much voltage?
    I use 12V/5W incandescent bulbs appropriate?
    Your explanation seems more appropriate for high-voltage load.

    Thank you!
    Hello yx630514

    I made a quick Video I hope this helps
    good luck

    YouTube - ‪Pulse Motor 7 strand Litz coil lighting 2 CFL globes‬‏


    • Great demo, enjoyed watching it. That's a serious amount of power being shown !


      • Few more Observations at the Muller.
        I had to use a 1600µF Cap at the Input as a Helper. It seems does collect some Spikes, and support some more Energy. So it makes Sense for me, when Romero used a big one as Buffer.
        I have a mechanical Disc as Commutator, and timing is different, sometimes i need close the same Duty Cycle on 2 Pairs, sometimes on Pair wiith more Duty Cyle.
        Seems it also depends at the Gap from the Coils at the Rotor.

        When i look for the right Timing point, i can find a Spot, where the Rotor seems spins some easier and make a Jump to the next Magnet like Muller does describe it.
        But i think i got for that to less Magnets on my Rotor, just 6, more would maybe better, to need a smaller Duty Cycle, because the Distance to the next stick Point is closer. Maybe 15 or 16 are more handy for that, and even a more heavy Rotor.
        Right now my Coils heat up very much, and for now i guess i lay it beside. I should rebuild it in a bigger Scale, where its maybe more efficient.
        Even when i cant figure now, why he get that much Volts from his Coils at #12 Wire.
        At the Muller pager they write, that they use Diodes to collect the BEMF with the right Timing, when the Magnets leave the Coils.
        Its may the better way, as to let them permanent connected, to reduce the Drag at the Rotor.
        But it looks at last, that it still needs a couple of Parts for each Coil, to set it up right.
        Muller Research

        -The generator contains an odd-number/even-number configuration of poles/magnets so that a magnetic balance occurs which eliminates the work required to move one pole from the other no matter how large or strong the magnetic surface would be. This concept allows the flywheel to turn easily and efficiently despite the inherent powerful holding force of the magnets.

        The rotor of the Muller R&D model contains 16 NdFeB permanent magnets which are set 22.5 degrees apart and the stator contains 15 field coils which are set approximately 24 degrees apart.

        The rotor is turned by a motor, such as a diesel engine or a windmill. As the rotor magnets revolve past the coils, the magnetic field induces a pulsating electrical current which can be used for any purpose. However, first the generated electricity must flow through a solid state switching circuit (which is not shown).

        -Operational Characteristics Of The Muller Dynamo As A Motor

        The Muller Dynamo Motor operates by a DC pulse gated through a pulse timing module.
        A DC power source impulses selected stator coils. This electrical input then momentarily becomes an expanding magnetic field for the duration of a specified pulse width.

        The power through the stator coils are carefully timed and phased to repel the magnet and create the motive force. The magnets can be sensed by a Hall Effect Sensor or by Optical Encoding or by a special sensing coil in order to turn on the pulse at the correct time for the proper impulse stator coil.

        The sensing signal turns on a power MOSFET (transistor) to allow the DC power to flow into the impulse stator coil to create the expanding magnetic field. The expanding magnetic field around the impulse stator coil repels the magnet which is adjacent to it and propels the rotor shaft around and around.

        The on-time of the pulse at higher speeds becomes very small, thus using less energy per impulse at the same time the generator coils are generating electricity.

        We are able to return this electricity back into the original power source. By the clever use of diodes we can direct the collapsing field back into the battery or back on the main power rail or back into another battery or a discharge capacitor.

        By hammering every second magnet, we have every other magnet serving as a generator and this energy being generated can be directed by the same diodes such that any Back EMF or Voltage Spike (Inductive Kick-back) is recaptured by any suitable storage medium.

        The output on the coils will vary as to the size and type of core, the number of turns of wire, the size of the wire and the frequency of the impulse.
        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


        • this is bit better

          I added a third globe and increased the current draw.
          here are the results for today.

          i need to make a better coil.


          • @Joit - Here's a video of mine which although doesn't show the coil heating, was a circuit which heated the coil. Until, I got the position correct and then it ran cold...the whole thing now runs cold, the transistor included and even with a small propeller on the front:
            YouTube - ‪Nano Pulse Motor - smallest yet‬‏
            As you can see, at that size of coil, the wire thickness can make such a thing very hot very fast. But it doesn't when all lined up. So I hope it shows that it's most likely the coil positioning that is heating your coil. Or you could say that when it runs cold it is lined up correctly


            • 9 litz wire coi

              hello slider.

              What do you think about a 9 wire litz coil divided up into 3 lots of three.
              lets say 9 strands of .5m wire at 250 turns on an iron core?

              anybody else have any thoughts on this?


              • Triple dividing may introduce different effects again...I do have the 10 wire coil taken from an old PC monitor to try your idea. Though, it's too big really for my small pulse motors.

                I'll give it a shot and see what happens. The spare wire will be left out of trials and then introduced as an extra winding to one of the bundles, to see if an upset balance (of 4 and 3) in the 7 wire version is one reason for the strange behaviours seen


                • Here's the coil restranded...bunches of 3, with 1 wire left over.
                  I'll connect them like this:
                  Start - 1, 2, 3 to Finish 4, 5, 6
                  Start - 4, 5, 6 to Finish 7, 8, 9
                  Start - 7, 8, 9 Input
                  Finish - 1, 2, 3 Input


                  • Sorry for the multi-posting...but this IS worth it !!!
                    Toranarod, I do believe you have your new more powerful coils

                    Below is the first spin up, on video, of the 9 stranded coil.
                    I did it that way in case anything odd or unexpected happened - and it did.
                    Ever seen white flashes of plasma from inside a neon bulb ?
                    Ever seen such things on just 4.5V, using a pulse motor ?
                    When I move the power up to 6V the neon looks to be in jeopardy of breaking.

                    YouTube - ‪White plasma flashes inside a neon at 4.5V - Pulse motor‬‏

                    The pulses appear to be too short to fully brighten the bulb with each collapse, with the output HV strong enough like a hammer strike to produce the effects seen.

                    Further tests conducted:
                    I've just put my wireless energy field tester to the coil ((blue LED with FWBR and small coil) and it lights near the rotor.
                    Putting a white LED on the 2 strands which remain unconnected (same wire start and finish) lights an LED with each collapse. The brightness increases with voltage applied, the LED stops flashing when power is removed from the circuit. With the LED fitted, the neon doesn't glow, but rotor speed remains excellent with no change in speed noticed whether the LED is on the strand or not.
                    The energy to light the LED is straight from the coil and would otherwise be a short of the strand.
                    Moving from 6V to 7.5V, the LED flashed very brightly and broke
                    Adding a HV cap of around 0.33uF is the next step....and the replacing of underwear


                    • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
                      Here's the coil restranded...bunches of 3, with 1 wire left over.
                      I'll connect them like this:
                      Start - 1, 2, 3 to Finish 4, 5, 6
                      Start - 4, 5, 6 to Finish 7, 8, 9
                      Start - 7, 8, 9 Input
                      Finish - 1, 2, 3 Input
                      Hi Slider,

                      If I got it correctly you made trifilar in series aiding connection (and each filar in the trifilar consists of 3 wires in parallel), right?
                      If yes, this means you tripled the wire length hence you got about 9 times the inductance of a filar. Could you check this with an L meter if you have?

                      Thanks, Gyula


                      • @Gyula - Yep, 3 sets of 3 on each side. The fact that the LED blew up when setting the motor to 7.5V, shows the output from that spare single strand to be worthy of thinking about.
                        This coil was already noted for 'super loony' effects and it's continued onward....brilliant things saying they are free and prewound with the multistrand on monitor mainboards
                        Unfortunately, all I have for testing is a Sperry SP-6A analog needle meter. I read 10mA as current usage at 4.5V. It doesn't see the HV, even with the neon glowing away...I pointed at the neon and told it to quit kidding around.

                        @Steve - thanks for the email, your musings and explanations really do help, thanks


                        • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
                          Sorry for the multi-posting...but this IS worth it !!!
                          Toranarod, I do believe you have your new more powerful coils

                          Below is the first spin up, on video, of the 9 stranded coil.
                          I did it that way in case anything odd or unexpected happened - and it did.
                          Ever seen white flashes of plasma from inside a neon bulb ?
                          Ever seen such things on just 4.5V, using a pulse motor ?
                          When I move the power up to 6V the neon looks to be in jeopardy of breaking.

                          YouTube - ‪White plasma flashes inside a neon at 4.5V - Pulse motor‬‏

                          The pulses appear to be too short to fully brighten the bulb with each collapse, with the output HV strong enough like a hammer strike to produce the effects seen.

                          Further tests conducted:
                          I've just put my wireless energy field tester to the coil ((blue LED with FWBR and small coil) and it lights near the rotor.
                          Putting a white LED on the 2 strands which remain unconnected (same wire start and finish) lights an LED with each collapse. The brightness increases with voltage applied, the LED stops flashing when power is removed from the circuit. With the LED fitted, the neon doesn't glow, but rotor speed remains excellent with no change in speed noticed whether the LED is on the strand or not.
                          The energy to light the LED is straight from the coil and would otherwise be a short of the strand.
                          Moving from 6V to 7.5V, the LED flashed very brightly and broke
                          Adding a HV cap of around 0.33uF is the next step....and the replacing of underwear

                          Have just watched the video.
                          fantastic! This is encouraging news. I am winding the coil ASAP
                          Great job.


                          • Looking forward to that !

                            Also looking forward to putting 3 of these around a rotor...more looking like a Bedini design I would think, but 3x this stuff could open worm holes LOL
                            Just found another coil on a monitor, i'm not sure how many strands etc yet, but here it is:

                            I do wonder whether removing the wire and winding rougher for more capacitance on sewing bobbins might be a good project. Then they could go on a Muller gen. It would be an easier thing to do than taking the well glued monitor neck multi-strand off.


                            • 9 litz wire

                              same as before with 9 strand


                              • some free ends

                                Hi toranarod,
                                please don't forget, that in slider's new coil there is an additional strand which is not connected. That non-connected strand may function as a capacitor plate related to the other (connected) stands and it may be important that this non-connected strand is in place. So to replicate the effect you would need more than 9 strands.
                                Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
                                ....bunches of 3, with 1 wire left over....
                                Maybe you can try your 7 stranded wire, of which you use 6 strands (instead of 9) for the multi-filar connection and leave one strand non-connected.

                                Good luck and thanks for Slider2732 for pioneering this.
                                Last edited by marxist; 07-12-2011, 04:48 AM.

