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Muller generator replication by Romerouk

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  • Magnet Motor - Kicker.

    another way to kick magnets around


    ‪The magnet kicker‬‏ - YouTube
    Last edited by totoalas; 07-24-2011, 12:13 AM.


    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
      @Toranarod, thank very much for the info, just to give you an idea of why I am asking you for the numbers, it may help you find a pattern

      The Philosopher Stoned

      Hello MonsieurM,
      Thank you for your assistance and advice in this area but this is your area of expertise, not mine. I do understand where and how this would be helpful to this work. Could I ask you to do the numbers for this research? If I present the numbers from all the data and parameters that I have extracted, would you extrapolate and put forward what maybe the correct changes that I should make to the system. I could then test these parameters, present the new figures and tune the system towards the desired goal. My resources are already stretched to the max. Help from others with expertise in specific fields would go a long way to accelerating the project.
      Cheers, Rod


      • Originally posted by toranarod View Post
        Hello MonsieurM,
        Thank you for your assistance and advice in this area but this is your area of expertise, not mine. I do understand where and how this would be helpful to this work. Could I ask you to do the numbers for this research? If I present the numbers from all the data and parameters that I have extracted, would you extrapolate and put forward what maybe the correct changes that I should make to the system. I could then test these parameters, present the new figures and tune the system towards the desired goal. My resources are already stretched to the max. Help from others with expertise in specific fields would go a long way to accelerating the project.
        Cheers, Rod
        It would be my great pleasure, you send me your data , and i'll work with data for you, I'll modulate it until something comes out. Just let me know what are the fixed parameters and the ones you can modulate....

        basically what are my limitations (for instance i would need 9 physical parameters these should essentially directly affect the electromagnetic wave generated)

        I'll pm you my email.....
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-23-2011, 10:03 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • @Joit - Yep. Here ya go, it was penno who posted: Muller Dynamo
          What struck me were lines such as
          "There are so many combinations to test. I am sure you will be impressed by the speed up."
          "The word I have is that many new things will be found. Persist and experiment."
          "Nonetheless, much tuning will still be required - I have been told."


          • Slider,
            Lol, i stopped at Page 243 there to read.
            But well, he did take your Picture from the Litzcoil, didnt mean,
            that Romero used it like you did.
            I asked, because it would make a huge different, when Romero had use all his Coils with this Setup. The Rotor would had run very much stronger, but when he did not, then he really figured it out in a straight way.
            And besiede i think anyway, Romero had it run very close at a Border,
            where it did run or did not run. So not much things, what someone should do wrong at rebuilding
            But Penny is right, there is a lot space to play with it, there are a lot of possibilities,
            i whish i have the time for it now, but anyhow i wanna prepare to move,
            and i am only half hearted at the most things i can still do at the moment.
            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


            • Oh I agree about the usage
              How many were of this type, which ones weren't, were all variations of the same, all is so very different to work through than to just know about such a coil. Which I guess is part of those ever elusive tuning procedures and final details of the whole machine that Romero has had to refrain from divulging.


              • Originally posted by totoalas View Post
                Magnet Motor - Kicker.

                another way to kick magnets around


                ‪The magnet kicker‬‏ - YouTube
                The circuit is working thats great


                • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  @Toranarod, thank very much for the info, just to give you an idea of why I am asking you for the numbers, it may help you find a pattern

                  The Philosopher Stoned

                  That is good! I always wondered how all of these numbers can be related to magnetism and electricity, and how can we take advantage of them?
                  Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                  • Rpm

                    At this point it has a lot to do with RPM. I need to wind some good coils?
                    modeling this is going to be difficult.
                    My drive coil generating 4.5 volts at 300 mill amps 1.35 watts at 2800 RPM. needs to be higher.
                    This explains Romero UK needs for a DC to DC converter.. We need high current loads to load the coils to max and convert low voltage to high voltage to loop back to the system.

                    I would like to add a comment at this point.

                    I have never been able to draw 300 mill amps from any pulse motor before.
                    at any voltage without bringing to a complete stop in seconds.
                    to see this motor run a 2800 RPM with no change in RPM is like? Well i think you know
                    Last edited by toranarod; 07-24-2011, 09:57 AM.


                    • Originally posted by toranarod View Post
                      At this point it has a lot to do with RPM. I need to wind some good coils?
                      modeling this is going to be difficult.
                      My drive coil generating 4.5 volts at 300 mill amps 1.35 watts at 2800 RPM. needs to be higher.
                      This explains Romero UK needs for a DC to DC converter.. We need high current loads to load the coils to max and convert low voltage to high voltage to loop back to the system.

                      I would like to add a comment at this point.

                      I have never been able to draw 300 mill amps from any pulse motor before.
                      at any voltage without bringing to a complete stop in seconds.
                      to see this motor run a 2800 RPM with no change in RPM is like? Well i think you know
                      I am on the same track

                      The more I experiment the more I get sure about the fact that higher speed + higher inductance + lower resistance is the key to getting more out of this system. This also behaves completely opposite to a conventional generator.

                      In a conventional generator when you load it most (ie short it) it drags the maximum and when you load it less with a high impedance load you'll get less drag. In this generator when you load it most that is short it, drags the least and starts to accelerate after a certain speed, if you load it with a high impedance load it drags the rotor much more.

                      We are on the right track, keep it up Rod!

                      Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                      • which is which?

                        Hi toranarod,
                        thanks for keeping it open source.
                        I have a question:

                        In the depicted setup, which is the drive coil and which is the generator (or pick-up) coil?
                        Originally posted by toranarod View Post
                        ....My drive coil generating 4.5 volts at 300 mill amps 1.35 watts at 2800 RPM ....
                        Did you mean to say: "My generator coil generating 4.5 volts ..."

                        Or are all the coils in the photo used as drive&generator coils?

                        Sorry for being dense.
                        Last edited by marxist; 07-24-2011, 11:18 AM.


                        • Originally posted by marxist View Post
                          Hi toranarod,
                          thanks for keeping it open source.
                          I have a question:

                          In the depicted setup, which is the drive coil and which is the generator (or pick-up) coil?

                          Did you mean to say: "My generator coil generating 4.5 volts ..."

                          Or are all the coils in the photo used as drive&generator coils?

                          Sorry for being dense.
                          the coil on the left in the photo is the gen coil and the one on the right is the drive coil. There are no other coils in the setup at this point.

                          I am only referring to the generator coils at this moment. the drive coil is working as described a few pages back that has not changed.

                          just got down from the work shop. The gen coil is now supplying at 6.7 volts out at 2.5 watts. 3268 RPM.

                          I need to wind a 7 or 9 strand litz coil that would be very interesting.


                          • Originally posted by elias View Post
                            I am on the same track

                            The more I experiment the more I get sure about the fact that higher speed + higher inductance + lower resistance is the key to getting more out of this system. This also behaves completely opposite to a conventional generator.

                            In a conventional generator when you load it most (ie short it) it drags the maximum and when you load it less with a high impedance load you'll get less drag. In this generator when you load it most that is short it, drags the least and starts to accelerate after a certain speed, if you load it with a high impedance load it drags the rotor much more.

                            We are on the right track, keep it up Rod!

                            something is finally working.

                            after all theses years of building motors. There is a working principle a structure to this. something to refine and build on.

                            you too. great work. keep the information flowing.



                            • Hi toranarod,
                              thanks for your answer.
                              Originally posted by toranarod View Post
                              .... The gen coil is now supplying at 6.7 volts out at 2.5 watts. 3268 RPM ...
                              So if you have such a gen coil in place and the rpms don't drop when the coil is loaded, would it then not be the most straightforward way to just add another identical gen coil and hope for double the output?


                              • Originally posted by toranarod View Post
                                the coil on the left in the photo is the gen coil and the one on the right is the drive coil. There are no other coils in the setup at this point.

                                I am only referring to the generator coils at this moment. the drive coil is working as described a few pages back that has not changed.

                                just got down from the work shop. The gen coil is now supplying at 6.7 volts out at 2.5 watts. 3268 RPM.

                                I need to wind a 7 or 9 strand litz coil that would be very interesting.

                                6.7=4 2.5= 7 3268=1

                                Check where column/row 7 meets row/column 4
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

