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Muller generator replication by Romerouk

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  • Originally posted by toranarod View Post
    That's A work of art
    Hi @rod, and @elias,

    Thanks! It took a while to build, but it could still use some improvements. The rotor is made of White King Starboard Polymer HDPE I got in eBay.

    The rotor is 1/2 inch thick. It's very easy to work with wood tools and machines just like wood, but it will melt at high tool rotational speeds. Initially, I just used one layer (1/2 inch thick) for the rotor, but it was somewhat wobbly sideways, so I cut two small circles with a hole saw and placed it at the center of both sides of the rotor for more sideways stability. The rotor shaft hole is tapped for the 1/4 inch diameter threaded brass rod shaft, secured by washers and nuts. I used roller skate bearings with the included plastic tube spacers to center the shaft, since the brass threaded rod shaft is smaller than the hole (5/16 inch) of the bearing.

    One improvement would be to remove all the metal screws securing the FWBR's and just superglue it onto the acrylic, because right now it is vibrating really badly and noisily from the magnetic influence of the rotor. I also need to sand down the edge of the rotor because it's not perfectly round as you can see from the rotational wobble in the video.

    I have gotten the voltage to around 12 to 13 volts and it is not as noisy at the higher speeds.



    • Someone got he wished
      Be happy,
      But shame is shame anyway,


      • Khabe.......
        Seriously I listened to your constant B.S. over at OU forum for over a hundred pages. We do not need to hear ANYTHING you have to say. If you had good constructive criticism or anything helpful to say then you would have said it long ago. Science needs skepticism but not a naysayer even in the face of scientific facts. If you need something to do because your bored please take up a forum with a book club or something. You trash talk, your constantly negative, and give NO respect to the replicators or inventors of devices. I feel you find no tolerance of that here. I have wasted enough of my time with this brief message. You will be ignored then banned. Trust me your kind never lasts that long here.


        • Wind down, redrichie

          I have no idea is it permitted to use word like SUPERCAP or ULTRACAP in this forum. In Overunity this is strongly tabooed, I got several warnings and finally my messages have been blocked because repeatedly did mention Supercap ... at the same time there are tens of videos in YouTube where they openly show using SUPERCAP, hereby one sample:
          YouTube - ‪Looped Muller walkabout.ASF‬‏
          Supercaps are for 2.5...2.7V, 10F ... 20F even 200F supecap you can buy for $10, 20 Farad Super Capacitor Electric Double Layer x 10 pcs | eBay
          200F Farad Super Capacitor Electric Double Layer x2 pcs | eBay
          2600F 2.5V Supercap; 2600 Farad Super/Ultra Capacitor | eBay
          but audio PowerCaps are 12V (20...24V) at 1 Farad to 10 Farad,
          Hollywood 10Farad Powercap 10F HE1010 NEU+GARANTIE | eBay
          But of course - "fine tuning" is necessary - as higher efficient pulse motor as longer it runs, as higher efficent is generator side, as longer it runs,
          Unfortunately not endless
          It does not matter is it Muller, Bedini, Adams or so on style,
          Last edited by khabe; 06-14-2011, 06:55 PM.


          • Here is one for Slider---An ambient light powered Muller

            @ Slider
            Your idea about getting a little Muller Dynamo to run on a small amount of "light" energy is what I have been working on for weeks. My little "toy" is getting better and better and here it is running on indirect solar energy inside my house.

            YouTube - ‪Ambient solar energy Muller Dynamo.ASF‬‏




            • Supercapacitors replace batteries in power ride-through applications using tiny charger IC

              or Google:
              Supercapacitors replace batteries in power ride-through applications using tiny charger IC
              Jim Drew,

              very interesting,


              • Âèäåî@Mail.Ru: Igor : Ìî¸ âèäåî : âîçâðàò1 - ñìîòðåòü îíëàéí
                To be honest this guy also wonders about why by multimeters it looks like output power is greater than input, but ... selfruns only when large cap, as larger as better ... this actual one looks like 1500F,
                He made very meny experiments, fortunately I understand Russian very well and I like this kind works very much because there is no BLUFF, modestly just showing how it works, no codswallopings, no gibberishings - he does not play "know-it-all high horse" - he just is educated and smart guy with good sense of humor
                You can see I told before - it does not matter you build Muller, Bedini or what ever - it works - even with reed switsh
                Look at all this guy videos - he can replicate what ever because smart enough
                YouTube - ‪MoPoZcO‬‏


                • Please excuse this dumb question. Is everyone certain of the type of hall Romero used. a unipolar normal hall? Not latching or anything else? And would someone be so kind as to tell me were the hell is good place to get them that will get here relatively quickly. I tried searching Mouser and 5 other sites for the models listed in the PDF. But that got me nowhere. What is everyone using?
                  Thanks guys


                  • Originally posted by redrichie View Post
                    Please excuse this dumb question. Is everyone certain of the type of hall Romero used. a unipolar normal hall? Not latching or anything else? And would someone be so kind as to tell me were the hell is good place to get them that will get here relatively quickly. I tried searching Mouser and 5 other sites for the models listed in the PDF. But that got me nowhere. What is everyone using?
                    Thanks guys
                    I`m using a couple of UGN3120U`s from a pan tilt zoom, an old computer fan will have some


                    • Originally posted by redrichie View Post
                      Please excuse this dumb question. Is everyone certain of the type of hall Romero used. a unipolar normal hall? Not latching or anything else? And would someone be so kind as to tell me were the hell is good place to get them that will get here relatively quickly. I tried searching Mouser and 5 other sites for the models listed in the PDF. But that got me nowhere. What is everyone using?
                      Thanks guys
                      I'm using Hall ATS137-PL-A-A (digikey Hall P/N 365-1003-nd)
                      Working fine!

                      Best regards


                      • Further to electr0n's reply - case fans of Pentium III vintage normally have a DN6851 inside. Datasheet here: Download | Datasheet Archive
                        They work with any magnet arrangement you throw at them, are tough to break and run from 3.6V to 16V

                        Small PIII processor fans will often have a U18.
                        Datasheet here: Download | Datasheet Archive
                        Of smaller size, they actually have a wider running voltage range... 2.5V to 20V

                        I use both extensively and have never had a Hall break, not bad for components salvaged from 1990's equipment.

                        @Lidmotor -
                        Such great news about the ambient light running ability.


                        • a different direction, I will start a new thread so as to save confusion. But here is a video for those interested with an air core Muller.

                          YouTube - ‪SG Muller‬‏

                          "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                          • Originally posted by redrichie View Post
                            Please excuse this dumb question. Is everyone certain of the type of hall Romero used. a unipolar normal hall? Not latching or anything else? And would someone be so kind as to tell me were the hell is good place to get them that will get here relatively quickly. I tried searching Mouser and 5 other sites for the models listed in the PDF. But that got me nowhere. What is everyone using?
                            Thanks guys
                            Romero used the A3144

                            That product was discontinued: October 31, 2005
                            Recommended Substitutions: for the A3144, refer to the A1104



                            • Be careful what hall you use. Some are latching, Some only work on north pole some only south pole. Some require reverse polarity to turn OFF and some don't care they just work. Picking the wrong hall is going to cause you lots of grief before you figure out what the heck is going wrong.

                              The better halls are Allegro they are a tad expensive but have IC filtering, hysteresis lock, latching or non latching, inbuilt sampling clock etc and are very sensitive. I use Allegro A1120's some of the products can work down to 2.5v up to 40v so bear in mind if you turn the drive voltage down your hall doesn't die on the low volts.
                              Last edited by bolt1; 06-15-2011, 09:46 AM.


                              • Thanks for the info guys.

                                Bolt1: this is one of the things I was referring too., Is he using a latching or straight on/off with the south.

