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Muller generator replication by Romerouk

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  • Originally posted by bolt1 View Post
    Be careful what hall you use. Some are latching, Some only work on north pole some only south pole. Some require reverse polarity to turn OFF and some don't care they just work. Picking the wrong hall is going to cause you lots of grief before you figure out what the heck is going wrong.

    The better halls are Allegro they are a tad expensive but have IC filtering, hysteresis lock, latching or non latching, inbuilt sampling clock etc and are very sensitive. I use Allegro A1120's some of the products can work down to 2.5v up to 40v so bear in mind if you turn the drive voltage down your hall doesn't die on the low volts.
    This is my favorite


    • casscade

      what do you guys think of this

      do you think C1 draw current from the battery?
      and C2 as well through C1.

      this works very well. Bit it different to what I would have believed.

      note how each capacitor sits on top of the other one and the voltage is added up one cap at a time.

      what will happen when we get to all 9 coils?

      the important thing is there is no load on the motor. the motor run faster with every new stage. it going to take me a while to get a few more constructed as this is quite complex if you turn of the wrong stage first the voltage goes
      sky High

      Last edited by toranarod; 06-15-2011, 10:46 AM.


      • I'd like to know what you find Rod. Also, you say the voltage goes sky high....what happens with amperage at that moment ?
        It may be a benefit ? or or am I barking up the wrong tree ?
        My instant thought was to switch that sky high voltage into useful work


        • Originally posted by redrichie View Post
          Thanks for the info guys.

          Bolt1: this is one of the things I was referring too., Is he using a latching or straight on/off with the south.
          You need non latching south (or north turn trigger neo around).

          BTW so many people ask why two halls and two triggers. The reason is load balancing. Each hall fires at different times and the trigger coils are often not dead opposite each other. This causes a lower average current pulse time firing sequentially rather than two coils firing off one pulse. The effect is more rpm at lower average drive current. That said please do not put all your efforts into the coil drivers they are only a means to turn the rotor. The OU effect happens ONLY from the generator coils.

          I have posted loads of info over at I am Bolt there and SilverHealtheu on EVGRAY.


          • Thanks Bolt,
            I read everything you post and try to comprehend most of it. Thank you for your patient insight.

            I thought they were non latching. It didnt make sense to me any other way. And yes I am very aware that the driver portion is not the overunity. If anything it seemed to be that the second shorter pulse fired a small and brief pulse to counter the BEMF from the main driver. kind of taper it off instead of a full out counter rotation fighting the system.


            • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
              @ Slider
              Your idea about getting a little Muller Dynamo to run on a small amount of "light" energy is what I have been working on for weeks. My little "toy" is getting better and better and here it is running on indirect solar energy inside my house.

              YouTube - ‪Ambient solar energy Muller Dynamo.ASF‬‏


              Lid you know out of all the R and D you have made practical applications out of it, i cant help but be humbled by that, wish we all had more time in the day to thank you for your unique talent mate.



              • Originally posted by bolt1 View Post
                You need non latching south (or north turn trigger neo around).

                BTW so many people ask why two halls and two triggers. The reason is load balancing. Each hall fires at different times and the trigger coils are often not dead opposite each other. This causes a lower average current pulse time firing sequentially rather than two coils firing off one pulse. The effect is more rpm at lower average drive current. That said please do not put all your efforts into the coil drivers they are only a means to turn the rotor. The OU effect happens ONLY from the generator coils.

                I have posted loads of info over at I am Bolt there and SilverHealtheu on EVGRAY.
                Hi Bolt,
                I my son chose this name on the net as well some time ago. I read your postings and pay attention to them as well, even before Romero said we should.
                so I'm puzzled a bit now. I've been going back and forth from my readings on whether or not Romero used the driving ckt for anything else other than just spinning the wheel. my added puzzlement comes from Romero's most recent post:
                Romero's experiments and OU principles
                "I said it can be run powered from a standard DC motor but to do initial testing and adjustments.
                It will not run like it did powered from outside motor."

                so, I believe we do not "need" to use that ckt to achieve the basic concept. at the same time, I think he may have been doing something w/ it as others have found some ways to make it work to their advantage.
                I guess that's kind of a question/hypothisis


                PS I am sincere, I hope my lame sense of humor is ok here.


                • Sometimes you get lucky

                  Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                  Lid you know out of all the R and D you have made practical applications out of it, i cant help but be humbled by that, wish we all had more time in the day to thank you for your unique talent mate.

                  Thanks Ash for the compliment. This forum has been great to me ---but not everybody likes what I do. Sometimes with pure persistance I get lucky, the "thing" works, and I turn it into a useful product. Most of the time I'm just playing around with something that never does really works right.
                  I have enjoyed being part of the facinating projects that we do at this forum. There are amazing people from all over the world envolved here who I greatly respect. Not all of those carry high credentials. Some are just people who "tinker" very well and know what works and what doesn't.

                  I hooked my Muller up to an "exciter" today and ran it off one wire (using an AV plug). I keep thinking about your tiny helicopter experiment. Man we sure have some fun don't we? I'm surprised that Slayer and Jonny D. are not envolved in this project. Maybe they are and are just not saying anything.

                  I have read every word you wrote over at OU at the Romero Myller thread----and I understood about three of them. Actually I read and reread some of your posts and some of it is sinking in. It appears that you have a handle on what is happening. Thanks for the help.

                  @Toranarod & Ren
                  I spent a few hours today going back over John Bedini's work in this area. Twenty or thirty years ago he was doing this stuff. The Watson machine is kinda what you are doing right now Ren. It was the mismatch between the number of coils to magnets that interested me in the Muller design. I could not find any info that JB ever did that arrangement. He may have already been down this road long ago. I just couldn't find it.


                  Years ago now I used to go to this web site and study what John showed and talked about. It was inspiring. I always liked the music too.


                  Last edited by Lidmotor; 06-16-2011, 05:31 AM.


                  • Yeah Lid

                    Something Id like to suggest, based on what I have observed from my air core Muller/Watson/SG whatever it is.

                    You can get a small amount of "juice" off the coils when they are air core. I made mine air core because I wanted the SG to provide the torque needed to turn this thing. So with the SG we have attraction to the core helping us essentially for free. We also have this with the Muller.

                    What if we only used this method on the drive coils, then built all generator coils on the air core platform, perhaps with the ability to adjust inductance/drag etc with a removeable core. Ive seen some of the circuits you guys have been building draw incredibly low power, less than 100ma and speeds well into the 1krpm.

                    So your drive coils could be used effectively with very minimal drag to overcome on all the generator coils (unloaded virtually none) and recovery could be used to charge a large cap. Then all your air coils could be rectified and also paralleled to the cap. Im getting enough power to light a 12v 3 watt led to near full brightness, I am yet to measure current by Ive done some other tests that make me think Im getting at least 200ma out. Lighting the LED knocks about 400-500 rpm off the running speed, and so does charging up a large capacitance cap from empty (I used 80000uF). BUT when the cap is already being charged or has some charge in it I noticed significantly less drag when the generator coils were paralleled. In some cases losing only 100 rpm. And that is with a load being drawn off the cap.

                    I just see how little current is needed to drive your builds at incredible speeds, I cant help but wonder if a sacrifice in output power (remove cores) could be beneficial (less drag) enough to make ends meet so to speak.

                    @ 1600 rpm Im getting 15vac per series strand (2 coils in series) and all six outputs parallel give over 40vdc unloaded at the output.

                    my 0.02c

                    Keep up the good work chaps.

                    "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                    • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                      @Toranarod & Ren
                      I spent a few hours today going back over John Bedini's work in this area. Twenty or thirty years ago he was doing this stuff. The Watson machine is kinda what you are doing right now Ren. It was the mismatch between the number of coils to magnets that interested me in the Muller design. I could not find any info that JB ever did that arrangement. He may have already been down this road long ago. I just couldn't find it.

                      BEDINI'S FREE ENERGY GENERATOR

                      Years ago now I used to go to this web site and study what John showed and talked about. It was inspiring. I always liked the music too.


                      Oh and BTW Lid Im not sure if JB has tried the mismatch before, but some of his drawings seem to SUGGEST it, as well as Watsons monster, which you can see in the picture that the gen coils arent all aligned.

                      "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                      • Knocking and Thumping equals Inrush Current

                        Originally posted by toranarod View Post
                        Hello minoly

                        I have made a video you will now understand why I don't make to many
                        Similar to Romero’s motor and the knocking noise that he claims was disturbing the neighbours, you will notice in my video the coil’s shorting process appears to create a thumping noise in the motor. The thumping noise changes in pitch because of the shorting process, but the RPM does not change. Please see my YouTube Video below

                        YouTube - ‪RomeroUK Replication‬‏
                        The thumping noise is due to an inrush of current in some cases, which is according to when the coils are shorted. Below is a snippet from a quote found on another forum when the current lags the voltage by 90 degrees in regards to when the coils are shorted. If the current is leading the voltage by 90 degrees, then this needs to be taken into consideration. This should answer a lot of questions about coil shorting.

                        Originally posted by rcwilson
                        For a pure inductive load, current lags voltage by 90 degrees. Transformer inrush is almost purely inductive. To close the breaker when current = zero, close it 90 electrical degrees after the voltage is zero, which is when the voltage is at maximum positive or negative.

                        This is counter-intuitive, but it works.
                        I watched the tests on the waveform recorders. When we closed at voltage near zero, inrush was about 6,700 amps and we could feel the transformer’s loud thump 50 yards away. When the timing got adjusted and closed the first phase at peak voltage, the inrush was 600 amps, no thump, just a 60 Hz hum.

                        Close at voltage peak, open at current zero.
                        Last edited by gravityblock; 06-16-2011, 09:51 AM.


                        • I watched the tests on the waveform recorders. When we closed at voltage near zero, inrush was about 6,700 amps and we could feel the transformer’s loud thump 50 yards away. When the timing got adjusted and closed the first phase at peak voltage, the inrush was 600 amps, no thump, just a 60 Hz hum.

                          Close at voltage peak, open at current zero.
                          But the Newman Motor is a *****. Lol.

                          This looks like a Amperage pump, even when i dont know, if at the Muller Motor the Cemf and unaligned Coils with the Magnets dont play a bigger Role.

                          But Ty for that Gb, my Newman test-runs now with a empty Battery since over a Hour with an additional Diode and continue to speed up and slow down alternating.
                          Last edited by Joit; 06-16-2011, 11:29 AM.
                          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                          • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                            Thanks Ash for the compliment. This forum has been great to me ---but not everybody likes what I do. Sometimes with pure persistance I get lucky, the "thing" works, and I turn it into a useful product. Most of the time I'm just playing around with something that never does really works right.
                            I have enjoyed being part of the facinating projects that we do at this forum. There are amazing people from all over the world envolved here who I greatly respect. Not all of those carry high credentials. Some are just people who "tinker" very well and know what works and what doesn't.

                            I hooked my Muller up to an "exciter" today and ran it off one wire (using an AV plug). I keep thinking about your tiny helicopter experiment. Man we sure have some fun don't we? I'm surprised that Slayer and Jonny D. are not envolved in this project. Maybe they are and are just not saying anything.

                            I have read every word you wrote over at OU at the Romero Myller thread----and I understood about three of them. Actually I read and reread some of your posts and some of it is sinking in. It appears that you have a handle on what is happening. Thanks for the help.

                            @Toranarod & Ren
                            I spent a few hours today going back over John Bedini's work in this area. Twenty or thirty years ago he was doing this stuff. The Watson machine is kinda what you are doing right now Ren. It was the mismatch between the number of coils to magnets that interested me in the Muller design. I could not find any info that JB ever did that arrangement. He may have already been down this road long ago. I just couldn't find it.

                            BEDINI'S FREE ENERGY GENERATOR

                            Years ago now I used to go to this web site and study what John showed and talked about. It was inspiring. I always liked the music too.


                            Hello Lidmotor. and every one.

                            I am the same. I have an idea and go off and build it, or I read some work by other and believe I can replicate it and I may get lucky and finds something.

                            There have been other before us who have found over unity so can we.

                            I have seen a few things in my years of research that keeps me working on.
                            Like my current project with the cascading effect.

                            I was perusing the EV gray pulse motor when RomeroUK came along so now I have combined the work.

                            there are so many projects to look into.

                            lets all help each other because with out your support and this forum as a sounding board for our work. I would have given up long ago.

                            Thank and good luck.



                            • @Bolt
                              It appears that you have a handle on what is happening
                              Nah, he drives what is happening with a MOSFET


                              • I have been a lurker for a bit, have played with some of this, but its been years since I worked the bench.

                                Thank you all - for sharing the ideas and diagrams.

                                I'll pull some gear, and start as Rom said with a couple of coils and see where I go.


