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Muller generator replication by Romerouk

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  • RF

    I experimented with the 7 strand litz wire coil today.

    All the coils in the yellow diagram are the one coil of litz wire.

    Using the one coil as seen in the diagram. I setup 3 strands as attraction and 4 in repel. Using 2 drive circuits and two hall sensors it was possible to energize the coil as the magnet approached. Then energize the coils as the magnet passed by, pushing the magnets on there way out.

    This worked well and produced a lot of torque; it also created a magnetic felid conflict if you allowed the switching from one polarity to another to get to close. There was a drop in current as the two magnetic fields collided. This needs a bit more looking into and I will document it for later.

    What I wanted to try was collecting the high voltage from the repulsion 4 strand sides of the circuit, and switch the attraction 3 strand side. Engaging 300 volts from a 1500 400 volt capacitor created a burst of acceleration and an EMF spike so high it collapsed the electrical system. To my surprise it even stopped my wireless net work system and our internet went down while it was running. That really surprised me at first when other members of the family complained about the internet going down I had no idea it was my motor.

    At the moment I have very little data to report because the test was very unstable.
    It so hard to keep things stable long enough to get watts and current measurements.
    Some diodes brunt out and I lost a MOSFET.
    The currents at that load is very high . I go back to it tomorrow and make changes to shielding and so on.


    • Wow

      Wow Rod it sounds like you are really going heavy duty with your generator set up.

      I wonder when you had the torque up, if your coil setup could run that way as a rotor booster like slider did on his first video, and then use a "normal" pickup coil as a generator coil to collect power from?

      I guess what I am saying is, your new coil setup may work better as a rotor booster coil than a generator coil.

      If you could boost your rotor speed and torque with a booster coil or coils, then it really would not really matter if you canceled out Lenz or not, you could just power right through Lenz with the booster coil and produce excess power in normal generator coils.
      The way it looks to me anyway.

      Thanks for the update.

      Last edited by Steve220; 07-06-2011, 11:07 AM.
      One thing to keep in mind is, man wrote the laws regarding the conservation of energy, not nature.
      Nature writes it's own laws regardless of what man thinks or does.


      • HV spike on SSG

        Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
        Hi Penno,
        The FanGen does it all the time, but the clear plastic box motor doesn't. Am aiming at seeing exactly what is different on both. Does a Bedini SSG light a neon at rest ? that would answer much.
        In fact, however, the FanGen tester motor runs much better if the PC fan driving circuit is disabled, found that out by accident the other day.

        The coil is connected as normal, but the neon just sits on the back too, in parallel with the coil wires. I just soldered it there and figured it would show if I was getting 90V and above back out. Being as there is no filament it doesn't bother the DC going in, but reacts to the HV going out

        Great idea Rod for splitting the coil work ! Driving one from the other is something I can't wait to hear the results of

        Hey Slider,

        On a single bifilar coil Bedini SSG you can have the neon light if use run the unit with a heavily sulfated battery or I unhook an output lead
        However, when I did experiment with this, the Pot, resistor and neon blew
        only lasting 10mins and 1hr for each circuit respectively.
        After 2 circuits I stopped investigating this and hooked up an undamaged battery, the primary was collecting 16V in a 12V battery untill I burned out the circuit. (So I assume large HV spikes that caused mutual induction in the pot and these arcs destroyed the potentiometer)



        • Pulse capacitor discharge

          Originally posted by Steve220 View Post
          Wow Rod it sounds like you are really going heavy duty with your generator set up.

          I wonder when you had the torque up, if your coil setup could run that way as a rotor booster like slider did on his first video, and then use a "normal" pickup coil as a generator coil to collect power from?

          I guess what I am saying is, your new coil setup may work better as a rotor booster coil than a generator coil.

          If you could boost your rotor speed and torque with a booster coil or coils, then it really would not really matter if you canceled out Lenz or not, you could just power right through Lenz with the booster coil and produce excess power in normal generator coils.
          The way it looks to me anyway.

          Thanks for the update.


          Hello Steve220. High voltages is where I want to direct my research.

          I am going to move on to some ideas I have wanted to work on for a while

          I keep going back to High voltages and discharging caps into coils to produce shock magnetic fields. So this is what my new post will be about.

          I am going to start a new thread dedicated to this subject as it has no place here.

          I will keep my Romero motor running and tinker any time I get a idea or there is a post about a break through.

          Last edited by toranarod; 07-06-2011, 11:33 AM. Reason: typo


          • my test Litz verse single strand

            Litz coil 200 turns 7 strands .4mm 24m Henry's
            output voltage 260, 140 m Amps 36 Watts
            input current 960 m AMPS, input Watts 48 Watts

            Single strand 300 turns 1 m wire 5.6 m Henry's
            output voltage 75, 60 m Amps, 4.5 watts.
            input current 433 m Amps, input Watts 10.32

            both coils where triggered by the same duty cycle, 544 u Sec X 4



            • Hi toranarod

              I think your experiment is very valuable, So I have been following your experiments, I hope you update the progress at any time.

              But: I do not understand your current experiment, In a drive coil at the same time, "attraction" and "Repulsion", Force should be offset, Will not be able to rotate the rotor.
              How do you let the normal rotation of the rotor?

              Your position is how two Hall transistors arranged? Hope to see you complete the circuit, And hall transistor mounting position diagram.

              Thank you!


              • Sounds good

                Originally posted by toranarod View Post
                Hello Steve220. High voltages is where I want to direct my research.

                I am going to move on to some ideas I have wanted to work on for a while

                I keep going back to High voltages and discharging caps into coils to produce shock magnetic fields. So this is what my new post will be about.

                I am going to start a new thread dedicated to this subject as it has no place here.

                I will keep my Romero motor running and tinker any time I get a idea or there is a post about a break through.

                Sounds like a good idea.
                If you keep on going, I think you are going to get there.
                Thanks for the updates

                One thing to keep in mind is, man wrote the laws regarding the conservation of energy, not nature.
                Nature writes it's own laws regardless of what man thinks or does.


                • YouTube - ‪Steven E. Jones / Joule Ringer / Update‬‏

                  At the end, lasersaber tuned the circuit with the magnet. I was thinking if RUK used the magnets to tune his rotor speed to resonate with his LC coil.

                  Thank you lasersaber.


                  • high voltage better efficiency

                    Originally posted by Steve220 View Post
                    Sounds like a good idea.
                    If you keep on going, I think you are going to get there.
                    Thanks for the updates

                    Here are the results of a day of testing

                    I am going up to 75 volts in the next test today

                    Last edited by toranarod; 07-08-2011, 12:40 AM.


                    • Thanks for being so relentless in your efforts to uncover any mysteries of this device. You were given funds by ashtweth to fund this. That is basically a stamp of awesome approval, and thank you for not giving up. I will admit that this project might have been put on the back-burner had it been myself.

                      I really think that this document has some merit to understanding the device. Elias has posted about this same concept in the past, but I have not frequented this thread in a while since it reminds me of another wild goose chase.

                      I apologize for my "wild goose chase" comments to the serious experimenter that is putting time and effort into this replication.

                      I hope this document can shed light on this subject. If you will remember, Muller had magnetite/resin cast cores that cured while magnetically oriented.

                      Attached Files


                      • Ah, one thing about wild geese and chasing them, is that if you catch one, it may well lay a golden egg
                        The way these new laws of physics seem to be shaping up, then the best device to catch the goose would be a fishing rod lol
                        And hey, look at Rod's results above, a tenacious chap indeed, fishing for the right combination !

                        Thanks ZpE for your help btw, much appreciated


                        • Well, i have now a very crude build from a Muller like Motor,
                          with a CD-Rotor with 6 N-S Magnets to 5 Coils with #18 Wire.
                          I made me for the first Runs a mechanical Commutator, where i can drive 2 Pairs of Coils on the opposite from the Stator or next to eachother, and has adjustable Timing.
                          It does not run with only one Pair of Coils, i need to use 2 Pairs and it gives the first Push at about 50% Duty cycle.
                          The interesting Part is, the second Coil needs a shorter one, and the Rotor will drive way faster.
                          So it does mean, that the same Duty Cycles are not all times optimal.

                          I still got a lot of Drag on it, can run it almost at 30V and about 2 Amps, nothing optimal, and now i have to think about, to rewind the Coils on a smaller Core, which now cover a bit of the half from my Magnets, or make the Rotor bigger, that the Magnets are further apart, and the Rotor act as Flywheel, also the Distance from the Coils, or use more Coils as Magnets.
                          I also connected the Coils from one Side in Serie, and tried to connect them overall then in Parallel.
                          But it wont work, it dont get that way no real Potentials, even, i dont have any FWBR's on it.
                          I did that, because i find it some strange, that Muller can get about 100Volts and more from this thick Coils, what is not easy to get with #12 Wires.
                          But what i have seen, it does not make much matter, if there is Load connected or not,
                          sometimes it even is better with a Load, as i could bring it to run at my first attempts, as without.

                          The Design itself has something on it, what is worth to look into further,
                          even when i dont get it now, that Muller had such big Cores, (as it seems)
                          and they have different Scope shots at this Rebuild, where it clearly shows 2 negative Connection Times, and then 2 positive connecting Times, but i assume, they show the Drive Coils, where the alternating Poles are droven.
                          But the Informations at Mullers Page are anyway a bit confusing and uncomplete.
                          And anyway, my Build has not much to do with the Build from Romero,
                          and i think also, that it does not make much different, if you use the Magnets NS or NN, because you get in both cases a induction into the Coil, what moves from the Rotor to the outer Side of the Coils. But anyhow Muller has used something else to drive this thing as only turn the drive Coils on and use the other one for Pickup.
                          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                          • Toranaro,

                            I find it very interesting your chart.

                            What is so interesting to me is how when you up the voltage the efficiency of the out put watts goes up.

                            Thank you for posting these results. It did seem when I was doing testing with the Bedini / Monopole I was getting the same results as I went up in voltage the watts out for the watts in increased.
                            See my experiments here...

                            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                            • Originally posted by theremart View Post
                              I find it very interesting your chart.

                              What is so interesting to me is how when you up the voltage the efficiency of the out put watts goes up.

                              Thank you for posting these results. It did seem when I was doing testing with the Bedini / Monopole I was getting the same results as I went up in voltage the watts out for the watts in increased.
                              There is a good reason why some of the great names in OU always recommend Hi voltages. I got side tracked today you can see why on the EV Gray thread
                              I stared. testing some pulse discharge ideas.


                              • I reckon it is way past time to jump ship

                                I wish wattsup could employ his skills and gather the detail needed to replicate this -

                                YouTube - ‪Motor Magnetico Argentino (Argentinean Magnetic Motor)‬‏

                                At least it seems more realistic.

                                Just cant for the life of me figure how Romero got more than a couple of volts from his gen coils. I've obviously
                                used all the tricks I know of and short of using multifilar coils to raise the voltage, I just can't get there.


                                p.s. That totallyamped site is excellent - very understandable.

