Good insights! The transition from traditional-oil-dependent-economy to green economy can be a very difficult stage for the global economy as a whole.
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Unlimited electric power discovery
It is a question
Originally posted by noeladdison View PostGood insights! The transition from traditional-oil-dependent-economy to green economy can be a very difficult stage for the global economy as a whole.or all hell to break loose.
It is a crap shoot for sure.
I am betting on some where in between if free energy is discovered.
SteveOne thing to keep in mind is, man wrote the laws regarding the conservation of energy, not nature.
Nature writes it's own laws regardless of what man thinks or does.
Once we, humans are able to tap into the vacuum.
I will start planning for outer space exploration.
Terraforming new planets in readiness for healthy living.
Portable unlimited electricity to run green houses which produces meat and vegetables, which in turn, produces carbon dioxide and oxygen, breathable recyclable air..
By the year 2020, earth population will reach 12-15 billion. Whether OU found itself spread thru the masses or not, energy consumption shall rise and brings destruction to our natural supplies in order to feed every living human on this beautiful planet.
With unlimited energy, much can be done to preserve our environment for our children's children and offer the choice of a New Eden to a group of brave people.
Lets bring it on !
I think the game is much more complex
Well, I think each one of you have a part of reason.
Would be free energy a benefit or a bad thing?
We can say that the future of our childrens will be better if we use clean technologies, but if you give a FE device to a man it would be like to give a grenade to a monkey.
It's true that we could have eco-houses, make our own food, etc... But you think that all those kind of things is what ALL people like? The production cost of some products can decrease a lot, so the companies have no reason to increase the amount of money they earn.
For sure there are some electric companies that are selling free energy, but they say to the customers that it's hydroelectric, eolic, etc... and they argue that the electricity must increase in price due to the complex and expensive methods to extract it. Well, this could be a theater. Maybe they're selling energy from the vacuum and we're paying energy from the orthodox methods.
If people have free energy and a lot of free time, I will bet that they will spent a big part of the day f-ucking and having new childrens.... in a few years the increase in the number of people would be enormous. We could make our own weapons, and the politics will loose control over population. So it's very difficult, if not impossible, to mass develop these techs.
I think these techs are developed for:
1) Military, defensive applications. To take advantage over enemy.
2) Industry and corporations, to increase the profits exponentially
3) Some people, for fun, since it's difficult to patent, the goverment will suppress you, etc..
So it's clear that they don't want that we use these techs to keep increasing the advantage.
I cannot personally talk about free energy, but I can do it about free medicine. A lot of people say that pharma industries suppress lots of inventions to keep people ill. I'm pharmacist and I have tried to explain and treat (totally free) to some customers AND THEY DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR THINGS. They prefer to be ill, instead to take care of theirselves. So... Who is working bad? Pharma industries or population??
exactly bogus,
So... I think we've 3 situations:
1) The goverment doesn't want to mass develop these techs, and all the people shouldn't use these techs. So trying to mass develop these techs, these days, is a waste of time.
2) You can develop in private and take advantage (also in private) from others, that is a way to make business. Of course, you need to sell an image to the public that you work using orthodox techs. So, posting in the forums is not a good idea.
3) We, the people of the forum, the only things we can do (if we don't want to make business) if to open source these techs for a small groups of interested people, and have some fun building these techs.
Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post
If people have free energy and a lot of free time, I will bet that they will spent a big part of the day f-ucking and having new childrens.... in a few years the increase in the number of people would be enormous. We could make our own weapons, and the politics will loose control over population. So it's very difficult, if not impossible, to mass develop these techs.
I think these techs are developed for:
1) Military, defensive applications. To take advantage over enemy.
2) Industry and corporations, to increase the profits exponentially
3) Some people, for fun, since it's difficult to patent, the goverment will suppress you, etc..
Did you know, that Animals in inprisoment are masturbating more then Animals, what do live free?
It seems more that it is a subconscious Reflex as something, what anyone really is up to do.
But this Demon gets enough food from Media and the Storys from the whole System, that he still can live at anyone.
When you now follow the Roots back to the causes, you can find a lot Reasons, where you lost a Part of your Freedom or you need to have Fear about, you can find endless Parts for it, but looking closer, you will see, that most of them are made, and the Reason for them not really real. Spoken in a far Range.
For the Point of the use of FE Devices, i only see, that it are the so called Elites, this so called 'Global Thinking Peoples', what seems can not handle this Devices, because they are the one what build the Bombs and bring War to other Countrys, not the little Peoples.
Still not sure about, how much Wars are brought into other Countrys over the Guys, what DONT have to work the whole Day and dont have to care about a Piece of Land.
And still, Whos restricting the People to build semi Free Energy Devices like Windmills and Watermills, its again the Gov with its restrictions and the Industry with crap Products, that anything Energy related falls into the Hands from the Companys.
I cannot personally talk about free energy, but I can do it about free medicine. A lot of people say that pharma industries suppress lots of inventions to keep people ill. I'm pharmacist and I have tried to explain and treat (totally free) to some customers AND THEY DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR THINGS. They prefer to be ill, instead to take care of theirselves. So... Who is working bad? Pharma industries or population??
They even dont know, that most Medicaments only supress the Effects from a Illness.
Even the Pharma Industry is not stupid, and got some things, what really helps, but most of them have long term sideeffects, where the Peoples dont get 'Teached about, from the Media'.
If someone really has a Clue about Herbal and Medicaments, then he will give anyone a Kick, who want to tell him, that this chemical Bombs should be better.
They 'maybe' been good at the beginning, because the had to, but the good one been cut away more and more as usual and replaced.
The Hope and Trust still stays, like a wrong Lie.
But you cant change the Mind from hypnotized PeoplesTheorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.
Originally posted by Steve220 View PostWhat if, for some reason, a breakthrough in solar panel design caused a, say 95% conversion of electrictiy from Sunlight? Not only that, but the material and construction of the panels came out to only a few dollars per square foot, then a flood of pollution free cheap high output panels hit the marketplace almost overnight.
But you will never own one, the "discovery" will just sink into the suppression swamp and the "inventors" will get a villa in the bahamas and free hookers for the rest of their life and disappear too.
You will however happily pay your carbon tax despite that technology existing.
But who knows, maybe this one really "breaks through"
By the way, the 90+% solar panel keeps getting re-discovered.
If you research this, such a technology was already discovered at least once, but the inventor "suddenly" died.Last edited by Xenomorph; 08-29-2011, 04:45 PM.
Originally posted by Xenomorph View PostThe breakthrough already happened : 95 % solar panel
But you will never own one, the "discovery" will just sink into the suppression swamp and the "inventors" will get a villa in the bahamas and free hookers for the rest of their life and disappear too.
You will however happily pay your carbon tax despite that technology existing.
By the way, the 90+% solar panel keeps getting re-discovered.
If you research this, such a technology was already discovered at least once, but the inventor "suddenly" died.
This paragraph spells trouble to me.
Once the funding is secure, Pinhero envisions several commercial product spin-offs, including infrared (IR) detection. These include improved contraband-identifying products for airports and the military, optical computing, and infrared line-of-sight telecommunications.
I really hope it does come to something because I like solar panels, but I don't think it will.
@Farmhand: You are right. Usually these kind of projects are doomed before they started.
My point was just that there IS most likely already such technology (or at least with a higher efficiency
than the current 20ish percent).
Couple of more links:
Grant Lawrence--Bodhi Thunder: Solar Cells Breakthrough: 1/50th the Cost, 90% Efficient
Maximum PC | Researchers Claim New Solar Panel Can Collect 90% of Sunlight From Any AngleLast edited by Xenomorph; 08-29-2011, 05:45 PM.
Renewable energy, Ha
@Steve220 - You've proposed a great thought experiment, kudos. I believe it's already been established that we have abundant free energy here on earth, but lack the technology to convert that energy into the electrical energy that we currently use to power our machines. At my last investigation, I remember a theoretical estimate of 2-4KWh of electrical energy per square meter of sunlight exposure on earth. Photovoltaics are certainly not the only energy conversion technology available. I know I'm not following that route myself, as I prefer to convert sunlight into heat into electricity.
A 95% conversion rate would be incredible, but is unrealistic in today's commercial applications. With that said, lets take a look at your real question, or what I think is your real question; would free energy cause us to thrive or destroy ourselves? I think both.
Think about it, any extreme change in a short period of time will be relatively violent. However, the people will adapt. The people in positions of power under the current societal construct may not, but others will. After all, our basic human needs are water, food and shelter... Everything else is just a bonus! I don't think anyone could predict the true outcome of a event like the sudden introduction of free electrical energy, but I know we are an intelligent species. We'll (the observant people) find a way to deal with it.
This reminds me of some commentary from Michio Kaku discussing the ramifications of our transition from a type 0 civilization to a type 1 civilization. He says this is the transition holding the greatest chance of our self-destruction.
Get cheap sweater,rub and touch your grounding .What do you get ? A tiny blue nasty kicking spark.Where does it come from ? Electrons ? Hmmm...that's how we we told, but is there really any free electrons in your sweater material ? Really ? What is that material composed from ? Dielectric ? Right; and where is the free electrons in dielectric ? Hmm... things are not that clear... Comments ?
Boo Ya Cha Cra La
here's my answer if current trends continue, meaning the world economic system "monetary" if business says as usually, and if energy remains a thing we must fight for i see no way for humanity to survive. at least the alternative has a chance for success. The option's you presented was if we have abundant easy energy then it could make thing worse or better all im saying is look at what if it doesn't happen then all were left with is failure. I think the answer come quite simple then, its our responsibility to do what we can so it is a success it really is the only option that has a chance.
some people will want to argue my opinion now ill give my reasons.
first we don't have an economy we have an anti-economy, economy means economize =(avoid waste or extravagance, to use sparingly or frugally.) following the definition preservation, efficiency, saving cutting waste's should be the for front of a true economy
now lets look at what we have, what is are(so called) economy base on, what is integral to keep the wheel spinning. what is one of the first things you learned in economics class(wait for it this is good), o yea, that's right cyclical consumption lets get the definition = holly F*** cyclical F*** consumption the continued use= (waste) of stuff buy and buy again and buy again... what does that have is common with economizing ???? in fact what does cyclical consumption and avoid waste or extravagance, to use sparingly or frugally(economize) have in common hmmm i think you guess it absolutely nothing i couldn't make a better anti economy principle the cyclical consumption if i tried to . so what is the entire world fundamental system based on(money makes the world go round) is a contradictionthen people act surprised about the worlds economic collapse its ridiculous
here is something i want everyone to watch Social Pathology Full | The Zeitgeist Movement | NYC 2010 ZDAY - YouTube
ty pce n love to you all
If we don't find the answer to free energy soon the world could end up like this. The Road Warrior (1981) - Movie Trailer - YouTube
Defend the fuel
Nobody want's Mel to have to go feral again do we. He needs a rest.
CheersLast edited by Farmhand; 09-01-2011, 10:32 PM.
Hi folks, To put it simply, we are the ones we have been waiting for, be the change you wish to see.
Translation of above words: Examine the cause and effect of ones choices, actions and thoughts (beliefs).
For example: if I am a sheriff or police and wish to see homelessness become a thing of the past.
I would examine my actions, which probably include kicking people out of their homes and helping the banksters to steal the home.
In this case, the cause (banksters and their corporate legal system) has no power to oppress and cause effects such as homeless people if we the people examine our actions, choices and beliefs.
As i have said before, this is not about an excess energy device, this is about people learning cause and effect and the (infinite) creative power each of us has.
The corporate legal system or corporate rules is ultimately not the cause, nor is a lack of energy or devices which tap limitless sources.
It's us.
We are the ones focusing our energy into these systems that do not serve the highest good of one and all.
I wish all humanity awakens to their higher self and that all our actions, choices and thoughts be for the highest good of one and all and thus this world and all life within it, shall vibrate within unconditional love.
peace love light