I have always thought electricity from solar panels was the direction to go for pollution free energy. The Sun contains free energy for the taking, if you can find a way to convert it to electricity at a low cost. But here is a question I have thought about during the past year.
What if, for some reason, a breakthrough in solar panel design caused a, say 95% conversion of electrictiy from Sunlight? Not only that, but the material and construction of the panels came out to only a few dollars per square foot, then a flood of pollution free cheap high output panels hit the marketplace almost overnight.
All of a sudden there would be unlimited amounts of electric power. What would be the fate for existing forms of energy production? Would this throw millions of people out of work or create millions of new jobs, or both? World wide economic damage beyond repair, world wide wealth for everyone, a economic boom, economic bust?
What would be the social costs? More wars, less wars, no wars, heaven on earth, global destruction? Over population to the point of wars over food instead of oil? Praise for the inventor of the panels, a rope and a tree for the inventor of the panels?
Just what would happen? I think it is a valid question. It is one of those "be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it" questions.
If you look at most of the discussions regarding alternative energy, they always seemed to be based on the struggle to increase the availability of energy, with no discussion of what happens if you actually do increase the availability of energy beyond anything you could ever dream of.
Then what happens? I think this is something that is missing from the whole area of alternative energy. I think a special page should be included on the Renewable Energy web site for just this very important discussion.
I would be interested in hearing different points of view about this important subject. Thanks steve220
What if, for some reason, a breakthrough in solar panel design caused a, say 95% conversion of electrictiy from Sunlight? Not only that, but the material and construction of the panels came out to only a few dollars per square foot, then a flood of pollution free cheap high output panels hit the marketplace almost overnight.
All of a sudden there would be unlimited amounts of electric power. What would be the fate for existing forms of energy production? Would this throw millions of people out of work or create millions of new jobs, or both? World wide economic damage beyond repair, world wide wealth for everyone, a economic boom, economic bust?
What would be the social costs? More wars, less wars, no wars, heaven on earth, global destruction? Over population to the point of wars over food instead of oil? Praise for the inventor of the panels, a rope and a tree for the inventor of the panels?
Just what would happen? I think it is a valid question. It is one of those "be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it" questions.
If you look at most of the discussions regarding alternative energy, they always seemed to be based on the struggle to increase the availability of energy, with no discussion of what happens if you actually do increase the availability of energy beyond anything you could ever dream of.
Then what happens? I think this is something that is missing from the whole area of alternative energy. I think a special page should be included on the Renewable Energy web site for just this very important discussion.
I would be interested in hearing different points of view about this important subject. Thanks steve220