If anyone does an advanced search of the forum and searches for titles
only and uses the word aether, vacuum, etc... they can see other threads
with discussions of what is "vacuum energy".
This thread was started because I wanted to just share some opinions
without disrupting someone else's thread discussing the same topic but is
going on a different course of discussion.
Vacuum has different meanings and for "free energy" research, vacuum
has nothing to do with an area that has the gas sucked out such as a
vacuum tube - this implies there is nothing there.
In outer space outside of the atmosphere, there is no normal gases there
and is considered a vacuum in that sense.
In the world of free energy so to speak, it is thought that the "vacuum" is
actually full of infinite potential and this is a totally different meaning than
just being devoid of the normal gases. So in this sense, vacuum is
actually not properly defining TIME/SPACE that actually is not void of all
but has a full abundance of potential and quite literally, it should be called
a plenum.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary says a plenum is:
Definition of PLENUM
a : a space or all space every part of which is full of matter b : an air-filled space in a structure; especially : one that receives air from a blower for distribution (as in a ventilation system)
: a general assembly of all members especially of a legislative body
: the quality or state of being full
The 3rd definition is the best general definition of plenum to describe
actually what we're talking about. It was my friend Mark that
brought this distinction to my attention quite a while back.
But in any case, we know that when we are talking about "Vacuum Energy"
that we are talking about time and space that is a plenum full of infinite
When the term Vacuum Energy is used, that doesn't mean the vacuum
itself is full of energy - that means that when you manifest energy (work),
that energy has its roots in the potential that came from the vacuum. That is
what is meant by Vacuum Energy - not that the potential in the vacuum
is the same as energy in and of itself - it is NOT yet energy.
So when someone thinks that the vacuum is full of energy literally, that
is a misunderstanding and is misinformation at the same time.
It is full of potential that is very "energetic" so to speak because it is a
swarming, seething, soup of potential. But within that soup of energetic
potential, there is a chaotic struggle between the positive and negative
to balance itself so there is movement but it is very symmetrical and
homogeneous in nature - no real potential differences but just potential.
It is in a state of equilibrium.
When you see snow on a TV screen when a station is off air, it has the
appearance of being very active with a lot of movement. That is just
chaotic noise (not random). There is no overall form and it is very
symmetrical and homogeneous - it is just a potential picture with sound
but is not yet until there is definition (equivelant to breaking the symmetry
and causing a form to emerge). It is in a state of equilibrium.
The "static" on a tv screen is static in way that it is in overall equilibrium
but it is anything but static in the sense that there is no movement.
Just like a waterfall. Overall, it appears the same (static) but we know
it is moving. Obviously we can see movement but the point is made.
The vacuum potential has a lot of movement but has an overall (static)
characteristic to it but of course is anything but static.
The vacuum potential is bipolar - made up of so-called single dimensional
positive and negative charges. These are the "virtual photons" that Tom
Bearden refer to for example. These charges are the "particles" that make
up the aether. The aether acts as a gas and has all the characteristics
of a gas, flows like a gas, etc... So the Bedini SG circuits for example are
gas pump valves for this aetheric gas and shouldn't really be looked at as
an "electrical circuit" because calling it an electrical circuit doesn't actually
describe anything. And these charges have no mass but they can exert
an electrostatic type attraction or repulsion against anything with
mass such as a proton, etc...
In order to extract this potential from the vacuum so that it can be made
to do work, you have to give the symmetrical potential a situation where
potential is taken out of symmetry by creating a potential difference -
meaning the positive and negative charges are separated from each other.
As a note, which should be a given, the vacuum potential is available
right here on the surface of the Earth just like it is in outer space away
from any mass since the vacuum potential has nothing to do with
having atmospheric gases or not.
Anyway, a battery has two poles and "breaks the symmetry" of the
vacuum or creates a potential difference with a common connection
inside of vacuum time/space and is the quintessential dipole.
When you charge a battery, you're not filling it up with something, you're
separating the charges in a battery in order to polarize it so that the
terminals have a potential difference. The aetheric charges move to their
respective poles of the battery and then radiate outwards back to the
But if you give it a path to travel on such as connecting a light bulb to
it, the positive charges move over the wire because it is attracted to the
opposite negative pole and as the positive potential (heaviside flow) is
moving over the surface of the wire, some of it is attracted into the copper
of the wire itself since the electrons are negatively charged. Some of
those electrons (just assuming electrons actually exist for the moment)
in the 3rd electron orbit that are the most loosely attached are pulled from
their orbit and are attracted towards the positive terminal of the battery.
That is what we call current - that electron movement and that is what
causes the current to happen.
Simultaneously, the negative charges of the aether move to the negative
terminal of the battery and are attracted over the the wire towards the
positive terminal of the battery.
This is what powers a light bulb and not because the battery is running
out of something. As the positive potential moves to the negative terminal
and cycles through the battery - it will move towards the positive
terminal on the inside and will repel and disorganize the positive charges
and the negative does the same. As this disorganization happens, the
potential difference of the charges in the battery become less and less
polarized so the battery becomes a weaker and weaker dipole. That is
what kills a battery, not because it ran out of something.
So turning on a flashlight IS tapping "energy from the vacuum." There is
nothing magical about it and it isn't some mystery. Every atom, molecule,
battery, etc... is always tapping potential from the vacuum.
Anyone putting forth discussion about how in the world are we supposed to
tap "energy from the vacuum" is directing people's attention from the fact
that we are always doing that anyway!
A question that actually needs to be asked by someone really wanting to
know what the point to all of this is should be asking how we can get
potential from the vacuum over and over even when we go through
periodic stages of work (dissipation) - and be able to use that potential
over and over in order to create more work over and over, still with
dissipation, etc...
Anyway, it isn't a question of if we can tap potential from the vacuum
because we can't help but to do that. Every cell in our body doesn't
create this out of chemicals, those chemical reactions simply create
potential differences or dipoles that draw in the potential from the vacuum
and that vacuum supplies the potential that turns into work in our body
on an electro-chemical standpoint - that is what powers our body, not
the chemicals. The chemicals create potential differences.
There is no way to get away from it - if you witness work
being done in any way, shape or form, that work is only made possible by
potential that comes from the vacuum.
only and uses the word aether, vacuum, etc... they can see other threads
with discussions of what is "vacuum energy".
This thread was started because I wanted to just share some opinions
without disrupting someone else's thread discussing the same topic but is
going on a different course of discussion.
Vacuum has different meanings and for "free energy" research, vacuum
has nothing to do with an area that has the gas sucked out such as a
vacuum tube - this implies there is nothing there.
In outer space outside of the atmosphere, there is no normal gases there
and is considered a vacuum in that sense.
In the world of free energy so to speak, it is thought that the "vacuum" is
actually full of infinite potential and this is a totally different meaning than
just being devoid of the normal gases. So in this sense, vacuum is
actually not properly defining TIME/SPACE that actually is not void of all
but has a full abundance of potential and quite literally, it should be called
a plenum.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary says a plenum is:
Definition of PLENUM
a : a space or all space every part of which is full of matter b : an air-filled space in a structure; especially : one that receives air from a blower for distribution (as in a ventilation system)
: a general assembly of all members especially of a legislative body
: the quality or state of being full
The 3rd definition is the best general definition of plenum to describe
actually what we're talking about. It was my friend Mark that
brought this distinction to my attention quite a while back.
But in any case, we know that when we are talking about "Vacuum Energy"
that we are talking about time and space that is a plenum full of infinite
When the term Vacuum Energy is used, that doesn't mean the vacuum
itself is full of energy - that means that when you manifest energy (work),
that energy has its roots in the potential that came from the vacuum. That is
what is meant by Vacuum Energy - not that the potential in the vacuum
is the same as energy in and of itself - it is NOT yet energy.
So when someone thinks that the vacuum is full of energy literally, that
is a misunderstanding and is misinformation at the same time.
It is full of potential that is very "energetic" so to speak because it is a
swarming, seething, soup of potential. But within that soup of energetic
potential, there is a chaotic struggle between the positive and negative
to balance itself so there is movement but it is very symmetrical and
homogeneous in nature - no real potential differences but just potential.
It is in a state of equilibrium.
When you see snow on a TV screen when a station is off air, it has the
appearance of being very active with a lot of movement. That is just
chaotic noise (not random). There is no overall form and it is very
symmetrical and homogeneous - it is just a potential picture with sound
but is not yet until there is definition (equivelant to breaking the symmetry
and causing a form to emerge). It is in a state of equilibrium.
The "static" on a tv screen is static in way that it is in overall equilibrium
but it is anything but static in the sense that there is no movement.
Just like a waterfall. Overall, it appears the same (static) but we know
it is moving. Obviously we can see movement but the point is made.
The vacuum potential has a lot of movement but has an overall (static)
characteristic to it but of course is anything but static.
The vacuum potential is bipolar - made up of so-called single dimensional
positive and negative charges. These are the "virtual photons" that Tom
Bearden refer to for example. These charges are the "particles" that make
up the aether. The aether acts as a gas and has all the characteristics
of a gas, flows like a gas, etc... So the Bedini SG circuits for example are
gas pump valves for this aetheric gas and shouldn't really be looked at as
an "electrical circuit" because calling it an electrical circuit doesn't actually
describe anything. And these charges have no mass but they can exert
an electrostatic type attraction or repulsion against anything with
mass such as a proton, etc...
In order to extract this potential from the vacuum so that it can be made
to do work, you have to give the symmetrical potential a situation where
potential is taken out of symmetry by creating a potential difference -
meaning the positive and negative charges are separated from each other.
As a note, which should be a given, the vacuum potential is available
right here on the surface of the Earth just like it is in outer space away
from any mass since the vacuum potential has nothing to do with
having atmospheric gases or not.
Anyway, a battery has two poles and "breaks the symmetry" of the
vacuum or creates a potential difference with a common connection
inside of vacuum time/space and is the quintessential dipole.
When you charge a battery, you're not filling it up with something, you're
separating the charges in a battery in order to polarize it so that the
terminals have a potential difference. The aetheric charges move to their
respective poles of the battery and then radiate outwards back to the
But if you give it a path to travel on such as connecting a light bulb to
it, the positive charges move over the wire because it is attracted to the
opposite negative pole and as the positive potential (heaviside flow) is
moving over the surface of the wire, some of it is attracted into the copper
of the wire itself since the electrons are negatively charged. Some of
those electrons (just assuming electrons actually exist for the moment)
in the 3rd electron orbit that are the most loosely attached are pulled from
their orbit and are attracted towards the positive terminal of the battery.
That is what we call current - that electron movement and that is what
causes the current to happen.
Simultaneously, the negative charges of the aether move to the negative
terminal of the battery and are attracted over the the wire towards the
positive terminal of the battery.
This is what powers a light bulb and not because the battery is running
out of something. As the positive potential moves to the negative terminal
and cycles through the battery - it will move towards the positive
terminal on the inside and will repel and disorganize the positive charges
and the negative does the same. As this disorganization happens, the
potential difference of the charges in the battery become less and less
polarized so the battery becomes a weaker and weaker dipole. That is
what kills a battery, not because it ran out of something.
So turning on a flashlight IS tapping "energy from the vacuum." There is
nothing magical about it and it isn't some mystery. Every atom, molecule,
battery, etc... is always tapping potential from the vacuum.
Anyone putting forth discussion about how in the world are we supposed to
tap "energy from the vacuum" is directing people's attention from the fact
that we are always doing that anyway!
A question that actually needs to be asked by someone really wanting to
know what the point to all of this is should be asking how we can get
potential from the vacuum over and over even when we go through
periodic stages of work (dissipation) - and be able to use that potential
over and over in order to create more work over and over, still with
dissipation, etc...
Anyway, it isn't a question of if we can tap potential from the vacuum
because we can't help but to do that. Every cell in our body doesn't
create this out of chemicals, those chemical reactions simply create
potential differences or dipoles that draw in the potential from the vacuum
and that vacuum supplies the potential that turns into work in our body
on an electro-chemical standpoint - that is what powers our body, not
the chemicals. The chemicals create potential differences.
There is no way to get away from it - if you witness work
being done in any way, shape or form, that work is only made possible by
potential that comes from the vacuum.