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Feedback loops in retrocausality

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  • Feedback loops in retrocausality

    Imagine if you will: Feynman's retrocausality is real. This means that the more you change the future, the more you change the past. Loops of causality form from this. Loops fall upon stable paths or diverge over their billions of iterations. If you invent a device that allows mankind to get off of the planet and move throughout all the stars to make massive engineering projects that affect immense amounts of matter and antimatter, then many of these loops run through you. These loops run through a stable valley that you, as that person, must march through. Let's say that you notice that whenever you try to march up the slope, you are pushed back down into the valley. Then let's say that you decide to base your actions on pure randomness to defeat this valley of fate. You begin to notice that random is no longer random.

    Now, I have seen this non-randomness. I have based my actions on a random number generator and have found that doing so distorts the randomness.

    Next, let's say you decide to demonstrate this non-randomness to the general public at large. What happens is that it creates a spectacle that of itself starts to affect the future. This is a positive feedback loop that draws in causation.

    The bigger the spectacle, the more it affects the future. The more it affects the future, the more pronouced the effect, and the bigger the spectacle.
    The bigger the spectacle, the more it affects the future. The more it affects the future, the more pronouced the effect, and the bigger the spectacle.
    The bigger the spectacle, the more it affects the future. The more it affects the future, the more pronouced the effect, and the bigger the spectacle.

    This feedback loops draw causation into it. This causation includes technology, money, power: things that affect It simultaneously suppresses that technology in the past.

    Here is one source of random information that has been distorted by the effect.

    YouTube - Macchendra's Channel

  • #2
    I have tried not to invent this device...

    I am an anarchist and a luddite. And peak oil was my great hope for the end of the pave the earth campaign. My spirit dwells in the wilderness, lol.

    I also had serious reservations about inventing a device which effectively broadcasts darkness because of the biblical story of the creation of the universe.

    But life has kicked my butt so squarely, I am left with no options but to proceed in this direction. I am a cornered animal.

    I am the last person in the world who would want to grant humanity unlimited energy.

    Just one word of warning: beware of luddites bearing technology.



    • #3
      Please continue!



      • #4
        May the best you can do is, cut your internet access first, then drink only dirty Water, eat anything under stones and life in a Cave, because the Nature use certain Technics too, to refine Stuff. Avoide anything, what do looks like it is natural or in any other Way refined.
        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Macchendra View Post

          I am the last person in the world who would want to grant humanity unlimited energy.


          its about time our society moves off of the bottom rung of hierarchy of needs. When gain (energy, money whatever) either floods the market, or destroys it, maybe we will adopt a new measure of success.

          When a person can no longer differentiate itself from others based on possessions, new forms of power surface, enter the mental realm, where power and position in society is based upon wisdom and empathy.

          Either way, I am glad you joined this forum, I like your style sir.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Joit View Post
            May the best you can do is, cut your internet access first, then drink only dirty Water, eat anything under stones and life in a Cave, because the Nature use certain Technics too, to refine Stuff. Avoide anything, what do looks like it is natural or in any other Way refined.
            And the best you can do is live in your 3 mile high high-rises in 5x5x5 cubes with rationed oxygen and mandatory sedatives. Drink only increasingly polluted water, eat homogenized pablum, and avoid any contact with Nature whatsoever.


            • #7
              Retrocausality - future influences the past

              Retrocausality is a fact in my opinion - search the forum for other
              references on it. Good topic!

              But you're not a luddite - using the internet, you are reducing your own
              chance to ride a bike or drive a car or walk to the library to read a book
              that you can just look up online - so people that make shoes, bikes and
              cars all have their jobs threatened because you're online, potentially.

              And all those people that work in the paper mills or book printing
              companies and the list goes on, timber industry, etc...

              And you're helping to give legitimacy to everyone else using the internet
              that perpetuates that cycle that can take jobs away in relevant sectors
              because they sit there and do the same thing.

              The internet - a very
              profound technological concept is a blessing and technology can allow
              us to not be slaves to a job - I don't think our destiny is to work for
              money - technology can free us from that so we can pursue our passion
              and life purpose.

              Anyway, just making a point but onto retrocausality - the future
              influences the past.



              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #8
                Thank you.

                Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                Retrocausality is a fact in my opinion - search the forum for other
                references on it. Good topic!
                Thank you. :-)

                Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                But you're not a luddite - using the internet
                So true, but I'm a big wannabe. Hard to go anywhere these days without being divided from Nature by the boundaries of territory.

                BTW, I'm convinced the whole approach of "living simply so that others may simply live" is following the mantra of overpopulation.

                We are already in overshoot and life without technology would put us very very deep into the heights of overshoot. Also, humans are the last creatures to feel the top of their population curve, and every other creature on this planet is the first.

                But I have a plan.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Macchendra View Post
                  And the best you can do is live in your 3 mile high high-rises in 5x5x5 cubes with rationed oxygen and mandatory sedatives. Drink only increasingly polluted water, eat homogenized pablum, and avoid any contact with Nature whatsoever.
                  Well it is not my Intention to life that way.
                  It is you, what stated he would like to shot Peoples back into Darkness, want to live in the wilderness and dont grant other Peoples any Advantages. So, go that way, and see, if someone follows you.
                  I found my Way allready, how i can live with the Nature including all other Life forms on it
                  without a Feeling i need to kill something for my own Pleasure.
                  Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                  • #10
                    edited...and re-posted...
                    Last edited by Armagdn03; 05-13-2011, 07:25 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Macchendra View Post
                      BTW, I'm convinced the whole approach of "living simply so that others may simply live" is following the mantra of overpopulation.
                      Very interesting point, however perhaps this assumes we are the only "organism" involved?

                      Take for example the Cordyceps fungi, thousands of varieties, each evolved and re evolved to target a specific prolific species of insect.

                      As the population of insect soars due to an evolve edge over the competition (intelligence, tolerance, strength, opposable thumbs..etc.) it becomes dominant, often for many many generations, (for us this might look like hundreds or perhaps thousands of years).

                      Then the amazing balancing act appears to humble the mighty "species of the day"

                      The Cordyceps fungi infect the brain of the host.

                      Confused, and disoriented the insect climbs to the highest point possible.

                      There it dies. Through its exoskeleton, burst a stalk, which blooms, releasing a deadly cloud of spore, infecting all near it.

                      Recognizing this, some ants have even taken to the great length of carrying off the individuals who show signs of insanity, to die away from the colony.

                      This is the drama.

                      We are not immune to this process. Maybe we should take comfort that our petty and insignificant dogmas have little if any effect on our surroundings in the long run and, in time, if we extend unbalance, we will be balanced.

                      True power, and continuity, is realization of our place within the communal whole of reality.


                      • #12
                        Retrocausality - future influences the past


                        I like moving in the simple direction - but that is just so I can stick my
                        hands in the Earth once in a while to keep contact.

                        I think there is plenty to go around (just my opinion of course) but I think
                        it is a few 0.5% that has 95%+ of the resources in their pocket that are
                        the problem - greed, not technology that causes the problems.


                        My favorite mushroom - you might find interesting - John Holiday developed
                        a hybrid using snake venom that creates OFF THE CHART levels of
                        deoxygenated ribose type compounds compared to the ones that grow
                        in high altitudes. The low altitude ones in China are of course not very
                        strong. When grown in low oxygen levels, it creates a deoxygenated
                        ribose molecule and deoxygenated ribose compounds destroy viruses that
                        are RNA based (all viruses) - very profound stuff. Anyway, I'm secretly
                        a cordyceps fanatic lol (cordyceps alohaensis for reference - mind
                        blowing chemistry).



                        Do you have any ideas of what you'd like to see happen with the
                        concept of retrocausality?
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #13
                          Wow Aaron! Thank you! Very interesting stuff to read and go off of.
                          I realize the gentleman is a bit askew, but you should hear the insight
                          gives speaking of the incredible creature.

                          Terence McKenna

                          I will definitly read up on what you shared!

                          YouTube - Terence McKenna on Mushrooms


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                            Do you have any ideas of what you'd like to see happen with the
                            concept of retrocausality?
                            This particular feedback loop has its own force and direction.

                            The more of a spectacle, the more it affects the future. So its tendency as a feedback loop is toward spectacle.

                            This particular spectacle is toward scandal. It is trying to create the biggest scandal possible.

                            Spectacles are more spectacular when knowledge of them is hidden until the point of the spectacle's revelation. Upon revealing, due to this nature, all elements are likely to come into play instantly.

                            With any positive feedback loop, it will continue until it reaches its limits. This may not end well...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Macchendra View Post
                              This particular feedback loop has its own force and direction.

                              The more of a spectacle, the more it affects the future. So its tendency as a feedback loop is toward spectacle.

                              This particular spectacle is toward scandal. It is trying to create the biggest scandal possible.

                              Spectacles are more spectacular when knowledge of them is hidden until the point of the spectacle's revelation. Upon revealing, due to this nature, all elements are likely to come into play instantly.

                              With any positive feedback loop, it will continue until it reaches its limits. This may not end well...
                              Well that is interesting.....Suppose I agree. This should be fun.

