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Easiest way to get a C.O.P of 1.8

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  • #46
    OK Folks, THe way I am forced to think about this is below. (AND I have not fully proven this even to myself yet) But I'm sure I can and will.

    If I had 4 batteries sitting there at 12.10 volts then I charged two (only) of the batteries to 12.65 volts and measured the energy required to do it arbitrary figure for eg,(not actual) 32.7 Ah. Then I discharge from the 4 batteries what looks like 70 Ah and the load is run for almost twice as long as is normal, and the batteries come to rest at a higher voltage than they started, all four of them.

    Then it is quite obviously Overunity or Over C.O.P. 1 , I would like somebody to tell me how it could not be. Because in laymens terms I have removed more power from the batteries than I made to go in them to create the potential difference. Unless it can be explained another way. Which I welcome. But I expect a comprehensive explanation that will stand up to engineer scrutiny with a power calculation layed out, if I am to be fully convinced. Even then the calculations results will be derived using the laws of men.

    So what is the solution to our problem of mans laws not fitting nature? Seems obvious that they do not. Not just going by this thread either. There are other example's aswell in my opinion.

    As I said I have not fully proved this to myself yet. But I do intend to devise a better way to prove this to myself.

    I only say i can prove something to myself because I think it is impossible to force others to accept or believe anything. And I'm not really trying to do that.

    But I welcome any rationalle that may help me to see and make a decision either way.

    I accept that the power calculation cannot show OU. And I think that the calculation cannot reflect reality. These laws were defined by men, it is not possible for men to be all knowing. And Nature does not now or will it ever follow the laws of men.

    As far as I am concerned the science/phisics about this stuff is all dubious and incomplete and most probably wrong. So I think I can say whatever i want, because the scientists do anyway. Thier rationalle is sometime's boxed introspective and always incomplete, always.

    I don't claim to be an expert but I don't think anyone else can claim that either.

    Last edited by Farmhand; 05-18-2011, 09:46 PM.

