Hi all. Last night I made a small tri-filar toroid coil out of left over wire and a ferrite core, and hooked it up to a solid state SSG circuit. There's only about 80 turns, or 2-3 meters length of wire on it, the ferrite core is 25mm OD so the whole thing is pretty small. I wound it until it was completely full.
So, after some tweaking, I managed to get the fastest charging I've ever seen going into the 13.5Ah battery bank, but no more than 150mA showing on the meter. The voltage was rising in front of my eyes which I thought was unusual, because it's usually like watching paint dry to wait for 1v increase.
After a while though I could hear some crackling. I thought plastic bags were moving or whatever on the other side of the room, but upon further inspection, the sound was coming from the batteries. They sounded as if they were bubbling, or I assume what John Bedini calls a cold boil, because they weren't hot at all and really did sound like they were bubbling up. But I thought sealed gel batteries didn't work like that?
I stopped the experiment at that point anyway The sound continued for another minute or two after I turned it off and the voltage dropped (after an hour or so) to about 13.03v from 14.45v when I stopped the charging. Were the batteries fully charged at that point, or is this sound normal, or is all this only because I'm using a very short length of wire on the toroid?
Apart from that, playing with this toroid coil is interesting. Magnets around the outside makes it go crazy. I managed to get nearly 50kHz out of it last night
So, after some tweaking, I managed to get the fastest charging I've ever seen going into the 13.5Ah battery bank, but no more than 150mA showing on the meter. The voltage was rising in front of my eyes which I thought was unusual, because it's usually like watching paint dry to wait for 1v increase.
After a while though I could hear some crackling. I thought plastic bags were moving or whatever on the other side of the room, but upon further inspection, the sound was coming from the batteries. They sounded as if they were bubbling, or I assume what John Bedini calls a cold boil, because they weren't hot at all and really did sound like they were bubbling up. But I thought sealed gel batteries didn't work like that?
I stopped the experiment at that point anyway The sound continued for another minute or two after I turned it off and the voltage dropped (after an hour or so) to about 13.03v from 14.45v when I stopped the charging. Were the batteries fully charged at that point, or is this sound normal, or is all this only because I'm using a very short length of wire on the toroid?
Apart from that, playing with this toroid coil is interesting. Magnets around the outside makes it go crazy. I managed to get nearly 50kHz out of it last night