I was wondering if you guys thought of experimenting with trees as radiant collector:
i posted this in another thread but i figured it was worth having its own thread:
allow me to quote my post:

I really do hope you find this interesting enough to explore and experiment.
i posted this in another thread but i figured it was worth having its own thread:
allow me to quote my post:
George O. SQUIER: Tree Antennas
George O. Squier ~ Trees as Antennas ( Scientific American, June 14, 1919 & British Patent Specification # 149,917)
The New “Power Plants”: Trees Make Electricity?
The New “Power Plants�: Trees Make Electricity? : TreeHugger
could not find the rexresearch link
ps: i wonder what would happen if you use an SSG circuit OR Dr Stiffler's device on a tree? maybe the tree can be the radiant energy collector antenna (read below on fractal antenna)
you can even reproduce Tesla's Experiment using 2 similar trees and the 7Hz frequency as in the experiment in post#20 or just replace the test tubes with 2 trees
A better way to qualify nature as Fractal is the Constructal theory:
Constructal theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
note: Just a thought if Most of nature's elements (trees, clouds, animals etc...) encompasses Constructal properties, they could be turned into "fractal"/"Constructal" antennas too (just have to know how)....makes you wonder about Tesla
more on this:
George O. Squier ~ Trees as Antennas ( Scientific American, June 14, 1919 & British Patent Specification # 149,917)
It is not a joke nor a scientific curiosity, this strange discovery of Gen. George O. Squire, Chief Signal Officer, that trees --- all trees, of all kinds and all heights, growing anywhere --- are nature's own wireless towers and antenna combined. The matter first came to his attention in 1904, through the use of trees as grounds for Army buzzer and telegraph and telephone sets, which, in perfectly dry ground and in a dry season, functioned poorly or not at all with ordinary grounds. Right then he began experiments with a view to seeing what possibilities, if any, the tree had as an aerial. But in 1904 radiotelegraphy was far more undeveloped than at present, and vacuum amplifying tubes were not thought of.
The New “Power Plants”: Trees Make Electricity?
It appears that a small electrical component company near Boston has figured out how to get electricity out of trees. MagCap Engineering is pretty sure they’ve come up on the next renewable energy revolution. By pounding a nail into the trunk and a conductor into the ground, a faint but consistent charge is detected in a wire running from the tree to the earth.
could not find the rexresearch link

ps: i wonder what would happen if you use an SSG circuit OR Dr Stiffler's device on a tree? maybe the tree can be the radiant energy collector antenna (read below on fractal antenna)
you can even reproduce Tesla's Experiment using 2 similar trees and the 7Hz frequency as in the experiment in post#20 or just replace the test tubes with 2 trees
A better way to qualify nature as Fractal is the Constructal theory:
The constructal law puts forth the idea that the generation of design (configuration, pattern, geometry) in nature is a physics phenomenon that unites all animate and inanimate systems, and that this phenomenon is covered by the Constructal Law stated by Adrian Bejan in 1996: "For a finite-size (flow) system to persist in time (to live), its configuration must evolve such that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it."
Constructal theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
note: Just a thought if Most of nature's elements (trees, clouds, animals etc...) encompasses Constructal properties, they could be turned into "fractal"/"Constructal" antennas too (just have to know how)....makes you wonder about Tesla


I really do hope you find this interesting enough to explore and experiment.
