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Trees as radiant energy collector

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  • #61
    I was just reading through this thread:

    and i also read the info on pesn:

    Dr. Steven E. Jones' circuit gives evidence for 8x overunity

    Retired Physics Professor, Steven E. Jones is working on a simple overunity circuit that he has seen go as high as 20 times overunity; documented on a state-of-the-art Tektronix 3032 oscilloscope at Brigham Young University producing eight times as much energy as was required to run the solid state circuit. One of his friends, Les Kraut, has replicated the circuit and also achieved eight times overunity...
    ..."I don't know where the energy is coming from, but it's coming from somewhere," he said.
    I would like you to check out the following image, it is a "google map" of Brigham Young University (marker B)...

    ...Indeed the Great Salt Lake is close by (here is your large coil)

    The magnifying transmitter is an advanced version of Tesla coil transmitter. It is a high power harmonic oscillator that Nikola Tesla intended for the wireless transmission of electrical energy.[1] In his autobiography, Tesla stated that "...I feel certain that of all my inventions, the Magnifying Transmitter will prove most important and valuable to future generations."[1] The magnifying transmitter is an air-core, multiple-resonant transformer that can generate very high voltages....
    ...In 1899, Tesla moved his research to Colorado Springs.
    click on the link to see where Colorado Springs is located:

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-04-2011, 05:09 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • #62
      I got an answer why we should be using a water coil, before remember this fact (i ll explain why later):

      water is present everywhere

      Water appears to be one of the most abundant molecules in the Universe. It dominates the environment of the Earth and is a main constituent of numerous planets, moons and comets. On a far greater scale it possibly contributes to the so-called "missing mass" of the Universe and may initiate the birth of stars inside the giant molecular clouds. This paper gives a brief description of water and ice environments with an emphasis on their possible origin and subsequent development in the Solar System. Expanding the scope of hydrology to cover phenomena encountered on other celestial bodies is postulated and discussed.

      The Paper

      Now I present with:

      WiTricity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      WiTricity is based on strong coupling between electromagnetic resonant objects (ie two water coil) to transfer energy wirelessly between them. This differs from other methods like simple induction, microwaves, or air ionization. The system consists of transmitters and receivers ( a tree for instance) that contain magnetic loop antennas critically tuned to the same frequency. Due to operating in the electromagnetic near field, the receiving devices must be no more than about a quarter wavelength from the transmitter (which is a few meters at the frequency used by the example system). In their first paper, the group also simulated GHz dielectric resonators...
      ...In the experiment both coils were made to resonate at 10Mhz, allowing them to couple and for "tails" of energy to flow between them.

      doesn't this remind you of Witricity:

      An electrostatic spatial resonance model for coaxial helical structures with applications to the filamentous bacteriophages.

      It is found that coaxial helices with optimally mated symmetries can lock into spatial resonance configurations that maximize their interaction. The resonances are represented as vectors in a discrete three-dimensional space[
      An electrostatic spatial resonance model for coaxial helical structures with applications to the filamentous bacteriophages.

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-03-2011, 04:45 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • #63
        Thanks. I believe what ride along on sun light can be transferred with a copper wire to anywhere else needed. It is not magnetic and it is not electric. See agricultural section for sucessfull experiment by guruji:

        I think kirlian show more about characteristic of water resistance to high voltage. On other test, mountain water should have been the best.

        Sea water will only boost temporarily. Prolonged use can kill the plants and the land. Laboratory test should be done in years, not months.

        I done some ice experiment. Many try to explain, very easy to do, but no one can replicate:

        I think science do not know water yet.
        Last edited by sucahyo; 06-01-2011, 04:40 AM.


        • #64
          I think science do not know water yet.
          I totally agree with you, as for:

          Thanks. I believe what ride along on sun light can be transferred with a copper wire to anywhere else needed. It is not magnetic and it is not electric.
          the only answer I can give you is this:

          here are some recent scientific facts:

          Solar power without solar cells: A hidden magnetic effect of light could make it possible

          Light has electric and magnetic components. Until now, scientists thought the effects of the magnetic field were so weak that they could be ignored. What Rand and his colleagues found is that at the right intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger than previously expected. Under these circumstances, the magnetic effects develop strength equivalent to a strong electric effect. from the article
          Radioactive decay rates vary with the sun's rotation: research

          Radioactive decay rates, thought to be unique physical constants and counted on in such fields as medicine and anthropology, may be more variable than once thought.
          Experience is made before the law is formulated, both are related like cause an effect. Nicholas Tesla
          It means that only through experimentation will we know, I have showed you sufficient clues to explore the idea of water being used as a coil to resonate with tree just like Slider2732's idea:

          If water was pumped, at the resonant frequency of the tree, in a spiral pattern at the base of the trunk, could it be imagined that energy would literally flow ?
          It would be somewhat analogous to a battery circuit.
          coupled with this:

          A novel and original high frequency generator was another of the devices that greatly interested the writer. It employed a jet of water shunted by a large capacity, the stream of water being connected to a high potential source of direct current. High frequency currents of any range up to the limit of audibility, or about 30,000 cycles per second, could be readily obtained with this apparatus.
          may result in this:

          WiTricity is based on strong coupling between electromagnetic resonant objects (ie two water coil) to transfer energy wirelessly between them. This differs from other methods like simple induction, microwaves, or air ionization. The system consists of transmitters and receivers ( a tree for instance) that contain magnetic loop antennas critically tuned to the same frequency. Due to operating in the electromagnetic near field, the receiving devices must be no more than about a quarter wavelength from the transmitter (which is a few meters at the frequency used by the example system). In their first paper, the group also simulated GHz dielectric resonators...
          ...In the experiment both coils were made to resonate at 10Mhz, allowing them to couple and for "tails" of energy to flow between them.
          one more remark:

          I am sorry if I insist on this but you have to change your referential when considering trees and water, as i said previously, think of them as two adaptive fractal Antenna.

          An adaptive antenna is type of smart antenna. It's "smart" because it improves on the traditional antenna by adjusting for traffic patterns at a given time to increase signal strength and quality. To adjust for frequency and channel use, the adaptive antenna uses multiple antennas (ie:fracta tree)and an algorithm in order to maximize the strength of the signals being sent and received while eliminating, or at least reducing, interference...
          ...An adaptive antenna can be used both at a base station or at an individual terminal. Having an adaptive antenna both at the source and by the end user would improve the signal .
          the constructal law of nature:

          The constructal law puts forth the idea that the generation of design (configuration, pattern, geometry) in nature is a physics phenomenon that unites all animate and inanimate systems, and that this phenomenon is covered by the Constructal Law stated by Adrian Bejan in 1996: "For a finite-size (flow) system to persist in time (to live), [U]its configuration must evolve such that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it[/U]."

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-01-2011, 10:08 AM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • #65
            one more info, which is of great importance, i know you guys would agree with me :

            Water on the Sun?

            An international team of scientists, including a University of Waterloo chemistry professor, has conclusively demonstrated that water (actually steam) does exist on the sun, confirming a breakthrough finding made two years ago.

            The team used an innovative method to calculate the water spectrum at sunspot temperatures. The method will be useful in modelling systems with an abundance of extremely hot water molecules, such as forest fires.
            Water Found on Sun

            note: meet your coil/fractal antenna to harvest sun energy and it also confirms why:

            Apparently the Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky, who proposed and thoroughly researched links between solar activity and biological response, found that bacteria in water responded to solar flares instantaneously, as opposed to the 8.3 minutes it should take for the photon bombardment to elicit a response."
            and it does make sense when i read post #58 written by sucahyo , with just one minor detail i would change, it is not electricity the true cause that triggers the change in the trees but the water present in it reacting to water present in the sun:

            The trees in the northern hemisphere that are not evergreens alter the spin direction and it's field diameters twice yearly.
            On march 18( aprox)
            and Sept 22nd( aprox)
            During the winter the dominant above surface field spin direction is clockwise, on march the 18th this slowly stops and reverses totally, as does the field below surface, then the dominant field is focused above the tree, the water FALLS to the top of the tree, on Sept 22nd they again reverse and all the water is then attracted back underground to a point below the tree.

            Just to show you that i was not the first one to think of this concept:

            Elaborating the Neoplatonist picture. Agrippa accepts the basic Neoplatonic framework sketched above. God has the Forms in his mind. God created "Angelical and Celestial secondary causes," beings Agrippa also calls the "Intelligences," and God "gives the seal of His Ideas to the Intelligences." The Intelligences then use the "heavens and stars as instruments" to send these copies of the Forms down to humans on the Earth. In exactly the way our souls/intellects control our bodies, the Intelligences -- the Celestial souls -- control the body (=the matter) of the universe. So just as my mind "sends commands" to my body in order for the mind to achieve its aims, so too do the Intelligences/ celestial souls use the stars to achieve their ends. Thus Agrippa agrees with Avicen[na], who says "whatever things are done here, must have been before in the motions and conceptions of the stars and orbes." Agrippa says that "quintessence" -- Aristotle's 5th element, aither -- is what conveys the Intelligences' power to material stuffs: the spirit is contained in "the rays of the stars."
            one last for the road: guess what is toroidal and is dependent on the sun's rotation:

            Heliospheric current sheet:

            The heliospheric current sheet (HCS) is the surface within the Solar System where the polarity of the Sun's magnetic field changes from north to south. This field extends throughout the Sun's equatorial plane in the heliosphere.[1][2] The shape of the current sheet results from the influence of the Sun's rotating magnetic field on the plasma in the interplanetary medium (Solar Wind).[3] A small electrical current flows within the sheet, about 10−10 A/m². The thickness of the current sheet is about 10,000 km...

            ...As the Sun rotates, its magnetic field twists into a Parker spiral,[5] a form of an Archimedean spiral, named after its discovery by Eugene Parker.

            and don't forget the presence of water in the sun and you have your Cosmic Water Coil capacitor, containing your earth water coil, containing your tree water coil, and so on (sounds fractal, no?)

            If you want to understand the world as a system then you need to investigate three key components.

            Cycles your 3
            Fractal patterns your 6
            Exponential functions your 9
            ;the smaller you get (on the cosmic scale), the bigger the voltage , this is your exponential function

            If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
            — Nikola Tesla:

            Heliosphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            from quantum agriculture (see below)

            " What Lehrs is describing here is the power of an insulator (dielectric: ie water) to accumulate a static charge from a weak field and condense it into a strong charge that gives rise to an electrostatic field.

            any thoughts on what i have posted so far

            heehee, enjoy
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-08-2011, 06:03 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • #66
              found some research on water and quantum properties:

              Cooperative and Coherent Water

              Cooperative hydrogen-bonding between molecules gives rise to energetically favourable three-dimensional network of supramolecular clusters in liquid water under ambient conditions, resulting in long-range dipole correlation and quantum coherence Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
              info on quantum coherence:


              Positive Electricity Zaps Through Water Chains

              Water bound on surfaces of proteins and membranes conducts positive electricity, and could enable cells and tissues to intercommunicate rapidly and efficiently. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

              Can Water Burn?

              The case of salt water that can be ignited when exposed to a radio frequency beam and what it could tell us about the structure of water Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
              Is Water Special?

              Water has a collective structure that’s extremely flexible and dynamic, which may explain some of its ‘anomalies’. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho explains
              Quantum Physics Makes Water Different

              It is interesting that one of the substance that we are most familiar with, actually can only be explained using quantum mechanics. This is certainly true with water and its properties.

              Quantum objects, such as atomic nuclei, have properties of both waves and particles. Quantum effects aren’t usually manifest to the naked eye, but in this case they may be responsible for some of water’s unusual features. “The quantum effect in water is abundantly obvious,” says Alan Soper of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Didcot, England.
              If So plus Water on the Sun info, then it explains this:

              Apparently the Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky, who proposed and thoroughly researched links between solar activity and biological response, found that bacteria in water responded to solar flares instantaneously, as opposed to the 8.3 minutes it should take for the photon bombardment to elicit a response."
              and this:

              Redon files: Quantum Entanglement in Photosynthesis and Evolution

              Recently, academic debate has been swirling around the existence of unusual quantum mechanical effects in the most ubiquitous of phenomena, including photosynthesis, the process by which organisms convert light into chemical energy.
              and finally:

              "Quantum Water" Discovered in Carbon Nanotubes

              Chengdu Organic Chemicals Co. Ltd., Chinese Academy of Sciences

              A new quantum state of water found in carbon nanotubes at room temperature could have important implications for life...
              ...That's a big deal. Reiter and co chose carbon nanotubes because they are an analogue of the conditions water faces when passing through living systems, through ion channels in cell membranes, for example. Biologists have long known that flow through these channels is orders of magnitude greater than conventional fluid dynamics predicts. Perhaps this new state of quantum water is the reason why.

              I hope this convinces you enough to try building a water coil



              Physics and Physicists: Quantum Physics Makes Water Different

              New Science of the Organism - Water
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-01-2011, 11:05 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • #67
                I found a testimony on how a tree can act as an adaptive antenna

                Much sung about in Celtic lore, the apple tree has long been connected with the Goddess, paradise, and healing. In my yard there is a little piece of paradise in the form of a wise old apple tree, a remnant of the earlier orchard that grew here. This tree has suffered a great deal due to the spot it was planted upon. Growing on a water line as it does sounds like it would be ideal for a tree, potentially an opportunity to grow well even in dry times. However, the energetic field generated by underground water movement is taxing. It cannot get up and walk off, but it has done everything it can to move away from the electro-magnetic field below. The tree leans away from the line. Its limbs and bark on the side where the water line is strongest have all died. Only at about 15 feet in height can branches successfully commence to grow on that side. The other side of the tree has struggled on bravely. Branches on that side begin at 6 feet and swoop down as low as 4 feet. The tree’s own energy field (or aura) was lopsided, very weak on the one side and stronger on the other side, mirroring its growth pattern and overall poor health.

                The Wisdom of the Apple Tree

                post#35 updated
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-01-2011, 10:08 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • #68
                  The more i search, the more i am convince by what i have shown you so far. The article that follows seems to confirm Slider2732 suppositions

                  Personally, I have great reservations about conventional batteries in any case
                  The whole concept of a return to the negative of a battery...just seems plain wrong.
                  it is my contention, that the load creates a draw, which the battery supplies. Within the load circuit, the energy is dissipated following conventional logic, but nothing returns per se to the negative terminal...
                  ...I believe we should not look at extracting and using such an energy with sledge hammer approaches, but to balance with it, work with it and derive a surplus through that balance.
                  Quantum Agriculture

                  The Alchemy of Capacitance
                  Dennis Klocek
                  Dowsers have long been aware of the unsettling effects of fields and moving currents upon the forces of life. Dowsing research has uncovered a great deal of documented proof that sleeping in a weak field or a current can be a major cause of debility which leads to illness. All currents are considered by dowsers to generate fields. Running water, gas, electricity, even geological fault lines and the crystalline lattice of minerals in the earth radiate weak currents. The theory is that an organism resting in these currents cannot maintain equilibrium in its life forces because its own life field is constantly being disturbed. Even if the disturbance is miniscule compared to modern amperages in electric grids, the constant flow of energies is thought to "wick" away life forces and put the organism under stress when it is supposed to be concentrating its life forces. In effect, this image found in the dowsing literature, is an image of conduction (wicking away of current) versus condensing (the alternate induction and capacitance of weak forces which condenses the weak forces into stronger field forces). An organism being influenced by such currents becomes brittle and loses its elasticity. Once it has lost its charge of life, it becomes prey to pathogens from the environment. Plants growing above watercourses, lenses of volcanic materials or fault lines often show such signs of stress. Trees growing over an underground stream will die on the side which receives the ether current from the moving water, or the underground pipe and thrive on the side which does not. Tree roots will form burls when the tree is growing over an active water main or underground stream. Watercourses or changes in the composition of the ground underneath orchards can often be traced by looking at weak or infested trees. Dowsing the area will reveal the presence of a subterranean current. The list of phenomena surrounding conduction currents is extensive and available to anyone caring to do a little research. The result from many dowsing experiments is that conduction weakens life forces.
                  Electricity and Conduction Ernst Lehrs', in his book "Man or Matter", expresses a view which could give support to this idea with his assertion that Robert Faraday himself, was an opponent of the theory of electrical currents as a true picture of the nature of electricity. Lehrs' states in his work that when humans apply electricity to do work, that they are really not using electricity proper but only the thermal and magnetic fields which are generated when electricity is consumed by passing it through a conductor. According to this essentially alchemical view, the force that runs an appliance or moves the needle on a meter, is not electricity itself, but is produced when electricity vanishes. By extension, Lehrs says further, "With the recognition that we have to do with electricity proper, only in the case of an electric field exerting its power directly, as in an electroscope, whereas, all other so called electrical processes consist in a consumption of electrical force, it becomes possible to form an adequate picture of the oscillating circuit...the coupling of a condenser and a coil; to put it differently ç capacitance with inductance." What Lehrs is describing here is the power of an insulator (dielectric = water) to accumulate a static charge from a weak field and condense it into a strong charge that gives rise to an electrostatic field.
                  Capacitance Antennae In a device known as a capacitance antenna, the conductor or coil serves to give rise to a magnetic field by briefly conducting or consuming an electric charge. As the electric charge is consumed it flows through the coil and creates a magnetic field with magnetic forces moving through the field lines. A dielectric or condenser is placed in the magnetic field. The dielectric is composed of many inner layers of an insulating substance like silica. As the magnetic current moves through the dielectric it creates weak electric fields in the many layers of the dielectric where the layers cut across the magnetic field lines. As a result an electric field is created around the dielectric ( water has a very high dialectric strength) when a capacitor is placed into a magnetic field. The electric field in turn is once again taken into the coil for a brief conduction which once again creates a magnetic field around the coil.

                  In this arrangement, the capacitor or condenser builds a weak, but constant charge with no current into a strong field capable of holding a lot of power (voltage) but little flow (amperage)
                  . The charged field is then drawn through a coil which draws off the charge in a movement which is just the very beginning of conduction. A magnetic field grows quickly as the brief conduction converts the flow of electricity into magnetism. The dielectric is placed so that the magnetic field surrounds the dielectric and causes the dielectric to pick up a strong electrical charge. This is then reciprocally discharged back into the coil to keep the cycle going. The elastic oscillation of magnetic into electric back into magnetic forces causes induction to take place in the condenser and coil and greatly increases the power without an increase in input. This brings two polar forces into a mutual rhythm tic oscillation. However, in this type of circuit the electrical and magnetic forces are not really consumed and no lines of magnetic energy are cut or disturbed, as is the case with power generation apparatus in use today. This model is the basis for wireless transmission. It is also the basis for the electrostatic capacitance antennas in use for the reception of radio transmissions in automobiles. The effect of the capacitor/coil antenna is to make the transmitter appear closer to the antennae than it actually is. The capacitor amplifies the weak signal from the source and the closed induction circuit makes the signal more resonant as the energies are rhythmically oscillated from condenser to coil. The power to drive a speaker grows from the oscillation.
                  The Alchemy of Capacitance - QUANTUM AGRICULTURE
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-01-2011, 11:46 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • #69
                    My Personal Mantra:

                    Live Curious

                    If you are you breathe.
                    If you breathe you talk.
                    If you talk you ask.
                    If you ask you think.
                    If you think you search.
                    If you search you experience.
                    If you experience you learn.
                    If you learn you grow.
                    If you grow you wish.
                    If you wish you find.
                    And if you find you doubt.
                    If you doubt you question.
                    If you question you understand
                    and if you understand you know.
                    If you know you want to know more.
                    If you want to know more ...then you are alive

                    National Geographic
                    Tuning fractal antennas and fractal resonators

                    A patent i found on how you tune fractal antenna in cell phone, you can find clue on how you can apply this to a tree and water resonator

                    Tuning fractal antennas and fractal resonators
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-02-2011, 12:14 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • #70
                      if there is one concept i think you guys should remember, it is this one:

                      The Fractal Matrix - A Paradigm For Multidimensional Reality - 1

                      In truth each point in our plane is influenced by the upper levels. We are merely introducing the subject by means of simple examples or analogies. In effect the behaviour of a particle or a living entity on the bottom plane is governed ultimately by the whole of the countless layers. This is where the real difficulty arises; to obtain some grasp of the effect of infinitely superimposed nonlinear variables. This is the key problem in understanding the mind's (or universal or nature's) computer system.

                      Fractal antenna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      A fractal antenna is an antenna that uses a fractal, self-similar design to maximize the length, or increase the perimeter (on inside sections or the outer structure), of material that can receive or transmit electromagnetic radiation within a given total surface area or volume.

                      Such fractal antennas are also referred to as multilevel and space filling curves, but the key aspect lies in their repetition of a motif over two or more scale sizes,[1] or "iterations". For this reason, fractal antennas are very compact, are multiband or wideband, and have useful applications in cellular telephone and microwave communications.

                      A good example of a fractal antenna as a spacefilling curve is in the form of a shrunken fractal helix.[2] Here, each line of copper is just a small fraction of a wavelength.

                      A fractal antenna's response differs markedly from traditional antenna designs, in that it is capable of operating with good-to-excellent performance at many different frequencies simultaneously. Normally standard antennas have to be "cut" for the frequency for which they are to be used—and thus the standard antennas only work well at that frequency. This makes the fractal antenna an excellent design for wideband and multiband applications.

                      fractal property of nature

                      Patterns of Visual Math - Fractals in Nature

                      Fractal in Human Body

                      Applications of Fractals - Human Body

                      If you are still not convinced that that fractals, being a math topic, are very important in real life, your opinion might change after finding out that you yourself are made of fractals!

                      found it in the following thread:

                      Originally posted by clueless View Post
                      That from a 2002 article. Unlike so many other promising breakthroughs this is one that has been widely implemented.
                      To further quote from the article: "The innovation, called Fractal Structure Circuit(TM) (FSC), uses fractalized conductor paths to replace the capacitors, inductors, and resistors in "RLC" circuits."
                      And another quote: ""Virtually every electronic device uses coils and capacitors to form RLC circuits. These discrete components are arranged by tried and true rules to get the circuit to perform as needed. What we've done is ask: can a fractal pattern, with its self-capacitance and self-inductance, be used to eliminate components and still get the equivalent RLC circuit? We've found that the answer is yes; and in most uses, especially at microwave frequencies, all components can be replaced by conductive fractal patterns or 3D structures."
                      And one more blurb from that article: " Looking at the Fractal Structured Circuit(TM) one sees, for example, a beautiful etched copper pattern replacing the usual traces connecting button or canned shaped capacitors and coils (or their SMT counterparts). "
                      Here is the link to that article.
                      Fractal Antenna Systems, Inc.
                      Apparently it is in wide use in cell phones, their antennas and some microwave circuits.
                      People are making homemade fractal HD antennas using coat hangers as one instance of using a common material.
                      I think this feature; fractuals should be used in some builds to take advantage of a wideband of frequencies and resonance. Maybe it will be useful in the Muller/Romerouk build.
                      For those that be interested google fractal circuits and fractal antennas.
                      I do not have the resources/space/knowledge to do any builds at the moment but I am curious enough to verify if a HD antenna can be made simply using fractals and common materials.
                      Any way something to consider.
                      -RG signing off

                      Water on the Sun?

                      An international team of scientists, including a University of Waterloo chemistry professor, has conclusively demonstrated that water (actually steam) does exist on the sun, confirming a breakthrough finding made two years ago.

                      The team used an innovative method to calculate the water spectrum at sunspot temperatures. The method will be useful in modelling systems with an abundance of extremely hot water molecules, such as forest fires.
                      Water Found on Sun

                      Heliospheric current sheet:

                      The heliospheric current sheet (HCS) is the surface within the Solar System where the polarity of the Sun's magnetic field changes from north to south. This field extends throughout the Sun's equatorial plane in the heliosphere.[1][2] The shape of the current sheet results from the influence of the Sun's rotating magnetic field on the plasma in the interplanetary medium (Solar Wind).[3] A small electrical current flows within the sheet, about 10−10 A/m². The thickness of the current sheet is about 10,000 km...

                      ...As the Sun rotates, its magnetic field twists into a Parker spiral,[5] a form of an Archimedean spiral, named after its discovery by Eugene Parker.

                      and don't forget the presence of water in the sun and you have your Cosmic Water Coil Capacitor, containing your earth water coil capacitor, containing your tree water coil capacitor, and so on (sounds fractal, no?)

                      Heliosphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      YouTube - ‪Solar system new interpretation‬‏

                      VIDEO 6 : Proposed helical coaxial dynamic model for the visible planets of the solar system ,with 12 zodiac houses and Polaris for reference and relative positions.
                      water is present everywhere

                      Water appears to be one of the most abundant molecules in the Universe. It dominates the environment of the Earth and is a main constituent of numerous planets, moons and comets. On a far greater scale it possibly contributes to the so-called "missing mass" of the Universe and may initiate the birth of stars inside the giant molecular clouds. This paper gives a brief description of water and ice environments with an emphasis on their possible origin and subsequent development in the Solar System. Expanding the scope of hydrology to cover phenomena encountered on other celestial bodies is postulated and discussed.
                      WATER IN THE UNIVERSE

                      The Paper

                      "Quantum Water" Discovered in Carbon Nanotubes

                      Chengdu Organic Chemicals Co. Ltd., Chinese Academy of Sciences

                      A new quantum state of water found in carbon nanotubes at room temperature could have important implications for life...
                      ...That's a big deal. Reiter and co chose carbon nanotubes because they are an analogue of the conditions water faces when passing through living systems, through ion channels in cell membranes, for example. Biologists have long known that flow through these channels is orders of magnitude greater than conventional fluid dynamics predicts. Perhaps this new state of quantum water is the reason why.

                      from quantum agriculture

                      " What Lehrs is describing here is the power of an insulator (dielectric: ie water) to accumulate a static charge from a weak field and condense it into a strong charge that gives rise to an electrostatic field.

                      Nature's version of:

                      To amplify the current i think we should look into Tesla's Invention:

                      Magnifying transmitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      The magnifying transmitter is an advanced version of Tesla coil transmitter. It is a high power harmonic oscillator that Nikola Tesla intended for the wireless transmission of electrical energy.[1] In his autobiography, Tesla stated that "...I feel certain that of all my inventions, the Magnifying Transmitter will prove most important and valuable to future generations."[1] The magnifying transmitter is an air-core, multiple-resonant transformer that can generate very high voltages....
                      ....In 1899, Tesla moved his research to Colorado Springs.
                      click on the link to see where Colorado Springs is located:


                      Update: Along my research path, i found some more info, it is essential to remember what i wrote above, and Add to it the presence of Quartz

                      Water + Quartz

                      any thoughts on what i have posted so far
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-22-2011, 04:42 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • #71
                        An important point to make is this one from Quantum Agriculture and the testimony i showed you:

                        the unsettling effects of fields and moving currents upon the forces of life.
                        yes, Moving Current is important so if you going to make a salt water capacitor, water flow seems to be quite essential. Water in its nature does not like stagnation , It will always find a way of reaching movement (evaporation, on and on) It is in constant movement see exp ink drop in water:

                        YouTube - ‪Ink Study 1‬‏

                        and i just got an epiphany, I think i found an easy oscillator (can't believe, i did not think about it ):

                        YouTube - ‪Innovative micro hydroelectric turbine‬‏


                        Though in video water flowing from tap is shown it works same way if there is a reservoir at starting of the collapsible bladder and if small pipe is connected to it.

                        any thoughts on what i have posted so far
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-02-2011, 05:45 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • #72
                          The Mystery Of Water ( 60 min doc)

                          YouTube - ‪1 The Mystery Of Water.‬‏

                          updated water thread

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-02-2011, 07:50 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                            I am sorry if I insist on this but you have to change your referential when considering trees and water, as i said previously, think of them as two adaptive fractal Antenna.
                            If you put antenna over water, look up too, you may change the weather.


                            • #74
                              post#52 updated added Justin CHRISTOFLEAU


                              This is a beauty, once again rexresearch never lets me down

                              Gordon WADLE (help you with voltage)

                              Tree Electricity

                              [0005] A method for drawing electricity from a non-animal organism, the method including coupling a first electrical conductor to the non-animal organism, coupling a second electrical conductor to a ground rod, embedding the ground rod into soil at a predetermined depth as a function of a desired current level, whereby the current available from the non-animal organism is increased by increasing the depth that the ground rod is embedded into the soil, coupling an electrical load between the first electrical conductor and the second electrical conductor, the electrical load being configured to draw electricity from the non-animal organism via the first electrical conductor, and operating the electrical load using electricity drawn from the non-animal organism.

                              [0006] In general, in another aspect, the invention provides a system including a non-animal organism, a first electrical conductor electrically coupled to the non-animal organism, a plurality of ground rods embedded into soil wherein a quantity of the plurality of ground rods is a function of a desired current level from the non-animal organism, whereby the current available from the non-animal organism is increased by increasing the quantity of the plurality of ground rods, a second electrical conductor coupled to the plurality of ground rods, and an electrical load coupled between the first electrical conductor and the second electrical conductor to draw electricity from the non-animal organism, the electrical load using electricity drawn from the non-animal organism.....
                              ....[0067] Referring to Appendix A, exemplary results of voltage yield tests from different trees using different tap configurations, different ground rod quantities, and different numbers of taps are shown. The tests were performed using the configuration shown in FIG. 1, and described in the corresponding written description, where the load was a voltmeter.....
                              .... POWER SOURCE
                              DATA COLLECTION Height
                              Test Time Voltage Nail Penetration Nail from No. of
                              No. Intervals DC Tree Type Nail Type Depth Diameter Ground Nails Soil Type Altitude

                              1 7:00 PM 0.9 VDC PINE STAINLESS [3/4]'' [1/8]'' 3 FT 2 LOAM
                              2 7:25 0.9 VDC PINE STAINLESS [3/4]'' [1/8]'' 4 FT 2 LOAM
                              3 7:40 0.9 VDC PINE STAINLESS [3/4]'' [1/8]'' 5 FT 2 LOAM
                              1 1:00 PM 1.0 VDC PINE STAINLESS [3/4]'' [1/8]'' 5 FT 2 CLAY-SAND
                              Gordon WADLE : Tree Electricity, Voltree Bioharvester

                              notice the common link...
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-06-2011, 12:36 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • #75
                                One thing I keep coming back to within all the great research you are about thoughts on forests.
                                All those 1/4 wave transmissions and receptions going on ! Bunched up they may seem to be, but the germination and actual placements of each tree, their success or failure at exact points on the forest floor, may be due more to resonance than the luck of where a seed may land.
                                If that were the case, then the expectation would be linear grids of uniform distance all across the forest. However, every tree constructs slightly differently, soil conditions are a factor, some have to deal with placements like the apple tree above, some are on uneven ground. Perhaps, therefore, that's why a forest does not have the appearance of a conventional grid system and yet may work as one - like a closed loop self runner always aiming for a COP > 1 hehe.
                                I haven't made a Starship coil yet, but if you look at one, the energy lines cross each other, creating impressive grid lines of conductivity. Does a forest work in the same way ?

