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Trees as radiant energy collector

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  • #91

    If you look at the picture, it mention that both object have to resonate to the same frequency; well you don't have that problem with trees:

    see post 75 and 76

    The Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (i think if you replace the coil with a caduceus coil, you'd get a whole lot more juice)

    Joel McClain & Norman Wootan: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier ~ Collected Papers

    With low-level ultrasonic input signals, the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA) produces usable direct current power at levels above unity. This circuit is based upon the work and theories of John Ernst Worrell Keely, and is offered into the public domain in his memory.....
    ....In the MRA schematic below, there is a tunable low-power oscillator which supplies a signal to one side of a barium titanate transducer. The opposite side of the transducer is connected to a primary coil which is wrapped around a barium ferrite magnet core. The opposite end of the primary goes back to the oscillator.
    .....The MRA is a series resonant LC circuit in which power gain is attainable as a result of the increase in effective impedance under certain operating conditions. When the series impedance increases, primary current is reduced. When the power available from the secondary coil either remains the same or increases as the primary circuit impedance increases, a power gain occurs.

    Note: the application of a coil inside a coil design is again being used in this experiment

    The caduceus coil illustrated in Fig.1, basically consists of ordinary insulated copper wire wound in a double-helix around a ferrite core. THIS COIL HAS REPEATEDLY BEEN FOUND TO VIOLATE ESTABLISHED LAWS OF ELECTROMAGNETICS AND HERTZIAN WAVE THEORY WHEN A HIGH FREQUENCY CURRENT IS INJECTED INTO IT....
    ....First. This apparatus has zero impedance - unlike an ordinary coil. when fed electrical energy the wire in the Tensor coil does not get hot.

    Secondly. It has infinite resonance - unlike an ordinary coil which will resonate chiefly at its natural fundamental frequency and weakly on the second or third harmonic, the Tensor coil is capable of resonating strongly on any number of frequencies randomly spaced in the spectrum. The signal pumped into such a coil strangely enough cannot be quantified (detected) by standard RF (radio frequency) detection apparatus. Many "Ham" radio operators and electronic technicians who have used these coils, are completely baffled by them


    In the The Magnetic Resonance Amplifier, a barium titanate transducer is used here, you can replace it with tourmaline



    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-18-2011, 06:05 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • #92
      Inspired by the previous experiment, I built a weird double caduceus coil:

      first i built 2 mobius coil: Mobius Coil Tutorial

      Then i made them into 2 overlapping caduseus coils, the trick is to get the crossing of the secondary coil right on the opposite side of the primary coil's crossing

      now i'll see what easy test i can do on them

      not my best work but you get the idea
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-10-2011, 10:17 AM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • #93
        Ok, Here is a simple experiment i did with the mobius-Caduceus Coil:

        I wrap it around a open ended plastic tube (one end of the coil dipping in water and the other vertical like an antenna), and plunged it in a glass of Alkaline Water for 24 hours. I noticed after that a cluster of bubbles around the coil only. I then tried the same experiment with the double mobius-Caduceus coil, but this time with a test tube filled with acidic water plunged in alkaline water (one coil's end dipped in acidic water, while the other used as antenna, same for the pther coil but dipped in alkaline water). this time the bubbles formed in the walls of the glass and around the coils...Anyway just wanted to share this info with you

        up next try the double coil with the open ended tube

        i 'll post some pics later

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-10-2011, 01:03 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • #94
          more pictures of single and double mobius caduceus coil:

          i think you can see very well the cluster of bubbles in the double coil

          I'll try the same set up with tap water...we'll see...

          note: the black thing is just tape (i had a small crack on the test tube so i put tape on it to prevent any leak)

          just started this experiment, i ll check on it every hour to see if there is any evolution

          (what you see here is the alkaline water in blue (few drops of iodide), yellowish is acid water (put more drops to show the contrast)


          the acid (yellow) is starting to turn light blue while the alkaline took a lighter blue color (while still more bluish than the acid in the test tube)

          Here I am comparing the result of the acid water inside the test tube with another experiment (open ended tube) which had only acid water inside, notice the clear difference between the two water bodies...

          note: both experiments were started at the same time placed on the same place and exposed to the sun

          the sun is almost out

          I forgot to mention it but initial acid ph: 3.4 / alkaline ph: 10.1

          I hope that after these simple experiments, you are intrigued enough to explore the electromagnetic properties of such a design ....

          Felix Ehrenhaft: Magnetic Current --- 9 articles

          Can a magnet take water to pieces? No, say physics textbooks. Yes, says Prof. Felix Ehrenhaft, former director of the Physical Institute at the University of Vienna, who now carries on his research in New York. If he should turn out to be right, his findings in the realm of magnetism promise practical applications as far-reaching as the dynamos, motors, transformers, telephones, and radio that have stemmed from Faraday’s research in electricity.
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-13-2011, 01:05 AM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • #95
            MonsieurM, I am unable to keep up with the post's you make at the moment.

            Anyway I am almost ready to start something with a tree. My experiments with the wireless transmitter has given me an idea. I got out a very small cap pulser i made over a year ago for plate "P" experiments, it is 4.4 uf neon fired SCR pulser. I connected it to my wireless receiver and it is cracking out a very sharp pulses a bit quicker than once a second and is actually charging a battery when it started to rain the tempo of the discharges picked up significantly it almost doubled for a little while. I was waiting for it to rain to see if it would affect the discharge rate, then it happened which gave me a big smile . So I am thinking that the receiver may in fact pick up environmental energy as well as the transmitted energy, (the kinetic energy from the rain impacting the roof and stuff converted to charge on the toroid) I'll test that later. The impulses are so sudden they are affecting the computer just like a small spark gap. I have video soon.

            I think i will wind a small receiver with all three coils but the tree will have the coil wound like a toroid around it like you showed before. This will excite the coil "B" and so on to Coil "A" which is closely coupled to Coil "C" but not mutual coupling. The output of coil "C" should then be at a resonable voltage to charge a cap to over neon fireing voltage but with some oomf behind it too.

            Video of the cap pulser working from the receiver very soon.

            Here's the video clip, the camera shutter isn't fast enough to catch and record all the flashes but they can be heard and seen with the naked eye. The battery has charge up from 12.68 volts to 12.75 volts in about an hour.

            P.S. VIdeo link - YouTube - ‪Pulsing battery From Receiver.wmv‬‏

            Last edited by Farmhand; 06-11-2011, 06:47 AM.


            • #96
              That is quite alright, you know as they say, "all roads lead to Rome". The purpose of these posts is so you can come back and get inspired by the info i post. I have been following your posts on the Open source Project thread ( ) , and I am quite excited to see how you will go about your various testings...

              can't wait to see your testing results

              ps: Do you intend on grounding your Antenna to the Dam? if so I would recommend using another coil (caduceus anyone ):


              Now comes along Mr Jones with his new invention, showing us how to use a concentrated underground aerial that all of s can use in every city without any trouble whatsoever.
              ...One sleepless night visions began to parade before my half-conscious vision and amongst the crowd was a coil of wire rolling merrily along --- Ah! The problem was solved…

              In the morning I went forth with vim and vigor to plant some coils in old Mother Earth. Finding labor scarce decided to throw them into the lake for a trial. Ouch! Then the fun began. Now to get back to business we will begin with the first experiment carried out at this lake, in order to prove my sanity.
              James H. Rogers: Underground & Underwater Radio Antenna

              just to give you an idea (12900 km cube of water present in the atmosphere )

              Global distribution of atmospheric water:

              The Water Cycle: Water Storage in the Atmosphere, from USGS Water Science for Schools

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-11-2011, 11:24 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • #97
                One more observation I made about the Caduceus coil while building one; Hasn't anyone noticed that a 2D projection (the shadow if you prefer) of the coil is actually a sin wave

                the coil:


                Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-11-2011, 11:58 AM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • #98
                  Yes it is two sine wave's but the peaks are in phase but the sine wave's are crossed, wow that is wierd alright, everthing wierd is good as far as I can tell though, so far.

                  Good observation.


                  • #99
                    I wonder what is the "shadow" of other coils and if they resemble any known wave figure ?

                    use a light to project the shadow on the wall (the question remains at what angle should the light hit the coil , that is why experiments are made for )

                    Live Curious

                    If you are you breathe.
                    If you breathe you talk.
                    If you talk you ask.
                    If you ask you think.
                    If you think you search.
                    If you search you experience.
                    If you experience you learn.
                    If you learn you grow.
                    If you grow you wish.
                    If you wish you find.
                    And if you find you doubt.
                    If you doubt you question.
                    If you question you understand
                    and if you understand you know.
                    If you know you want to know more.
                    If you want to know more ...then you are alive

                    National Geographic

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-11-2011, 12:54 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • post#94 updated added pics
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-11-2011, 11:08 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • As i was searching for some more info to provide you guys with on advancing our research, I stumbled on this little info which i thought it was worth sharing, especially after i learned about the caduceus coil

                        Richard DAVIS

                        Non-Inductive Resistor

                        The Problem:

                        To develop an electrical resistor that has no residual mutual- or self-inductance at high frequencies.

                        The Solution:

                        A Moebius strip made of insulated resistive materials with electrical leads attached directly opposite one another provides a noninductive, nonreactive resistor which is simple, inexpensive, and flexible in usage, and can be made to almost any desired size and shape....
                        ....Two ribbon conductors of equal length are affixed on opposite ends of a strip of dielectric. The assembly is then given a single twist and the ends are joined to form a Moebius surface. The ends of the conductors are soldered together and the resistor terminals are attached to the directly opposed solder joints. Current applied to the terminals will travel in opposite directions, so that the electromagnetic fields cancel each other, resulting in an essentially noninductive, nonreactive resistor with a low time constant. Bifilar wire may be used instead of resistive ribbon, eliminating the need for a center dielectric strip. Thin film conductors on flat surfaces can also be used to make Moebius resistors.

                        Two or more sets of resistive wire may be mounted laterally on the same nonconductive strip, with about 1/16-inch spacing, and connected to form multi-Moebius resistors in one unit. There is no change in the time constant of the individual resistors, nor does one in any way affect the operation of the others, even when they are assembled in parallel or series.

                        The performance of the Moebius resistor is unaffected by its form, size, or length. Once it is connected into a Moebius shape, it can be folded or around around a cylindrical core or a card, or even into a ball, resulting in compact packaging of the resistor for use in miniaturized circuits. The Moebius resistor does not couple to metallic objects, external fields, or itself. When the bridge is nulled the resistor can be handled or changed in form without disturbing the balance. The conductors must not be touched and the spacing between them must not be altered.

                        Add to this:

                        The caduceus coil illustrated in Fig.1, basically consists of ordinary insulated copper wire wound in a double-helix around a ferrite core. THIS COIL HAS REPEATEDLY BEEN FOUND TO VIOLATE ESTABLISHED LAWS OF ELECTROMAGNETICS AND HERTZIAN WAVE THEORY WHEN A HIGH FREQUENCY CURRENT IS INJECTED INTO IT....
                        ....First. This apparatus has zero impedance - unlike an ordinary coil. when fed electrical energy the wire in the Tensor coil does not get hot.

                        Secondly. It has infinite resonance - unlike an ordinary coil which will resonate chiefly at its natural fundamental frequency and weakly on the second or third harmonic, the Tensor coil is capable of resonating strongly on any number of frequencies randomly spaced in the spectrum. The signal pumped into such a coil strangely enough cannot be quantified (detected) by standard RF (radio frequency) detection apparatus. Many "Ham" radio operators and electronic technicians who have used these coils, are completely baffled by them

                        I remember reading about you guys having the kind of problem being described...well enjoy

                        Richard L. Davis: Non-Inductive Resistor (Moebius loop)
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-13-2011, 12:59 AM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Ok, remember this set up:

                          well, i thought it would be a good idea to see what happens when you connect both "aerial" antennas to the wall socket (of course using a power cord i got from a lamp, ), anyway, as soon as i turn the power on, immediately
                          an excessive amount of bubbles started forming (i filmed it, i'll try to post it), and a green foam formed on top of the water, and the glass was really hot (left it on for 1 min)....

                          from THE STUBBLEFIELD PAPERS

                          It describes a device which uses a copper coil wound together with an iron coil side by side which is immersed in water. So far so good. The water as an electrolyte would cause the iron and copper to react with each other creating a galvanic element capable of generating electricity. Next he tells us that the copper wire must be insulated! From the iron wire! He also states that insulating the iron wire has no detrimental effect on the operation of the device.
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-21-2011, 05:59 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • In the video you'll see two colors different from before, because i used Phenol red to mark the color difference in ph (note it is blue because of the presence of chlorine in acid water)
                            (at 5 sec, i let the current pass) The haze you see are the bubbles formed

                            I wrap it around a open ended plastic tube (one end of the coil dipping in water and the other vertical like an antenna), and plunged it in a glass of Alkaline Water for 24 hours. I noticed after that a cluster of bubbles around the coil only. I then tried the same experiment with the double mobius-Caduceus coil, but this time with a test tube filled with acidic water plunged in alkaline water (one coil's end dipped in acidic water, while the other used as antenna, same for the other coil but dipped in alkaline water). this time the bubbles formed in the walls of the glass and around the coils...Anyway just wanted to share this info with you

                            I hope someone will try to reproduce this and let me know how it goes...

                            from THE STUBBLEFIELD PAPERS

                            It describes a device which uses a copper coil wound together with an iron coil side by side which is immersed in water. So far so good. The water as an electrolyte would cause the iron and copper to react with each other creating a galvanic element capable of generating electricity. Next he tells us that the copper wire must be insulated! From the iron wire! He also states that insulating the iron wire has no detrimental effect on the operation of the device.

                            ps: make sure your wires are well insulated
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-21-2011, 06:00 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Based on the video i just posted, and the principle of electro-culture:


                              The application of electricity, magnetism, monochrome light, and sound can stimulate the growth of plants to a great extent. This little-known technology, called Electro-culture, can accelerate growth rates, increase yields, and improve crop quality. Electro-culture can protect plants from diseases, insects and frost. These methods also can reduce the requirements for fertilizer or pesticides. Farmers can grow bigger and better crops in less time, with less effort, and at a lower cost.

                              The several approaches to Electro-culture include: antennas, static electricity, direct and alternating current, magnetism, radio frequencies, monochrome and intermittent lighting, and sound. The energies are applied to the seeds, plants, soil or the water and nutrients. Robert A. Nelson

                              You could recreate the same experiment with the sun's electromagnetic rays.


                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-13-2011, 11:20 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Maybe you can test without copper, with selenoid and mobius with capacitor?

