Physics: Resonance Experiment, peculiar phenomenon, cancer cells
you won't need precision if you create a fractal frequency,think of that fractal frequency like spider web, no matter what frequency you try to "capture" , your "spider web" frequency will reach its target frequency if it is within its range.
I highly recommend that you watch this vid, it does an excellent job at introducing you to fractal antenna
YouTube - ‪Fractals: frequency, the heart, and cancer‬‏
In the realm of physics there is a phenomenon known as a 'runaway vibration', and its destructive capabilities is not so much a matter of power or force, but a matter of precision. For this phenomenon to occur you must hit a precise frequency, and remain there for any given length of time (power builds with time at an astounding rate until the vibrating object is destroyed by the force of that power). If you go below that frequency--nothing! If you go above that frequency--nothing, even though you are utilizing more power. If you continue to increase the frequency you may eventually destroy the object, but this is not the same thing as the inherent build up/amplification of power that occurs in a genuine 'runaway' condition. In such a condition it is not unusual for a very small amount of applied power or force to destroy a huge entity! The moment you pass that frequency the destruction stops. If you miss that frequency you miss the phenomena. The basic notion behind all of these matters is that everything in nature has a resonating frequency. Everything composed of matter, or occupying matter is in a constant state of fluctuation, as the realm of quantum physics leaves us to deduce, and if you vibrate any given object at it's resonating frequency, or a harmonic (multiple) of that frequency, it's possible to destroy that object through the kind of power amplification we've been talking about. The vibration being introduced in such a situation is known in physics as the 'forcing frequency'.

I highly recommend that you watch this vid, it does an excellent job at introducing you to fractal antenna
YouTube - ‪Fractals: frequency, the heart, and cancer‬‏
