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Trees as radiant energy collector

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  • just transferring some relevant info to our subject:

    Electricity collected from the air could become the newest alternative energy source

    Imagine devices that capture electricity from the air ― much like solar cells capture sunlight ― and using them to light a house or recharge an electric car. Imagine using similar panels on the rooftops of buildings to prevent lightning before it forms. Strange as it may sound, scientists already are in the early stages of developing such devices, according to a report presented today at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS).
    they have a 100 years delay

    The notion of harnessing the power of electricity formed naturally has tantalized scientists for centuries. They noticed that sparks of static electricity formed as steam escaped from boilers. Workers who touched the steam even got painful electrical shocks. Famed inventor Nikola Tesla, for example, was among those who dreamed of capturing and using electricity from the air. It's the electricity formed, for instance, when water vapor collects on microscopic particles of dust and other material in the air. But until now, scientists lacked adequate knowledge about the processes involved in formation and release of electricity from water in the atmosphere, Galembeck said. He is with the University of Campinas in Campinas, SP, Brazil....
    Scientists once believed that water droplets in the atmosphere were electrically neutral, and remained so even after coming into contact with the electrical charges on dust particles and droplets of other liquids. But new evidence suggested that water in the atmosphere really does pick up an electrical charge.
    Galembeck and colleagues confirmed that idea, using laboratory experiments that simulated water's contact with dust particles in the air. They used tiny particles of silica and aluminum phosphate, both common airborne substances, showing that silica became more negatively charged in the presence of high humidity and aluminum phosphate became more positively charged.
    "This was clear evidence that water in the atmosphere can accumulate electrical charges and transfer them to other materials it comes into contact with," Galembeck explained. "We are calling this 'hygroelectricity,' meaning 'humidity electricity'."
    so we converge towards a hydro-magnetic dynamo


    read page 5 of this thread starting from post 141 onward

    a little comment i made on Tesla's set up:


    note: temperature difference plays a role in the electric charging and transfer of potential (liquid to ice )

    Explained: Thermoelectricity

    An unexpected clue to thermopower efficiency (EH antenna )


    see also

    it also takes me back to tree as radiant antenna :

    Tree in fog, Central Otago - YouTube

    Timelapse: Indian Heaven Wilderness, WA on Vimeo

    and this post also:

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-14-2011, 02:24 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • I would like you to read this article like an analogy to capture radiant (whatever you want to call it ), and i have been saying this for quite a while :

      Here's looking at dew: spiders snare water from the air

      In a paper published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, Chinese scientists report on why spider's silk is not only famous for strength but also terrific for collecting water from the air, sparing the creature a hunt for a drink.

      The secret, revealed by scanning electron microscope, lies in the silk's tail-shaped protein fibres which change structure in response to water.

      Once in contact with humidity, tiny sections of the thread scrunge up into knots, whose randomly arranged nano-fibres provide a roughly, knobbly texture.

      In between these "spindle knots" are joints, which are smooth and slender, comprising neatly aligned fibres.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
        I was wondering if you guys thought of experimenting with trees as radiant collector:

        i posted this in another thread but i figured it was worth having its own thread:

        allow me to quote my post:

        I really do hope you find this interesting enough to explore and experiment.

        Wow! I am looking forward to the development of this technology. I didn't know that trees can be used as radiant collector.
        Affordable Solar Panels|Santa Barbara Solar Panels|Residential solar panels


        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          While doing some research, i found this drawing made by Viktor Schauberger:

          and it looked very familiar until i remembered this type of radiation graph:

          , and guess where i found it

          Achieving Antenna Isolation Within Wireless Systems

          Welcome - Microwave design articles, applications, and high-frequency design techniques for microwave and wireless engineer

          so maybe this is the radiation graph we should get when optimally using a tree as radiant antenna:

          Check out this application , the software is free ( ):

          Wolfram Demonstrations Project

          Wolfram Demonstrations Project

          Legendre polynomials are solutions to the Legendre differential equation, which is a form of Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates. These forms commonly occur in antenna patterns and electron orbitals, among others.
          Antenna search results

          Search Results - antenna - Wolfram Demonstrations Project

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-19-2011, 05:14 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • 13-Year-Old Makes Solar Power Breakthrough by Harnessing the Fibonacci Sequence | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World

            While most 13-year-olds spend their free time playing video games or cruising Facebook, one 7th grader was trekking through the woods uncovering a mystery of science. After studying how trees branch in a very specific way, Aidan Dwyer created a solar cell tree that produces 20-50% more power than a uniform array of photovoltaic panels. His impressive results show that using a specific formula for distributing solar cells can drastically improve energy generation. The study earned Aidan a provisional U.S patent - it's a rare find in the field of technology and a fantastic example of how biomimicry can drastically improve design
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • This is probably one of my favorite moments,when you find a nugget....

              i found this info here: (the cosmic egg )

              Method & Apparatus for Splitting Water Molecules Dr. Andrija Puharich M.D

              Method and apparatus for splitting ... - Google Patents

              and Schauberger's Cosmic Egg


              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-24-2011, 06:51 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Agricultural homeopathy

                The use of homeopathic remedies for raising crops.

                Scientific Research: Plant Studies

                Scientific Research: Plant Studies | Avilian

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • been a long time

                  here you will find out the role played by water

                  from:The Legacy of Marcel Vogel

                  Marcel Joseph Vogel (1917 - 1991) was a research scientist for IBM’s San Jose facility for 27 years. He received numerous patents for his inventions during this time. Among these was the magnetic coating for the 24” hard disc drive systems still in use. His areas of expertise were phosphor technology, liquid crystal systems, luminescence, and magnetics.

                  In the 1970’s Marcel did pioneering work in man-plant communication experiments. This led him to the study of quartz crystals and the creation of a faceted crystal that is now known as the Vogel-cut® crystal. The Vogel-cut® crystal is an instrument that serves to store, amplify, convert, and cohere subtle energies.

                  Marcel’s research into the therapeutic application of quartz crystals led him to the investigation of the relationship between crystals and water. He discovered that he could structure water by spinning it around a tuned crystal, altering many of the characteristics of the water and converting it into an information storage system.

                  He was able to duplicate the Backster effect of using plants as transducers for bio-energetic fields that the human mind releases, demonstrating that plants respond to thought. He used split leaf philodendrons connected to a Wheatstone Bridge that would compare a known resistance to an unknown resistance. He learned that when he released his breath slowly there was virtually no response from the plant. When he pulsed his breath through the nostrils, as he held a thought in mind, the plant would respond dramatically. It was also found that these fields, linked to the action of breath and thought, do not have a significant time domain to them. The responsiveness of the plants to thought was also the same whether eight inches away, eight feet, or eight thousand miles! Based on the results of the experiments the inverse square law does not apply to thought. This was the beginning of Marcel’s transformation from being a purely rational scientist to becoming a spiritual or mystical scientist.
                  Basically it was found that plants respond more to the thought of being cut, burned, or torn than to the actual act. He discovered that if he tore a leaf from one plant a second plant would respond, but only if he was paying attention to it. The plants seemed to be mirroring his own mental responses. He concluded that the plants were acting like batteries, storing the energy of his thoughts and intentions. He said of these experiments: “I learned that there is energy connected with thought. Thought can be pulsed and the energy connected with it becomes coherent and has a laser-like power
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • 24" hard drives !
                    Our antique in my first job was a DEC PDP-11, solely used for the Accounts of a thing that was very cool. It didn't have HDD's of any type, it was the sci-fi film spinny reels of tape method and I had to wheel a trolly of these tapes to an outside storage each evening (Grandfather/Father/Son system)
                    Anyone ever wonder about the significance of all those banks of lights that randomly flashed in such films ? it used to bother me as a kid lol, no point at all to them except to look pretty on film and...there we had the reason.

                    Tripped over this last night on YouTube - look from around 3:07min
                    Apologies if posted before...such tree structures growing via an electrical stimulus are quite fascinating.

                    Grow Silver Metal Crystals by Electrochemistry - YouTube


                    • Slider, good to read you again

                      and wow on the vid...check out this post...might make you ponder a little

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-12-2011, 10:34 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Oh don't worry, I aint going anywhere
                        The thing is, yes, water being such a key player here. It relates to the Bedini Earth Light thread, where the crystal properties of water 'may' factor outside of purely galvanic reactions in batteries.
                        As in the video I linked to, such processes may be appearing in crystal cell thing is for sure, if a cell is polarized and hardens up etc, then a knock or break in the structure can easily send some cells to zero output. There could well be tree like links, neural network paths, within crystal batteries

                        We have trees in our heads

                        ^ yes, that does appear very strange now that it's written down.


                        • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
                          Oh don't worry, I aint going anywhere
                          The thing is, yes, water being such a key player here. It relates to the Bedini Earth Light thread, where the crystal properties of water 'may' factor outside of purely galvanic reactions in batteries.
                          As in the video I linked to, such processes may be appearing in crystal cell thing is for sure, if a cell is polarized and hardens up etc, then a knock or break in the structure can easily send some cells to zero output. There could well be tree like links, neural network paths, within crystal batteries

                          We have trees in our heads

                          ^ yes, that does appear very strange now that it's written down.
                          I'll raise you with one more bit of strangeness, based on what you posted, you could also say our brain is a Crystal Cell with its own crystalline connections
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                            I'll raise you with one more bit of strangeness, based on what you posted, you could also say our brain is a Crystal Cell with its own crystalline connections
                            I'll see your raise, with a story.

                            I noticed when walking through the forest yesterday, that there was an ominous, awe-inspiring sensed "tingle" around my spine when walking amongst 100 foot redwood trees.

                            I saw a collapsed redwood tree -- an antennae, no longer in use. It decayed, and was being eaten apart by insects, and was reduced to the same composite that the forest floor was made of.

                            Don't our brains work the same way? "use it or lose it" (recalling sensed memories, having certain mental functions, even our bodies MUSCLES) Even those muscles are attached to little neural "trees" branching out to manipulate movement. Don't our own cells take apart the unused cells into the same nutrient/blood soup for re purposing to be used in our bodies?

                            After reading about marcus vogel and the (the other link about the alchemy of water) liquid crystaline phase shift of water, I became much more interested in the intelligence of the trees. I also was floored that I seem to have been looking for the same "truth" -- yet was not able to articulate it as finely.

                            As I was walking, I asked --Why did I have these thoughts in the silence of the trees? Well, I didn't ask that question out loud -- I didn't even think of that question in words. I "felt" the question.

                            Allow me to explain myself, so that there is no confusion as to what I mean.

                            Before you form words, you have a precursor impression which is a feeling -- your abillity to exact (translate) that feeling impression into words seems to be directly related to a region of your brain which possesses a function as a "language drive". Before you form a question into words -- even if you have already formed a question into words -- you can "backtrack" the words into their primary "impression". (I think that impression/feeling is a desire or want to perform a function of some sort)

                            Backtracking that question from words into desire, I desired to ask why it was amongst the [neutral] stillness of the trees which provoked the realization of a mechanism present in the "macro and micro". It was oddly apparent, and I was quite suprized I had not seen it before, even sooner. It seemed to simply show itself to me. (Holy wow this stuff is cool)

                            Several moments later after that desire subsided, I received several "pictures", which I feel was a response.

                            If I had my arms outstreched like the trees -- The nervous systems present in my hands and arms would be very similar to their branches and leaves -- connected to my spinal cord (the trunk). Zooming into the highest tip of the tree on the mountain, I could see the many small leaves branching out. Zooming into the brain -- I also saw many "leaves".

                            I get pictures, or "synchronicities" whenever I inhale slowly and deeply -- quiet my thoughts, and use a "precursor" to words -- desire. Desire does not ocurr in the brain as thinking -- but first in the body.

                            I am not yet as fluid in conveying my insights as you, MM -- but I will try my best.

                            Imagine that we could change the tree trunk length/height, wouldn't that also change the frequency it was receiving?
                            What are we doing with our "tree trunk" when we desire to know something?
                            Doesn't that "tree trunk" change what how the "top leaves" grow? (neurons in the brain)
                            What if we are playful, happy, and curious in our desire -- like a child is? (don't children grow, and learn very fast? )

                            What if enough people were to wordlessly desire to effect a change in the world?
                            What sort of thoughts would be produced as the response to that desire?

                            "As above, so below"
                            Perhaps My body was just a nested antennae, amongst larger antennae. Could it be they "helped" me receive a different frequency by intercepting the carrier wave of that information?

                            Turning your body into a liquid (water) crystal antennae, seems to be the way to go, in order to "crystalize" your thoughts, or receive more complex frequencies -- and to translate them into words in their exact meaning.

                            "Crystals are a record in form of the potential which produced them" -- Walter Russell
                            What sort of thoughts have we already crystallized, merely by thinking? How does that recorded potential (of the thought) affect the aggregate vibration of ALL mankind's thoughts? (As within, so without)

                            A single thought can change everything.
                            It would seem, that if you could control your own thoughts -- you could sympathetically induce similar thoughts in surrounding humans. It seems the greatest control -- is self control. If you could couple self control, with an exact understanding of your surrounding environment -- you could "control" or affect your environment greatly.

                            Last edited by petar113507; 09-15-2011, 10:07 AM.


                            • Originally posted by petar113507 View Post

                              It would seem, that if you could control your own thoughts -- you could sympathetically induce similar thoughts in surrounding humans. It seems the greatest control -- is self control. If you could couple self control, with an exact understanding of your surrounding environment -- you could "control" or affect your environment greatly.

                              Thank you petar113507 , I really appreciated your story , and trust me i would not have been able to express myself as well as you have done in this post....

                              ps: You are already doing just sharing what is within with the without

                              Change is like the golden mean; (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ..)

                              it starts with 1 person...then 2.....3......5.....8.....13.....etc

                              it always starts with one...meaning it always starts with your inner self first (your first one)...then to your outer self (the second one )

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-15-2011, 11:19 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post

                                Now you should see it ,right ?

                                It has no meaning except shape.... look at shape....
                                Boguslaw , my friend, you were right on the money:

                                remember how you build a rodin coil and the 369 picture will make total sense

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-16-2011, 08:59 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

