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Lighting Fluorescent Tubes with Voltage

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  • #31
    Yes, I did indeed obtain a pulse from the cmos chip - and I very much appreciate
    your help in this matter. The way I was thinking of this circuit when drawing it
    was that perhaps having the upper schottky there would somehow help capture some
    kind of emf from the collapsing magnetic field.

    I've drawn the recovery cap connected to the center battery position as a guess; perhaps
    its anode side could also be connected to the anode of the 1st battery?


    Last edited by geotron; 07-02-2011, 09:37 AM.


    • #32
      OK I think I see what will happen, it's a bit different to how you see it, I hope I get this right.

      As soon as the battery is connected the cap will charge to diode drop below the source, which would immediatly start charging the 6 volt battery with DC through the bridge and cap, then when the pulse is on current will flow to ground but the coil will already be charged, when the pulse is off the coil's field while collapsing is still kind of a field and so will not allow reverse current through the coil the spike will leave the coil and go through the diode from the coil negative to the bridge and add energy to the cap.

      Hmm the current draw should be excessive, and the six volt battery means current will want to keep flowing, now i'm confused again. Not sure the coil field will even collapse. The current needs to be shut off.

      My advice is to go for a simple arrangement and try the things you think will have some benificial effect but try to implement changes one at a time but also separately like try one thing then go back to standard setup to then try another then you should see what will work with what.

      You will probably be breaking new ground so who knows what could work.

      Are you going to drive an ignition coil or transformer to run fluro's ? Because it might work so cheaply recovery might be negligable anyway.

      Not sure if my evaluation is entirely correct but I do think the basic recovery is good or just a bridge between the recovery diode from the coil negative or mosfet drain and the positive rail/source.



      • #33
        It looks again like I've shorted the battery out through the cap, although
        with a second transistor couldn't this be averted and then allow the coil's field
        to collapse and send its energy into the fullwave bridge?


        • #34
          I'm not sure, it looks like it could work because the current would be cut off. Would just using the second transistor on the positive line work then ?

          But then some current would still flow directly to the cap and ground I think when the transistor turns on.


          • #35
            The way its looking appears to be that without a second transistor the
            radiant energy output will not have nearly the same magnitude due to potential
            difference encountered at the bridge being diproportionally more than a
            direct connection back to the cathode side of the battery and will not draw
            as much current through the coil.

            Last edited by geotron; 07-06-2011, 11:30 AM.


            • #36
              Neutral Lighting

              Originally posted by tom323 View Post
              YouTube - ‪One Wire Free Energy transfer Variant 4 090711.avi‬‏


              • #37

                [ Video at Lidmotor's ]

