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Dr. Steven E. Jones JT Variation

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  • #46
    Observer's resonating transformer

    Please read the post by Observer at:

    Lead-out/Bring-in Energy - Ringing or Sound resonating transformer

    I am reproducing his last picture when resonance was achieved. OU was obvious.

    I believe Harvey Gramm in USA also produced something similar with a different multiple LCR resonance setup.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by ltseung888; 06-03-2011, 03:19 PM.


    • #47
      ltseung888 I am very excited to see your progress the happy faces
      in Hong Kong your outward drive on fleet / multi-resonant effects.
      I think your program will grow and gain more momentum with colleges.
      I will be trying to integrate this into dipole as your team progresses.

      Last edited by mikrovolt; 06-03-2011, 10:38 PM.


      • #48
        Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
        Doc your wish is our command we need a caloric meter for your SEC and the Steorn board also , thanks for for this sir. Will get onto it.


        First it looks like someone has taken over the thread with his push for something that has nothing to do with why you started this.

        Well as far as the Dr. Jones circuit I see it is going well and in 100+ directions with 1000+ different component configurations with still no one doing a decent quantitative measurement let alone understand how to do one.

        I wonder if Dr. Jones really wants an answer? Gee he says he is 70 miles away from the University, okay if he has a decent lab thermometer and a few boxes and some foam he can build one, far less complex than an electronic CEC>1 device.

        Get with me via direct email my embraq account when you are ready to do a heat test and I will give you a configuration that will excite.


        • #49
          To lseung888, Dr. Stiffler and all

          I personally see comment as being shown forum etiquette to
          consider the conversation flow, refraining current events
          from another thread.

          admonishing in order to maintain the direction
          of the thread sometimes necessary.
          I see this as a kind but firm reminder from the Dr.

          Since this could be viwed as "taking over" if continued,
          It is better to find a way to accomplish the same goal
          with a small link and why it is related so the replies will be
          made on the appropriate place within energetic forum.

          all I know is the thread started with
          Look as this video and we will show results asap
          The topic drifted, but the video and lseung888
          may have some relevance but what is of priority
          is *holding focus on what was being discussed.

          I hope our excitement was not too invasive.
          my apologies and due respect
          Last edited by mikrovolt; 06-03-2011, 11:30 PM.


          • #50
            The comment are relevant and helpful

            I do think the comments are relevant.

            DrStiffler would like to have confirmation experiments other than using oscilloscopes. This is a worthwhile goal.

            PhysicsProf showed the details of a setup achieving COP = 8. I believe he also saw results much better than that. He briefly mentioned the 4mW Input and 900mW output. That is COP = 225. We achieved COP > 280 at Hong Kong University. Such are clearly resonance scenarios.

            PhysicsProf achieved output power just under 1 watt. We have prototypes achieving over 10 watts.

            The basic concept behind such results is Multiple LCR resonance. At LCR resonance with the physical layout, electron motion energy will be brought-in and the COP can be very large. The Joule thief variants already have a built-in feedback mechanism. The battery is recharged by the circuit. The oscillating Input Power Waveform is good evidence.

            The Steven Jones Circuit replication will not be a simple copying of the various electronics. There will be a tuning process to achieve resonance. The replicators must be aware of that. In addition, many variations of the circuit is possible as demonstrated in the many different FLEET prototypes.

            *** The place where electron motion energy is brought-in is the toroid! We can have Output resistors hot and the toroid cold. ***
            Any heat test MUST take that into account.

            Sow the seeds. Some will fall on fertile soil. Amen.
            Last edited by ltseung888; 06-04-2011, 08:59 PM.


            • #51
              Just for the record

              For the record, Mr. Harvey Kertland got his first demonstration units working today.

              The first demonstration unit consists of:

              1. A 3 Volt white LED that cannot be lighted by a 1.5V AA battery.
              2. But can be lighted by a standard Joule Thief circuit.
              3. An air core toroid was created with ordinary lamp wire and the core was a standard new narrow masking tape. (used as the air core ring).
              4. A breadboard was used. Some difficulty was encountered because of improper connection.
              5. The demonstration worked.

              The following improvement will be added:

              a. Two identical secondary LCR circuits with LEDs.
              b. Resonance hunting. ***
              c. Removing the Joule Thief battery and see if the LEDs still lighted. (Two other teams said that they achieved this. They both claimed to have results much better than the 30 seconds I managed in Oct. 2010. It will be a challenge for Harvey Kertland to reproduce the results without detailed instructions.)

              *** The resonance hunting part will be the real secret. In Hong Kong, we achieved that in the most stupid way. Watch two oscilloscopes and keep changing the values of capacitors (to a lesser extend - resistors and inductors).


              • #52
                I've made my own version of the joule thief to test the LCR effect. I attached the LEDs counter each other to see the AC effect. Without the capacitors attached to additional coupled coil, only 1 LED lit up. When the Cap attached, both LED lit up. So I believe what giving the AC is the LCR. However, to achieve a 30 sec effect is rather challenging in my opinion. I've done some rough calculation to see what is needed to achieved that effect. Basically, it relates to the Q factor of the LCR. We want the LC to rings for 30 seconds but still have enough power to light up the LED to the last second. Q factor is defined as energy stored/energy loss per cycle.

                wL/R = Q factor

                So after 1 cycle, the energy content would be

                energy initially store in L * (Q-1)/Q . Let's say your Q factor is 5. After 1 cycle you will loose 1/5 of the initial energy. So L * 4/5 = final energy. After 2 cycle, L * 4/5 * 4/5 . After 3 cycle, L *4/5*4/5*4/5 and so on... It becomes L*(Q-1/Q)^wx . w is the frequency, x is number of seconds. One can add many LCR to increase the amplitude and boost the Q factor for longer ringing. If you have a Q factor of 1000 @ 60 Hz, after 30 seconds, the energy content of the LCR is 16%. Hope I'm making sense.


                • #53
                  When energy comes from the surrounding environment?

                  Originally posted by quantumuppercut View Post
                  I've made my own version of the joule thief to test the LCR effect. I attached the LEDs counter each other to see the AC effect. Without the capacitors attached to additional coupled coil, only 1 LED lit up. When the Cap attached, both LED lit up. So I believe what giving the AC is the LCR. However, to achieve a 30 sec effect is rather challenging in my opinion. I've done some rough calculation to see what is needed to achieved that effect. Basically, it relates to the Q factor of the LCR. We want the LC to rings for 30 seconds but still have enough power to light up the LED to the last second. Q factor is defined as energy stored/energy loss per cycle.

                  wL/R = Q factor

                  So after 1 cycle, the energy content would be

                  energy initially store in L * (Q-1)/Q . Let's say your Q factor is 5. After 1 cycle you will loose 1/5 of the initial energy. So L * 4/5 = final energy. After 2 cycle, L * 4/5 * 4/5 . After 3 cycle, L *4/5*4/5*4/5 and so on... It becomes L*(Q-1/Q)^wx . w is the frequency, x is number of seconds. One can add many LCR to increase the amplitude and boost the Q factor for longer ringing. If you have a Q factor of 1000 @ 60 Hz, after 30 seconds, the energy content of the LCR is 16%. Hope I'm making sense.
                  When energy comes from the surrounding environment at resonance, all known traditional calculations fail.

                  Do the experiment or watch the Steven Mark video. Many "steven Mark" type results will come out both in USA and China.

                  The seeds have been sowed.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by ltseung888 View Post
                    When energy comes from the surrounding environment at resonance, all known traditional calculations fail.

                    Do the experiment or watch the Steven Mark video. Many "steven Mark" type results will come out both in USA and China.

                    The seeds have been sowed.
                    I think I see what you saying. According to the picture you posted, the 4 leads go to the Joule Thief circuit, 1st and 2nd secondary go to 2 capacitors. Where is the LED connected? Were you using standard Joule Thief? I'll take on the challenge.


                    • #55
                      Where are the LEDs?

                      Originally posted by quantumuppercut View Post
                      I think I see what you saying. According to the picture you posted, the 4 leads go to the Joule Thief circuit, 1st and 2nd secondary go to 2 capacitors. Where is the LED connected? Were you using standard Joule Thief? I'll take on the challenge.
                      There are three LEDs in the experimental setup. One is at the Joule Thief circuit. That is used to indicate the working of the Joule Thief. The Joule Thief is pretty standard except that a variable resistor is added to provide some tuning. Other tuning is done by changing the hole positions in the breadboard and the relative spacing of the wires.

                      The two secondary circuits are identical circuits with capacitors, variable resistors and an LED. The capacitors can be changed by inserting different value capacitors onto the breadboard.

                      In the actual experiment, all three LEDs would be on if properly connected. That is just the start.

                      With two oscilloscopes, one will show the Instantaneous Input Voltage, Instantaneous Input Current (voltage across a 1 ohm resistor) and the Instantaneous Input Power. The Instantaneous Input Power is the product of the Instantaneous Input Voltage multiplied by the Instantaneous Input Current. This is basically the Joule Thief Input measurement.

                      The other one will show the same for one of the secondary circuits on the Output side. Since the two outputs are supposed to be identical, they should show same results. Since we do not have three scopes, the result will be checked by using the first secondary and then the second secondary.

                      The tuning is done by observing the waveforms on the two scopes. The waveforms will change with changes in:

                      (a) Resistor values
                      (b) Capacitor values
                      (c) Different spacing of the connecting wires
                      (d) Different position of the holes used on the breadboard
                      (e) Different windings on the toroid
                      (f) Different toroids (diameter, type of core, tightness of winding)
                      (g) Different physical environment (e.g. placing your hand close will affect value)
                      (h) Different transistors

                      You can actually see a much larger Power Curve at some setups (tuning, tuning and tuning). The Output Power can easily exceed Input Power by a factor of 10. When you are satisfied with a particular result, pause. Take pictures. Take screen capture dumps. Take down the results of all the components. Save that configuration as a working prototype. (The chance of your producing the exact same result next time will be minimal. It is a near resonance condition; any tiny change will affect result greatly).

                      Now try the most challenging part. Take out the battery from the Joule Thief circuit and check whether the LEDs on the secondary circuits are still lighted. Check how long they continue to light.

                      If you achieve that, you are on your way to producing a Steven Mark type device. Congratulations. (Many teams in Hong Kong and USA stopped communicating with me after these steps. They are ready to develop products.)

                      I do not have the oscilloscopes in USA to do the above experiment at present. I am not the inventor. I am just a server of the miracle wine. It is all in God’s timing.

                      I continue to sow seeds. Some may fall on rocks. Some may fall on fertile soil. Amen.


                      • #56
                        Some basic Joule Thief to be tuned by an USA team

                        The air core was from a half used masking tape. Ordinary household lamp wire was used. The basic Joule Thief circuit worked.

                        Two other ferrite core Joule Thief circuits were also built.

                        The basic Joule Thief circuits all worked. The secondary LCR resonance circuits will come next.
                        Attached Files


                        • #57
                          I got them started yesterday. Wounded some coils with duck tape roll lol. I tried to used the Joule Thief to see if it even oscillate since the coil inductance is so low. Yep, it wouldn't oscillate. I'm using my version of the joule thief now and it oscillates like a champ. I was able to lit up white and pink LEDs brightly at the same time with 1.4V showing strong AC through one of the secondary. But yes, it it just the start. I disconnected the battery and they shut down. One strange thing is it takes time for the LEDs to come up to brightness after a period of disconnect. Still getting my head around how it would ring for a few seconds. I know high Q capacitors works better than regular. Will try bigger wire to see if it last any longer. I'm thinking we entering narrow bandwidth tuning here. So far so good.


                          • #58
                            I tried 14 AWG. The inductance is even less with tens of turns. The amplitude of the LCR fluctuates erratically. However, comparing inductance to amplitude, the fewer turns shows more strength. I think this is the limit of my joule thief design. It cannot put out a steady frequency to tune. I think you're right about tuning and resonance, even a slight move in breadboard hole would means life and death. I tend to think because of its narrow band nature. We need a better mean of tuning. My joule thief might not cut it, but I remember someone's joule thief (actually it's a super joule thief). It's chilliqueen's design capable of tuning a 1 turn inductor! So the battle continues.

                            This is a redrawn version of Chilliqueen's super joule thief by Jonnydavro.

                            YouTube - ‪Super joulethief SEC-wireless energy transmision‬‏


                            • #59
                              I tested out the super joule thief. The signal is weaker than my set up. The interesting part about the the super joule thief is it only need 1 inductor and the feedback is done by transistors. It can also made to run efficiently.

                              I'll have to change the game plan here. I was assuming to tune the LCR to high amplitude and let it coast down. There are some flaws in this thinking. The LEDs would suck power. New thinking is the LCR could have serve as a feedback mechanism to the core. It means LCR and core share a mutual frequency normally. What if we can separate and match those frequency. I'll have to think about how to detect it first.


                              • #60
                                Component mounting/design

                                Originally posted by quantumuppercut View Post
                                I tried 14 AWG. The inductance is even less with tens of turns. The amplitude of the LCR fluctuates erratically. However, comparing inductance to amplitude, the fewer turns shows more strength. I think this is the limit of my joule thief design. It cannot put out a steady frequency to tune. I think you're right about tuning and resonance, even a slight move in breadboard hole would means life and death. I tend to think because of its narrow band nature. We need a better mean of tuning. My joule thief might not cut it, but I remember someone's joule thief (actually it's a super joule thief). It's chilliqueen's design capable of tuning a 1 turn inductor! So the battle continues.

                                This is a redrawn version of Chilliqueen's super joule thief by Jonnydavro.

                                YouTube - ‪Super joulethief SEC-wireless energy transmision‬‏
                                Just a bit of advice, when dealing with electro magnetic waves you should ALWAYS use a ground plane. The ground plane is your negative rail and should be the base for all of the circuit.

                                Use a blank PCB and mount your components with the shortests leads possible over the copper side of the PCB. Here is a photo of two cristal oscillators, a 500mw amp driving a 60watt linear amp 1Mhz to 30Mhz.

                                This way of construction is called ugly bug or dead bug style and works very very well to maintain perfect tuning, it solves stray capacitance and inductant in your circuit and so will stay tuned.


                                Last edited by Michael John Nunnerley; 11-09-2011, 03:51 PM.

