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How to build a water coil

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  • How to build a water coil

    this is a follow up on the thread i opened on Trees as radiant energy collector (this is also an open source project )

    I am branching out (no pun intended) to start this separate thread on how to build a water coil, I'll transfer some info i already posted but are directly related:

    From Slider2732 :

    A coil made of water appeals as an idea
    If water was pumped, at the resonant frequency of the tree, in a spiral pattern at the base of the trunk, could it be imagined that energy would literally flow ?
    It would be somewhat analogous to a battery circuit.
    James H. ROGERS

    Underground & Underwater Radio

    The Rogers laboratory, which comprises several large rooms, is lined on all sides with glass cabinets containing electrical apparatus which he has invented from time to time through his studious career. A novel and original high frequency generator was another of the devices that greatly interested the writer. It employed a jet of water shunted by a large capacity, the stream of water being connected to a high potential source of direct current. High frequency currents of any range up to the limit of audibility, or about 30,000 cycles per second, could be readily obtained with this apparatus.
    side note

    Another version of this "water" high frequency generator:

    the Jet Turbine by Viktor Schauberge with the direct current passing through the cone-shaped rotor

    James H. Rogers: Underground & Underwater Radio Antenna

    is this set up is relevant to our subject:

    replace coils with water coils

    Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
    I thought I would give a little bit of explination to the circuit.

    The first part is as the Prof: has but with a few alterations that I think will make it work better. This is our frequency generator which is very low power consumption, this then feeds the pulse "pump" to the decoupling cap C2. Feeding in after C2 is our bias voltage which all goes to a parametric amplifier, the Faraday loop is our LC which is also part of our special transformer/antenna system and feed back and power load output.

    This is "by design" to resonate with the ambient and draw in extra energy, the output coil setup should be temperature measured before and after starting the circuit, a temperature difference should be seen if the circuit is running as by design.

    A neon and not a led should be used on the secound output as there will be quite high voltage there.

    The Faraday loop is place exactly in the center of the 15T coil and the two pick up coils are either end of the 15T coil. The 15T coil should be of a dia: of 1.5mm and the pick up coils half this size.


    Magnetic Induction of Water

    Supposedly any conductive material can be made into a generator in one of these ways. Now as I pointed out liquid conductors do have different properties than metal conductors, primarily in how they transmit a charge as I pointed out in the Experiment #1 paper. I can't find any information that would suggest that you COULDN'T use water as a generator if you followed the basic rules of building and operating such a generator. There are many possibilities along those lines which I plan
    to deal with separately. In this posting I just wanted to look at generators in general....
    ... In thinking about this in relation to water I decided that it would be interesting to think about weather or not water, used as the coils in a generator, would work. We already know that the Hydrogen Bond in water is weakened by the proximity to an electromagnetic field and we know that water (with an electrolyte) acts as a conductor. The fact that it is a conductor satisfies the main requirement for induction of electric current and the weakening in the presence of an EMF would suggest that, as above, a charge could be inducted by proximity. With these two factors in favor of the idea of water as the coil in a generator would seem to indicate that it would be possible to construct a mechanism which would exploit this and cause an electric current to be generated.

    I was just reading through this thread:

    and i also read the info on pesn:

    Dr. Steven E. Jones' circuit gives evidence for 8x overunity

    Retired Physics Professor, Steven E. Jones is working on a simple overunity circuit that he has seen go as high as 20 times overunity; documented on a state-of-the-art Tektronix 3032 oscilloscope at Brigham Young University producing eight times as much energy as was required to run the solid state circuit. One of his friends, Les Kraut, has replicated the circuit and also achieved eight times overunity...
    ..."I don't know where the energy is coming from, but it's coming from somewhere," he said.
    I would like you to check out the following image, it is a "google map" of Brigham Young University (marker B)...

    ...Indeed the Great Salt Lake is close by (here is your large coil)

    from the same thread

    Originally posted by ltseung888 View Post
    The Multiple LCR resonance experiment

    I am showing the bare bone winding of the multiple LCR resonance experiment. All the electronics were taken out for this shot.

    The work may include the following:

    1. Put back the electronics. The clips should be connected to a tunable Joule Thief Circuit.
    2. The two Secondary circuits will have identical tunable LCR circuits.
    3. There will be much tuning until the Joule Thief frequency, the toroid and the two secondary circuits show resonance.
    4. Repeat the experiment in Hong Kong when the battery of the Joule Thief circuit was taken out. The two LEDs on the secondary should stay on.
    5. Repeat the experiment with three or more identical Secondary LCR circuits (to simulate the concept of multiple tuning forks).
    6. Try higher output power – hopefully light up a 100 watt light bulb. (The secret of the Steven Mark TPU will be demonstrated.)

    Divine Revelation 3 is now very clear. Exact material and configuration are not as important as tuning, tuning and tuning. Resonance, Resonance and Resonance. Amen.

    I hope you guys would contribute your knowledge because I'm sure this would inspire some great design ideas...for instance wouldn't be great to be able to test a water coil made for the Bedini Motor
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-02-2011, 10:12 PM.
    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

  • #2
    Thank you for the expansion on the original idea...I do hope that those with longer term theory and practical knowledge can assist with such a projected energy collection method
    Personally, i'm embroiled within pulse motors and attempting own results of battery self charging, but, can envisage the living matter coil ideas to feature within those projects.

    Perhaps a reverse Tesla tower is a more correct mental image for the idea as originally described, rather than a battery, though the coil to function as a charging battery is the premise. The aim is not to drag power out of any setup, but to collect in a non invasive fashion from the natural effects that the tree produces.
    There is a situation within our own back garden, whereby a pecan tree is seemingly hasn't budded as well this year, compared to last, or 2009 or 2008 when we moved here. Climate, age, soil condition or being 'just one of those things' may be responsible, though y'see last year was the first time I focused on any sort of energy collection from that tree. That idea was pecan oil for alternative fuels and all the crop of pecans was collected up (with the slogan relating to the Barack Obama election campaign of 'Can we do it ? yes Pecan').
    It's amusing to think that the taking from the tree, with no balance of giving was the culprit of the change in the tree condition.
    However, balance, harmony, feeding with positive energies as a thanks to the work of the tree might be related to people singing at their plants and experiencing increased growth or fruit.
    The coil idea is a job of work for the tree, which, is also aimed at reinvigorating the working tree. The phrase in Minnesota might well be 'well thats different!'

    The envisaged design is a 2x tree diameter coil base, spiraling inward as a Russell coil of perhaps 4 or more turns. Solar power would drive a small generator pump at the correct natural frequency of the capillary action of the tree.

    A load of phooey ? we won't know til we try it


    • #3
      Thank you very much Slider2732 for your help and time

      I would like to add a comment, i was just reading through and it dawned on me, couldn't we use it as our natural frequency generator for the water coil, or just simply plug it to the tree (i leave the technical details to a more knowledgeable person)?

      YouTube - ‪Bedini Earth Light----replication.ASF‬‏

      YouTube - ‪Bedini Earth Light----replication.ASF‬‏

      A load of phooey ? we won't know til we try it
      Experience is made before the law is formulated, both are related like cause an effect. Nicholas Tesla

      To amplify the current i think we should look into Tesla's Invention:

      The magnifying transmitter is an advanced version of Tesla coil transmitter. It is a high power harmonic oscillator that Nikola Tesla intended for the wireless transmission of electrical energy.[1] In his autobiography, Tesla stated that "...I feel certain that of all my inventions, the Magnifying Transmitter will prove most important and valuable to future generations."[1] The magnifying transmitter is an air-core, multiple-resonant transformer that can generate very high voltages.
      also applicable to:

      Dr. Steven E. Jones' circuit gives evidence for 8x overunity

      The New “Power Plants”: Trees Make Electricity?

      It appears that a small electrical component company near Boston has figured out how to get electricity out of trees. MagCap Engineering is pretty sure they’ve come up on the next renewable energy revolution. By pounding a nail into the trunk and a conductor into the ground, a faint but consistent charge is detected in a wire running from the tree to the earth.
      The New β€œPower Plantsβ€�: Trees Make Electricity? : TreeHugger

      let me know what you think
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-01-2011, 09:42 PM.
      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • #4
        The more i search, the more i am convince by what i have shown you so far. The article that follows seems to confirm Slider2732 suppositions

        Personally, I have great reservations about conventional batteries in any case
        The whole concept of a return to the negative of a battery...just seems plain wrong.
        it is my contention, that the load creates a draw, which the battery supplies. Within the load circuit, the energy is dissipated following conventional logic, but nothing returns per se to the negative terminal...
        ...I believe we should not look at extracting and using such an energy with sledge hammer approaches, but to balance with it, work with it and derive a surplus through that balance.
        Quantum Agriculture

        The Alchemy of Capacitance
        Dennis Klocek
        Dowsers have long been aware of the unsettling effects of fields and moving currents upon the forces of life. Dowsing research has uncovered a great deal of documented proof that sleeping in a weak field or a current can be a major cause of debility which leads to illness. All currents are considered by dowsers to generate fields. Running water, gas, electricity, even geological fault lines and the crystalline lattice of minerals in the earth radiate weak currents. The theory is that an organism resting in these currents cannot maintain equilibrium in its life forces because its own life field is constantly being disturbed. Even if the disturbance is miniscule compared to modern amperages in electric grids, the constant flow of energies is thought to "wick" away life forces and put the organism under stress when it is supposed to be concentrating its life forces. In effect, this image found in the dowsing literature, is an image of conduction (wicking away of current) versus condensing (the alternate induction and capacitance of weak forces which condenses the weak forces into stronger field forces). An organism being influenced by such currents becomes brittle and loses its elasticity. Once it has lost its charge of life, it becomes prey to pathogens from the environment. Plants growing above watercourses, lenses of volcanic materials or fault lines often show such signs of stress. Trees growing over an underground stream will die on the side which receives the ether current from the moving water, or the underground pipe and thrive on the side which does not. Tree roots will form burls when the tree is growing over an active water main or underground stream. Watercourses or changes in the composition of the ground underneath orchards can often be traced by looking at weak or infested trees. Dowsing the area will reveal the presence of a subterranean current. The list of phenomena surrounding conduction currents is extensive and available to anyone caring to do a little research. The result from many dowsing experiments is that conduction weakens life forces.
        Electricity and Conduction Ernst Lehrs', in his book "Man or Matter", expresses a view which could give support to this idea with his assertion that Robert Faraday himself, was an opponent of the theory of electrical currents as a true picture of the nature of electricity. Lehrs' states in his work that when humans apply electricity to do work, that they are really not using electricity proper but only the thermal and magnetic fields which are generated when electricity is consumed by passing it through a conductor. According to this essentially alchemical view, the force that runs an appliance or moves the needle on a meter, is not electricity itself, but is produced when electricity vanishes. By extension, Lehrs says further, "With the recognition that we have to do with electricity proper, only in the case of an electric field exerting its power directly, as in an electroscope, whereas, all other so called electrical processes consist in a consumption of electrical force, it becomes possible to form an adequate picture of the oscillating circuit...the coupling of a condenser and a coil; to put it differently η capacitance with inductance." What Lehrs is describing here is the power of an insulator (dielectric) to accumulate a static charge from a weak field and condense it into a strong charge that gives rise to an electrostatic field.
        Capacitance Antennae In a device known as a capacitance antenna, the conductor or coil serves to give rise to a magnetic field by briefly conducting or consuming an electric charge. As the electric charge is consumed it flows through the coil and creates a magnetic field with magnetic forces moving through the field lines. A dielectric or condenser is placed in the magnetic field. The dielectric is composed of many inner layers of an insulating substance like silica. As the magnetic current moves through the dielectric it creates weak electric fields in the many layers of the dielectric where the layers cut across the magnetic field lines. As a result an electric field is created around the dielectric when a capacitor is placed into a magnetic field. The electric field in turn is once again taken into the coil for a brief conduction which once again creates a magnetic field around the coil.

        In this arrangement, the capacitor or condenser builds a weak, but constant charge with no current into a strong field capable of holding a lot of power (voltage) but little flow (amperage). The charged field is then drawn through a coil which draws off the charge in a movement which is just the very beginning of conduction. A magnetic field grows quickly as the brief conduction converts the flow of electricity into magnetism. The dielectric is placed so that the magnetic field surrounds the dielectric and causes the dielectric to pick up a strong electrical charge. This is then reciprocally discharged back into the coil to keep the cycle going. The elastic oscillation of magnetic into electric back into magnetic forces causes induction to take place in the condenser and coil and greatly increases the power without an increase in input. This brings two polar forces into a mutual rhythm tic oscillation. However, in this type of circuit the electrical and magnetic forces are not really consumed and no lines of magnetic energy are cut or disturbed, as is the case with power generation apparatus in use today. This model is the basis for wireless transmission. It is also the basis for the electrostatic capacitance antennas in use for the reception of radio transmissions in automobiles. The effect of the capacitor/coil antenna is to make the transmitter appear closer to the antennae than it actually is. The capacitor amplifies the weak signal from the source and the closed induction circuit makes the signal more resonant as the energies are rhythmically oscillated from condenser to coil. The power to drive a speaker grows from the oscillation.
        read more on this especially the Cosmic Pipe Experiments:

        The Alchemy of Capacitance - QUANTUM AGRICULTURE

        Added to this:

        "Quantum Water" Discovered in Carbon Nanotubes

        Chengdu Organic Chemicals Co. Ltd., Chinese Academy of Sciences

        A new quantum state of water found in carbon nanotubes at room temperature could have important implications for life...
        ...That's a big deal. Reiter and co chose carbon nanotubes because they are an analogue of the conditions water faces when passing through living systems, through ion channels in cell membranes, for example. Biologists have long known that flow through these channels is orders of magnitude greater than conventional fluid dynamics predicts. Perhaps this new state of quantum water is the reason why.
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-01-2011, 11:56 PM.
        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • #5
          Originally posted by 7imix View Post
          Tesla really liked to use salt water filled capacitors. Very interesting point, MonsieurM.

          How To Build A Cheap Saltwater Capacitor

          How to build a Saltwater Capacitor

          The parts you will need are:
          1 - 5 gallon bucket
          12 - 12oz beer bottles
          4 - canisters of table salt
          2 - 1/4-20 brass bolts(can be regular steel, but brass holds up better to the saltwater influence) and nuts
          1 - quart cheap motor oil(you want oil with no additives)
          about 1' of aluminum foil
          a couple feet of 12AWG copper wire

          don't forget to test it with a tree
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-03-2011, 09:52 AM.
          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • #6
            water coil Capacitor

            post#1 and #5 updated

            I would like to make a small adjustement, that is exploring actually a Water Coil Capacitor

            if there is one concept i think you guys should remember, it is this one:

            The Fractal Matrix - A Paradigm For Multidimensional Reality - 1

            In truth each point in our plane is influenced by the upper levels. We are merely introducing the subject by means of simple examples or analogies. In effect the behaviour of a particle or a living entity on the bottom plane is governed ultimately by the whole of the countless layers. This is where the real difficulty arises; to obtain some grasp of the effect of infinitely superimposed nonlinear variables. This is the key problem in understanding the mind's (or universal or nature's) computer system.

            Water on the Sun?

            An international team of scientists, including a University of Waterloo chemistry professor, has conclusively demonstrated that water (actually steam) does exist on the sun, confirming a breakthrough finding made two years ago.

            The team used an innovative method to calculate the water spectrum at sunspot temperatures. The method will be useful in modelling systems with an abundance of extremely hot water molecules, such as forest fires.
            Water Found on Sun

            Heliospheric current sheet:

            The heliospheric current sheet (HCS) is the surface within the Solar System where the polarity of the Sun's magnetic field changes from north to south. This field extends throughout the Sun's equatorial plane in the heliosphere.[1][2] The shape of the current sheet results from the influence of the Sun's rotating magnetic field on the plasma in the interplanetary medium (Solar Wind).[3] A small electrical current flows within the sheet, about 10−10 A/m². The thickness of the current sheet is about 10,000 km...

            ...As the Sun rotates, its magnetic field twists into a Parker spiral,[5] a form of an Archimedean spiral, named after its discovery by Eugene Parker.

            and don't forget the presence of water in the sun and you have your Cosmic Water Coil Capacitor, containing your earth water coil capacitor, containing your tree water coil capacitor, and so on (sounds fractal, no?)

            Heliosphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            YouTube - ‪Solar system new interpretation‬‏

            VIDEO 6 : Proposed helical coaxial dynamic model for the visible planets of the solar system ,with 12 zodiac houses and Polaris for reference and relative positions.
            water is present everywhere

            Water appears to be one of the most abundant molecules in the Universe. It dominates the environment of the Earth and is a main constituent of numerous planets, moons and comets. On a far greater scale it possibly contributes to the so-called "missing mass" of the Universe and may initiate the birth of stars inside the giant molecular clouds. This paper gives a brief description of water and ice environments with an emphasis on their possible origin and subsequent development in the Solar System. Expanding the scope of hydrology to cover phenomena encountered on other celestial bodies is postulated and discussed.

            The Paper

            "Quantum Water" Discovered in Carbon Nanotubes

            Chengdu Organic Chemicals Co. Ltd., Chinese Academy of Sciences

            A new quantum state of water found in carbon nanotubes at room temperature could have important implications for life...
            ...That's a big deal. Reiter and co chose carbon nanotubes because they are an analogue of the conditions water faces when passing through living systems, through ion channels in cell membranes, for example. Biologists have long known that flow through these channels is orders of magnitude greater than conventional fluid dynamics predicts. Perhaps this new state of quantum water is the reason why.

            from quantum agriculture

            " What Lehrs is describing here is the power of an insulator (dielectric: ie water) to accumulate a static charge from a weak field and condense it (it is probably done through the vortex flow of water) into a strong charge that gives rise to an electrostatic field.

            Nature's version of:

            To amplify the current i think we should look into Tesla's Invention:

            Magnifying transmitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            The magnifying transmitter is an advanced version of Tesla coil transmitter. It is a high power harmonic oscillator that Nikola Tesla intended for the wireless transmission of electrical energy.[1] In his autobiography, Tesla stated that "...I feel certain that of all my inventions, the Magnifying Transmitter will prove most important and valuable to future generations."[1] The magnifying transmitter is an air-core, multiple-resonant transformer that can generate very high voltages....
            ...In 1899, Tesla moved his research to Colorado Springs.
            click on the link to see where Colorado Springs is located:


            An important point to make is this one from Quantum Agriculture :

            the unsettling effects of fields and moving currents upon the forces of life.
            yes, Moving Current is important so if you are going to make a salt water capacitor, water flow seems to be quite essential. Water in its nature does not like stagnation , It will always find a way of reaching movement (evaporation, on and on). It is in constant movement see exp ink drop in water:

            YouTube - ‪Ink Study 1‬‏

            Slider2732 :

            A coil made of water appeals as an idea
            If water was pumped, at the resonant frequency of the tree, in a spiral pattern at the base of the trunk, could it be imagined that energy would literally flow ?
            It would be somewhat analogous to a battery circuit.

            and i just got an epiphany, I think i found an easy oscillator (can't believe, i did not think about it ):

            YouTube - ‪Innovative micro hydroelectric turbine‬‏


            Though in video water flowing from tap is shown it works same way if there is a reservoir at starting of the collapsible bladder and if small pipe is connected to it.

            Resonance in water.

            If you wind 1000 turns of 26 swg enamelled copper wire around a glass bottle filled with water and then flash this coil a cross a 12 volt car battery ..... all of the protons in the bottle, that were previously aligned with earths magnetic field .... immediately realign them selves with this new field. As soon as this field collapses the protons want to realign back to Earths magnetic field. The problem is that the protons are spinning like a top and instead of a smooth precession they 'wobble' back, in the same way as a child's top wobbles as it runs down. If after flashing the coil we then connect it to a high gain frequency counter we can actually measure the 'wobble' frequency ...... and it is directly proportional to the ambient field strength. For example in Southern England ... away from any magnetic anomalies ... the wobble frequency is about 2000 Hertz. If magnetic anomalies are present then the wobble frequency will change. This is the principle of the early magnetometers.
            ...Equipment resonance.

            If we wire a capacitor and an inductance is series or parallel, together they form a tuned circuit, that has a resonant frequency. At resonance the voltage across the inductance or the water capacitor is at a maximum. If we want to develop a maximum voltage across either component then the frequency of stimulation must equal the resonant frequency of the tuned circuit, ie the water capacitor and two resonant chokes. At this point we have to assume that they really do form a tuned circuit. The next move is to excite that tuned circuit to find out what it's resonant frequency is. This has to be done with the water capacitor full of water, which has a dielectric constant of about 84. This means that providing the water does not short out the plates, the capacitor will have it's empty value multiplied by a factor of 84 ... since C approximates to .....

            Where ....

            C is the capacitance in farads, F
            A is the area of each plate, measured in square metres
            εr is the relative static permittivity (sometimes called the dielectric constant) of the material between the plates, (vacuum =1)
            ε0 is the permittivity of free space where ε0 = 8.854x10-12 F/m
            d is the separation between the plates, measured in metres

            Small World, article talks about the Meyer device...

            Searching for Magic Frequencies

            any thoughts on what i have posted so far
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2011, 11:37 PM.
            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • #7
              Just got a set up in mind,

              Combining the following:

              YouTube - ‪Innovative micro hydroelectric turbine‬‏


              Though in video water flowing from tap is shown it works same way if there is a reservoir at starting of the collapsible bladder and if small pipe is connected to it.


              A coil made of water appeals as an idea
              If water was pumped, at the resonant frequency of the tree, in a spiral pattern at the base of the trunk, could it be imagined that energy would literally flow ?
              It would be somewhat analogous to a battery circuit.
              you could use this contraption in between the two set up to add vortex motion to it before it enters the spiraling tube:

              Pilzkillz's selfmade water vortex

              YouTube - ‪Pilzkillz's selfmade water vortex - perfect clean and energetic water - low costs‬‏

              Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Vortex

              or use schauberger designs to get the water to vortex

              Viktor Schauberger: Austrian Patents (Vortex Control of Water Flow)

              Vortex Trap

              All magnetic traps rely somewhat on vortex effects but this particular trap uses a vortex a bit more actively. The vortex trap uses something called the "vortex tube phenomenon"....
              .... Here is a vortex trap made of transparent acrylic with the inner vortex clearly visible:

              Vortex Trap

              Vortex Trap

              Don't want to bother, just purchase this from these guys (for the purpose of making a vortex)

              Price: £14.45

              PANOSUN Ltd - AQUA-VORTEX™ Liquid Energizer

              And for your earth oscillator use a Bedini Earth battery to pass current through the flowing water
              and a second one to couple it close to the water coil

              or just use the trees micro electric current =200mV pass that through the Water coil, and put the bedini earth battery close by (for coupling) and extract you energy.

              or just connect the bedini earth battery at the end of the spiral when water exits

              ex: WITRICITY (

              you'd need:

              a water reservoir (to hang up high)
              the set up proposed in the micro hydroelectric turbine,
              Pilzkillz's selfmade water vortex / vortex trap
              the set up for spiral pattern at the base of the trunk
              an earth battery (probably hooked to the tree and soil)
              and a pump to pump water back to the reservoir...Worth exploring

              you may add a circuit to increase oscillation or make frequency generator...I leave that to the connoisseur

              This is just a supposition: but it may be possible that if the water flows through the spiraling tube while going through a vortex motion actually increases/multiplies the energy you will collect...quantum be continued...

              Vortex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              A vortex (plural: vortices) is a spinning, often turbulent, flow of fluid. Any spiral motion with closed streamlines is vortex flow. The motion of the fluid swirling rapidly around a center is called a vortex. The speed and rate of rotation of the fluid in a free (irrotational) vortex are greatest at the center, and decrease progressively with distance from the center, whereas the speed of a forced (rotational) vortex is zero at the center and increases proportional to the distance from the center. Both types of vortices exhibit a pressure minimum at the center, though the pressure minimum in a free vortex is much lower.
              Viktor Schauberger Vortex Video

              YouTube - ‪Viktor Schauberger Vortex Video‬‏

              note: end of vid goes on showing ufo ; just skip it if that is of no interest to you

              Can anyone translate this (a least the beginning) it is in german but looks quite interesting to our subject at hand:

              YouTube - ‪Das geheimnsvolle Wasser 1/4‬‏

              The Mystery Of Water ( 60 min doc)

              YouTube - ‪1 The Mystery Of Water.‬‏

              Experience is made before the law is formulated, both are related like cause an effect. Nicholas Tesla
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-03-2011, 12:37 PM.
              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • #8
                Good heavens yes, the Doctor's bladder pump !
                Excellent concept and I enjoyed the videos within his recent thread here.

                Lehrs' states in his work that when humans apply electricity to do work, that they are really not using electricity proper but only the thermal and magnetic fields which are generated when electricity is consumed by passing it through a conductor[
                That's a similar principle of Ed Leedskalnin, as understood from reading his book.

                One thing I personally would never do, is to knock nails into a tree and suck the living life force out of it to recharge a NiCD battery

                And..only mildly related and a mere query not fact - what's with doubling up the wiring needed for household mains supplies ? A single wire could be just as efficient ?. The supply swaps 50 or 60 times every second as it is...doing the same job with 2 wires as opposed to with just 1.
                If the energy from living matter were collected as a current and voltage of AC origin, then transmission would be made simpler with 1 wire, only being rectified at the other end. AC travels further than DC, without amplification en route.

                Great posts, thanks for all this work you are putting in


                • #9
                  thanks, It is all for F.R.E.E

                  i just finished watching the documentary on the mystery of water, and if you have to start somewhere, this is the doc to watch. some of the facts i talked about are very well presented here. (keep in mind fractal adaptive antenna )

                  Good heavens yes, the Doctor's bladder pump !
                  Excellent concept and I enjoyed the videos within his recent thread here.
                  Clearly the processes of suction and pressure need to be examined. No beneficial, natural exchange can take place solely under conditions of pressure. The effects of pressure (centrifugalthinking) and suction (centripetal thinking) can be explained with two simple diagrams. Viktor Schauberger
                  Excellent read:

                  Living Energies: An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger


                  " What Lehrs is describing here is the power of an insulator (dielectric: ie water) to accumulate a static charge from a weak field and condense it (it is probably done through the vortex flow of water) into a strong charge that gives rise to an electrostatic field.

                  F.R.E.E= Free Renewable Energy for Everyone
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-03-2011, 11:52 AM.
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • #10
                    I have one suggestion to verify if the vortex effect works:

                    take the following experiment:

                    How To Build A Cheap Saltwater Capacitor

                    Tesla Coil Club: Experiment 1: Salt Water Capacitor Concentration (cont.)

                    How to build a Saltwater Capacitor

                    The parts you will need are:
                    1 - 5 gallon bucket
                    12 - 12oz beer bottles
                    4 - canisters of table salt
                    2 - 1/4-20 brass bolts(can be regular steel, but brass holds up better to the saltwater influence) and nuts
                    1 - quart cheap motor oil(you want oil with no additives)
                    about 1' of aluminum foil
                    a couple feet of 12AWG copper wire

                    And combine it with:

                    Pilzkillz's selfmade water vortex

                    YouTube - ‪Pilzkillz's selfmade water vortex - perfect clean and energetic water - low costs‬‏

                    Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Vortex

                    you end up with a very simple "vortex salt water capacitor"


                    ps: try to make a normal S.W Capacitor for comparison (try not to drink all the beer bottles before you start experimenting )

                    From Quantum Agriculture

                    the unsettling effects of fields and moving currents upon the forces of life.
                    Much sung about in Celtic lore, the apple tree has long been connected with the Goddess, paradise, and healing. In my yard there is a little piece of paradise in the form of a wise old apple tree, a remnant of the earlier orchard that grew here. This tree has suffered a great deal due to the spot it was planted upon. Growing on a water line as it does sounds like it would be ideal for a tree, potentially an opportunity to grow well even in dry times. However, the energetic field generated by underground water movement is taxing. It cannot get up and walk off, but it has done everything it can to move away from the electro-magnetic field below. The tree leans away from the line. Its limbs and bark on the side where the water line is strongest have all died. Only at about 15 feet in height can branches successfully commence to grow on that side. The other side of the tree has struggled on bravely. Branches on that side begin at 6 feet and swoop down as low as 4 feet. The tree’s own energy field (or aura) was lopsided, very weak on the one side and stronger on the other side, mirroring its growth pattern and overall poor health.

                    The Wisdom of the Apple Tree

                    One question remains how do you place the copper wire? (perpendicular, spiral shape, small Tesla's Bifilar Pancake Coils, or two monofilar pancake (one at the exit of the top bottle one at the entrance of the bottom bottle , and maybe place a small voltage on the first coil and see what the second does when water flows through it )

                    Experience is made before the law is formulated, both are related like cause an effect. Nicholas Tesla

                    In the continuing exploration of centrifugal force, I’ve built a water turbine that takes advantage of this phenomenon as its primary source of power.
                    Its design is based on the works of Victor Schauberger and Allan Cresswell. I’ve built a number of previous turbines, but for various mechanical reasons I couldn’t get them working satisfactorily. I have hopefully worked out some of those issues enough to get a working unit.
                    This is a picture of the machine I put together. The container is a cut down 55 gallon drum. The turbine is powered from a 1/3 hp 12 VDC motor. I have an amp meter in series with the DC feed to monitor power drain.
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-03-2011, 04:04 PM.
                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • #11
                      Another interesting set up inspired partly by Slider2732

                      A coil made of water appeals as an idea
                      If water was pumped, at the resonant frequency of the tree, in a spiral pattern at the base of the trunk, could it be imagined that energy would literally flow ?
                      It would be somewhat analogous to a battery circuit
                      and by Justin CHRISTOFLEAU

                      . I, a general view of this apparatus. . 2, a view of the apparatus in the shape of nonclosed, ready circle to receive at the center, the living organisms which one wishes to increase vitality.

                      In these figures the same letters of references indicate the same portions always.

                      This apparatus is composed of a tube A, formed by a steel wire rolled up in spiral.

                      Inside the formed tube by these turns, is past a copper B wire, insulated over all its length, only stripped with the two ends in order to be in contact with each of the two ends of steel tube A where it is attached, thus forming a closed circuit. In this steel tube A is also locked up a wire of soft iron C, also insulated over all its length, except at the two ends.

                      The operation of the apparatus is the following one:

                      The electricity of the atmosphere is attracted by the whole of the apparatus which forms magnetic mass and its power is increased by its passage in the steel A wire rolled up in spiral, which becomes for this cause a sensor and an amplifier of the electromagnetic forces, atmospheric electricity.
                      Justin CHRISTOFLEAU -- Electroculture book & patents

                      you get this

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-03-2011, 09:03 PM.
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
                        Good heavens yes, the Doctor's bladder pump !
                        Excellent concept and I enjoyed the videos within his recent thread here.

                        That's a similar principle of Ed Leedskalnin, as understood from reading his book.

                        One thing I personally would never do, is to knock nails into a tree and suck the living life force out of it to recharge a NiCD battery

                        And..only mildly related and a mere query not fact - what's with doubling up the wiring needed for household mains supplies ? A single wire could be just as efficient ?. The supply swaps 50 or 60 times every second as it is...doing the same job with 2 wires as opposed to with just 1.
                        If the energy from living matter were collected as a current and voltage of AC origin, then transmission would be made simpler with 1 wire, only being rectified at the other end. AC travels further than DC, without amplification en route.

                        Great posts, thanks for all this work you are putting in
                        You should check out

                        This device has been discovered by the PhD. Stanislav Avramenko in May 10th,1993
                        and a patent application has been filed. He has found a mean for transmitting
                        electrical energy via a single-wire transmission line with a minimal of losses.
                        Another clue to what i have been saying and trying to show you all along
                        remember, water and trees are fractal/constructal adaptive antennas:

                        found it in the following thread:

                        Originally posted by clueless View Post
                        That from a 2002 article. Unlike so many other promising breakthroughs this is one that has been widely implemented.
                        To further quote from the article: "The innovation, called Fractal Structure Circuit(TM) (FSC), uses fractalized conductor paths to replace the capacitors, inductors, and resistors in "RLC" circuits."
                        And another quote: ""Virtually every electronic device uses coils and capacitors to form RLC circuits. These discrete components are arranged by tried and true rules to get the circuit to perform as needed. What we've done is ask: can a fractal pattern, with its self-capacitance and self-inductance, be used to eliminate components and still get the equivalent RLC circuit? We've found that the answer is yes; and in most uses, especially at microwave frequencies, all components can be replaced by conductive fractal patterns or 3D structures."
                        And one more blurb from that article: " Looking at the Fractal Structured Circuit(TM) one sees, for example, a beautiful etched copper pattern replacing the usual traces connecting button or canned shaped capacitors and coils (or their SMT counterparts). "
                        Here is the link to that article.
                        Fractal Antenna Systems, Inc.
                        Apparently it is in wide use in cell phones, their antennas and some microwave circuits.
                        People are making homemade fractal HD antennas using coat hangers as one instance of using a common material.
                        I think this feature; fractuals should be used in some builds to take advantage of a wideband of frequencies and resonance. Maybe it will be useful in the Muller/Romerouk build.
                        For those that be interested google fractal circuits and fractal antennas.
                        I do not have the resources/space/knowledge to do any builds at the moment but I am curious enough to verify if a HD antenna can be made simply using fractals and common materials.
                        Any way something to consider.
                        -RG signing off

                        As I said water coil capacitor.... ; and we're surrounded by these " Fractal Structure Circuit(TM) (FSC),which uses fractalized conductor paths to replace the capacitors, inductors, and resistors in "RLC" circuits." all you have to do is find the resonance and amplify....a sort of Joule thief for nature's capacitors (water, trees, atc...)


                        Resonance in water.

                        If you wind 1000 turns of 26 swg enamelled copper wire around a glass bottle filled with water and then flash this coil a cross a 12 volt car battery ..... all of the protons in the bottle, that were previously aligned with earths magnetic field .... immediately realign them selves with this new field. As soon as this field collapses the protons want to realign back to Earths magnetic field. The problem is that the protons are spinning like a top and instead of a smooth precession they 'wobble' back, in the same way as a child's top wobbles as it runs down. If after flashing the coil we then connect it to a high gain frequency counter we can actually measure the 'wobble' frequency ...... and it is directly proportional to the ambient field strength. For example in Southern England ... away from any magnetic anomalies ... the wobble frequency is about 2000 Hertz. If magnetic anomalies are present then the wobble frequency will change. This is the principle of the early magnetometers.
                        ...Equipment resonance.

                        If we wire a capacitor and an inductance is series or parallel, together they form a tuned circuit, that has a resonant frequency. At resonance the voltage across the inductance or the water capacitor is at a maximum. If we want to develop a maximum voltage across either component then the frequency of stimulation must equal the resonant frequency of the tuned circuit, ie the water capacitor and two resonant chokes. At this point we have to assume that they really do form a tuned circuit. The next move is to excite that tuned circuit to find out what it's resonant frequency is. This has to be done with the water capacitor full of water, which has a dielectric constant of about 84. This means that providing the water does not short out the plates, the capacitor will have it's empty value multiplied by a factor of 84 ... since C approximates to .....

                        Where ....

                        C is the capacitance in farads, F
                        A is the area of each plate, measured in square metres
                        εr is the relative static permittivity (sometimes called the dielectric constant) of the material between the plates, (vacuum =1)
                        ε0 is the permittivity of free space where ε0 = 8.854x10-12 F/m
                        d is the separation between the plates, measured in metres

                        Searching for Magic Frequencies
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-21-2011, 05:38 PM.
                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • #13
                          picking up on building a water capacitor coil, i found this info on building a A Capacitive Transformer Tesla coil:

                          This experimental device is a 4th-order multiple resonance network where the floating elements are capacitors and all the inductors are grounded. It can be interpreted as a kind of Tesla coil where the inductive transformer is replaced by a "capacitive transformer". Its schematic diagram is as shown below.

                          C1 is charged to VC1 and the switch is closed. During the resulting transient, all the energy that was in C1 is transferred to C3+C2. C3 would be not necessary for the operation of the circuit, but its presence is unavoidable and it must be taken into account. In the actual construction, C3 and C2 are distributed capacitances. C2 is the capacitance between an interrupted metal ring connected to the lumped L1 and C1, placed around the inductor L2, and the combination of L2 and a terminal mounted above it. C3 is the remaining of the capacitance of the terminal and of L2, coupled to the ground.....
                          ....The maximum voltage gain would be 9.44. It oscillates at 276 and 290 kHz and shows complete energy transfer in 10.5 cycles (36.2 ΅s) of the voltage in C1. C3 is 54% of the load capacitance. The directly coupled system has a maximum gain of 9.53, but it operates in mode 9:10, with about twice faster energy transfer, having so better efficiency because with less cycles less energy is lost before being transferred.



                          Originally posted by nilrehob View Post
                          I just found this video:
                          (the title of this thread is the translated caption of the video)

                          YouTube - ‪capacitor as a receiver of magnetic field's energy :-)‬‏

                          It seems like the capacitor is getting charged by the magnetic field in the toroid?


                          read also this post:

                          A capacitive transformer Tesla coil

                          A transformerless Tesla coil
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-08-2011, 06:37 PM.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • #14
                            This is a great opportunity to test water as an antenna:

                            Just wanted to let everyone know that a A solar flare that erupted on Tuesday in the Sun is heading towards the Earth and Auroras to be Visible on Thursday. So this could be an opportunity for all those that have a DrStiffler Circuit, Bedini oscillator,etc... to see the effect of solar flare on radiant energy...Just wanted to point it out

                            Solar Tsunami Heading Earth's Way; Auroras to be Visible on Thursday - International Business Times
                            just to give you an idea

                            Global distribution of atmospheric water:

                            The Water Cycle: Water Storage in the Atmosphere, from USGS Water Science for Schools

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-08-2011, 05:30 PM.
                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • #15
                              I found an intriguing information, and i was wondering if these frequencies couldn't be used in our water coil:

                              Fundamental Frequencies of the Earth and the Sun

                              We will now attempt to find the correlative basis for a number of significant octave relationships based on the terrestrial Schumann Resonance and the solar hydrogen-alpha fundamental frequency....
                              .... The Schumann Resonance consists of a “chord” of subaudible infrasound extreme low frequencies of the Earth itself resonating with the uppermost atmosphere. Its fundamental tone or tonic note
                              oscillates slightly around the frequency of 7.8 Hertz (cycles per second). It also has overtones that oscillate around the frequencies of 14, 21, 26, 33, 39, and 45 cycles per second.

                              .....The octaves of 7.8 Hertz are 15.6, 31.2, 62.4, 124.8, 249.6, 499.2, 998.4, 1996.8, 3993.6, and so on up through auditory sound and then into the electromagnetic spectrum....
                              .... The frequency of 14 has octaves of 28, 56, 112, 224, 448, 896, 1792, 3584, 7168
                              .... The sixth or highest generally reported Schumann overtone is 45 Hertz which has the octaves of 90, 180, 360, 720, 1440, 2880, 5760, 11520, 23040, and so forth.


                              Resonance in water.

                              If you wind 1000 turns of 26 swg enamelled copper wire around a glass bottle filled with water and then flash this coil a cross a 12 volt car battery ..... all of the protons in the bottle, that were previously aligned with earths magnetic field .... immediately realign them selves with this new field. As soon as this field collapses the protons want to realign back to Earths magnetic field. The problem is that the protons are spinning like a top and instead of a smooth precession they 'wobble' back, in the same way as a child's top wobbles as it runs down. If after flashing the coil we then connect it to a high gain frequency counter we can actually measure the 'wobble' frequency ...... and it is directly proportional to the ambient field strength. For example in Southern England ... away from any magnetic anomalies ... the wobble frequency is about 2000 Hertz. If magnetic anomalies are present then the wobble frequency will change. This is the principle of the early magnetometers.
                              ...Equipment resonance.

                              If we wire a capacitor and an inductance is series or parallel, together they form a tuned circuit, that has a resonant frequency. At resonance the voltage across the inductance or the water capacitor is at a maximum. If we want to develop a maximum voltage across either component then the frequency of stimulation must equal the resonant frequency of the tuned circuit, ie the water capacitor and two resonant chokes. At this point we have to assume that they really do form a tuned circuit. The next move is to excite that tuned circuit to find out what it's resonant frequency is. This has to be done with the water capacitor full of water, which has a dielectric constant of about 84. This means that providing the water does not short out the plates, the capacitor will have it's empty value multiplied by a factor of 84 ... since C approximates to .....

                              Where ....

                              C is the capacitance in farads, F
                              A is the area of each plate, measured in square metres
                              εr is the relative static permittivity (sometimes called the dielectric constant) of the material between the plates, (vacuum =1)
                              ε0 is the permittivity of free space where ε0 = 8.854x10-12 F/m
                              d is the separation between the plates, measured in metres

                              Searching for Magic Frequencies

                              An electrostatic spatial resonance model for coaxial helical structures with applications to the filamentous bacteriophages.

                              It is found that coaxial helices with optimally mated symmetries can lock into spatial resonance configurations that maximize their interaction. The resonances are represented as vectors in a discrete three-dimensional space[
                              An electrostatic spatial resonance model for coaxial helical structures with applications to the filamentous bacteriophages.


                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-03-2011, 04:47 PM.
                              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

