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How to build a water coil

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  • #76
    I found this very insightful :

    Cycles, fractal patterns, and exponential functions
    If you want to understand the world as a system then you need to investigate three key components.

    Fractal patterns
    Exponential functions

    Here are some of the authors I have studied

    Fred Harrison(18 year land price cycle)
    Nokolai Kondratieff (60 year price/debt cycle)
    Oswald Spengler - book: "The Decline of the West" (1500-2000 civilisation cycles)
    Martin Armstrong (8.6 year PI cycle, fractal patterns)
    Robert Prechter (Elliott waves, fractal patterns, 300 years)
    Chris Martenson (exponential functions, 10,000 years)
    Most authors try and model the world with only one of these components. Martin Armstrong was the exception as he used 2 components (cycles and fractal patterns)

    Winston Churchill said, "The further back you look, the further forward you can see."

    So why not create a model that incorporates all three components and goes back as far as the Big Bang.

    magnetic fractals

    The software I use (FractInt) has this to say about magnetic fractals:
    These fractals use formulae derived from the study of hierarchical lattices, in the context of magnetic renormalisation transformations. This kinda stuff is useful in an area of theoretical physics that deals with magnetic phase-transitions (predicting at which temperatures a given substance will be magnetic, or non-magnetic). In an attempt to clarify the results obtained for real temperatures (the kind that you and I can feel), the study moved into the realm of Complex Numbers, aiming to spot Real phase-transitions by finding the intersections of lines representing Complex phase-transitions with the Real Axis. The first people to try this were two physicists called Yang and Lee, who found the situation a bit more complex than first expected, as the phase boundaries for Complex temperatures are (surprise!) fractals.
    One gets the feeling that perhaps FractInt's authors don't understand the science behind it any more than I do, but don't have any objections to using the formulae to make fractals. And here those formulae are:
    Magnetic Fractals

    Thunderbolts Forum • View topic - Fractals Hint at Higher Universal Laws

    Fractals Hint at Higher Universal Laws
    by junglelord »
    What seemed to be flaws in the structure of a mystery metal may have given physicists a glimpse into as-yet-undiscovered laws of the universe.

    The qualities of a high-temperature superconductor — a compound in which electrons obey the spooky laws of quantum physics, and flow in perfect synchrony, without friction — appear linked to the fractal arrangements of seemingly random oxygen atoms.

    Those atoms weren’t thought to matter, especially not in relation to the behavior of individual electrons, which exist at a scale thousands of times smaller. The findings, published Aug. 12 in Nature, are a physics equivalent of discovering a link between two utterly separate dimensions.

    “We don’t know the theory for this,” said physicist Antonio Bianconi of Rome’s Sapienza University. “We just make the experimental observation that the two worlds seem to interfere.”

    Unlike semiconductors, the metals on which modern electronics rely, superconductors allow electrons to pass through without resistance. Rather than bouncing haphazardly, the electrons’ movements are perfectly synchronized. They flow like a fluid, but without viscosity.

    For most of the 20th century, this was possible only in certain extremely pure metals at temperatures approaching absolute zero, cold enough to quench all motion but that of quantum particles, which interact with each other in ways that defy the classic laws of space and time.

    Then, in the mid-1980s, physicists Karl Muller and Johannes Bednorz discovered a class of ceramic compounds in which superconductivity was possible at much higher temperatures. The temperatures were still hundreds of degrees Fahrenheit below zero, but it wasn’t even thought possible.

    Muller and Bednorz soon won a Nobel Prize, but subsequent decades and thousands of researchers have not yielded a theory of high-temperature superconductivity. “High temperatures should destroy the quantum phenomenon,” said Bianconi, who decided to investigate another odd property of these materials: They’re not quite regular. Oxygen atoms roam inside, and assume random positions as they freeze.

    “Everyone was looking at these materials as ordered and homogeneous,” said Bianconi. That is not the case — but neither, he found, was the position of oxygen atoms truly random. Instead, they assumed complex geometries, possessing a fractal form: A small part of the pattern resembles a larger part, which in turn resembles a larger part, and so on.

    “Such fractals are ubiquitous elsewhere in nature,” wrote Leiden University theoretical physicist Jan Zaanen in an accompanying commentary, but “it comes as a complete surprise that crystal defects can accomplish this feat.”

    If what Zaanen described as “surprisingly beautiful” patterns were all Bianconi found, the results would have been striking enough. But they appear to have a function.

    In Bianconi’s samples, larger fractals correlated with higher superconductivity temperatures. When the fractal disappeared at a distance of 180 micrometers, superconductivity appeared at 32 degrees Kelvin. When it vanished at 400 micrometers, conductivity went quantum at 42 degrees Kelvin.

    At -384 degrees Fahrenheit, that’s still plenty cold, but it’s heading towards the truly high-temperature superconductivity that Bianconi describes as “the dream” of his field, making possible miniature supercomputers that run at everyday temperatures.

    However, while the arrangement of oxygen atoms appears to influence the quantum behaviors of electrons, neither Bianconi nor Zaanen have any idea how that could be. That fractal arrangements are seen in so many other systems — from leaf patterns to stock market fluctuations to the frequency of earthquakes — suggests some sort of common underlying laws, but these remain speculative.

    “This fractal defect structure is astonishing, and there is nothing in the textbooks even hinting at an explanation.”

    If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
    — Nikola Tesla

    Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
    — Junglelord.
    Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
    — Junglelord


    Inexplicable Superconductor Fractals Hint at Higher Universal Laws | Wired Science |

    post#10 updated and this post

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-03-2011, 04:48 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • #77
      Viktor Schauberger - Comprehend and Copy Nature ( a must see )

      YouTube - ‪Viktor Schauberger - Comprehend and Copy Nature‬‏

      watch the tone tower start at 60 min keep in mind the law of Octave
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-03-2011, 06:18 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • #78
        I just wanted to add some info on a previous post:

        Much Obliged IndianaBoys

        Very interesting info, It is true that the use of crystal to help tune an oscillator maybe the fastest way of getting results. We do use quartz to run our watches, why not use other type of crystal to help tune a water coil

        Short Description of Dowsing by Raymon Grace from Blue print for freedom video
        YouTube - ‪Short Description of Dowsing by Raymon Grace from Blue print for freedom‬‏

        Building a Field Broadcaster - Cosmic Pipe

        Contains plans on building a unit.

        Farming the Atmosphere

        Solar power without solar cells: A hidden magnetic effect of light could make it possible

        Light has electric and magnetic components. Until now, scientists thought the effects of the magnetic field were so weak that they could be ignored. What Rand and his colleagues found is that at the right intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger than previously expected. Under these circumstances, the magnetic effects develop strength equivalent to a strong electric effect. from the article

        Although quartz is not conductive (meaning it doesn't carry electricity like most metals such as copper), it has certain electrical properties that make it very useful for certain electronics. In particular, it is piezoelectric. "Piezoelectricity" is a word derived from the Greek word "piez" or "piezein", meaning "to press"; Piezoelectric materials are non-conductive materials which generate electricity when you subject them to pressure, and vice-versa: They undergo physical deformation when you run electricity through them. If you compressed a pice of quartz using a pair of pliers or a vise, it would generate a very small electrical charge, and if you connected a piece of quartz to either end of a battery, the crystal would bend or warp slightly. These effects are too small to be visible to the human eye; You won't actually see the crystal bending or shaking, and you won't notice sparks coming from it, but there will be very tiny effects, and these can be detected and used by electronic circuits.
        Information on electronic quartz crystals

        Quartz resonators consist of a piece of piezoelectric material precisely dimensioned and orientated with respect to the crystallographic axes. This wafer has one or more pairs of conductive electrodes, formed by vacuum evaporation. When an electric field is applied between the electrodes the piezoelectric effect excites the wafer into mechanical
        vibration. Many different substances have been investigated as possible resonators, but for many years quartz has been the preferred medium for satisfying the needs for precise frequency generation. Compared to other resonators e.g. LC circuits, mechanical resonators, ceramic resonators and single crystal materials, the quartz resonator has proved to be superior by having a unique combination of properties. The material properties of quartz crystal are both extremely stable and highly repeatable. The
        acoustic loss or internal fraction of quartz is particularly low, which results in a quartz resonator having an extremely high Q-factor.
        The intrinsic Q of quartz is 107 at 1 MHz. Mounted resonators typically have Q factors ranging from tens of thousands to several hundred thousands, orders of magnitude better than the best LC circuits. The second key property is its frequency stability with respect to temperature variations....
        ...Modes of vibration, cuts and frequency ranges
        The AT-cut resonator uses the thickness shear mode of vibration (fig.3). A standing wave is set up in the crystal blank by the reflection at both major surfaces of traverse waves travelling in the thickness direction. The major mechanical displacement is in the plane of the crystal at right angles to the direction of wave propagation. At resonance an odd number of half wave lengths are contained in the thickness plane of the crystal blank. Therefore the thickness is the primary frequency determining dimension.


        Quartz Crystals
        Electron Tubes by John Morecroft, 1933 starting page 334...
        Fixing Frequency by Piezo-electric Crystal

        Quartz Crystals

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-03-2011, 10:26 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • #79
          this is a commentary about ORMUS:

          Paramagnetic soils exhibit paramagnetic properties. The ORMUS elements also exhibit paramagnetic properties. Dr. Callahan claims that the paramagnetic soils help to couple plants to at atmospheric electromagnetic energy. The ORMUS elements provide a superconductive resonance coupling effect inside biological systems.

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • #80
            Just had a thought about this info:

            Solar power without solar cells: A hidden magnetic effect of light could make it possible

            Light has electric and magnetic components. Until now, scientists thought the effects of the magnetic field were so weak that they could be ignored. What Rand and his colleagues found is that at the right intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger than previously expected. Under these circumstances, the magnetic effects develop strength equivalent to a strong electric effect. from the article
            Isn't Distilled water non Conductive?

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-06-2011, 09:46 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • #81
              Periodic Spontaneous Energy Discharging From Neodymium Magnet - Zoom version


              This comes to mind:

              Periodic Spontaneous Energy Discharging From Neodymium Magnet - Zoom version
              YouTube - ‪Periodic Spontaneous Energy Discharging From Neodymium Magnet - Zoom version‬‏



              • #82
                Good to hear from you IndianaBoys

                I do like what i am seeing, and this needs to be reproduced (have you thought that glass under the magnet may enhance the effect also). As far as i know glass is non conductive.

                do you have any way of getting hold of quartz ash tray or plate, that may be worth to explore...

                see also:

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-06-2011, 03:45 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • #83

                  The set up was using a microscope stage.

                  Sandwiched between a high quality "quartz" microscope slide and cover piece was a thin film of ferro fluid. No cheap iron impregnated microscope slides here.

                  On top of the slide was a shiny neodymium magnet.

                  Halogen light shining up through the stage.

                  The bubble formation action is easy to reproduce.

                  It is catching the energy from the vacuum on film again that has been difficult.

                  It does pulse/cycle about 1 time per second (we are on 60 hertz here) and as time continues, it takes longer for it to cycle nearing the 2 second mark. As can be counted in the video.

                  Tom Beardon speaks of this energy in his first DVD of the series: Energy from the Vacuum.

                  Energy from the Vacuum Science Series



                  • #84
                    Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                    The set up was using a microscope stage.

                    Sandwiched between a high quality "quartz" microscope slide and cover piece was a thin film of ferro fluid. No cheap iron impregnated microscope slides here.

                    On top of the slide was a shiny neodymium magnet.

                    Halogen light shining up through the stage.

                    The bubble formation action is easy to reproduce.

                    It is catching the energy from the vacuum on film again that has been difficult.

                    It does pulse/cycle about 1 time per second (we are on 60 hertz here) and as time continues, it takes longer for it to cycle nearing the 2 second mark. As can be counted in the video.

                    Tom Beardon speaks of this energy in his first DVD of the series: Energy from the Vacuum.

                    Energy from the Vacuum Science Series

                    Thank you for clarifying the experiment for me , now that i understand it, it does sound like a variant of Kiril CHUKANOV Ball Lightning experiment


                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • #85
                      did anyone ever try quartz in the center of a rodin coil or starship coil

                      isn't the starship coil a concentrator of magnetic field , could be a nice add on to amplify the effect....

                      check this out:


                      I have been lurking and building for a couple months now, but I felt I should contribute back in true open source style, now that I have what I consider to be of interest. The following linked video shows my permutation of the OMNBB using a 24 point bifilar starship coil with a discrete high impedance generator coil operating at very high frequency, with upgraded components and some small additions. I call it the FlowerPower device.
                      The "jumpstart" motor is essentially an identical circuit, with the exception of 2 variable resistors as opposed to one, slightly different diodes, a standard bedini on a radio shack hockey puck spool, and a 1" rotor. Lucky to get 500hz on that, but that is trying to move lots more mass too. I have not tried the smaller (@?) 1/4" rotor with the hockey puck coil. I suspect performance would be similar, although there may be some gain to be exploited by starships "antenna-like" design. The starship does concentrate the magnetic field of the coil in the center, which is very handy.
                      YouTube - ‪Rodin starship coil experiments. (TEST2)‬‏

                      would love to hear about it....
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-07-2011, 10:05 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • #86
                        IndianaBoys, this maybe of interest concerning your experiment:

                        A while back i posted the following on this thread:

                        Three Soviet scientists, S. STSCHURIN, V. P. and L. KAZNACHEJEU Michailova, confirmed after more
                        than 5 000 experiments that living cells transmit information through photons (in 1981).
                        We can describe the experiments simply as follows:
                        - Cells are bathed in a nutrient solution in two spherical flasks made of quartz. The two flasks are touching
                        each other. If a cell culture is affected by a virus, or poisoned, the cells in the adjacent flask become
                        impaired every time and always have the same symptoms, whereas they should be protected from the toxic
                        influence of other cells by the quartz sides.
                        - If you use glass flasks, the second cell colony is protected.
                        - The transmission between the two colonies is made by ultraviolet radiation.
                        *** These same three Soviet scientists measured the cell radiation using a photomultiplier. "Normally living
                        cells emit a constant stream of light rays. When a virus enters cells, radiation changes: it first increases -
                        then silence – then new increase, then gradual attenuation of radiation in multiple wavesuntil the cell
                        dies. This recalls the cries of pain of an animal.
                        *** In 1974, Simon STSCHURIN, said: "The cells affected by different diseases have different radiation
                        characteristics. We are convinced that photons are able to inform us long before the onset of pernicious
                        degeneration to disclose the presence of a virus ".
                        Today, scientists worldwide are exploring this phenomenon:
                        - In Australia, the correlation between cancer and ultra-hight- throuhput radiation is under study.
                        - In Brazil, fundamental studies are being conducted to understand light transport in cells.
                        - In China, the action of light on cells is currently studied.
                        - In Japan, research is trying to make an early diagnosis of cancer from cell radiation
                        Light biology - quetanglais

                        more on info found here:

                        Biophysics And the Life Process

                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • #87
                          found some good info for you guys...

                          Silicon dioxide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          check out the Crystalline forms of SiO2 Table, for instance the α-quartz

                          Helical chains making individual single crystals optically active; α-quartz converts to β-quartz at 846 K
                          and now read this info:

                          An electrostatic spatial resonance model for coaxial helical structures with applications to the filamentous bacteriophages.

                          It is found that coaxial helices with optimally mated symmetries can lock into spatial resonance configurations that maximize their interaction. The resonances are represented as vectors in a discrete three-dimensional space[
                          An electrostatic spatial resonance model for coaxial helical structures with applications to the filamentous bacteriophages.

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • #88
                            In the MRA schematic below, there is a tunable low-power oscillator which supplies a signal to one side of a barium titanate transducer. The opposite side of the transducer is connected to a primary coil which is wrapped around a barium ferrite magnet core. The opposite end of the primary goes back to the oscillator.
                            Joel McClain & Norman Wootan: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier ~ Collected Papers

                            the barium titanate transducer:

                            An Introduction to Piezoelectric Transducer Crystals…
                            Piezoelectric Materials and their Properties


                            Piezoelectricity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            in google, search also "barium titanate quartz coupling", a lot of info is available check out pdf docs , you'll see some fractal applications in the telecom industry


                            Originally posted by totoalas View Post
                            Check out helpful
                            thank you for this nice add on, do you look for a particular figure when you charge the quartz sand:


                            i know that piezoelectric crystal are used as vibration sensors

                            Piezoelectric Materials for Vibration Sensors—The Technical
                            Advantages of Piezoceramics Versus Quartz


                            see also Piezoelectricity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-09-2011, 05:53 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • #89
                              Huifang XU, et al -- Zn Oxide photoelectrolysis

                              Abstract: Materials scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have designed a way to harvest small amounts of waste energy and harness them to turn water into usable hydrogen fuel. The process is simple, efficient and recycles otherwise-wasted energy into a usable form...
                              ....More specifically, certain piezoelectric materials, including but not limited to .alpha.-quartz (SiO.sub.2), ZnO, or BaTiO.sub.3, among others, have unique piezoelectric properties where the piezoelectricity is an intrinsic property of the material, such that no physical/chemical doping (cations or anions), chemical additives (including transition metals) or any forms of implantation are needed to create these properties. In addition, one of the materials having these properties, i.e., quartz, is also one of the most abundant minerals on the Earth's surface (i.e. beach sands). As a result, by using quartz as a material in the process, the hydrogen production via direct-water-splitting can be achieved at a low cost, and, because quartz is a natural material that is environmental friendly, no pollution issues are created by the process.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • #90
                                IndianaBoys, this is a similar set up to your experiment:

                                Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                                The set up was using a microscope stage.

                                Sandwiched between a high quality "quartz" microscope slide and cover piece was a thin film of ferro fluid. No cheap iron impregnated microscope slides here.

                                Energy from the Vacuum Science Series

                                Patrick Kelly's Notes

                                Pavel Imris was awarded a US patent in the 1970s. The patent is most interesting in that it describes a device which can have an output pwer which is more than nine times greater than the input power. He achieves this with a device that has two pointed electrodes enclosed in a quartz glass envelope which contains xenon gas under pressure (the higher the pressure, the greater the gain of the device) and a dielectric material...
                                ....An optical electrostatic generator which is effective for producing high frequencies in the visible light range of about 10^14 to 10^23 Hz. . . .
                                ...The device can be used in a flourescent lighting circuit, with motors, flash lamps, high speed controls, laser beams, high energy pulses, electrostatic particle precipitation, chemical synthesis (such as ozone generation), and charging means for high voltage generators of the VandeGraph type, as well as particle accelerators
                                The present optical electrostatic generator does not perform in accordance with the accepted norms and standards of ordinary electromagnetic frequencies.
                                now it does

                                Solar power without solar cells: A hidden magnetic effect of light could make it possible

                                Light has electric and magnetic components. Until now, scientists thought the effects of the magnetic field were so weak that they could be ignored. What Rand and his colleagues found is that at the right intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger than previously expected. Under these circumstances, the magnetic effects develop strength equivalent to a strong electric effect. from the article
                                Pavel Imris: Optical Electrostatic Generator -- 900% Efficiency

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-10-2011, 10:59 AM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

