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How to build a water coil

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  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
    just started watching Dr. John V. Milewski: Growing Gold from Glass in a Microwave video, and one sentence caught my attention:

    reminds me of the pyramid with gold on the top and quartz in the bottom. And if so, it respect the self similarities of a fractal system, in other words

    as above so below, from within so without...i would really like your opinion on that IndianaBoys

    talking about pyramid: from

    it is also good to know, when you mention Pyramid shape is that this particular shape is perfect for the creation of fractal resonance


    Magnetite is in the isometric crystal system where the crystal axes are the same length and at right angles to each other.

    Magnetite: Magnetite mineral information and data.

    Fire Pinto has some great coil building abilities and he may be drawing the parallel with the fractal concept you have been following with Rodin's 3,6,9. He has some incredible patience to build those coils!

    This is Marko's drawing showing the emanations coming from the center hole of the torus. I don't think there is anything wrong with this, though it is putting the cart before the horse as they say. I think the part that is wrong is showing these emanations activating the 3, 6, and 9. I believe they are activated by their own fractal center. These fractal torus's are what create the emanations coming from center of the picture above.

    The Official Site of Firepinto

    Then we have 2tombarnett at YouTube:


    This guy has some great creative expression happening!



    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
      Could I ask you to try a different variation of the experiment, by trying a star coil or rodin coil. From the videos at each burst of energy, the fluid "seems" to follow the field created by the neodymium magnet. So why not concentrate it using a starcoil...maybe

      How do you propose setting up/incorporating the Rodin coil to do this?

      The magnet you see under the microscope is tiny and their is limited real estate for a Rodin coil.



      • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

        How do you propose setting up/incorporating the Rodin coil to do this?

        The magnet you see under the microscope is tiny and their is limited real estate for a Rodin coil.


        the basic component of this experiment are: (without the microsocope)

        2 plate of quartz
        1 halogen light
        ferromagnetic fluid
        neodymium magnet/rodin coil

        and a well placed camera , correct me if i missed something

        ‪FerroFluid Rodin Coil Rotation‬‏ - YouTube

        ‪M.I.T. HELE-SHAW FERROHYDRODYNAMICS‬‏ - YouTube notice the mandalas being created
        you should check out this post:

        rodin coil 3 6 9

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-16-2011, 08:33 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

          Magnetite is in the isometric crystal system where the crystal axes are the same length and at right angles to each other.

          Magnetite: Magnetite mineral information and data.

          now we have a fractal system, i like the sound of that, thank you IndianaBoys for the info

          The Isometric Crystal System

          This is Marko's drawing showing the emanations coming from the center hole of the torus. I don't think there is anything wrong with this, though it is putting the cart before the horse as they say. I think the part that is wrong is showing these emanations activating the 3, 6, and 9. I believe they are activated by their own fractal center. These fractal torus's are what create the emanations coming from center of the picture above.
          ps: i think you forgot to post rodin's coil picture , i am having a bit of trouble understanding what you meant (as you probably noticed, i am very much a visual person )

          but if i understood correctly, you believe the fractal structure of the magnetites that created the burst of energy, which maybe so but if so as Benoit Mandelbrot. puts it

          "Think not of what you see, but what it took to produce what you see.” -

          so let's say we found the first fractal (ie fractal in magnetite) in the fractal engine where do we find the second fractal that contains the first one , i hope i'm not being to confusing

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-16-2011, 08:39 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            now we have a fractal system, i like the sound of that, thank you IndianaBoys for the info

            The Isometric Crystal System

            ps: i think you forgot to post rodin's coil picture , i am having a bit of trouble understanding what you meant (as you probably noticed, i am very much a visual person )

            but if i understood correctly, you believe the fractal structure of the magnetites that created the burst of energy, which maybe so but if so as Benoit Mandelbrot. puts it

            so let's say we found the first fractal (ie fractal in magnetite) in the fractal engine where do we find the second fractal that contains the first one , i hope i'm not being to confusing


            Those were Fire Pintos words.

            Here is a more direct link from where I pulled that quote and you will see the rodin's coil pictures he was referring to:

            Rodin Math

            I do have a better line on your request, it will take time to pull the necessary items together before I can give it a whirl.




            • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

              Those were Fire Pintos words.

              Here is a more direct link from where I pulled that quote and you will see the rodin's coil pictures he was referring to:

              Rodin Math

              I do have a better line on your request, it will take time to pull the necessary items together before I can give it a whirl.


              I have been reading the link you provided, although i will need to reread it and again to truly grasp the details, but if i may, from what i have read so far and to simplify it a bit,

              the numerical system firepinto presents, literally respects the instruction given in the emerald tablet, isn't that correct.

              What is the above is from the below and the below is from the above. The work of wonders is from one.
              And all things sprang from this essence through a single projection

              give me a little time to digest Firepinto's theory....

              one remark i would like to make: Rodin's torus Math plays a key role in the fractal universe, there maybe then a fractal number of mathematical concept leading up to the torus....
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • transfering info from:

                Originally posted by petar113507 View Post
       - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

                On a side note --
                Monisuer M, your idea about a cell atop a tesla coil is very interesting. What did you imagine would be the condition of the water (the fractal antenna) entering the high voltage field? (liquid, or vapor?)

                Would you elaborate a little on why you would combine those two? I think I understand, but I'd like to be sure.

                Very good ideas

                Thank you petar113507 , I will let Dr Tesla answer for me, if that is alright

                This invention, which I have described in technical publications, attempts to imitate, in a very crude way, the nervous system in the human body.' Nicolas Tesla
                if so what would be the missing component in Dr Tesla's set up

                just a thought but if Dr Tesla was using a spherical grid instead in his Colorado Springs, instead of a solid sphere (usually found in lab models) because he needed water inside the sphere found in the atmosphere... (just noticed this little detail)

                (liquid, or vapor?)
                you got me, here, i would follow Dr Tesla inspiration and go with liquid but this is just speculation...this is were experimentation takes over...sorry if this does not answer fully your question

                Thank you again petar113507


                Originally posted by petar113507 View Post
       - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

                Multiple interpertations of the emerald tablet.

                I think they are an interesting set of instructions.

                As it should be , if you consider The emerald tablet is key to the fractal universe, why would you consider the tablet "one dimensional"

                Not to derail the topic, but Has anyone actually crystalized ORME's from morning dew, and consume it, as the tablet suggests?
                not having done it personally but this site talks about it:

                Morning Dew method 3


                here is a little brain exercise, mixing both the Emerald Tablet and Tesla Coil...most of you are quite familiar with the basic principle on how the Tesla Coil works, right?

                Try to find these in the Emerald Tablet (and don't forget water)

                think of it as an exercise in translation...

                This is why Thrice Hermes was exalted with wisdom.
                If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
                — Nikola Tesla

                1. three times, as in succession; on three occasions or in three ways.
                2. in threefold quantity or degree.
                3. very; extremely.

                1. raised or elevated, as in rank or character; of high station: an exalted personage.
                2. noble or elevated; lofty: an exalted style of writing.
                3. rapturously excited

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-17-2011, 12:47 AM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  Thank you petar113507 , I will let Dr Tesla answer for me, if that is alright

                  if so what would be the missing component in Dr Tesla's set up

                  just a thought but if Dr Tesla was using a spherical grid instead in his Colorado Springs
                  , instead of a solid sphere (usually found in lab models) because he needed water inside the sphere found in the atmosphere... (just noticed this little detail)

                  you got me, here, i would follow Dr Tesla inspiration and go with liquid but this is just speculation...this is were experimentation takes over...sorry if this does not answer fully your question

                  Thank you again petar113507
                  from post :

                  Originally posted by lamare View Post
                  You know what?

                  Gravity and the electric field is one and the same thing!

                  And that also explains the TT Brown effect....

                  Exactly, they belong to the same fractal engine... and water is its fuel....

                  see post:

                  Biefeld–Brown effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  for illustration purpose:

                  Behind every apparent law that governs the universe is a fractal/constructal system, and i would add that water is its fuel

                  his tower was using a combination of ttbrown effect + a variation of Kelvin experiment to get charged water inside the sphere.....

                  Colorado Springs Relative Humidity -
                  Relative humidity of Colorado Springs including average monthly and annual data

                  Colorado Springs Relative Humidity -

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-17-2011, 03:41 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                    What also came to mind with the experiments we did may connect to Ormus being a gas:

                    Periodic Spontaneous Energy Discharging From Neodymium Magnet - Zoom version
                    ‪Periodic Spontaneous Energy Discharging From Neodymium Magnet - Zoom version‬‏ - YouTube

                    Energetic Fly By Zoomed In and Slowed Down 6X
                    ‪Energetic Fly By Zoomed In and Slowed Down 6X‬‏ - YouTube

                    Energetic Fly By 2
                    ‪Energetic Fly By 2‬‏ - YouTube

                    The phenomena you see in the videos i believe is related to the ormus gas John Milewski and David Hudson speak of. The components are heat (from focused halogen lamp of microscope), ferro fluid (nanoparticles of magnetite), quartz glass (ferro fluid is sandwiched between the high quality microscope slides).

                    ORMUS IS A GAS

                    ORMUS IS A GAS by John V. Milewski

                    IndianaBoys, Just a thought i would like your opinion on it, if ORMUS is a GAS, what is its relation to ORGON

                    Ever since i started teaching myself about ormus and orgon, i always had the feeling that it was the one and the same

                    check this vid out :

                    ‪Orgonite - effects of orgon on vegetables, animals and water‬‏ - YouTube


                    reminds me of the pyramid with gold on the top and quartz in the bottom. And if so, it respect the self similarities of a fractal system, in other words

                    ORMUS and Pyramids

                    The story accompanying the pyramid image is about the pyramid energy research of Mary and Dean Hardy of Allegan, Michigan. The Hardys once took a gold coin and hung at the King's Chamber level of a Great Pyramid scale replica. After some time the gold coin got a clear "oil" on it and the gold was etched away under the drops of oil. Another pyramid experimenter replicated the Hardy's experiment. Joshua Gulick suggests that the pyramid is the alchemists "secret fire". He says that he has used this secret fire to dissolve metallic gold into the alchemical/m-state oil of gold and that this oil of gold dried into, first a white powder, then a red powder

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-17-2011, 11:30 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • At a "pyramid energy" workshop that I attended in the mid seventies, Patrick Flanagan described how he could dowse the vortex energy from the peak of a pyramid on every floor directly above the apex as high as he went in a tall building. He said the energy was undiminished by distance above the apex. Flanagan developed a pyramid grid to take advantage of this apex energy. A kirlian photograph of this pyramid grid is shown below:
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • just found this very nice german website on cymatics while watching a doc on crop circles:

                        WasserKlangBilder, Klangfiguren, A. Lauterwasser, Klangwellen, Überlingen

                        and if you are curious about crop circles, here is the doc i found it in:

                        New swirled order want to watch the cymatics animation go to 14:30 min of the vid

                        ‪New swirled order‬‏ - YouTube

                        Where does this mysterious crop circle phenomena come from? Is it done by man as a joke? So why do people have extraordinary experiences then? Flying ball of lights were seen in and around crop cirlces. Or is it an alien intelligence which try to communicate with us? The geometry which can be found in crop circles, inculed a lot of mathematics which can be also found in nature.
                        I would like to also read the following:

                        Underground Water and Crop Circles - Article by Glenn Broughton

                        Put very simply we are stating that there is always underground water present where crop formations occur.

                        again water
                        ...why am i not surprised

                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post


                          As it should be , if you consider The emerald tablet is key to the fractal universe, why would you consider the tablet "one dimensional"

                          here is a little brain exercise, mixing both the Emerald Tablet and Tesla Coil...most of you are quite familiar with the basic principle on how the Tesla Coil works, right?

                          Try to find these in the Emerald Tablet (and don't forget water)

                          think of it as an exercise in translation...

                          1. three times, as in succession; on three occasions or in three ways.
                          2. in threefold quantity or degree.
                          3. very; extremely.

                          1. raised or elevated, as in rank or character; of high station: an exalted personage.
                          2. noble or elevated; lofty: an exalted style of writing.
                          3. rapturously excited


                          The Isisian Codes

                          ‪Red Ice radio - 2.1.2011 - 3/6 - The Isisian Codes‬‏ - YouTube
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-18-2011, 03:54 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                            Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
                            This is light ethericity being converted into a stable and usable form so similar to electricty that the device requiring energy can not differentiate.
                            I would differ with you on this, I do not think of ethericity as being "converted" but scaled down (or up maybe)to a fractal level where we can harness it.

                            think of the pyramid as an ethericity spiderweb (which is also fractal ) that captures that fast flying energy and slow it down (or scaled down) to a useful energy for us

                            From the experiment with the car battery you can see the principle how permanent magnets are made by North and South Pole individual magnet currents running in a single wire from battery. How did the magnets get in there? As I said in the beginning, the North and South Pole magnets they are the cosmic force, they hold together this earth and everything on it. Some metals and non-metals have more of the magnets than others. The North and South Pole magnets have the power to build up and take down, for instance in welding, in electroplating they put one metals on the other, and if you burn a metal too much in an electric furnace the metal will disappear in air.
                            Edward Leedskalnin: Magnetic Current

                            Now I get it, if i adopt the view of Edward Leedskalnin on Magnetic Current, it makes more sense why:

                            Felix Ehrenhaft: Magnetic Current --- 9 articles

                            Can a magnet take water to pieces? No, say physics textbooks. Yes, says Prof. Felix Ehrenhaft, former director of the Physical Institute at the University of Vienna, who now carries on his research in New York. If he should turn out to be right, his findings in the realm of magnetism promise practical applications as far-reaching as the dynamos, motors, transformers, telephones, and radio that have stemmed from Faraday’s research in electricity.

                            note: this does not mean that Edward Leedskalnin on Magnetic Current is the only correct one, remember what i posted earlier if it is key to a Fractal Universe, it can only be fractal also meaning that there isn't one way of defining it, it adapts to "the song (if you know how) you want to dance with it "

                            don't you think
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • to prove to you the many uses of the Emerald Tablet, think of what Edward Leedskalnin said

                              As I said in the beginning, the North and South Pole magnets they are the cosmic force, they hold together this earth and everything on it.
                              or magnetism if you prefer

                              when you read this:

                              It states:

                              What is the above is from the below and the below is from the above. The work of wonders is from one.
                              And all things sprang from this essence through a single projection. How marvelous is its work! It is the principle [sic] part of the world and its custodian.
                              Its father is the sun and its mother is the moon. Thus the wind bore it within it and the earth nourished it.

                              Now read the same above quote with this in mind

                              WATER IN THE UNIVERSE

                              The Paper

                              Moon Has a Hundred Times More Water Than Thought

                              Magmatic water - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              see also what i posted a while back, you might be suprised :

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-19-2011, 12:10 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • I just wanted to point out an info i posted earlier:

                                just a thought but if Dr Tesla was using a spherical grid instead in his Colorado Springs experiment[/COLOR], instead of a solid sphere (usually found in lab models) because he needed water inside the sphere found in the atmosphere... (just noticed this little detail)
                                as for underground transmission:

                                Magmatic water - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

