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Free Energy as in Freedom

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  • Free Energy as in Freedom

    Free Energy is not about getting something from nothing.

    It has nothing to do with money.

    Money has been artificially associated with power, and power-over has been artificially associated with freedom.

    Free Energy is about being grateful for what has been provided to us.

    The energy we need to survive comes to us freely from our environment, from the earth, from the sun, from the galaxy.

    True freedom is to create your life in the way that feels the best to you. To paint the canvas of your life the way that you love the most.

    True freedom also means unconditionally granting this same freedom to everyone and everything else you interact with.

  • #2
    F.R.E.E= Free Renewable Energie for Everyone
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • #3
      Great themes and acronym, will put it to good use guys . its about the UNIVERSAL in us, we are all children of the universe and have the birth right to the gifts the universe has and can live in abundance and with out subjugation, it applies to all creeds and races.

      FE is the policing NEEDED to change humanities course in history, this birth right is some thing to prevent those that would segregate others for profit and damage our children lands. Here we go, now this will be a philosophy thread its also a reminder to get your butt in the shop

      Love this

      True freedom also means unconditionally granting this same freedom to everyone and everything else you interact with.-end


      • #4
        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
        F.R.E.E= Free Renewable Energie for Everyone
        I like that!!

        Free Renewable Energie for Everyone
        Smile it doesn't hurt!

        Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


        • #5
          Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
          Great themes and acronym, will put it to good use guys . its about the UNIVERSAL in us, we are all children of the universe and have the birth right to the gifts the universe has and can live in abundance and with out subjugation, it applies to all creeds and races.

          FE is the policing NEEDED to change humanities course in history, this birth right is some thing to prevent those that would segregate others for profit and damage our children lands. Here we go, now this will be a philosophy thread its also a reminder to get your butt in the shop

          Love this

          True freedom also means unconditionally granting this same freedom to everyone and everything else you interact with.-end

          It was intended to be a philosophy thread. Glad you enjoyed it

          May all beings be free from suffering


          • #6
            Ok, a little more philosophy. I am intending to draw a parallel between the Free Energy movement and the Free Software movement.

            The Free Software movement is about more than getting something for no money.

            It is about the freedom to pop the hood and tinker. You can download the source, so if you want to, you can learn how it works, or you can modify it to suit your unique need.

            Have you seen in cars recently how they hide all the parts of the engine behind plastic to discourage tinkerers?

            When was the last time you popped open your laptop and modified the motherboard?

            This is more than just a discussion about whether to use oil or hydrogen, or whether to use an all electric car or a hybrid.

            It's about the freedom to increase the range of your own capabilities. The freedom to learn how to build something yourself, and how to modify something that someone else has built.

            This rallying cry comes from our basements, our garages, our spare bedroom. It certainly doesn't come from the boardrooms of those that are already powerful.


            • #7
              Originally posted by 7imix View Post
              Ok, a little more philosophy. I am intending to draw a parallel between the Free Energy movement and the Free Software movement.

              The Free Software movement is about more than getting something for no money.

              It is about the freedom to pop the hood and tinker. You can download the source, so if you want to, you can learn how it works, or you can modify it to suit your unique need.

              Have you seen in cars recently how they hide all the parts of the engine behind plastic to discourage tinkerers?

              When was the last time you popped open your laptop and modified the motherboard?

              This is more than just a discussion about whether to use oil or hydrogen, or whether to use an all electric car or a hybrid.

              It's about the freedom to increase the range of your own capabilities. The freedom to learn how to build something yourself, and how to modify something that someone else has built.

              This rallying cry comes from our basements, our garages, our spare bedroom. It certainly doesn't come from the boardrooms of those that are already powerful.
              Very well said 7imix, I think it is time we brcome free again, as an example, free to have a high potential lighting system in you're home and to build it our self. This way we can fix it our self and provide power to it ourself, mine will be different from you're but I probably got some idea's from you and you me, this is humanity helping each other.

              We should be free from all the stupid rule's that cannot be enforced and should not be. As long as I do not use the utility company power I should be allowed to build any use electrical device or system I please. But i'm sure there are laws against it, I'm curently trying to design a HV flashlight with an ignition coil in it, it will have shock probe's aswell to tickle the animals if they get stroppy.


