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The magnificent Super joule Thief...a new direction?

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  • The magnificent Super joule Thief...a new direction?

    I was shown about the joule thief while discussing my ideas for perpetual energy, well technically it would be an overuntiy device. However, i viewed many videos on the subject but can't help but to notice that while although this new technology is exciting and expanding it is has no direction. It seems that everyone is simply trying new things, which is not neccesarily a bad thing, yet it seems you are building a road to nowhere. Unless I am simply unaware of the direction you all are going due to my lack of being able to see the "Big Picture".
    I can imagine the guy that built the jet engine was probably thinking that his engine would propell mankind into outerspace. And while shooting for a loftier goal which he never reached managed to bring mankind into a focused exploration. And we all know that this goal was eventually reached. However, it took the combined knolwedge of many and a few failures before being able to break earths gravity. My point is this. I think I have a focus for your knowlege of Joule thief's.
    I watched a few video's on the subject and at first was not really impressed by it. Lighting a few LED's in a different way from the standard just didn't seem too exciting and seemed very limited. But when I saw that someone added another component then another component to expand it's abilities I thought it was magnificient. Now just so you understand I am shooting for the loftier goal of an overunity device, which you may or may not beleive in, and I may never achieve it but with your help maybe we could create a jet engine. Our 'jet engine' or should I say an achievable goal would be portable and usable lighting. This obvioulsy could have various uses from camping and home lighting to even street lighting. And I am very sure this could easily be acheived by simply changing a single component. Your LED's. You are all using 5mm led's which have a max potential of about 7 lumen. Now when added up it shows a little potential but you have to realize that the common CFL produces 1,500 lumen and it takes several CFL lights to sufficiently luminate a room. However, if you used a highpower LED this could change everything. Now before you roll your eyes and think of clicking off of this thread first realize that I understand that this revolutionary circuitry can not create a large current. Therefore I am not speaking of the average LED which runs off of 3 volts and 1 amp only to create 300 lumen of light. I am speaking of a new LED which runs from high voltage and low amperage, specifically 50 volts and twenty milliamperes. Or even 200 volts an twenty Milliamperes. The 50 volt LED creates 90 lumen a piece and the 200 volt LED creates 350 lumen. If I am correct the 50 volt LED is only 3.5mm by 3.5mm and the 200 volt led is 6mm x 6mm. This is nearly the same as what you are already using vice the voltage. Obviously it would be more beneficial to shoot for the 200 volt LED, which creates 350 lumen per LED. And seeing that the joule thief has the potential to create and sustain high voltage then when then 50 of these are placed in parralel as the 5mm LED's are then you could create 17,500 lumen vice the 100 you are producing. This is the equivalent or greater than the best street lighting available right now. This I beleive your 'jet engine' that you can surely acheive. However by adding the SEC and exciting other arrays of LED's, as I have seen is possible, then an OU device is poossible. Now you use batteries as the input power but I would suggest a solar panel. Some have already done this so it is not like I am saying anything new but here is the difference. You could close the circuit by creating about 3000 lumen from youe LED's and pointing them back at the input device (solar panel). This is perpetual energy and acheivable if you think about it. Of course it is useless until you excite other LED's to create extra light. This extra light could then be pointed at a completely different set of solar panels to create extra energy. And this would be the OU device, which is simply an extension of the original joule thief. Now if you contemplate it and do the math you will quicly realize that you will only need to light (9) 200 volt LED's to create the required 3000 lumen to close the loop. I have seen a man light hundreds of a single set up brightly. If you only had 50 in the original set up(on one board) then the other 41 would be extra light which would translate into extra energy. The place to get these LED's are at a website called "everlight LED". They can be found by going to products, High power, HV(1w,2w & 4w). Give serious contemplation to what I have said because it is possible and you know it is. I can add nothing new to what you already know but I have given you all a common direction. In my humble opinion you are building a road to nowhere combine your knowledge and focus on a single goal and you can achieve something magnificent!...Shawn Weed