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magnificent super joule thief...a new direction

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  • magnificent super joule thief...a new direction

    I was recently discussing perpetual energy with someone that showed me a joule thief. I was not terribly excited by it until I saw the modifications that many of you have made. By adding components and using exciter methods you have made an ordinarry thing extraordinary. And while their has been great progression it seems that you have no direction.
    I can imagine the gentlemen that created the jet engine thought that his invention would surely break gravity and be able to reach loftier heights. And in his progress to reach the stars was at least able to touch the sky. Many years later we are in space and his dream while unattained by himself was eventually attained by the vision he left behind. My vision is the same I want to touch the stars. However if I only manage to touch the sky then that is fine. What I am talking about is a new direction. While I applaud the progress, a road to nowhere never gets finished. So I am propossing nothing new. I am simply giving you guys a common goal, as it were.
    If you guys, using the same methods of using the 'Super Joule thief" double varient along with High Voltage techniques and SEC could attain a larger goal then ever previously thought. By using High Voltage LED's that run from 50 volts and 20ma, or using the larger version which is 200 volts and 20ma. could create boundless light. I watched a man light about 150 LED's from a single set up and by exciting them managed to bring the whole lot of them to near full brightness or potential. I watched another man spool wire on the body of a pen, instead of the using a torroid, and was able to adjust the frequencies of energy(input) going into the set up. I watched another man using the principles of 'wireless transfer of energy' light up a secondary set of LED's from the primary group. If this can be done with low power LED's then what is to stop this from being done with High Voltage and Low Amerage LED's? Nothing that I can determine but then again you know the technology better than I do.
    The 50 volt LED's create 90 lumen apiece and are only 3.5mm x 3.5mm. The 200 volt LED's create 350 lumen and are 6mm x 6mm. These are not much different from the size of LED's and are the exact mA as the low voltage LED's. Instead of creating 100 lumen how about creating 17,000 lumen or more?
    Do you realize that with using only (9) 350 lumen LED's that you could create 3,000 lumen of light. And that if you used a solar panel as the input device rather than a 1.5 volt battery that you could create enough light to 'close the loop' if you pointed those (9) 200 volt LED's back at the primary Input device(PV cell). Do you not realze that this is possible and is perpetual energy. And if you excited say another 40 LED's of the same magnitude that you could create an OU device, with twice the energy potential as the sun, by pointing those extra LED's at another solar panel? I know that nothing that I have said today is new news to you. But it is a common goal and a direction for you. And if you lack the imagination not to envision what I have or simply disagree then that is fine. Don't reach for the stars(OU energy) but at least reach for the sky(perpetual energy). Or at the very least make a nice bright portable light for your house...Shawn Weed
    P.S. if you want to check the specs on the LED's just go to Everlight LED, products, visible led components, high power, HV(1w,2w & 4w)...think about it!