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E-Cat OU???

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  • E-Cat OU???

    I just saw a Andrea Rossi E-Cat video demonstration on Youtube.

    A major discrepancy was point out to me in this demonstration. The steam production is nowhere near what is being claimed. The numbers dont jive with the video!

    Quote, Motor Guy, from readers comments
    "Rossi's steam output energy calculations are at vast odds with the observable output.

    Steven Krivit tried to nail down the output energy measurements. He asked for clear statements of the methods and the results. He didn't get them. What he did get was a peek at the output of one discharge hose. Steven recorded this video: YouTube - ‪2011 - Andrea Rossi Explains His Energy Catalyzer‬‏. Pay attention beginning around eleven minutes. Rossi held the discharge hose up to a black T shirt to show the steam coming out. About a minute later, he said that the amount of water being processed is: 7l/h. A quick back of the envelope calculation translates 7l/h water to 11,900 l/h steam at 1 ATM and 100C. That works out to more than 3l/s vapor from the hose. To my eyeballs the hose ID is 1-1.5cm or around 0.8 - 2sq cm. Let's call it 1.5sq cm. 3l/s through a 1.5sq cm opening requires a linear velocity of 2000cm/s. My eyeballs see vapor moving at a few to perhaps 10cm/s. Even if my old eyes are off by a factor of ten, the flow rate is a small percentage of the steam equivalent of 7l/h.

    We might guess that the velocity is way off because of condensation in the hose. In that case we can translate the 7l/h to the amount of water that should have condensed on the shirt. 7l/h is just under 2g/s = 2ml/s. They held the hose to the shirt for between ten and fifteen seconds. There should have condensed 20ml - 30ml water. That's enough to make the shirt pretty wet. The shirt looked quite dry when they pulled the hose away. I don't know about you, but when a demonstration of a fantastical claim doesn't back the claim I don't become a believer."

    The steam looks to be closer to 3 Liters Per Minute than 3Liters Per Second!!! Something is not right

  • #2
    Are comments being edited out ?
    The one you quote isn't under the YouTube vid and in fact the only negative one was from just 1 hour ago (with 2 thumbs up).
    Must say, to a laymans eyes, a kitchen kettle kicks out more that this demo showed.


    • #3

      That comment from Motor Guy was from the latest PESwiki news article.

      I did not even know about that video until Motor Guy pointed it out. I'm still not ready to write the E cat off. I'm hoping someone can explain this discrepancy and show us the E-Cat putting out some real energy.
      Last edited by Roland; 06-21-2011, 09:53 PM.


      • #4
        The video is edited a good bit at the point of the steam viewing. But best i could tell, the Hydrogen was NOT hooked up to the reactor.

        Maybe it was just in standby mode


        • #5
          The (coast to coast) radio talk show with Dr Rossi:
          YouTube - ‪Dr. Rossi talks about the Energy Catalyzer on USA national radio‬‏


          • #6
            Well well, it seems to me that if the steam is only 100 degrees celcius as soon as it is put under any pressure it will become hot water again, also the steam looks to me like only about 1/3 of a liter per second if that much.

            The energy content of the hydrogen needs to be taken into account too.

            My concern is that the steam produced in that video is next to useless, they sell steam cleaners on the Late night TV adds that make more steam than that, lots more.

            They are selling manufactring rights ?

            If I were to be convinced I would need to see it actually generating electrical power, why don't they hook it up to a turbine and generator ?

            The amount of steam leaving that pipe has no hope whatsoever of producing anywhere near the input power of the device, not even close.

            I don't believe it, I agree there is something very very wrong there.

            He also become's very defensive, if it were in fact OU he should laugh when the validity is questioned. Because he should have proof.

            The only thing I see in that video is a very expensive and inefficient steam maker.

            That much steam at room pressure cannot make 748 watts of electrical power not on you're nelly, no way.

            Last edited by Farmhand; 07-11-2011, 11:46 PM.

