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who has achived cop>1 ? then hopfully reaching a little higher consciousness

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  • who has achived cop>1 ? then hopfully reaching a little higher consciousness

    just a simple question.

    1st. who here has achieved it(cop>1 and with what device?

    2nd. Also who has achieved cop>1 on a purely electrical stand point mean i put in x electric energy and at the end get >x(greater then x) electric energy(meaning ignoring the fact that it does work, if the device does do work)

    3rd. who has build a device that runs itself or powers its self?

    consider this a low tech, word of mouth form of proof.

    i know cop>1 exist and ill use real examples people cant avoid(meaning the ones the norm of people accept) like solar panels x energy in greater then x energy comes out(over its life time),
    sun/heating exp heat pump,wind power, water power(rivers, tides, dames...),geothermal would be greater then x and nuclear(although i don't like nuclear energy i think its negatives offset any positives) and im sure many more that i did not list
    so i clearly know as should everyone that cop>1 is totally an attainable goal, it been attained all over the world many many times. However i have noticed that there is this resistance to the idea that cop>1 is attainable, also that it is attainable threw a different medium like zero point energy,vacuum energy, radiant energy,gravity,magnetic's...

    what i would like this thread to convey is this.

    that although, at this moment i have not or at lest that i am aware of have achieved cop>1(just got into it, im an experimenter so im gonna experiment) although i have see a lot of practical video's and read reasonable material explaining why these other forms of energy could lead to cop>1 which i think they can, it would still be comforting to see a large number of individuals to be able to say yup i have.

    the second thing i would like this to convey is

    that although there are skeptics(which by the way is not a bad thing necessarily-to me everything depends on its contexts) there are also interested individuals looking for a little peer confirmation(kinda like me creating this thread). So the take away moment is if you encounter a skeptic or resistance instead of going on the offensive or defensive, present your (i guess ill call it argument for lack of a better word) argument with neutrality, first if its cop>1 doesn't exist give him the examples that at first he can relate to like the solar panel,wing mill... then explain there are other forms of naturally occurring energy that have not been taped into or have been that he is unaware of and this is one of them devices, from this point i see 1 or 2 thing happening. 1 the person will refuse to see that there is actually logic in your reasoning and it might need a deeper look, or actual investigation/testing done or 2 the person will see that there actually is logic in your reasoning and it might need a deeper look, or actual investigation/testing done(meaning bringing a new member to the fold or maybe better said bringing light into a clouded mind) . if 1 happens then i suggest not to waste your time as a good zen saying goes (thous that know don't need to be told and thous that don't know rarely listen) however 2 can happen.

    one thing iv noticed that is sometimes happening is when someone is asking is that cop>1 there is a rejection to the individual for asking the question or ignoring the question and then these same people complain about how stupid everyone is and im wondering why that should take place, that doesn't make sense to me. im pretty sure you weren't born knowing you could get cop>1(im pretty sure there was a time when you couldn't read). Remember that those people are your human brothers and sisters and they are not so much different then you, you both have a that wants to give love and receive love, and you both can feel pain. So be conscious about how you approach your fellow brother or sister. if you try it this way you might be better received, and if not at lest less frustrated give it a try make an experiment out of it .

    Don't focus on the problem focus on the solution.

  • #2
    I don't think you got a reply for a number of reasons. Is it a trick question from a skeptic? Maybe noone wants to be attacked for just repeating what others have said and done or maybe the answer is far more involved than people are prepared to give. I will assume your questions are genuine.

    I know it is difficult to trawl through all the threads to find the answers you seek but if you do you will find all the answers and much more so I encourage you to do so. My answers will be short and sweet and will give you a clue as to where to start looking.

    1) I have. A Bedini SSG or fan can easily do this, 90+% efficiency of charging plus 25+% motor function. A COP of 1.2 is normal on these home made devices.

    2) Not sure if I have, more testing required, using an SSG but with a different battery setup, Tesla switch style. The SSG gives near 1 to1 charging but if we put two batteries in series as the supply and two batteries in parallel on the return we also get around a 50+% efficiency charge on these batteries. Add the two up and you get an electrical COP of 1.4+. I am currently testing this.

    3) The proof is actually doing it, as of yet I haven't.

    In physics it is normal to have a COP of 2, "What???" I hear you say? yes. Take the law that says each action has an equal and opposite reaction, the action puts in x amount of energy and the reaction opposes it with an equal amount. 1+1=2.

    We are not breaking any laws of physics here, we are not creating any new energy, it is just that we have a second input that we normally ignore; that is the environment. Think about it like this, when you move water with your hand in a swimming pool, does only a handful of water move or does a much larger amount move? What we are doing is collecting energy from the disturbance in the environment. This is exactly what the SSG does to charge batteries.

    In my answer to your second question you will see that the transfer of energy from the two input batteries to the two batteries on the return is as you would expect with some losses. the amount of losses appears to be equal to the mechanical output from the motor action plus the heat and friction. This would mean that the energy charging the batteries on the Bedini circuit is all for free. The difficulty in making a self running device is that not all the outputs are in the same place and we cannot connect directly to the source because that would cause a short circuit.

    Now I challenge you to build a Bedini SSG or fan and test it, you will find it inspirational and a great way of learning.


    • #3
      thank you that was a good answer. i am sincerely interested and have been using all of my free time reading/watching/learning everything i could on the subject matter and am very excited sense i took a good look at it and saw no reason why these effects couldn't happen . i got overwhelmed by all the options and i guess trying to shake out something that would lead the way. kinda stuck in the quote "i can show you the door but you must walk threw it" stuck looking at the door trying to see on the other side lol so now ill just experiment my way to the answers going on threw the door. ssg looks like a good start then Stanly Meyers fuel cell. i appreciate the response


      • #4
        My fridge has COP>1, however, I didn't build it.
        SSG alone may not reach 1 but combined with formatted battery will exceed that quite easily.

        'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

        General D.Eisenhower


        • #5
          I was also going to suggest the fridge.

          Another option is to do a search of this forum for: "Atomic hydrogen furnace with COP of 21" <- it's the title of the thread.

          . . .
          Regular service Signature:
          Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


          • #6
            Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
            My fridge has COP>1, however, I didn't build it.
            SSG alone may not reach 1 but combined with formatted battery will exceed that quite easily.

            Hi blackchisel,
            your "fridge"? What do you mean by that?
            Smile it doesn't hurt!

            Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


            • #7
              Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
              Hi blackchisel,
              your "fridge"? What do you mean by that?
              Their heat pumps working in the wrong direction, thus their COP is limited to about 3 to 5.

              . . .
              Regular service Signature:
              Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


              • #8
                thanks for all the good answers looked at the hydrogen furnace seems interesting.

                blackchisel97 when you say (SSG alone may not reach 1 but combined with formatted battery will exceed that quite easily.) this might sound dumb but what do you mean by formatted ? im think that means batteries that have gotten use to being negatively charged am i correct in that thinking or do i got that wrong.

                btw getting supplies for the ssg. great responses from everyone


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Unite View Post
                  thanks for all the good answers looked at the hydrogen furnace seems interesting.

                  blackchisel97 when you say (SSG alone may not reach 1 but combined with formatted battery will exceed that quite easily.) this might sound dumb but what do you mean by formatted ? im think that means batteries that have gotten use to being negatively charged am i correct in that thinking or do i got that wrong.

                  btw getting supplies for the ssg. great responses from everyone
                  Yes, you're correct. When batteries learn how to respond to radiant energy they start behaving differently. You may notice that each radiant charging cycle will take less and less time to the point when you can fully charge one battery while having plenty charge left in your primary. Enough to charge another one and maybe another one.....

                  'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                  General D.Eisenhower



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
                    Yes, you're correct. When batteries learn how to respond to radiant energy they start behaving differently. You may notice that each radiant charging cycle will take less and less time to the point when you can fully charge one battery while having plenty charge left in your primary. Enough to charge another one and maybe another one.....

                    Hi V
                    Is there a thread that deals with "formating batteries" like that?
                    Smile it doesn't hurt!

                    Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                    • #11
                      I am one month from acheiving OU.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                        Hi V
                        Is there a thread that deals with "formating batteries" like that?
                        Hello Bizzy
                        I am not sure if there is a video, because it's a pretty long process.
                        you basically have to charge and discharge a battery several times to get it formatted. on each charge it should charge a little faster and hold more of a charge as you cycle it through.
                        I have seen this working for myself on my SSG setup. the more I swap the batteries, the easier it is to charge them, and the longer they tend to last on the power side. I occasionally have to discharge one on another motor to have one to put on the charge side of my SSG
                        depending on how "big" of a radiant charger you have, will change how long the formatting process takes.
                        hope this made sense
                        The absence of proof is not proof of absence


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Neight View Post
                          Hello Bizzy
                          I am not sure if there is a video, because it's a pretty long process.
                          you basically have to charge and discharge a battery several times to get it formatted. on each charge it should charge a little faster and hold more of a charge as you cycle it through.
                          I have seen this working for myself on my SSG setup. the more I swap the batteries, the easier it is to charge them, and the longer they tend to last on the power side. I occasionally have to discharge one on another motor to have one to put on the charge side of my SSG
                          depending on how "big" of a radiant charger you have, will change how long the formatting process takes.
                          hope this made sense
                          Hi N8
                          Yes it makes sence although I dont understand exactly why it would work.
                          Actually once I get me Watson machine reassembled this week I hope to make several tests which will actually charge discharge and recharge the battery as you descibed. About how many times discharging and charging does it take to format it?
                          Smile it doesn't hurt!

                          Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
                            I am one month from acheiving OU.
                            Hi Shawnweed
                            Good for you. What direction are you going? SSG? Earth batteries? Watson machine? or something else?
                            Just curious
                            Smile it doesn't hurt!

                            Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                              Hi N8
                              Yes it makes sence although I dont understand exactly why it would work.
                              Actually once I get me Watson machine reassembled this week I hope to make several tests which will actually charge discharge and recharge the battery as you descibed. About how many times discharging and charging does it take to format it?
                              It really depends on the battery, newer batteries will work faster (note - I mean newer based on actual date of manufacture, not date of purchase)
                              it has to do with de-sulphating the batteries. over time the plates on the batteries will sulphate, and the HV spikes when charging will knock that sulphate material off the plates and allow the energy to flow more freely.
                              I know that is part of it, though beyond that, I couldn't really tell you for sure myself why it works that way
                              I think (and this is pure speculation) that it might also have something to do with electron flow through the battery. something about the HV spikes moving into the battery at high frequency does something to the way the the energy is able to flow into and out of the battery.
                              hopefully someone else can explain this a little better than me

                              The absence of proof is not proof of absence

