Thanks ewizard
That cap you're using is quite big for this so would take a while to charge, and I didn't mention I tried a couple of different ones before I concluded a 400v AC 0.76uF was the best out of the ones I tried (350V DC 1uF, 350V DC 0.5uF, 350V DC 120uF, 350V DC 64uF, 500V DC 0.25uF, 1000V DC 0.005uF). I also noticed that the more times I charged/discharged it the faster it would charge and to a higher voltage than the last time.
What happens if you put 2 of those power supplies in parallel, or more if you have them? Or use the multiple outputs in parallel?
[edit] The meter will also read a lower voltage than a capacitor will charge up to off it, so if you use a smaller cap I should think you'll see a higher voltage than the 75-76. It also lights a neon across the diodes with 12-14v on the meter so I think the meter isn't reading something.

What happens if you put 2 of those power supplies in parallel, or more if you have them? Or use the multiple outputs in parallel?

[edit] The meter will also read a lower voltage than a capacitor will charge up to off it, so if you use a smaller cap I should think you'll see a higher voltage than the 75-76. It also lights a neon across the diodes with 12-14v on the meter so I think the meter isn't reading something.