I watched this video. It seems that they were working under the same basic principles as John Hutchinson. To explain. It seems that John Hutchinson and Alfred Hubbard understood a basic principle. If and Object can store great amounts of electrons then all that is neccesarry is to charge that object then find a way to get it to release those electrons as needed. The charge part seems simple just bombard the object with high voltage or an electron accelerator like the one in this video. However to get it to release those electrons as needed seems a bit trickier. I beleive the coils that alfred Hubbard used was not for creating an electromagnetic field that was self generating or self-sustaining but that the coils were alfreds way of drawing the energy from the charged center in a way that could be controlled. And John Hutchins in the sam way used a 12 volt battery charger to fill his crystal batteries with electrons and used the nail as a means to bring the electons out. The smaller the nail the smaller the energy release. The larger the nail the larger the energy release. And of course the larger the object the larger the capacity to store energy. I imagine that if you charged a sheet of safety glass, the kind with wiring in the interior, and then had a single point of entry and exit wire, for posative and negtive contacts, you could send a bolt of elctricity through it to direct and polarize the energy flow and create a battery that could be supper efficient. You could even create multiple posative and negative points if you wanted to seperate the energy flows from a single object. And of course if you used something with a higher denisty like pure crystal inlaid with mesh wiring then that could be an optimal source of energy because you could place it under any lighting and keep it constantly recharged. Not that it would need it if if could contain trillions of electrons such as the pleiglass we saw in the video. The power source could be near infinite as long as it didn't discarge spontaneously or was never struck by a metal object such as the one in the video. In the video all they were doing was striking a charged sheet of plexi-glass with a nail to get it to discharge. But idthat charge could be regulated then it would run for 1000's of years.