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Time travel

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  • #31
    Many dimensions of Time

    Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
    Hi GB, How is this applied to traveling backwards in time, say 100 revolutions of the Earth around the sun ? Because that is my concept of real time travel as most people would envision it. Getting into a machine and going back or forward in time to a predetermined point a certain amount of revolutions of the Earth around the Sun, or to a point relating to some other measure of time involving periods observed by people.
    There is more than one dimensions of Time, just like there is more than one dimension of Space. If space can be traversed in an infinite number of directions, then so can Time. The dimensions of time have no space dimensions and the dimensions of space have no time dimensions. The first dimension of Time creates gravitational fields (gravitons or a particle with zero Time, 0 spin and 0 oscillations). The second dimension of Time creates the electric fields (electrical charges, with a spin and oscillations inside an area). The third dimension of Time creates the magnetic fields (photons, its a moving circular area of time. This third dimension represents the volume of time), etc.

    Last edited by gravityblock; 07-02-2011, 04:32 AM.


    • #32
      Astronomers have looked into the past in the great expanse of outer space.They can see the moment of creation,but not the actual event. If you had a wormhole or other way of reaching that point,or some other point in the past,would you actually be reliving the past,or just observing it? Whichever,if you can see the past with a telescope,that indicates to me that the past is never really lost or out of reach.We just haven't found a way to reach it other than through observation.There are places on earth that may hold the key to reaching those coordinates.The earth may have natural or created areas of escapement,possibly in the Bermuda triangle is one of them.There may be actual windows back into time if we knew how to access them.Just my 2 cents. stealth


      • #33
        David Wilcock, in "The 2012 Enigma", exposes many great secrets: DNA, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred geometry, three-dimensional time, the Mayan Calendar and much, much more! I don't agree with everything he says, but how he ties the Pineal Gland, Project Looking glass, wormholes, etc all together is fascinating.

        The 2003 BBC documentary "The World's First Time Machine (1 of 5)", directed by Ben Bowie and featuring Ronald Mallett, premiered in the USA on The Learning Channel on December 3, 2003. This documentary features some of Dr. Mallett's current time travel research. It has since been shown numerous times on The Science Channel. I don't agree with everything he says either.



        • #34
          Well in my opinion if it were possible to travel (traverse) which is the key word here travel not skip through time to the future or past, then that would mean that the future and the past are happening at the same time as the present so there would be no real time travel anyway. Paradox.

          And I don't believe that to be the case. And it really defy's belief to think it is possible to be in different points in the passing of time at the same time. None of it make's any sense and if it were possible there would be people here from the future now changing the past and henceforth the future.

          Another paradox.

          Actually time and travel are two words that don't go together well.

          Time is experienced or passed not travelled, once it is gone it is gone there is no time but the present.

          All the theory that can be written will not make it possible it either is or it isn't.

          When i see proof I will beleive it.

          The thing that make so much argument is the definition.

          We all have different definitions of what it actually means to "Travel" through time my definition is to travel forward in time but stay in the same place and say if I went forward 5 years I should be able to find a calender marked 2016, and see my relative's 5 years older but not myself however I would need to have been in the future/past in the intervening time aswell.
          Another paradox.

          Can't hapen. Makes no sense. This is the kind of time travel I am talking about. I think we should clarify the exact implications of what we think the effect or mechanism or result would be for our perception of "Time Travel".
          To time travel means to me to go to a time that has not yet happened for anything or to a time that has already happened to everything.

          I won't deny that these other happenings are possible, but far too exotic to be useful or desireable to acheive.

          I'm just trying to be logical. And I don't think i will miss out on any time travel. I do not wish to see my child older than me or my parents younger.

          My place is in the present.



          • #35
            Originally posted by Stealth View Post
            Astronomers have looked into the past in the great expanse of outer space.They can see the moment of creation,but not the actual event. If you had a wormhole or other way of reaching that point,or some other point in the past,would you actually be reliving the past,or just observing it? Whichever,if you can see the past with a telescope,that indicates to me that the past is never really lost or out of reach.We just haven't found a way to reach it other than through observation.There are places on earth that may hold the key to reaching those coordinates.The earth may have natural or created areas of escapement,possibly in the Bermuda triangle is one of them.There may be actual windows back into time if we knew how to access them.Just my 2 cents. stealth
            Astronomers have seen the results of what happened a long time ago and they think they have seen the moment of creation but they have no concept of how everything can be created from nothing. At what point was there nothing for the moment of creation to happen ?

            The concept of the creation of the universe cannot be fathomed by the human brain. There has alwas been something and always will be.

            You say they seen the moment of creation, the moment of the creation of what ? And from what ? Just this universe. How far away was the moment of creation ? And how long ago ? The event they see happened a long time ago and a long way away, but the event is not seen here for a long time because our eye's rely on the slow light to see it, the light was traveling through space and time for a long way and time to get here so it can be seen by our eyes through telescopes.

            That is Space and Time involved the space was travelled and the time passed as it happened. No big deal.


            EDIT: Walter explains this better than i ever could, I'll go with the writings of a great polymath over a modern scientist any day.

            Last edited by Farmhand; 07-02-2011, 05:15 AM.


            • #36
              Why a paradox?

              Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
              Well in my opinion if it were possible to travel (traverse) which is the key word here travel not skip through time to the future or past, then that would mean that the future and the past are happening at the same time as the present so there would be no real time travel anyway. Paradox.
              There's no Paradox. If someone travels back in time 50 years and kills their grandfather before the birth of their mother, then this creates a new Timeline at that point (a new branch). This person will still have an existence in the timeline which he came from along with his grandfather, but neither will have an existence or be born into existence in the newly created Timeline. There's an infinite number of directions we can take in our 3 dimensional space. Likewise, there's an infinite number of Timelines.

              Some people believe the UFO's are time travelers from a future earth trying to fix there genetic problems they created in their own Timeline. I've heard they're unable to reproduce on their own. If this is true, then I wonder how that happened. I don't think the visitations is limited to travelers just from a future earth though.

              I agree, it's mind-boggling and it could be science fiction or wishful thinking, but the existence of the universe and our very own existence is mind-boggling in and of itself.

              Last edited by gravityblock; 07-02-2011, 06:37 AM.


              • #37
                It would be a most disconcerting experience to actually speed through a lot of years in a very short time, as in speeding up time like in the Time Machine movie. Especially the going backwards part.

                I have a headache now, I don't think my mind would be equiped to deal with time travel even if were possible.


                • #38
                  The only way to go forward, the only way to ever solve the question , is there time travel, is to have a will and abillity to research, and put into practicality the findings of this research.
                  I do not think our level of science, at this point, comes even close to giving us the tools to even consider a definitive answer.
                  My 2 cents
                  Lets go get some OU stuff working, then come back to this in 30 or 40 years.


                  • #39
                    I believe time travel has already been achieved by a few governments. Probably around late 60's or early 70's (possibly earlier). It's not the science which is holding us back, but it's the money required to build such a device. A time machine may be easier than a self-runner. Maybe a self-runner will be based on a time machine (this may not be correct, but it can't be ruled out either). Sometimes things have to be done in the correct order. You can't put a roof on the house until the foundation is poured and the walls are erected. The foundation and the walls represents the time machine, while the roof represents a self-runner.

                    Last edited by gravityblock; 07-02-2011, 10:52 AM.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
                      But you're the scientist !

                      OK, well, all that was off the top of the head. Let's have a look at what it could entail, just for fun.
                      The line was "Natural frequency phase shifted envelope harmonic spectral modulation"
                      Natural - The energy is placed in the point in time, at the location coordinates. Matter was either filled with extra energy in the waves of the event, or had a natural and inbuilt method of accepting such energies. No fancy machinery was used to introduce the energies, so, 'Natural' has to be employed to extract the energies too. A resonating condition of matching in to out, but which closely and thoroughly mimics natural conditions that placed the energy there in the first case.
                      Frequency - the natural frequency of the material in the environment at those coordinates will be either different in every way to other materials, or contain exactly the same inbuilt structure as any other matter. Being as hauntings and other paranormal events appear not to be limited to location environ (albeit there are theories about quartz and other minerals) then matter itself would be the container, the outer layer of the mechanism being merely that container. A rock is a rock, but holds aetheric energy just as well as a tree, a land mass or water, all is matter. So, the natural frequency of the object, the main matter, the environ could release the energy contained within by matching the vibration levels of that container. Negate the effects or the presence of the matter structure and we are left with the inner memory mechanism.
                      Phase shifted - 90 degree resonance. The aether channel doorway. From discussions lately, the 90 degrees phase shift of a shorted coil or other components in a circuit enables 100ns extractions of aether energy. While our information is thought to be contained in an aetheric medium, the phase shifting unlocks the door to the energy and allows amplification of the extracted data.
                      Envelope - frequency harmonics reference. There will be an envelope within which all the data is stored. Be it actual binary type on and off encoding or another method of time snap storage...the range of frequencies will be held within an envelope to be tuned to and within.
                      Harmonic - this relates to quarter waves and the frequency of the stored signals. Earth's cycles and resonances, 7Hz to 12Hz, Schumann resonances and more...all used and included as harmonics of the signals and data. I could have added Fibonacci numbering too, for use as the frequency steps lol
                      Spectral Modulation - the method of containment and tuning of the equipment to harness the stored information. Carrier waves and detector circuits, based upon the full established frequencies of the stored data. Each section of the frequencies containing the stored information become mapped, reshaped, modulated to be reformed into a replay of the original event.

                      There, if anyone read through all that then it probably took longer to read than to write
                      There are some things that you've said that remembers me to something I read about the experiments we're discussing.
                      As you know, all matter has the property of storing data. Even the virtual particles (scalar) has the abilitty to store temporal information. Someone of us, that have read about "free" energy, we all know that in the space exists something called "the background radiation". Basically all the universe is submerged in a scalar field, since Tesla said one day that we will be able to extract energy at any point in the universe.

                      If the matter has the capability to store info, and we know that the electric field has also the capability to store it, then... all the luminic and acoustic information is stored in the scalar universal field and we can replay again any information that happenend since the creation of this reality, in the form like a video.

                      Matter had a natural and inbuilt method of accepting such energies. No fancy machinery was used to introduce the energies, so, 'Natural' has to be employed to extract the energies too. A resonating condition of matching in to out, but which closely and thoroughly mimics natural conditions that placed the energy there in the first case.
                      Exactly, all matter has an inbuilt method of accepting those energies. Every time you speak of make any noise, all the solid objects are recording it. That is like the Big Brother that god used to control us. LOLL

                      A rock is a rock, but holds aetheric energy just as well as a tree, a land mass or water, all is matter. So, the natural frequency of the object, the main matter, the environ could release the energy contained within by matching the vibration levels of that container. Negate the effects or the presence of the matter structure and we are left with the inner memory mechanism.
                      As you know, the rocks and other materials have energy, since John Hutchinson showed to us. Plutonium, uranium and other radioactive materials show radioactivity, and the other non-radioactive materials show a scalar radiation.
                      All the matter has its own frequencies that identifies it. The humans have the dna, the fingertrip, etc... and also a scalar pattern that can identify them. In the materials the same happens, but instead of using a single frequency energy pattern (like AC in our electricity) this is a kind of multi-frequency scalar energy. That means the energy oscillates at several frequencies at the same time. Instead of 50 HZ/sec, it could be... 50, 60, 1200, 456 Hz / Sec and it's not a transverse field, it's a longitudinal field. When you eleminate the scalar patterns of matter, you can have the memory pattern.

                      As you say next, there should be a form of harmonic pattern which stores data. I haven't thought about that!!!!
                      Maybe, and this could be the answer, if you want to select... March 12, 2003 12:03 AM, then you need to know that each harmonic cycle represents 100microseconds of information (I don't know the exact number of time). Then, you need to calculate the time in 100 microseconds steps, that would take to reach that data. For example, a hour is 3600 seconds. 2 hours, 7200 seconds. The same but in 100 mSec steps. Then you tune inductively to the matter at that cycle and start reading the nexts cycles to get continuous information. Something similar to computers,,,, the computer reads bit per bit at very high speeds. That machine would read the information reading the "natural bits" from each cycle/harmonic.

                      To get that information you send a scalar pulse to the matter and then the matter sends like a back-emf that you can get with the coil. In that back-emf the information is stored.

                      You remember the famous test where you can send music and/or information if you place 2 coils near? by magnetic induction you can transfer information. The same can be done if you use 1-wire energy transfer. Scalar induction can be accomplished. So you can send information using only 1 wire or using only the electric field and the coils.
                      __________________________________________________ _________
                      Picture #1

                      You can see a easy to do, scalar energy information transfer. Using 2 car ignition coils (1 to send, 1 to receive) or the brovin kacher coils you can send electricity just on 1 wire, so you can use that single-wire to carry information using scalar energy. The experiment is the same as when you use 2 coils and try to transmit information using magnetic induction. (see: YouTube - ‪MIT Physics Demo -- Inductor Radio‬‏)

                      When you use a metal detector you're using a coil that sends pulses and detects when a metal is present (different techniques can be used). You can do the same but using a single wire but instead of looking for different metals (remember that there is a technique where you can detect different metals using a "phase discriminator") you need to look for information within the matter. You need to excite the witness with a specific pulse and then the scalar echo that the matter sends you back, contains the information you've asked to. You need to modulate the pulse to select the harmonic where you want to read the information, remember that matter stores information in harmonics sequences. And you need to perform this operation several times per second since each pulse gives you a small fraction of the information stored in the matter, so you need to continuously recover small fractions of info to play continuous information.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by AetherScientist; 07-02-2011, 11:48 AM.


                      • #41
                        Hey all...

                        The fact that when you look at the sky you are seeing the past, is actually already the prove to the point that everything (past present and future) are happening in the same time, there is no paradox cause there is not such a way to come back to the past fiscally (yet), so you could even see the future but if you see it you could only barely change it. I could never change the future i saw. But we can do create a different ramification by taking some actions so like the root of a plant so the future you saw can never happen.

                        who i'm to tell you the secret of the universe? don't believe me!

                        The memory is the connection!

                        As i stated before, our memory is not inside our brain, this would be impossible. Our memory is in the things we touch and see, where we are and when... informations of space and time (coordinates) web links, shortcut...
                        When you remember something from the past, you can close your eyes and see the scenes don't you? How could we store thousands of video and data in our brain? Is not a such a big hard disk... So my point is, when you remember something you are traveling in time.

                        Maybe the fact of seeing the future could be a duality of thinking like you think in the future in one moment and in the future moment you think of that moment in the past so there is a connection...(two same observer looking to each other) I thought of it many times but i'm not so sure it would work as a mean to induce you to see the future in the past... Actually there might or could be a way to establish this connection intentionally...

                        I haven't tried much, but in theory you should sit exactly in the same place everyday and think of the future and the past continually, repeating the information you want to pass... probably soon or latter you could succeed...

                        The big bang is still happening, the universe is expanding at ever increasing accelerated rate contrary to what was thought before...

                        Coming back to the concept of coexistence of future and past, think of this:

                        If we could look ourselves in a mirror placed in a distant place we would be looking to our actions in the past !!!!!!!!

                        This means that our actions are still happening!!!!!!!

                        You see?

                        The fact is that the universe has nothing too complicated at all. Is actually as simple as possible!!!

                        Now, when we remember of something is just like if we where observing from a distant location in the universe. So we actually tend to think that our mothership earth and our solar system is stopped and is in the center of universe, but actually we are moving at accelerated rate and this acceleration is not constant, is increasing!!! So our solar system is actually moving thru the expanding universe at high speeds however we don't feel or even notice it.

                        Is from this accelerated movement that the concept of linear (or nonlinear) time line comes from. If we were really stopped there would be no life, nor time passing!!!!!!!!

                        Is that to much crazy?

                        For me is very very clear...

                        It explains the memory, the seeing the future, the time, and even the basic requirements to the existence of life!

                        Well i'm not God so don't believe in me... Is not that i have such informations that i'm the prophet...

                        To see thing i saw one should just die and return.

                        But you can think and understand!

                        If the the universe is actually expanding at increasing acceleration rate, you have to conclude that the time is getting ever faster and so as the distance between the points of present moment, and memory (if you think of memory as looking into the universal mirror) or simply looking to the distant point...


                        • #42
                          One could even decide to start from the beginning over and over again but it would cost its existence. I mean if you could take you ("soul") essence back to the past, than you in the future so as the reality and everything around ceases to exist for you, forever! You become a baby again and try again like..

                          If one could physically come back to the past is the same, cause you will do change the future if you go to the past however you are there so you still exist.

                          Both options require that you abandon's your friends and everything around that you ever liked. A man that wants this must be in a situation where he has no option. Here come the concept of re-living the life... The people can enter in such a loop and stay up to the point he gives up (there is aways this option) and finally become the life (everything) forever.

                          So there are parallel "universes"(realities), but now everyone is a universe of its own, thats why for me everyone is god! We are a collection of universes that share the same reality. When you die you can become the reality, however you are disconnected from the "reality" of the others around you.

                          The fact that the earth moves in the solar system and even our solar system moves in the universe means that even if everything look stop to us, it is not. We are never at the same point in space, so comes the concept of time, witch is the rate of change in space coordinate.

                          This is not the 24h you have in your day. Not the period of the earth rotation. But the perception of time!

                          If the rate of change in space is changing and i'm saying that the TIME derives from this accelerated acceleration, than of course time perception is not fixed and probably follow this same rate of acceleration, and so could be also independent of it now that you assume that is never fixed.

                          Is not very easy to believe that we are here and there at the same time, or that we still in every place where we've being. The only thing that makes me so sure is the fact that i know the future is predictable otherwise would not be logic to think this and no one would get to that conclusion otherwise.

                          Now you can believe or not. But life is going this way around here.


                          • #43
                            I don't think we can see the future,only the past.Since the future hasn't happened yet,I think there are several different events that could happen, and only one will.I do think we can affect the future with our actions,though. It may only be possible to see the past,but not interact with it. Astronomers can only see the past,not the future.Light is fast by our standards,but in the universe it would take many light years for the past to be observed through a telescope.I think the future is still up for grabs. IMHO. stealth


                            • #44

                              the future we see, actually includes our probable actions that could happen! This is why is so hard to change the future! Some times just by the fact that you know what is going to happen, the event happen cause you try to avoid it or just act normally so the event happen... would be really hard or you would need to be tooooo wise to change it... And as i said if you simply change it you create a ramification another dimension maybe a parallel universe not sure...

                              I'm saying that our memory tricks us, we remember the future instead of the past... This is what i call seeing the future...

                              Is very hard to believe we can't change the future! Seems that destiny really exist and many discredit it. however there is no other explanation i have found to explain what i see i what happened to me.

                              all cases i wasn't able to change anything... and in some of them the event actually happened because i knew it was going to happen... I wasn't even present in the case of this event!

                              However as we are god, we can create the future we want, taking actions to make what we want. But i believe it might not be possible to change a predicted future. ( a future that you saw in the present)

                              I believe the indians in México, actually saw them selves over the trees and not actually the destruction of their selfs and their houses... or they could see the destruction of the houses but they were not there during the destruction, so they knew the need to go... They could have predicted that they would be over the trees when the event happened and possibly without even knowing what was up to happen.

                              You understand?

                              many possibilities


                              • #45
                                In my usual browsing, I found this

                                Wilbert B. SMITH

                                Gravity Control / Binding Force / Caduceus Coil / Geo-Magnetic Generator

                                ...According to the theory of relativity, if I climb into a spacecraft and I set out from the earth at a velocity very nearly the velocity of light, and I go out to say, Alpha Proxima, and then I turn around and comeback, people on earth say that I’ve been gone something like 10 years. According to my clock, I’ve only been gone a year.

                                Now that is a result, apparently, of time dilation in the theory of relativity, in that the spacecraft in which I travel was moving relative to the earth at a velocity nearly equal to the velocity of light. The paradox arises when you consider that relative to the spacecraft, the earth was traveling away at exactly the same velocity. Therefore, to the people on the spacecraft, who are relatively stationary, 10 years should have passed, and by the time the earth comes back to them, it should have only been away a year. So you can see right away that the very premise upon which the theory of relativity is predicated --- namely, that if A is relative to B, then B must be relative to A --- leads you to an impossible paradox. This paradox is resolved completely if you recognize the variable nature of time, and as you move round from one part of the Universe to another you’ll encounter all sorts of values of time in certain given intervals. We become slaves to the clock to the extent that we believe that the intervals ticked out by the clock are time itself, so we find it very difficult in readjust. Now I don’t propose to say any more about this particular aspect, but I would like to say something on the subject of the craft themselves.
                                Wilbert B. Smith: Gravity Control ~ Binding Force ~ Caduceus Coil ~ Letters ~ Circuit Diagrams


                                Robert A. Nelson (creator of RexResearch )
                                It's About Time

                                Time travel might a science fiction fantasy, but time cameras have been a reality for several decades. And for all that the public knows or not, travel into the past (if not the future) might also be an accomplished fact. There are a few claimants to that effect, namely Preston Nichols and company, who have published a series of books (however dubious) about the "Montauk Project" in New Jersey during the 1960s (plus or minus hundreds of years).

                                In 1912, Baron Ernst von Lubek published an account of his accounts with trans-time photography. His equipment included a cathode ray tube with lead and dysprosium electrodes, energized by an Oudin coil (a modified Tesla coil).

                                In 1934, William D. Pelley, editor of Liberation magazine, reported on his experiments with a form of time-camera which he called "Ultra-Vision", allegedly developed in collaboration with Thomas Edison and Steinmetz. The apparatus was confiscated by the FBI.

                                The Radionic Camera developed in the 1950s by George DeLaWarr was capable of imaging the past and the future, and he published photographs demonstrating the effect. In the opinion of DeLaWarr, "Time is a vector of the magnetic spectrum and that spectrum has a place in itself for events... There is a pre-physical world in which the camera might be expected to operate".
                                more on this:

                                Time Travel: "It's About Time" (by Robert A. Nelson) ~ Ernetti, Kozyrev, von Lubec, &c

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-04-2011, 08:07 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

