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I found Gustave Le Bon's missing book called "Synthetic Radioactivity"

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  • #31
    SilverToGold, I know about the UFO's etc. Tesla is the reason I am here! I have read every single article of his that I could get my hands on. And I still need to read them all again and again, as it just doesn't seem to soak in fully the first time!

    Saying that gravity is the result of mass displacing the ether is not saying that ether is gravity, or visa versa. Gravity is just an effect mass has in it. Same with magnetism, which seems to be swirls, and electricity, which seems to be flows.

    Why Gravity is Based On Mass
    ‎"It's all in the MIND"


    • #32
      Yes I am familiar with this idea but just how exactly does one build a Tesla Flying Machine with this idea?

      What is mass?

      You are saying mass shields the ether and pushes them together.

      I am saying there is a level beyond this and there is where the ether can be coaxed to transfer momentum.

      Go a level further and learn what you can about the Tubes of Force. This is the true source of gravity transmitted through the ether. Mass as far as I understand it is also just a result of these tubes or force. Gravity is the result of these tubes of force.

      The tubes of force is where it's at.

      The ether is just a medium of transmission and it is so super fine that it pervades through all matter without hardly any interaction with it! So how can it be like little balls pushing things together? This is where I find fault with this idea you are proposing. The ether is the medium, it is not the cause.

      Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
      SilverToGold, I know about the UFO's etc. Tesla is the reason I am here! I have read every single article of his that I could get my hands on. And I still need to read them all again and again, as it just doesn't seem to soak in fully the first time!

      Saying that gravity is the result of mass displacing the ether is not saying that ether is gravity, or visa versa. Gravity is just an effect mass has in it. Same with magnetism, which seems to be swirls, and electricity, which seems to be flows.

      Why Gravity is Based On Mass


      • #33
        The truth of this world is that it is ruled by money. Freedom = money. It does not matter how great your idea is, if you don't have the money, you will not be taken seriously or you will be controlled and your idea crushed.

        If I had it to do again, I would drop out of school and focus on making passive income so that I would keep getting money without working. I would deeply study Robert Kiyosaki and learn how to control and master money.

        Then I would pursue my research with my financial independence. With that independence, I would be unstoppable.

        That is what I suggest to you young researchers. Because without mastery of money, there is no mastery in a field like science that requires money and time to progress.

        Imagine what Tesla could have done if he had 1/1000 of his intelligence in science focused on money. Our world would be very different.

        Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
        SilverToGold, good post, I second all that.

        About your degree.... really a complete waste of time? If you could reset those years, what would you do instead?
        Tesla did electrical, although maybe it was different at the time. hmm
        Last edited by SilverToGold; 07-01-2011, 02:10 AM.


        • #34
          Thanks a lot, I will get into that! I have heard for a long time about the aether but never found a single nice explanation, thanks a lot...

          i will keep the university cause i think will help me understand how the things are going out there, i'm getting a hard time on calculus but its ok, Tesla said " edison were a very hard work man and very capable of doing anything however if he knew a bit of math he could do everything with both hands moored."

          I have the impression that i'm learning a lot. I'm researching water as fuel since 5 years and it made me learn a lot of things too... thats why i decided to even study more.

          I believe mass is a pure concentration of energy (heat) kinetic energy. This energy like to be in a fixed place in the space, so to move or set in movement you need to add energy and doing so you add mass to the mass. this would explain the zero point energy, cause the particles tend to never reach absolute 0, and so you just create a delta temperature so great that energy door opens and so the kinetic energy is altered. Is almost not even possible to make such experiment and anyone did it for as long as needed to find out this things. I believe that as long as knowhow has a value will never be possible to advance more in technology or knowledge.

          Capacitors if charged for example weights more than a discharged capacitor because energy weights. (inertia)

          This lead me to think that mass is pure energy... well there are some levels

          I think radiation is a fraction of this (heat) subatomic particles vibrating at a particular frequency that escapes from the atoms...

          However i think time is the big thing, actually i think time is not as "we" think it is. Many personal experiences i had lead me to think that everything in action will forever be in action and is already in action before we even start the action. Like everything is happening at the same time. Our perception of time is just an order, just like a movie.

          There are many ways to abstract what i'm saying like every second we change to a new dimension, or like time and space coordinates..

          I say this cause i saw the future and i'm pretty sure of this. Experiences with mushrooms for example makes you see the tracks of time if anything moves, however we tend to think that we are only seeing what is coming after the movement. I actually saw both ways after and before the movement there were images...
          I suffered some death and return experiences, this lead me to understand the life timeline, as we conclude the cycle we simply logout from the present and become all the time frames at the same time forever. This made me understand why drugs were in the bible as evil thing. Total consciousness is to much a weight for live with, is very hard. If you learn something you don't forget. I even understood the concept of god and evil and heaven and hell. In few word, if you had a nice life you will be forever in heaven and so on. The worst thing is to take a look around and see how happy are the stupids. I had so much luck, and i traveled half the world to see and know, and i concluded that people and places are always the same everywhere, we are in the same boat.

          I don't know why this things happened to me, it just happened. I'm not special because of this and actually my goal in changing the world is to let people feel peace and get their life's to what i believe being heaven..

          Every action keeps acting forever. This is where our memories come from. We simply store space and time coordinates.

          This thinking lead me to a very high capabilities of learn, cause i simply think that one day i will already know what i'm learning and so on. This makes thing very simpler.

          I have many ideas and now is time to get them compared with others to see if i'm right or wrong about them, is my chance is to understand more.

          we are time and motive machines in my opinion living every single present moment changing the space where we liv in. (second after second)

          My way of learning is asking as many questions as possible, cause i think is the only way knowledge can get the other side of the line without interferences nor waste of time. I'm sure i'm nothing so for me "everything" is valid. I seem a stupid in the classroom to ask so many questions.. =) the teachers think i'm getting a big 0 in the tests but when i understand something i never forget.

          Tomorrow 1 / 7 is my birthday, i'm alone cause i can't leave in a world that runs in the wrong directions all the time it get me really depressed, so i got to do something cause i feel this is my job. The university is the worst place cause i only see people competition for who is more intelligent so they don't even look to who they have around only straight ahead, is veeeeery sad, they don't even want to lose their times to help you anyway well 99,99% of them.

          Most People think i'm crazy but i guess is very the contrary, they don't believe me, nor believe in my projects, they say i should get a job. I traveled all the Europe and financed all my research just playing the guitar in the underground. I asked people to help me save the world and they laugh of me. I meet some good people of course but 1 in every half million. But we shall succeed and hopefully make of this place a nicer place be.

          I also want to make flying machines.. = ) like ironman

          Conservation of energy is a joke for me. They simply axiomatized it based in conditions where it would be obvious.

          Like someone said is very easy to make a lie seem a true you just need it to be partially true and than the inertia does the rest.

          Thanks for everything


          • #35
            SilverToGold, thanks for your advice "to the young researchers". It means a lot.

            I also agree about the money. If you can't finance your own idea, your investors could just silence you forever, like morgan basically did to tesla. However I do admire tesla in that he never pursued money. It makes me wonder why though, as he did enjoy living rather lavishly.

            Regarding the Ether. I will look at that.
            I agree that the ether can be manipulated to create "anti gravity", and therefore reduce inertia and make the amazing ufo flight and maneuvers possible.
            I also agree that it is super fine, and permeates all matter and space.

            However from what you are writing about my explanation, I think you are still misunderstanding me. I had hoped my second link "Why Gravity is Based On Mass" would help explain my understanding of it, but I will leave it here for now, and look at your tubes of force in the mean time.

            cheers for now! Was great chatting.
            ‎"It's all in the MIND"


            • #36
              Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post
              The truth of this world is that it is ruled by money. Freedom = money. It does not matter how great your idea is, if you don't have the money, you will not be taken seriously or you will be controlled and your idea crushed.

              If I had it to do again, I would drop out of school and focus on making passive income so that I would keep getting money without working. I would deeply study Robert Kiyosaki and learn how to control and master money.

              Then I would pursue my research with my financial independence. With that independence, I would be unstoppable.

              That is what I suggest to you young researchers. Because without mastery of money, there is no mastery in a field like science that requires money and time to progress.

              Imagine what Tesla could have done if he had 1/1000 of his intelligence in science focused on money. Our world would be very different.
              Thats true... disgusting but it is. I and some partners still working in this part. I promise if i get the gold I will create the most open and nice research facility of the world. You can all consider part of it. One man can do any thing... but together we can do everything!

              Great chatting guys

              Thanks again


              • #37
                Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post
                I really don't know but I also know no one really knows either.

                Tesla had a Dynamic Theory of Gravity and had most of it worked out by 1895! His entire life's dream was to build an ideal flying machine. He was ALL about gravity and this was his real purpose in life. The power stuff was just a needed part for his craft.

                According to JJ Thompson who stole his idea from Tesla after Tesla gave a preliminary talk about his idea of gravity around 1892 (and later kept quiet about it due to this theft), momentum is transmitted by tubes of force. This is where the gravity is coming from. The tubes transmit through the ether but they are not the ether. So ether is not directly gravity as so many people proclaim.

                Instead of thinking of gravity, think in terms of momentum transfer. Momentum is more fundamental than gravity. Gravity kind of arrises out of momentum. At least that seems to be the way the old school guys thought of it if my interpretation is correct.

                Tesla later proved his mastery of physics by building his ideal electric flying machine based on his Dynamic Theory of Gravity. This is where all the so called UFO's come from, they are TESLA's MACHINES that the government stole from him!

                Tesla's paper are STILL under top secret and we are NOT allowed to see them after 70 years! You can get plans for an atomic bomb but you will not get close to those papers. Tell you something?

                Once you realize just what a giant this guy is, you better pay attention to his ideas of physics over some bogus guy who's only patent was for refrigeration machine and stealing ideas from Boscovich.

                i Think i hawe what you are searching This paper was find but it reveals only little bit, nothing much. It seems that Tesla not wnat to write it in details, but some clearance it give. I try to find it in my archives and i Give it here.


                • #38
                  Ok, there it is. i Hope this is what you are seeking for


                  Last edited by Guntis; 07-01-2011, 05:22 AM.


                  • #39

                    "The positron will always carry 1 Mev kinetic energy, and may be used for energy production. Since this process can be effected by use of an U.V. incident particle beam on the light elements, and will produce positrons at 1 Mev of kinetic energy, it may be used in what I call "leapfrog technology", which can be used for transmutation processes which will manufacture elements in much greater quantities than could be effected by the huge accelerators at such places as U.C. Berkeley.

                    Based on the Tesla Primary Solar Ray theory, using the Kcapture process, this is my explanation for a device I call Free Energy Surprise (© 1997, Wm. R. Lyne, ISBN 0-9637467-6-6, $10.00, Creatopia Productions, General Delivery, Lamy, New Mexico 87540, Tel/Fax 505-466-3022), a technical report which includes a set of plans and documentary photos.

                    I got the idea for this device from a statement by Nikola Tesla, concerning "special" uses for iron, to capture the ZPR/Primary Solar Rays. Whether or not this is exactly what Tesla meant, I believe it verifies his statement concerning special properties of iron. The device, composed of steel pipe and bar stock (about 10 lbs.), is stimulated with a 15 kv, center-tapped transformer. It operates in several modes, but in what I call the "hum" mode shows an input of 35 watts and a secondary activity of 42.6 kw, operating at or beyond the approximate K-capture voltage on each leg, ca. 7,110 volts (the K-capture voltage for iron), at the standard 60 cps. The low frequency current goes into the mass of the iron (not a 'skin effect'). The iron seems to be going to manganese and back to iron, 60 times per second. This idea is based on what appeared to be the appearance of a purple area near the top of the pipe which I recognized to be the color of manganese dioxide. The extra electrical

                    energy might be the product of interaction with the ZPR, the ether (neutrinos?), and the iron. Since manganese is the next element down on the periodic chart, with the same mass number as iron, it sounded like a reasonable hypothesis. The voltage is not really critical, as the effect could occur so long as the voltage passed through the K-capture voltage on its way up and down, and is only supposed to cause a somewhat more definite effect when it is right on the "absorption edge".

                    It appears that the electrical energy in the secondary output circuit can be converted into usable electrical energy, especially by using a resonant transformer, tuned to the same, 60 cps frequency."

                    Anybody catching on yet?? This is what Kapanadze and Don Smith have accomplished.

                    Don Smith always left something out...the iron core. Also something else.

                    Smack iron correctly and it will swirl vortexes back at you.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post

                      You want to be great? Realize you're an idiot who knows nothing and go from there. You will be way ahead of the rest.
                      Amen to that...

                      . . .
                      Regular service Signature:
                      Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


                      • #41
                        @ StweenyA, I understand what you are saying about mass and the ether. I'm not saying it's not correct. I'm saying that I am trying to base my understanding on what Tesla, Faraday and JJ Thompson were saying (or the little that is still publicly available). What they talked about was Faraday's Tubes of Force. One source is JJ Thompson's "Notes on Recent Research in Electricity and Magnetism". I'm just studying the old research as much as possible. Keep up your research!

                        @ sebosfato, some interesting comments. Personally I would stay away from the drugs and focus on learning. It's too easy to let that stuff take over your life. Sounds like you've had lots of travel and experiences that most never get to have.

                        @ Guntis, thanks for that link. Sounds kind of like Tesla but that doesn't sound like his Dynamic Theory of Gravity to me. It sounds like that guy Stan Deyo's views. Who knows? He was an insider, maybe he's rehashing Tesla's stuff. Just for clarity, if I can't directly source it to Tesla, I don't give it too much consideration. Too many liars and fakes out there.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post
                          @ StweenyA, I understand what you are saying about mass and the ether. I'm not saying it's not correct. I'm saying that I am trying to base my understanding on what Tesla, Faraday and JJ Thompson were saying (or the little that is still publicly available). What they talked about was Faraday's Tubes of Force. One source is JJ Thompson's "Notes on Recent Research in Electricity and Magnetism". I'm just studying the old research as much as possible. Keep up your research!

                          @ sebosfato, some interesting comments. Personally I would stay away from the drugs and focus on learning. It's too easy to let that stuff take over your life. Sounds like you've had lots of travel and experiences that most never get to have.

                          @ Guntis, thanks for that link. Sounds kind of like Tesla but that doesn't sound like his Dynamic Theory of Gravity to me. It sounds like that guy Stan Deyo's views. Who knows? He was an insider, maybe he's rehashing Tesla's stuff. Just for clarity, if I can't directly source it to Tesla, I don't give it too much consideration. Too many liars and fakes out there.
                          That was my childhood experience... I learned a lot for sure but now i'm a new man! for sure =)


                          • #43

                            Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
                            SilverToGold, I know about the UFO's etc. Tesla is the reason I am here! I have read every single article of his that I could get my hands on. And I still need to read them all again and again, as it just doesn't seem to soak in fully the first time!

                            Saying that gravity is the result of mass displacing the ether is not saying that ether is gravity, or visa versa. Gravity is just an effect mass has in it. Same with magnetism, which seems to be swirls, and electricity, which seems to be flows.

                            Why Gravity is Based On Mass
                            Tesla, in his writing talked about spacial/optical effects that lingered on AFTER using some coils. like banding, distortion, clarity etc. do you know where this is in his writing? thanks, david


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by gravityblock View Post
                              The above was posted on hereticalbuilders by Masterblaster. Thanks to all!

                              [Edit:] Fixed the above links inside the quote.

                              Posted a copy of both of them in my archive:
                              Directory contents of /pdf/Reference_Material/Gustave%20Le%20Bon/

                              Thanks for the find!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
                                SilverToGold, I know about the UFO's etc. Tesla is the reason I am here! I have read every single article of his that I could get my hands on. And I still need to read them all again and again, as it just doesn't seem to soak in fully the first time!

                                Saying that gravity is the result of mass displacing the ether is not saying that ether is gravity, or visa versa. Gravity is just an effect mass has in it. Same with magnetism, which seems to be swirls, and electricity, which seems to be flows.

                                Why Gravity is Based On Mass
                                You may want to check out Paul Stowe's stuff. See my archive:
                                Directory contents of /pdf/Reference_Material/Paul_Stowe/

                                His "The cause of Gravity, EM, and QM":
                                The Cause of Gravity, EM, & QM - Paul Stowe - Mountain Man's News Archive

                                This article is to present an overview discussion for a conceptual model which is based on basic kinetic theory, and Maxwell's model of atomic vortices. It also encompasses gravitation and its Newtonian derivation, Quantum Mechanic & Planck's constant, and EM (as well it should, being based on Maxwell's model). The model does specifically predict certain differences that are not currently covered in the standard physics models as they exist today.


                                Clearly, as I showed in "Simply Beauty", we can define all the QM/EM constants in terms of p, L, c, and the fine structure constant. So, in this regard, the model is both internally consistent and fully compatible with existing data. Moreover, it encompasses gravity, defines elemental charge, and predicts new aspects of known processes that can in fact be tested.
                                For the sources and more quotes, see this thread:

