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Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter "Replications"

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  • this may make some of you pause for a second:

    Zircon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Because of their uranium and thorium content, some zircons might undergo metamictization.
    one more thing: in 1932 there was a company : Brown Quartz Mining and Milling Co., Inc.- Colorado Springs, Colorado 1932

    could not find much info but there you have it:

    Brown Quartz Mining and Milling Co., Inc.- Colorado Springs, Colorado 1932

    Brown Quartz Mine Topography, Elevation, Lat, Long,

    Brown Quartz Mine (in Clear Creek County, CO)

    Colorado Topo Maps | Topographic Map Data for Colorado State | Trails


    see post:
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-22-2011, 03:43 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • from this post:

      Whether Dr Tesla was right or wrong in his theory is subject to debate, but you are missing the point, in order for us to understand How he succeeded in transferring energy wirelessly you have to look through his eyes, not yours

      As long as you persist in viewing his experiments through your own referential, you are condemned to replicate his experiment for educational purpose (ie: garage tinkering). Modulate your mind to match his and I'm sure a world of inspiration awaits us. I am sure that his theory may show some discrepancies, but remember this, he was trying to explain what he observed in his experiments based on what he believed to be true not the other way around. From his own words:

      Experience is made before the law is formulated, both are related like cause an effect. Nicholas Tesla
      and the same applies to his drawings....

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Hello Gentlemen, obviously the land is doped with numerous elements and subject to change, said the land could "beat" is very possible that the electrical energy that makes your heart beat through the land can be increased because it is "polarized" distances mother Earth, you may as with the power swing will increase at each thrust, a greeting
        must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


        • Originally posted by antigraviticsystems1 View Post
          Hello Gentlemen, obviously the land is doped with numerous elements and subject to change, said the land could "beat" is very possible that the electrical energy that makes your heart beat through the land can be increased because it is "polarized" distances mother Earth, you may as with the power swing will increase at each thrust, a greeting

          see post: made by Armagdn03

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Now you want to know what i think the beating of the earth comes from

            as above so below ...the core of the earth spins the same way and shape as...

            Heliospheric current sheet:

            The heliospheric current sheet (HCS) is the surface within the Solar System where the polarity of the Sun's magnetic field changes from north to south. This field extends throughout the Sun's equatorial plane in the heliosphere.[1][2] The shape of the current sheet results from the influence of the Sun's rotating magnetic field on the plasma in the interplanetary medium (Solar Wind).[3] A small electrical current flows within the sheet, about 10−10 A/m². The thickness of the current sheet is about 10,000 km...

            ...As the Sun rotates, its magnetic field twists into a Parker spiral,[5] a form of an Archimedean spiral, named after its discovery by Eugene Parker.

            and don't forget the presence of water in the sun and you have your Cosmic Water Coil capacitor, containing your earth water coil, containing your tree water coil, and so on (sounds fractal, no?)
            and that gives you the beat

            ps: Silicon is the eighth most abundant element in the Universe; it is made in stars with a mass of eight or more Earth suns. Near the end of their lives these stars enter the carbon burning phase, adding helium nuclei to carbon to produce oxygen, neon, magnesium and silicon.


            Quartz: SiO2

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-22-2011, 04:50 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Hey Dragon, What does the "^" symbol mean in that formula ? I can't work it out.

              When I turned on the scope to measure the primary cap voltage on the circuit it glitched my computer and the upload failed, so i had to start it again, dangit, 25% done again now.

              Anyway the primary cap voltage is believe it or not pushing 100 volts. with a 25 volt input. Hard to believe but i had to flick the scope to 100 volts per division get it all on screen. The primary capacitor is only 2.8 nF and I measured the primary inductance at 68 uH but that was with the primary still around the secondary and measured after the charging inductor.

              Here is the drawing of the circuit. Updated.
              I linked the PWM circuit in my first post.


              P.S. I think the primary caps I'm using are only rated to 100 volts oops. I better upgrade those.
              Last edited by Farmhand; 07-23-2011, 06:17 AM.


              • Sorry Farmhand , i kind of derailed the a little over excited, but i stand by what i wrote....

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Umm the 100 volts at the primary cap was at low power too only about 5 watts, i'm not sure if the cap voltage will increase or decrease with more power. I'm guessing it will only increase, doesn't seem right. Maybe I need a primary coil with less turns and bigger primary capacitor. I'll see if I can explode one of these caps first then. I could do with a laugh.


                  • I ought to have jumped on this thread properly ages ago..been fascinated with your pics and videos Farmhand
                    Also, there are a lot of the fundamentals of the working method mindset that I believe MonsieurM is bringing forward.

                    Your cap situation reminds me of many an experiment, where a cap will fill and sit there full. HV from pulse motors can similarly fill up batteries or caps and never step over the rating value. I erroneously used to use a 5.5V 1F supercap with a pulse motor and run the thing with 12V...the output HV was rectified by an AV plug. That cap is still fine and I have no idea what used to be zooming through it.
                    Receiver towers have filled caps to hundreds of volts over a minute or so and yet they can also be left filling up for an hour and not blow up. It just seems to be a safety effect of HV somehow. I view it as the way a DC circuit will only draw the amperage it works for voltage on these systems too, like a swap over but same effect.
                    If you manage to blow a cap I would be very surprised but, if you do, would like to know how you did it


                    • Here's the video finally. Two failed uploads, Grrr.

                      ‪Test -7.wmv‬‏ - YouTube

                      The cap i'm talking about blowing is the primary cap, I'm going to try 160 volts on the input later on today. So that will be 160 volts input with a 100 volts cap and with only 25 volts input that cap see's 100 volts from the magnetic field of the charging inductor collapsing into it in the off cycle time.

                      Thie charging circuit makes use of the time the switch is off to charge the primary cap with the collapsing field energy of the charging inductor, then when the switch is closed the primary cap discharges through the primary coil. So with 25 volts input the primary coil is actually pulsed with about 100 volts at times and this is before the secondary, this is the voltage at the primary capacitor of the transmitter.

                      I estimate there would be at least 300 volts in the primary cap if I use 160 volts input possibly more if I use higher voltage rated caps.

                      Also the voltage at the receiver has been stepped back down the same amount as it is stepped up by the transmitter secondary, the HV at the terminals of both coils is much higher than the primary voltage or the voltage at the output coil of the receiver. I have a 200uf 200 volt electrolytic cap after the FWBR at the receiver, but on the AC of the output is the same 2.8 nF 100v non polarised cap for resonance as on the primary coil of the transmitter. If I open circuit the output coil of the receiver it is well over 100 volts, the output coil is the low voltage coil steped down from 1400 turns to 17 turns.

                      Last edited by Farmhand; 07-22-2011, 09:38 PM.


                      • Looks like you have a winter heating element circuit there ! Though I do wonder what nichrome wire might do, instead of bumping up the resistor size and especially if it was wound as a coil.

                        I'm wondering about putting a tray of earth or plant pot type of thing between two towers. Then have a wire from my outside Ground stuck into that. The towers connection 1 wire would then be separated by actual earth, of as big a volume as possible. Idea being to simulate an outside wireless connection but inside the house. Do you think that has any merit for experiments ?


                        • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
                          Looks like you have a winter heating element circuit there ! Though I do wonder what nichrome wire might do, instead of bumping up the resistor size and especially if it was wound as a coil.

                          I'm wondering about putting a tray of earth or plant pot type of thing between two towers. Then have a wire from my outside Ground stuck into that. The towers connection 1 wire would then be separated by actual earth, of as big a volume as possible. Idea being to simulate an outside wireless connection but inside the house. Do you think that has any merit for experiments ?
                          Yes I do, I have connected the wire connecting the two coils together to the ground stake and they still transmitted power but that wasn't actually transmitting through the ground. It might work and is definately worth the experiment.

                          I would like to try that myself actually.

                          P.S. The primary cap is the little tiny red one's sticking up from the terminal blocks on the mounting boards.
                          Last edited by Farmhand; 07-22-2011, 08:55 PM.


                          • Some quotes from the researching and writings of Nikola Tesla. I read in this book somewhere that the process that is lighting the tube's wirelessly is electrostatic induction, I can't find it at the moment but they do make a point of explaining why that is so. So baasically the wireless lighting can be done with electrostatic induction. I'll link some quotes anyway.

                            Book download, it's chocked full of goodies !
                            The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla, with special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting : Martin, Thomas Commerford, 1856-1924 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

                            It is very likely that resonant vibration plays a most important
                            part in all manifestations of energy in nature. Throughout space
                            all matter is vibrating, and all rates of vibration are represented,
                            from the lowest musical note to the highest pitch of the chemical
                            rays, hence an atom, or complex of atoms, no matter what its
                            period, must find a vibration with which it is in resonance
                            Still another feature of some interest I may here bring to your
                            attention. When the insulated plate is disconnected and the secondary
                            of the coil opened, by approaching a small object to the
                            secondary, but very small sparks can be drawn from it, showing
                            that the electrostatic induction is small in this case. But upon
                            the secondary being closed upon itself or through the lamp, the
                            filament glowing brightly, strong sparks are obtained from the
                            secondary. The electrostatic induction is now much greater,
                            because the closed secondary determines a greater flow of current
                            through the primary and principally through that half of it which
                            is connected to the induction coil. If now the bulb be grasped
                            with the hand, the capacity of the secondary with reference to the
                            primary is augmented by the experimenter's body and the luminosity
                            of the filament is increased, the incandescence now being
                            due partly to the flow of current through the filament and
                            partly to the molecular bombardment of the rarefied gas in the
                            A point of some importance was noted in experiments with
                            various discharges of this kind. It was found, for instance, that
                            whereas the conditions maintained in these forms were favorable
                            for the production of a great spark length, the current so obtained
                            was not best suited to the production of light effects. Experience
                            undoubtedly has shown, that for such purposes a harmonic
                            rise and fall of the potential is preferable. Be it that a
                            solid is rendered incandescent, or phosphorescent, or be it that energy
                            is transmitted by condenser coating through the glass, it is
                            quite certain that a harmonically rising and falling potential produces
                            less destructive action, and that the vacuum is more permanently
                            maintained. This would be easily explained if it were
                            ascertained that the process going on in an exhausted vessel is of
                            an electrolytic nature.
                            The tubes act as capacitors apparently, resonant cavities maybe.

                            Last edited by Farmhand; 07-22-2011, 10:49 PM.


                            • This is the voltage across the low voltage winding of the receiver with 24 volt input, about 240 volts which is linear to the 120 volts I got with 12 volts input. There is no cap on the DC side of the bridge rectifier so there is no stored energy there. There is also no load though.

                              That should increase even more when I finally work out how I will make the toroid terminals smoother. And maybe use some coax cable btween them.

                              I will also try sliders tub of dirt idea. But now that I think about it if the dirt is conductive will it be different from a wire, maybe it will.

                              Only one way to find out.

                              Last edited by Farmhand; 07-22-2011, 10:11 PM.


                              • Hi guys, failure report. I went ahead and decided that it was crazy to destroy caps for no good reason so I changed out the low voltage primary caps for some 4000 volt parts and tried the 160 volts input however i made some mistakes and fried several componants on my circuit board.

                                It went for about 5 seconds a couple of times, then I heard a pop and seen the current meter go from milliamps to 4.5 amps, seems I was powering down the circuit rather than remove the voltage source or stop the pulses to turn it off, I think this caused a mosfet failure then blew the side out of the PWM chip at the transistor outputs. Live and learn. If I leave the voltage source connected to the coil I should cut the pulses rather than cut the power to the PWM and let it power down slowly this causes the Mosfets to keep switching with a weaker and weaker drive pulse leading to failure, at least this is what I think happened.

                                I think I'll stick to 24 volts when switching with mosfets from now on.

                                So now I need to repair the circuit, no probs there. However I have decided to rearrange my work area as I've worked my area into such a mess I am having trouble finding things. Time for an early spring clean and a big parts salvaging effort to reduce the amount of expired electrical equipment laying around. Wish me luck I could get buried in a "parts slide".

                                I hope to be back to it soon with some smooth toroids, I might use car body filler to smooth over the one's I have already then try to neatly cover them with foil and set them up adjustable like Cody showed back earlier in this thread. I think the effect of that would be similar to the plate experiment i did, probaly a lot better effect.


