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Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter "Replications"

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  • Hi all here's one video so far. It's a 470 uF cap rated to 200 volts. It's charged by the DC output of the receiver.

    Cap Shorting fun - 1.wmv - YouTube

    Last edited by Farmhand; 11-09-2011, 11:16 PM.


    • Here's another one with some quite bizarre looking artifacts in the tube.
      It's really bright too, but of course the camera compensates sometimes.
      I used the compensating function of the camera to be able to show the effect.
      Kinda swirly lookin. The second tube in this video is a different pink one.

      Warning; loud rooster at the end of the clip. I'll edit it. Sorry
      Fluro Patterns.wmv - YouTube

      Some technical stuff later, I gotta wind some coils.

      P.S. Oh and I just setup a voltage doubler on the input and a good meter for
      input volts and amperes to it from the battery. So I can go up to 22 volts input.
      Last edited by Farmhand; 11-09-2011, 11:30 PM.


      • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
        Here's another one with some quite bizarre looking artifacts in the tube.
        It's really bright too, but of course the camera compensates sometimes.
        I used the compensating function of the camera to be able to show the effect.
        Kinda swirly lookin. The second tube in this video is a different pink one.

        Warning; loud rooster at the end of the clip. I'll edit it. Sorry
        Fluro Patterns.wmv - YouTube

        Some technical stuff later, I gotta wind some coils.

        P.S. Oh and I just setup a voltage doubler on the input and a good meter for
        input volts and amperes to it from the battery. So I can go up to 22 volts input.
        you'r right , looks "vortexy" to me...more like multiple vortexes

        Farmhand, could you by any chance describe what happens when you touched the Fluo....very curious about that part
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-09-2011, 11:42 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          you'r right , looks "vortexy" to me...more like multiple vortexes

          Farmhand, could you by any chance describe what happens when you touched the Fluo....very curious about that part
          Yeah I just touch it and there becomes a dark spot in the middle, the dark patch
          seems to have inertia, I say that because of the way it kinda sloshes up and
          down. It's fascinating to me . It seems to keep moving up or down after I
          stop moving my hand, but it's a very subtle effect. And difficult to appreciate on
          video I admit. I keep thinking of Crooks' experiments but it's probably different.
          Interesting nonetheless. Crooks' experiment on the Dark Space is
          described starting page 5, but I recommend reading from the beginning when
          there is time, it's very interesting stuff in that book.

          Sir William Crookes - On Radiant Matter.pdf

          Edit : I think it was dR Green who first made me aware of that book. Ta dR.

          Last edited by Farmhand; 11-10-2011, 12:07 AM.


          • Could you have someone else touch it (if safe and possible) and see if the effect is different in any way

            Thanks for the link, will definitely have a look at it
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-10-2011, 12:06 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
              Could you have someone else touch it (if safe and possible) and see if the effect is different in any way

              Thanks for the link, will definitely have a look at it
              I'll try, but the people here are a bit wary of my experiments since my
              demonstration of the power of split water, unfortunately it didn't go quite to
              plan, it was a real hoot afterwards everyone was yelling but nobody could hear anything.


              • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                Here's another one with some quite bizarre looking artifacts in the tube.
                It's really bright too, but of course the camera compensates sometimes.
                I used the compensating function of the camera to be able to show the effect.
                Kinda swirly lookin. The second tube in this video is a different pink one.

                Warning; loud rooster at the end of the clip. I'll edit it. Sorry
                Fluro Patterns.wmv - YouTube

                Some technical stuff later, I gotta wind some coils.

                P.S. Oh and I just setup a voltage doubler on the input and a good meter for
                input volts and amperes to it from the battery. So I can go up to 22 volts input.
                maybe its just me or the vid does not do it justice but I do not see vortice action in that?


                • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                  Thanks Kokomo and dR, I think I have it sorted now, all I needed to do was
                  leave the caps across the primary for the resonance on the transmitter and
                  use a different much bigger cap for the resonant charging circuit, i'll make
                  some drawings after dinner, I'm getting good results with LV now I've made
                  the change. I can even use the harmonics but full excitement still works best

                  When I short a 200 v 220 uf electro cap charged at the receiver output I get
                  30 v almost instantly when I unshort it, and if I don't put enough pressure on
                  the screwdriver I get a constant stream of sparks looks good. The input
                  drops when I do that but always is a sine wave from the transmitter. The cap
                  will eventually charge to over 80 volts, input is 12.3v the cap charges to
                  about 30 volts almost instantaneous with very little input, which is about the
                  voltage in the primary charging capacitor, and more than double the input
                  voltage. So I can exploit that I can do well I think.

                  Hehe if I connect to ground with the transmitter for fun I can tune it for
                  plasma streams like it used to do. Frequency is about 440 Khz.

                  Pics and video clip soon.



                  well if you wanted to lay a grounding wire out to get say 1/2 wavelenth from each other to insure a good ground you would be looking at 340meters and change for the hertzian so if you happened to have 16awg wire laying around that woudl come out to about 4.5ohms. I presume that you could use a resistor for testing them close by to simulate a hard wire of that gauge if you decided to do a real time test with known ground resistance.


                  • Hi Kokomo, I wouldn't describe the fluro patterns as a vortex, just swirly and
                    random but they do look kind of like a streaking effect like a random current
                    path through the medium in the tube taking the path of least resistance at
                    the time probably from the un-eveness of the heating inside, the bottom of
                    the tube gets quite hot and so the heat rising and cool sinking there would be
                    definite random paths of less resistance where the hot medium is more
                    conductive, the current then causes more heat, circulation and movement of
                    the hot more conductive paths through the tube. Being that the bottom of
                    the tube is connected to the bottom of the secondary coil but the top is not
                    connected to anything and considering the current paths through the tube I
                    can only conclude that there is significant current through the tube.

                    What type of current would that be ? Electron current ? Displacement current ? Or something else ?

                    In a lecture by Tesla he states that the wireless lighting of fluorescent bulbs
                    is an electrostatic event when done this way, I'll try to find the text.

                    I'm not ready for distance transmission tests yet, I am starting to think if it
                    might be possible to use a HF coil to transmit a beat frequency lower than
                    20 Khz through the ground.

                    With the voltage doubler I was able to put over 15 watts into the transmitter
                    primary and can light 5 watt auto bulb/ filament type really bright. However a
                    lot of heat went into the mosfets because the switching is affected by the
                    coils. I need to find a better way to get more power into the primary and keep
                    the circuitry shielded and further away.

                    I think I have the frequency low enough to be able to use a better IC for the
                    PWM. So I'll have a think about it, I'm not keen on hot switches. It seems to
                    me that the collapsing magnetic field of the primary coil adds to the energy
                    oscillating in the primary tank and that when the current through the
                    connecting wire returns (is sent back from the receiver) it would induce a
                    current in the primary also which should coincide with the next pulse if pulsing
                    at the resonant frequency.

                    I'm gonna try some harmonics and see what happens.



                    • Some quotes from. This Book IRWNT Not Nikola's words directly
                      but a honest account I think with his own opinions noted and differentiated.
                      This is a remarkable book.

                      Page 120 IRWNT

                      "Taking up the
                      course of reasoning followed by Mr. Tesla in his first lecture, it
                      will be noted that he started out with the recognition of the fact,
                      which he has now experimentally demonstrated, that for the production
                      of light waves, primarily, electrostatic effects must be
                      brought into play
                      , and continued study has led him to the Opinion
                      that all electrical and magnetic effects may be referred to electrostatic
                      moLolecular forces. This opinion finds a singular confirmation
                      in one of the most striking experiments which he
                      describes, namely, the production of a veritable flame by the
                      agitation of electrostatically charged molecules."


                      Page 145 IRWNT
                      "Nature has stored up in the universe infinite energy. The
                      eternal recipient and transmitter of this infinite energy is the
                      . The recognition of the existence of ether, and of the
                      functions it performs, is one of the most important results of
                      modern scientific research. The mere abandoning of the idea of
                      action at a distance, the assumption of a medium pervading all
                      space and connecting all gross matter, has freed the minds of
                      thinkers of an ever present doubt, and, by opening a new horizon
                      new and unforeseen possibilities has given fresh interest to
                      phenomena with which we are familiar of old. It has been a
                      great step towards the understanding of the forces of nature and
                      their multifold manifestations to our senses. It has been for
                      the enlightened student of physics what the understanding of
                      the mechanism of the firearm or of the steam engine is for the
                      barbarian. Phenomena upon which we used to look as wonders
                      baffling explanation, we now see in a different light. The spark
                      of an induction coil, the glow of an incandescent lamp, the manifestations
                      of the mechanical forces of currents and magnets are
                      no longer beyond our grasp ; instead of the incomprehensible, as
                      before, their observation suggests now in our minds a simple
                      mechanism, and although as to its precise nature all is still conjecture,
                      yet we know that the truth cannot be much longer hidden,
                      and instinctively we feel that the understanding is dawning
                      upon us."


                      Well maybe the Dark Space I see is the Crookes Dark Space.

                      Page 201 IRWNT
                      "Here still another, which by my fingers' touch casts a shadow
                      the Crookes shadow of the stem inside of it


                      Page 295 IRWNT
                      "Helmholtz, has shown that the fundi of the eye are themselves,
                      luminous, and he was able to see, in total darkness, the movement
                      of his arm by the light of his own eyes. This is one of the
                      most remarkable experiments recorded in the history of science,
                      and probably only a few men could satisfactorily repeat it, for it
                      is very likely, that the luminosity of the eyes is associated with
                      uncommon activity of the brain and great imaginative power. It
                      is fluorescence of brain action, as it were."


                      • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                        Yeah that waveform was just an effect of the scope and changing frequency I think.

                        Anyway I found this Caduceus type effect noted in this Book I'm studying.
                        On page 398 and the explanation of the experiments and observations carry on through page 399 and 400 I think.
                        The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla, with special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting : Martin, Thomas Commerford, 1856-1924 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

                        I think a vacuum tube was used.

                        Uploaded with

                        Thank you farmhand I have not seen this post..

                        reminds me of your vid with the Fluro Patterns

                        Fluro Patterns.wmv - YouTube
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-10-2011, 05:05 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Hi Guy's, I found that I can use half frequency to pulse the primary of the
                          transmitter and get good power out of the receiver for the input to the
                          transmitter, but there is no resonant rise and so the voltage remains fairly

                          Here's some scope shots, these are from the hanging probe and the receiver
                          is loaded so no real ring up.

                          Resonance for reference

                          Uploaded with

                          Half frequency.

                          Uploaded with

                          Initial pulse then 3 oscillations

                          Uploaded with

                          Initial pulse then 6 oscillations

                          Uploaded with

                          Initial pulse then 8 oscillations

                          Uploaded with

                          If enough input voltage is used they are all useful to a degree but none can
                          give as much power from the receiver as pulsing at the actual resonant

                          Here's a pic of a 10 watt fluro lit up between transmitter and receiver, the
                          transmitter is connected to the wire on the left by the black clip lead stuck in
                          the pot the receiver is connected to the top of the fluro by the green clip lead
                          the fluro is stuck in the dirt.

                          Uploaded with

                          This is the total input to the transmitter, it works out to about 13 watts.

                          Uploaded with

                          And this is the wave form from the hanging probe

                          Uploaded with

                          OF course the receiver can still power loads at the same time. And the
                          input remains fairly stable too.



                          • are your coils tuned to the length and mass of the wire? I believe that is how NT did it?

                            meyls coils were pancake with the prim on the bttom and sec on top etched into a circuit board and one was wound ccw and one cw if that has any value.


                            • Originally posted by Kokomoj0 View Post
                              are your coils tuned to the length and mass of the wire? I believe that is how NT did it?

                              meyls coils were pancake with the prim on the bttom and sec on top etched into a circuit board and one was wound ccw and one cw if that has any value.
                              No they're not, but dR's are. I'm not so sure that was the case with the
                              Magnifying transmitter anyway, it wasn't a spiral coil and had no spiral coils.

                              It had three coils so which were weighted to which do you think ?

                              Primary "C" coil
                              Secondary "A" coil
                              And Extra coil "B" the resonator.

                              Would C be weighted to A or B or both or all weighted to each other.

                              I don't think it's necessary. As long as resonance is achieved and it is, and
                              the maximum potential is at the top of the coils, which it is.

                              Not sure what you would expect to see as far as resonance is concerned
                              except for resonance. With both coils resonant with each other as well.

                              When I see Meyl light up some fluro's or regular bulbs or run motors I'll take some
                              notice of him. Until then it's just tiny power levels which is easy to deal with.
                              Honestly he powered his device from a wall wart and lit up 2 x 3 mm LED's.
                              I'm powering 6 x 5mm LED's but I have to do it through 1270 Ohms of resisters
                              so I don't blow any more when I remove the other loads.

                              When I crank up the power at resonance if there are loose connections or
                              high resistance connections in my terminals they start to arc and the
                              waveform gets fuzzy, or if the terminals are too rough energy leaks out. You
                              don't have those problems with the very low input power setups. It only
                              happens when the terminal is charged to a high potential. I have about 1400
                              turns in my Coil "A" and "B" combined and 10 in my primary close wound at the
                              very bottom, I did this mainly so I can pulse it fairly well and easily with a
                              regular PWM IC at 440 Khz or so. The IC is pretty tough and I have 400 volt Mosfets.

                              I think Meyl just used a harmonic and actual resonance to show the effect of
                              the no shielding, with the tiny power levels he was using you would almost
                              need to touch the terminal to affect it's capacitance and resonance. The
                              energy is transmitted through his ground wire not the air so he is shielding

                              I can show the effect with my own setup. But when the power goes up the
                              the terminal is charged to a much higher potential and it could lash out at you
                              from a larger distance, also the distance to affect the terminal capacitance at
                              high potential is much more.

                              To get the effects he showed with those tiny power levels is easy. Crank it
                              up I say. then see what happens.

                              The ten watt fluro between the coils (not wirelessly lit) the 1 watt powering a
                              filament bulb at the receiver and the heat in the switches makes up for almost
                              all the input power, very little is radiated.

                              If I want to power 2 LEDs I can do it with a very small input to the
                              transmitter. I can light fluro's from the wired output of the receiver using it to
                              pulse a MOT and light the fluro. Lot's of experimenting to do.

                              I probably will have a mess around with weighted coils at some point but I don't
                              think it will make much difference, maybe a bit. I think my results with 12 and
                              24 volt inputs are comparable to dR's results with a spark gap, so thousands of
                              volts input to his primary. I'll post a video soon of some plasma or HF arc from
                              the terminal of the transmitter with 12 volts and 24 volts input. It's much more
                              convenient to use a 12v battery and a voltage doubler to light some fluro's
                              and transmit some power than it is to use a spark gap.

                              I'm not looking for free energy or OU, my main focus is to achieve resonance
                              which i have and experiment with stuff, if I observe something interesting I post it.

                              This video shows that even though there is only 150 turns in the Secondary
                              coil "A" and 10 turns in the primary coil "C" because there is 1300 turns or so
                              in the resonator the voltage is quite high at the terminals. The hissing sound
                              like escaping air is the sound a leaking terminal makes. The leak can come from
                              a single sharp point or sharp edge and be barely visible. So we can see how
                              important the terminal is in the Magnifier patent and why Nikola gave so much
                              detail about it and the cylindrical vertical conductor as well.

                              Plasma Streams.wmv - YouTube



                              • Here's what I think about the opposite wound coils thing.

                                If the coils are wound like in the attached drawing the primaries pulsed in series
                                or parallel, then the secondaries should be in phase, and in series they would
                                double voltage and in parallel they should double current but same voltage.

                                A similar thing can be achieved by pulsing (using AC too), a pair of ignition
                                coils or similar maybe resonant coils, in anti parallel, they can be wound the
                                same way then. There is a web page on it. I'll find it later.

                                Uploaded with

                                I think Don Smiths device should have two primaries as well as two secondaries.

