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Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter "Replications"

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  • Originally posted by LetsReplicate View Post
    If the coils aren't properly matched to the input signal, then you won't get the results.

    Just about everything Telsa did falls under the category of telecommunications. A Tesla coil is a radio broadcast antenna, which is why standing waves can be detected near them. It's really easy to get lost when it comes to vectors: they're not very straight forward ( no pun intended). The most common use of wavelength is in antenna calculation and with regard to radio.
    It seems quite possible to get satisfactory results with relatively random lengths. My primary, secondary and extra coils are all matched by copper weight but are all different gauges, the "tuning" (getting the best output) is done via adjusting the spark gap and the primary capacitor, and I can't say there's a great amount of difficulty involved in getting a nice output. It's just not necessarily tuned for the best possible output.

    One question though, are you of the opinion that the energy is transmitted through the air - the output is the terminal at the top - or do you consider the output to be the grounded end of the coil?

    "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

    "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


    • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
      P.S. Here is a chart for AWG approximate weight, resistance ect.
      Copper Wire Properties Guage Size AWG - RF Cafe
      Nice. Shame all the boxes from 1.8mm up are blank

      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


      • Originally posted by QuarterPole View Post
        For bulk copper, you might look in to home improvement or roofing suppliers. They sell rolls of copper flashing. One home improvement place in particular has 8in by 20ft for $43
        Thanks. One of the places I ended up looking was earthing strips and stuff people put in their roofs for lightning protection as far as I can tell. What's this copper flashing stuff? One of the first search results looks a bit... Thin

        Looks like very flimsy copper tape.

        "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

        "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


        • Originally posted by Wikipedia
          Flashing refers to thin continuous pieces of sheet metal or other impervious material installed to prevent the passage of water into a structure from an angle or joint.
          So, yeah, it's not thick, it's thin enough to bend and drive nails through, and thick enough that wind and sticks and ice shouldn't hurt it, maybe 1/16th or 1/8th inch, but my understanding is that you want to match surface area, rather than weight. In any case, you can fold it over on itself and call it a laminate.
          That Eternabond does look flimsy, and it says it has adhesive backing. Not exactly what I had in mind. The best bet would be if you have a real, local hardware store or farm supply, they might sell it by the foot, just what you need, rather than the huge rolls that the big name stores will have.
          I think that the plumbing place is a good idea, too. Soft copper tubing, like you use to hook up a faucet, may be an option instead of thick wire. Much easier to find, anyhow.
          "The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit), and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."

          Black Elk - Oglala Sioux


          • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
            It seems quite possible to get satisfactory results with relatively random lengths. My primary, secondary and extra coils are all matched by copper weight but are all different gauges, the "tuning" (getting the best output) is done via adjusting the spark gap and the primary capacitor, and I can't say there's a great amount of difficulty involved in getting a nice output. It's just not necessarily tuned for the best possible output.

            One question though, are you of the opinion that the energy is transmitted through the air - the output is the terminal at the top - or do you consider the output to be the grounded end of the coil?
            I regard "results" as being different from "the results" . Any length of coils will get you some output, but in order to get "the right" output, the coils need to be balanced for proper receiving. This is especially true with high Q systems (mostly inductive, aka coils) because they have a much lower functional bandwidth than a dipole (straight wire). If you had the system working perfectly at resonance, you'd see that there is a VERY clear difference.

            Transverse electromagnetic waves move through both the ground and air; receiving works by detecting the entropy between the two ("ground waves" really do move through the ground causing the antenna to act as the stable reference point). If longitudinal waves exist, I believe they most likely move through the ground with the free space acting as a capacitor (that means it could be perceived as a wave in free space, but it would be a voltage-current wave instead of voltage-magnetic wave). It's really just an argument over perception, like gravity: are you really being "pulled" down? or are you being "pushed" down? The answer is both.


            • By "right" output do you mean like in this video where I tune the receiver to
              the transmitter and the series volt meters hit the stoppers. I can do it from the
              transmitter too. Or de-tune it, I can make it so a load increases or decreases
              the input, by the load bringing it into or out of tune, it's really very easy.

              It can transmit from inside one steel shed to inside another steel shed 20
              meters away with a "ground" wire.

              Resonant Voltage Rise.wmv - YouTube

              Piece of cake when the setup is tuned and adjustable. The input is from a 12 volt battery,
              the two transformers are identical and very adjustable, the setup produces a
              very nice sine wave picked up by a hanging scope probe. I've already shown all
              these video's. For some reason the one above is unlisted I'll change that.

              And as can be seen by this video the voltage does just keep on rising if
              charging a cap from the receiver output coil. In the video I say I don't
              understand and drivel something about BEMF pay no attention to that.
              But now I think I do understand. It was a while ago.

              700 volt cap charge.wmv - YouTube

              Last edited by Farmhand; 12-17-2011, 07:32 AM.


              • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                the setup produces a
                very nice sine wave picked up by a hanging scope probe
                Have you tried transmitting through the bucket of soil and putting the probe near the bucket to see what shows up?

                This is my current 'theory' as to what's happening, based on the scale of my setup etc, or rather what I have observed: The radiated energy field is very small from the top terminal, useless for practical use at a distance. But with the other end of the coil connected to a bucket of soil, the whole bucket now radiates energy - in full scale application this "bucket of soil" should extend out in all directions except up, because it would be the earth. I haven't tried as much with the top terminal except fluoros and an AV plug with a couple of LEDs, but the bucket radiates to the extent that it can energise jars of water placed 1-2 inches away and insulated from the bucket, and light an incandescent bulb from the lid of that jar that's insulated from both the water in the jar and the bucket that's radiating the energy. By putting the jar of water on top of the soil in the bucket the bulb gets brighter, but still the water is insulated inside the glass, and the metal lid is insulated from the water. The bucket also powers AV plugs with LEDs just like the "false wireless" of the top terminal does, and fluoros work around it too. But the "wireless fluoros" aren't as bright as they are near the top terminal. There is also a rather strange pattern that I haven't quite figured out yet; by putting the fluoro at certain angles or in certain places there's apparently not enough energy to keep it lit, but in another place even further away from the source it will remain lit, so I don't know what these sort of "blank spots" are.

                So on this scale at least, it looks like the "earth" (soil in a bucket) is radiating the energy in a similar way that the top terminal is, except the "earth" is further away from the coil and different from air it's a better conductor and you can transmit the energy far more efficiently, and plug things into it at various points and power incandescent bulbs without any receiving apparatus, also connect receiving coils into it etc. The same principle apparently applies to water.

                And on that note, the submarine project: I cut a length of wire that was 1/4 the length of the spiral secondary, another piece that was 1/4 the length of the primary, and a piece of pine dowel that would fit into the battery space inside the submarine. I wound the long wire onto this dowel, and had to discard a metre because there was no room to wind it (the long wire is now approx 2.25m and the short wire 55cm). Wound the shorter wire around this as a primary, and taped it all up. It's ended up just a bit too big to fit inside the sub. While thinking about unwinding it and shaving some thickness off the dowel I realised I've got even thinner wire that I forgot I had, so before proceeding with all that I just gave the current coil a test run. Very good results so far, better using this receiving coil than a FWBR with 1 wire and a capacitance on the other AC input. Now the FWBR is connected across the "primary" and one wire connecting from the water into the bottom of the "secondary". With a 1.1 watt LED array as the test it works without any capacitance on the top end of the coil, but it looks as bright as it can get when I connect the top of the coil to the metal legs of a table. Also without a capacitance on the top there is a very clear point in the spark gap that allows it all to work. Only at one spark gap setting will the LEDs light, very difficult to do at lower inputs, it's necessary to increase the current in order to make the spark gap "flutter" even the smallest amount to get an output. So now I will unwind this coil and rewind with 3.25m of the thinner wire.

                "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                • Originally posted by QuarterPole View Post
                  So, yeah, it's not thick, it's thin enough to bend and drive nails through, and thick enough that wind and sticks and ice shouldn't hurt it, maybe 1/16th or 1/8th inch, but my understanding is that you want to match surface area, rather than weight. In any case, you can fold it over on itself and call it a laminate.
                  That Eternabond does look flimsy, and it says it has adhesive backing. Not exactly what I had in mind. The best bet would be if you have a real, local hardware store or farm supply, they might sell it by the foot, just what you need, rather than the huge rolls that the big name stores will have.
                  I think that the plumbing place is a good idea, too. Soft copper tubing, like you use to hook up a faucet, may be an option instead of thick wire. Much easier to find, anyhow.
                  Thanks for the info. Gives me a better idea of what I'm looking for at least. I'll have to look around for some shops, there's not too much around here but there's plenty of farm shops I suppose, that's why I was looking on the internet thinking it would be easier to find (and cheaper). Anyway it helps to have names of things and more ideas of what to look for

                  "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                  "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                  • Originally posted by LetsReplicate View Post
                    If longitudinal waves exist, I believe they most likely move through the ground with the free space acting as a capacitor (that means it could be perceived as a wave in free space, but it would be a voltage-current wave instead of voltage-magnetic wave). It's really just an argument over perception, like gravity: are you really being "pulled" down? or are you being "pushed" down? The answer is both.
                    I don't think it is. In my opinion the metal ball on the top of the coil is simply a capacitance, it's not intended to "transmit" any portion of wave or anything, it's more like a thing that helps to "push" the energy down through the other end of the coil. I don't think the "surrounding space" is having anything to do with acting as a capacitor. If that's the right way to say it

                    Because like with the gravity thing, it's pulling you down. Gravity isn't pushing you, that's atmospheric pressure

                    [edit] Although the receiver in this system is a mirror image of the transmitter so I think we've gone off the subject a bit now The 1/4 wave in this case is of the secondary in relation to the pulsing rate of the input to the primary (I think in simplest terms), not in making a separate 1/4 wave receiver.
                    Last edited by dR-Green; 12-18-2011, 01:07 AM.

                    "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                    "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                    • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                      Have you tried transmitting through the bucket of soil and putting the probe near the bucket to see what shows up?
                      Hi dR, No I haven't tried that yet, at the moment I don't have room to set up
                      the LV coils inside to try it, but I will when I get the chance. I think it will
                      show a sine wave too but almost flat compared to the terminal.

                      Yes the pot of dirt does radiate energy, because it is only small, if it was the
                      size of the Earth it wouldn't. but at High frequencies the Earth is too big to
                      resonate, the higher the frequency the less power in each bang so it would be
                      like trying to ring a church bell with a match stick, it would ring but as the
                      frequency slows the head of the match gets more and more mass until it is
                      the size of a hammer. If using HF and connected to the ground the effect is
                      limited to a small area around the transmitter, getting bigger as the frequency drops, I imagine.

                      Without knowing what frequency you have your setup working at it would be
                      difficult to build a receiver unless it was the same as the transmitter. If you
                      knew the frequency the receiver could be very different but with the same

                      It may be possible to transmit signals to distance at HF ground connected but
                      I am not interested in signals, only usable amounts of power (energy).

                      I have done tests with a non resonant coils pulsed at lower frequencies of
                      2 to 4 Khz and it can be seen that the ground will indeed conduct energy
                      quite well at lower frequencies, electric fences and our single wire Earth
                      return power systems are 100% proof of that. But when the frequency is
                      increased it fades out, at about 15 Khz for me from memory, I urge people to test
                      it for themselves and see it with their own eyes.

                      The resonance part of the system is to raise the pressure of the terminal a lot
                      mainly. Resonance will not allow the use of the ground as a conductor on it's
                      own, an electric fence can conduct pulses over fair distance very well if a
                      good ground is used because it uses very low frequency no resonance is
                      required just HV pulses.

                      Currently power companies use the single wire Earth return system for power
                      transmission, the Earth is one conductor, at 60 Hz it works a treat, but at
                      5 mhz it would not work. 60 hz is a multiple of 6 and 12, if the magnifying
                      transmitter works to tap energy from the Earth I don't see why our present
                      systems don't do it too to some degree. Which would be a good enough
                      reason in itself for them not to admit to it.

                      I intend to keep experimenting with this type of thing but not for power
                      transmission over distance as such, mainly to improve my understanding of
                      things for my own benefit and to apply in various other ways.



                      • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                        By "right" output do you mean like in this video where I tune the receiver to
                        the transmitter and the series volt meters hit the stoppers. I can do it from the
                        transmitter too. Or de-tune it, I can make it so a load increases or decreases
                        the input, by the load bringing it into or out of tune, it's really very easy.

                        It can transmit from inside one steel shed to inside another steel shed 20
                        meters away with a "ground" wire.
                        Yes, you have the system in "feed through" resonance. It is my understating though that if the coils were self-tuned to electrical length (see pulse/wavelength below), you'd see a more improved output to what you have. For example: transformers which are designed to have a high coupling coefficient (efficiency) are normally designed so the secondary self resonates at double the primary (half wave receiver).

                        You might actually have that effect working for you in those demos though, it's hard to tell from a video. So to be safe, I'm going to assume that you do have the "right" output there.

                        Originally posted by dR-Green
                        This is my current 'theory' as to what's happening, based on the scale of my setup etc, or rather what I have observed: The radiated energy field is very small from the top terminal, useless for practical use at a distance. But with the other end of the coil connected to a bucket of soil, the whole bucket now radiates energy - in full scale application this "bucket of soil" should extend out in all directions except up, because it would be the earth. I haven't tried as much with the top terminal except fluoros and an AV plug with a couple of LEDs, but the bucket radiates to the extent that it can energise jars of water placed 1-2 inches away and insulated from the bucket, and light an incandescent bulb from the lid of that jar that's insulated from both the water in the jar and the bucket that's radiating the energy. By putting the jar of water on top of the soil in the bucket the bulb gets brighter, but still the water is insulated inside the glass, and the metal lid is insulated from the water. The bucket also powers AV plugs with LEDs just like the "false wireless" of the top terminal does, and fluoros work around it too. But the "wireless fluoros" aren't as bright as they are near the top terminal. There is also a rather strange pattern that I haven't quite figured out yet; by putting the fluoro at certain angles or in certain places there's apparently not enough energy to keep it lit, but in another place even further away from the source it will remain lit, so I don't know what these sort of "blank spots" are.
                        The "false wireless" is the impedance mismatch at the ends of your transmission line. If your coil was the perfect electrical length, there should be no voltage at ends of your line because the wave should be entirely magnetic at that point.

                        Originally posted by Farmhand
                        Yes the pot of dirt does radiate energy, because it is only small, if it was the
                        size of the Earth it wouldn't. but at High frequencies the Earth is too big to
                        resonate, the higher the frequency the less power in each bang so it would be
                        like trying to ring a church bell with a match stick, it would ring but as the
                        frequency slows the head of the match gets more and more mass until it is
                        the size of a hammer. If using HF and connected to the ground the effect is
                        limited to a small area around the transmitter, getting bigger as the frequency drops, I imagine.
                        Fully correct, the Earth has a huge amount of inductance which exhibits a higher impedance as the frequency increases. The air (free space) is entirely capacitive so it decreases in impedance as frequency increases.

                        I don't think it is. In my opinion the metal ball on the top of the coil is simply a capacitance, it's not intended to "transmit" any portion of wave or anything, it's more like a thing that helps to "push" the energy down through the other end of the coil. I don't think the "surrounding space" is having anything to do with acting as a capacitor. If that's the right way to say it

                        Because like with the gravity thing, it's pulling you down. Gravity isn't pushing you, that's atmospheric pressure

                        [edit] Although the receiver in this system is a mirror image of the transmitter so I think we've gone off the subject a bit now The 1/4 wave in this case is of the secondary in relation to the pulsing rate of the input to the primary (I think in simplest terms), not in making a separate 1/4 wave receiver.
                        Yes, I understand what you mean; and that is what I said outside the brackets. The part that gets tricky with that idea is: how do high-frequency waves move through a capacitor then? You can connect the grounds using a capacitor and the system will still work. So there must be some energy moving across that gap. In electronics capacitors are still able to pass "voltage-current" waves across them, so even a "virtual capacitor" (free space) must be capable of doing that.

                        I think of "longitudinal waves" as something closer to a string between the two resonators that "completes the circuit" using a fairly high-value capacitor.

                        The "why" of gravity and magnetism are still not fully and correctly described by physics. I am a subscriber to a variation of aether theory which explains that gravity is caused by aether "draining out of the universe" at the sub atomic level. The "drains" are so small that the aether is forced into a vortex as it escapes giving rise to atomic structures. Gravity would then be the force aether "rushing into and passing" matter. This explains the observation of red-shift without the need for an expanding universe. The density of the aether is what we call magnetism which fully explains the "relativistic folding of space" and "dark matter" (dense spots in the aether). So if aether is flowing into you, then aren't you being both pushed and pulled at the same time?

                        Wavelength and pulses (delay lines and transmission line):
                        The inverse of frequency is period. Electrical length refers to time it will take for the pulse to move from the start to the end of that coil (period). If your secondary + extra coil = 1 wavelength then the pulse reach the far end of coil and reflect of the capacitive ball after 1 wavelength. It will then take 1 wavelength to return to the primary arriving at the exact moment you send another pulse. The new pulse will add to the old pulse and increase it's amplitude.

                        Is that closer to what you're thinking? It's all the same theory, just a slight different perspective. What I'm talking about is the efficiency of harvesting the pulse/standing wave back off the line, which is what I am calling "receiving"

                        The pulse movement will create a standing wave (Standing wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) along the coil which will increase in amplitude with the uses. If the standing wave gets big enough it will cause arcing. The standing wave is your "real wireless" and it will radiate regardless what you have on the end of the coil. The standing wave is still a sin wave even if you are feeding a pulse in.


                        • Colorado Springs Notes PDF pages 148 and 149, shows a couple of primary circuits that interest me.

                          He seems to have used an adjustable Self induction coil in series with the primaries to regulate the current/voltage.

                          The left circuit is interesting, it seems to have two primaries used alternately.

                          Uploaded with

                          I think I've seen that in one of his HF patents but cant remember which one.

                          Short circuiting the supply is bad. This looks like a good circuit, it's the left
                          circuit above drawn differently and with added charging inductors.
                          The regulator L is the self induction coil.

                          Uploaded with

                          Two primaries and two spark gaps makes perfect sense. With the HV transformer
                          I have now I could fire those two gaps at the same time or alternately.

                          I think I might try that out. I need to make an adjustable self induction regulator.



                          • Originally posted by LetsReplicate View Post
                            The "why" of gravity and magnetism are still not fully and correctly described by physics. I am a subscriber to a variation of aether theory which explains that gravity is caused by aether "draining out of the universe" at the sub atomic level. The "drains" are so small that the aether is forced into a vortex as it escapes giving rise to atomic structures. Gravity would then be the force aether "rushing into and passing" matter. This explains the observation of red-shift without the need for an expanding universe. The density of the aether is what we call magnetism which fully explains the "relativistic folding of space" and "dark matter" (dense spots in the aether). So if aether is flowing into you, then aren't you being both pushed and pulled at the same time?
                            Yes I like to think about gravity too. I agree flowing through - pushing/pulling
                            at the same time. But I don't get the "draining out of the Universe part",
                            draining to where ? Another Universe ? I only consider one Universe it's
                            infinite in the scope of a human beings comprehension.

                            I say that because and.
                            Please forgive me as I rant. It might be fun.

                            The way I see it it is not possible for "nothing" to exist, to be able to
                            designate a given volume of space to contain "nothing" it must be bounded by
                            something ie. how could we stand on the edge of the Universe and say there
                            is nothing beyond without first knowing or looking on the other side.

                            It's a catch 22, to be able to say a space contained nothing we must be able
                            to discern its boundary or border lines/planes, in which case it would need to
                            be within the Universe, as far as I am aware a "perfect" vacuum has never
                            been created. In my opinion Nature would not allow a perfect vacuum.

                            Just like a true sphere only has one side so to is there no end to the Universe,
                            the sphere represents all matter, only a part of the Universe can be
                            encompassed by it at any one time. Everything that is not matter is spread
                            out for evermore (Aether).

                            At least I think "gravity" is made more complicated than it actually is, I think it
                            is merely that gravity and radiation are an effect of the electrical and
                            magnetic properties and activities associated with a rotating mass (body), the
                            effect being relative to the size and make up (what it's made up of) of the
                            body and it's relative rotational velocity.

                            If there is radiation there should also be gravitation to maintain momentum and mass I imagine.


                            P.S. If I use the wrong terminology now and then feel free to correct me or forgive me, I'm trained as a boilermaker not physicist.

                            Last edited by Farmhand; 12-19-2011, 10:57 AM.


                            • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                              Yes I like to think about gravity too. I agree flowing through - pushing/pulling
                              at the same time. But I don't get the "draining out of the Universe part",
                              draining to where ? Another Universe ? I only consider one Universe it's
                              infinite in the scope of a human beings comprehension.

                              I say that because and.
                              Please forgive me as I rant. It might be fun.

                              The way I see it it is not possible for "nothing" to exist, to be able to
                              designate a given volume of space to contain "nothing" it must be bounded by
                              something ie. how could we stand on the edge of the Universe and say there
                              is nothing beyond without first knowing or looking on the other side.

                              It's a catch 22, to be able to say a space contained nothing we must be able
                              to discern its boundary or border lines/planes, in which case it would need to
                              be within the Universe, as far as I am aware a "perfect" vacuum has never
                              been created. In my opinion Nature would not allow a perfect vacuum.

                              Just like a true sphere only has one side so to is there no end to the Universe,
                              the sphere represents all matter, only a part of the Universe can be
                              encompassed by it at any one time. Everything that is not matter is spread
                              out for evermore (Aether).

                              At least I think "gravity" is made more complicated than it actually is, I think it
                              is merely that gravity and radiation are an effect of the electrical and
                              magnetic properties and activities associated with a rotating mass (body), the
                              effect being relative to the size and make up (what it's made up of) of the
                              body and it's relative rotational velocity.

                              If there is radiation there should also be gravitation to maintain momentum and mass I imagine.


                              P.S. If I use the wrong terminology now and then feel free to correct me or forgive me, I'm trained as a boilermaker not physicist.

                              Excellent point, and I totally agree with your dislike of "nothing". A sphere has 2 sides though, an "inside", and an "outside". Both sides can be infinite.

                              The universe is the summation of everything by definition, there is no way to have a second or parallel universe. Physicists get that concept wrong way too often. I am a "designer" (I used to do CAD for large biomass boilers, I work visually in 4 dimensions to solve engineering problems) who went to school for electronics and radio, not a physicist. People trained in radio are more willing to accept aether than physicists because it better explains principles than "virtual photons".

                              To address the idea of "nothing" (a time when the universe contained no energy), there is only one explanation that makes sense to me. The universe began as a separation of charges. That means that there must be an "other side" to the universe which shares all the same "drains" (sub atomic particles) but when defined from our perspective is made entirely of "anti-matter" and "anti-aether" (both of which are made of anti-energy). That does explain the lack of anti-matter on this side of the universe (which puzzles physicists still). This "other-side" is still contained within our universe, but is separated by it's primary axis. If you were to be teleported there then you would be made of its anti-matter, causing you to be converted into energy.

                              The extension of that is that The Big Bang is wrong and the universe is really a hyper-massive black hole that was blown apart in some kind of epic sewage back-up of energy. Because of the sheer forces of the "infinitely small" vortices, it takes an EXTREMELY long time for them to reach each other and coalesce back into the original black hole. This explains the "conservation of rotational momentum" that is a standard property of the universe as well as Phi (the golden ratio), which is the normal slope of the aether in a vortex. Extending that: "dark energy" (stars on the outside of galaxies rotate as fast as the center) is the aether itself rotating as a large vortex instead of commingling small ones.

                              This also answers a big question in physics: "what is on the other side of a black hole?". The answer is the "other-side". The black hole itself is the 0-axis.

                              The frequency lowering via the Doppler effect can be produced in a water tank in two situations. The first being sound sound source moving away from the detector. The second occurs if you are draining the water from the tank between the source and detector. The "red shift" of distant galaxies can be explained just as well by "aether draining" of a "static universe" (which can be infinite) as it can by "an expanding universe". Bare in mind that an expanding universe requires something for it to be expanding into (aka "nothing", because "light", which is what we now call energy has never reached there before).

                              A vortex is caused by a density gradient forming with the lowest density being at the drain, so we have to assume that aether is compressible like a gas since there would be no boundary layer like there is in a water tank. We also know that there is a force which causes electromagnetic fields in coils to collapse when we stop applying energy (Tesla called it a "aether vacuum" force). I liken this force to "inflating a balloon underwater", the moment you stop applying force to keep it inflated, the air is compressed out of it very quickly, this is not a vacuum force, but a compression force. Extending that we can assume that a low density of aether in a space = high magnetism in the that space. Aether also forms "low-density channels" when magnetic fields are present, which are "magnetic fields lines". Dark Matter as a high density spot indicates that it is probably made of an anti-magnetic field, which would likely be from the other side of the universe and indicates that there may be some entanglement between the 2 sides when it comes to density (low density there = high density here).

                              The theory is so all-compassing that it gets hard to ignore, I've yet to see physicists use a simpler explanation, and since Occam's Razor applies, aether should be accepted over quantum physics.

                              If I missed anything, or if you've got any questions about this theory: go ahead and ask. When I post it on Let's Replicate I'll be including diagrams for clarity so I'd like to know which ones I need to draw first.


                              • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                                Hi dR, No I haven't tried that yet, at the moment I don't have room to set up
                                the LV coils inside to try it, but I will when I get the chance. I think it will
                                show a sine wave too but almost flat compared to the terminal.

                                Yes the pot of dirt does radiate energy, because it is only small, if it was the
                                size of the Earth it wouldn't. but at High frequencies the Earth is too big to
                                resonate, the higher the frequency the less power in each bang so it would be
                                like trying to ring a church bell with a match stick, it would ring but as the
                                frequency slows the head of the match gets more and more mass until it is
                                the size of a hammer. If using HF and connected to the ground the effect is
                                limited to a small area around the transmitter, getting bigger as the frequency drops, I imagine.

                                Without knowing what frequency you have your setup working at it would be
                                difficult to build a receiver unless it was the same as the transmitter. If you
                                knew the frequency the receiver could be very different but with the same

                                It may be possible to transmit signals to distance at HF ground connected but
                                I am not interested in signals, only usable amounts of power (energy).
                                Yes I think you're right, but I hope you're not Because I must again come back to the question how did Tesla intend to power cars and aeroplanes etc wirelessly since none of them would be connected to the earth. An aeroplanes is something else as far as I'm thinking because of the altitude so I'm not really concerned with that at the moment, I don't mean the earth radiates the energy to that extent, but maybe (hopefully) a little bit at the surface, to power a car or something. Although maybe that would be a little bit like trying to get the incandescent bulb to somehow work from the top terminal without actually touching it The point of the earth as far as I'm concerned is like what an AV plug shows with the top terminal - me standing between the AV plug and the coil makes the LEDs brighter, so replace my body with the earth to make the contact. Things get difficult when you want to move around.

                                I think my coil including the extra coil is working at about 3MHz, it's hard to tell for sure because the scope is all over the place. But among the chaos 3MHz kept showing up so I'll go with that. This was with the probe near the tub of water.

                                I was getting good results with the small receiver with 22 SWG primary on it. But this was too thick to fit in the submarine so I replaced that with the same length of 26 SWG, and now it's not as good No amount of adjusting it will yield the same output as before, so I'm going to try with about 2 turns of 22 SWG primary and experiment from there. Covering the whole secondary with the primary seems to reduce the output so it looks like the primary should be at the bottom like a regular TC. I wasn't expecting such a small coil to work at all though to be honest, I'm surprised it's doing this much. It should be very interesting with bigger RC models able to fit bigger coils. Boats and submarines at least, dunno about cars and choppers

                                Either way, I found this to be the case:

                                The efficiency or effect of metal plate capacitance C is increased when brought into proximity with container of water W. C in direct contact with W shorts out the coil, but when C is placed on the outside of the container W it seems to form a condenser and output is increased.


                                [edit] I'm not using any capacitors because it will be impossible to fit the ones I'd need to use inside the sub, so I'm using nothing from the start.
                                Last edited by dR-Green; 12-20-2011, 03:43 AM.

                                "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                                "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall

