Originally posted by dR-Green
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I think with planes and stuff Tesla could have intended to use an un-grounded
receiver, I think he shows a drawing in the notes, I see if I can find it again,
I should take notes when reading the notes.
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It's a pity you can't fit a very small capacitor across the DC of the FWBR,
the motor might run better from a cap even a very small one should work with
HF not a tuning cap just a cap to smooth the lumps.
The increased output by forming a capacitor with the tank and the plate
would indicate the receiver coils res frequency is high, maybe you need a
really high frequency transmitter for the sub so everything can be small.
Just thinking aloud here - If the sub was built from scratch and made from
plastic the inside of the hull or part of it (waterline) could be coated with foil
so to be a capacitor or terminal.
Also did you try putting the primary in series with the secondary on the
receiver coil ? I like the way you experiment so I would be interested to hear
your observations of any differences doing that, I'll be winding coils for some
days yet, it is quite an ordeal to wind 4200 tuns neatly on a ring core.
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