Originally posted by lamare
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Theoretically in my mind If there were no resistance the energy would flow but from higher potential to lower potential instantly and equalise but no "measured faux current" would be measured and no heat would be produced.
However I digress, I think to see big current through a load if the source of high potential is HF then good HF caps will be needed as pointed out by many I think Boguslaw said it recently somewhere.
So the contradiction is with what Don Smith says for instance is that he say's to wind the coils center tapped for the current and voltage then he says that the ouput current will be relative to the capacitance x frequency x voltage and so forth I think there more to it than that and he does outline all the factors and calculations, but the capacitance is important in the system.
So with very little capacitance there would of course be very little current.
Maybe the way the L2 coil is wound it will charge caps better I can't say for sure only my feelings.

It may be possible to work further along the design Puharich used in his water fuel cell:

He used this to get his fuel cell into acoustic resonance, by modulating his oscillator with a signal matching the resonance frequency of his WFC. So, if you can get a WFC in resonance using modulation, it should be possible to also get a low frequency electric resonant circuit into resonance using the high voltage from a HF transformer as described above. Puharich's modulator does not look too complicated to build:
I thought in this direction before, but I never came to build it:
Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki
But have to think about this more. You probably need to make the resonance circuit with coils as well as capacitors, so you get a low resonance frequency, while the caps can deliver/store the charge carriers to get a decent current trough your transformer primary.
Will sleep over it the coming night...

Yes I think you're last paragraph might be saying what I said above.
