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Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter "Replications"

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  • Hey guys, I've installed a switch to change the polarity of the reverse direction (CCW) coil of the converter to forward direction (CW). I used a double pole double throw switch and wired it diagonally Anyhow it works.

    ‪Converter Coil Switch.wmv‬‏ - YouTube

    I tried the converter driving an ignition coil by direct connection earlier and got good sparks but I didn't film that. I wonder how would be the best way to connect the AC out of the converter to the Tesla coil primary. Any idea's what would be the best way to couple them ? Through series caps ?



    • Can you post a schematic of what's on the credit card and how it's hooked up to the coils? I looked at the ignition coil patent but wasn't able to work out how it matched up with your implementation...


      • Originally posted by 7imix View Post
        Can you post a schematic of what's on the credit card and how it's hooked up to the coils? I looked at the ignition coil patent but wasn't able to work out how it matched up with your implementation...
        Hi 7, I will do that today very soon after breakfast. Then after that I'll try to get the full drawing of the Multi pulser done, I tried the multi pulser with a small 15 -0 -15 to 220v transformer as an inverter and it works a treat.

        I have a pressing need for some very small low power and efficient inverters for emergency lighting. I 'll put an invverter circuit and small transformer in a ventilated jiffy box and mount a light socket on top and a switch on the side with some longish leads. I would like to use a low voltage cutout of some kind.


        EDIT: Here's the 2nd part of the Schematic first.

        BMP image

        SCH File I can't link just yet. My file hosting setup has changed.

        Part one coming soon.

        Oh here are my coils specs for the converter.

        Charging inductors - each between 0.1 and 0.2 Ohms, 70uH @ 50 turns with 25 turns per layer on a 38mmx10mm iron powder core, 1mm magnet wire #18 AWG.

        Primaries - each set between 0.2 and 0.3 Ohms, 417uH @ 2 x 15 turns on 90* center spacings, 1mm magnet wire #18 AWG. Wound over secondary.

        Secondary - between 0.4 and 0.5 Ohms, 6.98mH @ 132 turns full circle, 1.3mm #16 AWG teflon insulated silver coated copper wire.

        Transformer core is a Micrometals T650-52.

        I would like to make another one of these but with a laminated steel core and wound for a 12v DC to 240v AC inverter only for 60 Hz operation. One day maybe.
        Last edited by Farmhand; 07-19-2011, 02:49 AM.


        • How Nikola has implemented these different charging circuits is not immediately obvious in all its detail, they are really remarkable setups some of them.

          This one you can see the way he uses the induction coils and caps.
          NIKOLA TESLA - Google Patents

          This one he is actually using a 1 to 1 transformer to charge the primary caps.
          NIKOLA TESLA - Google Patents

          This one is new to me but it is interesting
          TESLA - Google Patents

          I think he says in this patent this is his favorite one. Or maybe that was just the impression I got reading it.
          NIKOLA TKSLA - Google Patents

          What I've noticed is that with HF it is difficult to get good current through the primaries with such a narrow PW, these charging circuits are like input current multipliers, depending on the cap size used they can also increase the voltage a bit too.

          I know it sounds a bit strange to want to use more power, but seems like thats how it's done this way, Mr Tesla made a fairly sharp point of that. I just wish I could look at his drawings and see them working more easily, most of them just give me a headache going back and forth from the patent words to the drawings tracing wire's with my eyeballs.

          Anyway I just thought I would post links to more examples because they might be easier to understand for some people than my drawings.


          P.S. You can use the windings of a motor stator for the charging inductors and get a cooling fan as well. I think.
          Last edited by Farmhand; 07-19-2011, 03:06 AM.


          • Hi all, I threw some numbers into a coil designer and it seems that the size of a coil capable of less than 20 Khz resonant frequency is not so big after all. The second SS show that I selected the wrong frequency I left it at 14 Khz I should have changed it to 11627Hz match the res frequency. This calculator cannot include the "extra" coil "B" so some specs could be changed and the desired coil geometry determined, which would be different from these results, however the calculator shows that 3400 meters of wire in a 1.4 meter tall coil with 1 meter diameter and only 1.2mm diameter wire would have a resonant frequency of only 12 Khz or so. So it is do-able. A two meter toroid with a tube diameter of about 500mm should work.

            I have yet to estimate a cost for materials but it would not be cheap. In my opinion the location of the transmitter and receiver stations would be need to be considered in relation to the grounding, good grounding is not always possible in some locations, sandy or rocky soil for instance or hilltops.

            Here are the results.

            And results part 2



            • ‪transmisión de energia electrica sin hilos‬‏ - YouTube

              must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


              • Primer video ‪primeras pruebas de la transmisión de la energia electrica sin hilos a cielo raso‬‏ - YouTube y pruebas a cielo raso:

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                must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                • @ antigraviticsystems1

                  Could we have some description, please
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-19-2011, 11:49 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Hello antigraviticsystems1, Gracias por compartir estas experiencias. Estoy siempre interesado en los experimentos que hace y quisiera poder entender las palabras en que está de vídeo, y voy a ver si puedo encontrar un camino. Pero por ahora me he tomado la libertad de traducir las descripciones de estás vídeo. Hay una falla en el software, pero funciona. La descripción explica bastante bien. ¿Podría darnos una breve descripción de la componants electrónico?

                    Thank you for sharing these experiments. I am always interested in the experiments you do and wish I could understand the words in you're video's, and I will see if I can find a way. But for now I have taken the liberty to translate the descriptions from you're video's. There is a glitch in the software but it works . The description explains well enough. Could you give us a quick description of the electronic componants ?

                    First video description from post #126
                    ‪transmisión de energia electrica sin hilos‬‏ - YouTube
                    Hello buddies y cia, here are one of my attempts to verify whether it is possible to transmit electrical energy without wires as suggested by our great Nikola Tesla, the system has been mounted on condition it did not possess desfaborable a good ground, which I know wood is bad because of the current driver still has the technical miracle been wrought, in short videos and measurements coming ... this is just a first contact, a greeting
                    second video description from post #127
                    ‪primeras pruebas de la transmisión de la energia electrica sin hilos a cielo raso‬‏ - YouTube
                    good on today's losses are brutal but I must also comment that does not have a grounded outlet nor a sufficient capacity between plates, for now this is what's in the future I hope to set up something big and see passing


                    • antigraviticsystems1, me has hecho comprender que debía incluir una descripción mucho mejor con mi propio video de youtube para que la gente de otros idiomas pueden entender mejor lo que estoy tratando de mostrar en ellos. Voy a asegurarme de que incluyen una mejor desciptions con el de mi vídeo en el futuro, que son importantes para la comprensión del lenguaje cruz.


                      For us english speakers, I just realised after watching antigraviticsystems1 video's that I don't usually give a good description with my video's, by translating the descriptions under his video's I was able to get a general understanding of what he was showing us. Which of course means the same in reverse if we include a good description with the video it can be translated into the viewers language if they wish. So in future i will make sure to include a description.



                      • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                        antigraviticsystems1, me has hecho comprender que debía incluir una descripción mucho mejor con mi propio video de youtube para que la gente de otros idiomas pueden entender mejor lo que estoy tratando de mostrar en ellos. Voy a asegurarme de que incluyen una mejor desciptions con el de mi vídeo en el futuro, que son importantes para la comprensión del lenguaje cruz.


                        For us english speakers, I just realised after watching antigraviticsystems1 video's that I don't usually give a good description with my video's, by translating the descriptions under his video's I was able to get a general understanding of what he was showing us. Which of course means the same in reverse if we include a good description with the video it can be translated into the viewers language if they wish. So in future i will make sure to include a description.

                        Thank you Farmhand , and thank you again antigraviticsystems1

                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


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                          must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                          • • Ver Tema - ¿Posible sistema d comunicación empleando campos electricos?

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                              Last edited by antigraviticsystems1; 07-20-2011, 08:54 AM.
                              must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                              • translation: from top to bottom

                                evidence parasitic electromagnetic component was created to impress a radio but the shots do not go there

                                The thin thread represents the high voltage AC output, my idea is to raise as much as possible the voltage to the voltage drop along the tended to be minimal
                                The resonant frequency between elements will be higher if the capacity c1 decreases and less often if the capacity increases, so if we increase the distance between c1 armor capacity decreases and the amount of electricity that passes through reduced negative impact on delivering energy to the receiver .... solutions: increase the resonant frequency by the oscillator generator
                                I sincerely believe that no one understood why I put this scheme to see if anyone catches the true nature of the experiment technique
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

