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Meissner self oscillating Circuit

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  • Meissner self oscillating Circuit

    Here is a vid that I've made on Meissner circuit that I've build:

    YouTube - ‪Meissner Circuit self-oscillating‬‏


  • #2
    Great ! I'm really interested in this circuit ! Can you post schematic with your speaker attached ? I think it is producing sinewave and that's what I need for my VTA experiments. Many thanks!


    • #3
      Meisnerr Circuit

      Hi boguslaw here is the circuit was presented by theguru2you instead of the cell just hook the speaker.

      YouTube - ‪Self resonating powering circuit for HHO cell‬‏


      • #4

        Thanks for link.What transistor did you use ? Is that 50uF cap electrolytic one ?I hardly can find any other with so much uF except big one for motors.
        Did yoy replaced HHO cell with speaker of placed a capacitor instead of HHO cell and then speaker parallel to this cap ?


        • #5
          When the energy level of the HHO cell, or water-fluid gap is at its
          lowest, would you explain the way in which the L2 coil is pulsed
          with energy from L1?

          Upon entry of positive charge from the battery into the region you've outlined
          consisting of the L1 coil and HHO cap, it seems a portion of it also goes through
          L2 into filling the 50uf capacitor, but for what purpose?

          The amount of energy required to switch a 2n3055 transistor looks to be 1.5V.
          12v into 1.5 would require the potentiometer to be set for 1.25 Kohm.
          The 50uF capacitor will only charge at a very slow rate with this amount of

          120mA into the hho cel and L1 coil from the 100ohm resistor, interesting.

          It looks like coil L2 will be pulsed with current from L1 when the 50uF cap's
          anode is charged up to an appropriate level.


          • #6
            Originally posted by boguslaw View Post

            Thanks for link.What transistor did you use ? Is that 50uF cap electrolytic one ?I hardly can find any other with so much uF except big one for motors.
            Did yoy replaced HHO cell with speaker of placed a capacitor instead of HHO cell and then speaker parallel to this cap ?
            Transistor is 2n3055; That cap is good for AC and DC that's what the electronic store guy told me. It's a 100v 100uf cap.
            Yes I replaced HHO cell with speaker.

            Originally posted by geotron View Post
            When the energy level of the HHO cell, or water-fluid gap is at its
            lowest, would you explain the way in which the L2 coil is pulsed
            with energy from L1?

            Upon entry of positive charge from the battery into the region you've outlined
            consisting of the L1 coil and HHO cap, it seems a portion of it also goes through
            L2 into filling the 50uf capacitor, but for what purpose?

            The amount of energy required to switch a 2n3055 transistor looks to be 1.5V.
            12v into 1.5 would require the potentiometer to be set for 1.25 Kohm.
            The 50uF capacitor will only charge at a very slow rate with this amount of

            120mA into the hho cel and L1 coil from the 100ohm resistor, interesting.

            It looks like coil L2 will be pulsed with current from L1 when the 50uF cap's
            anode is charged up to an appropriate level.

            Hi Geotron I don't know exactly what's happening but I think a certain resonance is reached and starts to pulse.
            I think if it does not go to L2 there would not be pulse; that's why it keeps pulsing.



            • #7
              With the two intersecting paths here without a mend point does this
              represent a connection? If not would the 50uF capacitor benefit from
              the use of a blocking diode at transistor to prevent causing flow
              backwards through L2 and the 10k potentiometer?


              • #8
                Meissner Circuit

                Originally posted by geotron View Post
                With the two intersecting paths here without a mend point does this
                represent a connection? If not would the 50uF capacitor benefit from
                the use of a blocking diode at transistor to prevent causing flow
                backwards through L2 and the 10k potentiometer?

                No there's no connection there. I once asked theGuru2you who presented this circuit on youtube. He told me if a diode is put in the circuit then no oscillation will happen.


                • #9
                  This system is featured in the motionless pulsed systems chapter
                  of the Practical Guide from alongside the Bitoroid
                  Transformer and other such devices on page 183 in the latest release v18.8

                  Incorporating Charles Flynn's magnetic amplification circuit (patent on page 1389)
                  would apparently be a logical next step, with a circuit layout given on pg 184.
                  It is stated that modifying it in this way, it would only need a temporary charge
                  to start and then become self-sustaining.

                  A lot of questions have already been answered in
                  regards to the original circuit - unfortunately nothing
                  in the way of HHO production on video found yet.

                  A diode at the cell breaks the oscillation between the cell and L1. With a diode at
                  the cell you could power the cell with back EMF from L1. Without the diode the cell
                  gets a phase shifted sine wave. The point is the phase shift, meaning the cell first
                  gets the voltage potential and current flow follows later offset by 90 degree. So
                  you have 180 degree regular current HHO production and 180 degree "free" voltage
                  potential HHO production per 360 degree cycle. Input voltage: 100V-2000V
                  If you use a 1000W Inverter 12V DC to 110V AC modified sine Wave to power the Dry-Cell,
                  it would give you high pulsed voltage at about 50 Khz. to go to the electrolysis
                  plates. You should be able to make a good amount of hydrogen that way.
                  L2=10ohms and L1=98ohms
                  If you use a L1 with less windings and thicker wire the frequency should increase.
                  The speaker changes the frequency.
                  I just found a Stanley Meyers video where he says that you can split water into HHO
                  only with voltage, you do not need current! For this he built a special coil that
                  would limit the current but not the voltage.
                  See YouTube: watch?v=8WrAFWypFTY
                  My circuit restricts current and supplies the HHO Cell with a phase shifted sine wave.
                  Now we only need to increase the input voltage to a few hundred volts (and change
                  the circuit components accordingly) and use distilled water in the HHO Cell. Using
                  Voltage with Amp restriction was a huge plus in efficiency of HHO production. Hitting
                  the right frequency further increased efficiency. If you are safe with high Voltages
                  give it a try.
                  So for L1 and L2, the number of turns isn't important, L2 can be LESS turns than L1,
                  that's ok.. You just want to get at least 4 ohms or so, so that means about 200 wraps
                  of 30 gauge for the trigger and 200 wraps of 19 through 23 gauge for the power
                  winding, up to a maximum of 800 wraps.
                  Two separate coils:
                  Using two separate coils is the easiest way to make modifications for finding a high
                  frequency of the resonant circuit with your HHO Cell.

                  I know that two singles work but I think a transformer (with metal core) or bifilar
                  Coil should also work.

                  L2 should always have less windings than L1 because of the max volts of the transistor!
                  (Yes, a transformer)

