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Harvesting Energy From the Sun Using Crystals

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  • would you mind guys i open a new thread especially dedicated to translating

    The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-30-2011, 07:20 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
      a Fractal Construct has an 'efficient function', they have, a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

      the following applies to the real pyramids as well

      Multiband Pyramidal Antenna for Radio Navigation
      and Telemetry Systems

      look at the following pictures taken from the pdf , you are going to like this

      the following image comes from The Philosophers' Stone and the secret of its Geometry

      Dispersion of White Light by a Glass Prism, the Human Eye and the Colourful World |

      turn the figure 90 degrees and you get both "center cut" of the pyramidal antenna
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-04-2011, 12:11 AM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
        the following image comes from The Philosophers' Stone and the secret of its Geometry

        turn the figure 90 degrees and you get both "center cut" of the pyramidal antenna
        I watched the video if the crytal found in the underwater pyrmid at the bimini wall. It seems that the round crystal is drawing unergy from all directions. But why it has that strange effect of weightlesness on metal, right above it, I do not know. This is merely conjecture of observation but it seems to repel the metal from all sides. If you could balance two magnets of opposite poles one above the other it seems that the one could hold the other in the air. It seems that this is what is being done here. Somehow through artificial magnetic repelling the metal pole is held above the crystal. The true question would be does it repel all shapes of metal? If it does then you could place on open ended box above it and it would fling the box off of it much the same as one unbalanced magnet above the other would be repelled and fall to the side. However if you were to place that same crystal inside of a full metal box that the natural repelling force would cause the crystal to float exactly in the middle between the walls center. But if you placed the crystal in an opened ended box and then placed that open ended box inside a pyramid then it would lift the whole structure from the ground and propel it upward acting as an antigravity device within itself. Its own forces of repelling would cause the upward motion given the entire weight did not overpower the ability of the crystals force. Just a thought. Here is another. I read somewhere in one of these posts about a scientist that applied a force to a crystal casing it to turn from milky white to clear. I beleive it was said that he bombarded it with high frequency but don't quote me on that because I am unsure it might have been electricity. However, this could be th 'milk' reffered to? Or if this gentleman was an alchemist then there is another possible answer. Maybe he was making his own crystal batterries on the stove like John Hutchison? There were specific mixtures of salt cystals cooked on the stove top until it was a specific color, milky in color. Once dry it would provide nonstop electricty at around 1.5 volts in a size just a lillte bigger than a double "A" battery. Just a thought. Oh by the way...John is a genious an as escentric as a genious can be. The step by step video I watched on you tube he was dressed like a women at the beggining, luckily it was only at the start! LOL. Anyway, in this video he has an assistant that he taught, a real woman, make the battery. You should definately check it out if you haen't seen it.


        • Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
          I watched the video if the crytal found in the underwater pyrmid at the bimini wall. It seems that the round crystal is drawing unergy from all directions. But why it has that strange effect of weightlesness on metal, right above it, I do not know. This is merely conjecture of observation but it seems to repel the metal from all sides. If you could balance two magnets of opposite poles one above the other it seems that the one could hold the other in the air. It seems that this is what is being done here. Somehow through artificial magnetic repelling the metal pole is held above the crystal. The true question would be does it repel all shapes of metal? If it does then you could place on open ended box above it and it would fling the box off of it much the same as one unbalanced magnet above the other would be repelled and fall to the side. However if you were to place that same crystal inside of a full metal box that the natural repelling force would cause the crystal to float exactly in the middle between the walls center. But if you placed the crystal in an opened ended box and then placed that open ended box inside a pyramid then it would lift the whole structure from the ground and propel it upward acting as an antigravity device within itself. Its own forces of repelling would cause the upward motion given the entire weight did not overpower the ability of the crystals force. Just a thought. Here is another. I read somewhere in one of these posts about a scientist that applied a force to a crystal casing it to turn from milky white to clear. I beleive it was said that he bombarded it with high frequency but don't quote me on that because I am unsure it might have been electricity. However, this could be th 'milk' reffered to? Or if this gentleman was an alchemist then there is another possible answer. Maybe he was making his own crystal batterries on the stove like John Hutchison? There were specific mixtures of salt cystals cooked on the stove top until it was a specific color, milky in color. Once dry it would provide nonstop electricty at around 1.5 volts in a size just a lillte bigger than a double "A" battery. Just a thought. Oh by the way...John is a genious an as escentric as a genious can be. The step by step video I watched on you tube he was dressed like a women at the beggining, luckily it was only at the start! LOL. Anyway, in this video he has an assistant that he taught, a real woman, make the battery. You should definately check it out if you haen't seen it.
          The post you mention is this one , and thank you for mentioning Mr Hutchison's Experiment, because it reminded me of a post made by my friend IndianaBoys, i think you will like it :

          ORMUS IS A GAS by John V. Milewski

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • I just watched this video on John Hutchinson:

            ‪John Hutchison Crystal Power Cell High Quality You Must See This‬‏ - YouTube

            first of: it does mention Silicate
            secondly: he was inspired by ...the ancient egyptian...what a coincidence, with my last posts on Hermes Trismegistus

            it maybe linked to some of the post i made in the thread: see these two posts



            Thanks again Shawn for the info

            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
              I just watched this video on John Hutchinson:

              ‪John Hutchison Crystal Power Cell High Quality You Must See This‬‏ - YouTube

              first of: it does mention Silicate
              secondly: he was inspired by ...the ancient egyptian...what a coincidence, with my last posts on Hermes Trismegistus

              it maybe linked to some of the post i made in the thread: see these two posts



              Thanks again Shawn for the info

              that's not the one this is the one:

              ‪How to build a Hutchison Power Cell !!!!‬‏ - YouTube

              ‪How to build a Hutchison Power Cell !!!!‬‏ - YouTube

              or google 'how to build a hutchison power cell.' it's on youtube.

              This will blow you away just fas forward past the weird parts at the beggining.


              This one is much more exact measurements, ingredients, cook times. Just be patient with John and the volume


              • Join our efforts, sharing ideas

                Who would be interested in a weekly or bi-weekly meeting on skype regarding the subject of using crystals as way to gather electricity?

                We have way more chances of succeding in this endevour if we put our efforts together in a focused and disciplined manner.

                I truly believe that there's enought bright minded people on this forum to succeed.
                Cooperation, free sharing and open sourcing are the way of the future.
                This is the natural evolutionary step that we must make as a species.
                Greed must end. Over-exploitation of the ressources must end.
                We must tune our technologies to the galactic/universal tone, which is peace, love and harmony. Quantum entanglement is only possible because of
                Divine Harmony. An harmony that is not possible to comprehend with our minds at this time. The Earth is a precious and fragile a link the in the universal system.
                I really feel it is possible and desirable to conctruct technologies that are based on universal principles, that would go with the gentle and loving flow of the universe, not against it. Technologies that are Spirit Based, rather than matter based.

                All we need is sufficient numbers. When enough people agree on a reality, and this reality is aligned with Devine Will, it becomes manifest.
                If WE decide it is OK for us to free ourselves from material reality, it will be so.
                If WE decide it is OK for us to create technologies that uses mind, combined with Spirit to help us manifest what we need to be confortable and happy, it will be so.
                If WE decide it is OK for us to stop depending on systematic waste of the natural ressources of our planet, it will be so.
                If WE decide it is OK for us to manifest our food and drinks from thin air with our thoughts, to share with our brothers and sisters, it will be so.

                All we need to do is TO AGREE UPON a reality IN SUFFICIENT NUMBER and truly believe it it, with the purest hearts and intent, and it will become manifest.

                Consensus within Divine Will is the key.


                • I know how you feel Felix_the_cat, if i may quote from one of my favorite band, and i know a lot of you feel this way towards harnessing Radiant/"Divine" Energy :

                  You play tricks, on my mind, you're everywhere
                  But you're so hard to find, you're not warm, or sentimental
                  You're so extreme, you can be so temperamental
                  But I'm not looking for a love that will last
                  I know what I need and I need it fast
                  Yeah, there's one thing in common that we both share
                  That's a need for each other anytime, anywhere

                  Foreigner Urgent

                  ps: if you show the way, people will follow

                  note: in this thread, i have provided you with enough informations to start experimenting, let your mind loose and the sky is the limit...good luck
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-04-2011, 12:12 AM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • I found this website quite interesting:

                    Pyramids of Light - PART 1

                    To make a Pyramid of Light we need lines of energy that unite around a common point to create the form of a pyramid. We only need the lines, as the planes that form the faces of a pyramid are automatically generated from the lines and the effect is the same.

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Hey been out of town for awhile going back tomorrow, took awhile to catch up on all the post, great work.
                      What would you say is the most common crystal in the universe

                      Instead of finding the frequency of the crystal I think the crystal can be formed to the frequency you want, still experimenting when I have time, not much lately.

                      I envision a crystal power cell that will cool as the heat in the form of electricity is removed from the system, it should go into a superconductive state that will provide unlimited power.
                      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                      • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                        Hey been out of town for awhile going back tomorrow, took awhile to catch up on all the post, great work.
                        What would you say is the most common crystal in the universe

                        Instead of finding the frequency of the crystal I think the crystal can be formed to the frequency you want, still experimenting when I have time, not much lately.

                        I envision a crystal power cell that will cool as the heat in the form of electricity is removed from the system, it should go into a superconductive state that will provide unlimited power.

                        I may know a way of doing that ; if applied to a high frequency the link i think you will understand what i mean

                        Oscar C. BLOMGREN
                        Electrostatic Cooling

                        There are three conventional ways to transfer heat: Conduction, Convection, and Radiation. Now there is a fourth way, Electrostatic Cooling (ESC), that has been discovered and patented by Oscar C. Blomgren (Sr. & Jr.) and others. Negative ion probes are placed near a heated object, which is grounded. When high voltage is applied, there is a dramatic drop in temperature. This extremely simple system reduces or eliminates the need for other methods, and it uses very low power and is very efficient. It also facilitates heating when applied in reverse!
                        would this do the job Dave

                        Oscar C. Blomgren: Electrostatic Cooling ~ Collected patents & articles


                        What would you say is the most common crystal in the universe
                        I have two in mind, i'd say water (present in the form of ice crystal in cold space) or Quartz,

                        That would be my final answer, Regis

                        now i understand what you mean by :

                        I think the crystal can be formed to the frequency you want
                        if i am correct, you are talking about growing water crystals
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-31-2011, 06:44 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • I just wanted to add this little info:

                          Single Crystal Whisker Electric Light Filament
                          John & Peter Milewski

                          Abstract --- An electric light filament comprising a single crystal whisker is disclosed. In the preferred embodiment the whisker consists essentially of silicon carbide (SiC), preferably beta silicon carbide
                          , doped with a sufficient amount of nitrogen to render the whisker sufficiently electrically conductive to be useful as a light bulb filament at household voltages. Filaments made of such materials are characterized by high strength, durability, and resilience, and have higher electrical emissivities than conventional tungsten filaments.
                          John V. Milewski -- Single Crystal Filament Light -- USP # 4864186, #5404836

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • or grow quartz crystal: using the same method for water (Dr Masaru Emoto ) ,

                            see the following link

                            Hydrothermal Crystal Growth - Quartz

                            published reports on the growth of macroscopic crystals. He used solutions of sodium silicate, natural crystals as seeds and supply, and a silver-lined vessel. By heating the supply end of his vessel to 320-350 °C, and the other end to 165-180 °C, he obtained about 15 mm of new growth over a 200 day period. Unlike modern practice, the hotter part of the vessel was at the top.

                            In the period before and during World War II, Richard Nacken led an extensive German effort to grow quartz crystals; especially once the supply of natural crystals from Brazil was blocked. They used an isothermal growth process that relied on the higher solubility of the vitreous silica supply to supersaturate the solution.

                            Following the war, researchers, working with the U.S. Army Signal Corps, studied the German work and developed it into a commercially viable process. C.B. Sawyer, D.R. Hale, Hans Jaffe and others at Brush Development, and then Sawyer Research Products, Inc., developed the low-pressure sodium carbonate process. R. Laudise, N.C. Lias, and others at Bell Laboratories and Western Electric developed the high-pressure sodium hydroxide process. Today, these processes are used world-wide to produce quartz for industrial purposes.
                            How to Grow Quartz Crystals |

                            Pour 1 to 2 tablespoons of silicon dioxide into your glass jar or petri dish. Silicon dioxide is a naturally occurring mineral which not only forms quartz crystals, but also is naturally present in certain foods. It helps keep bones healthy and strong, and it is frequently used as a food additive. Add a little bit of the hot water to the silicon dioxide powder, and stir the mixture vigorously to help the silicon dioxide dissolve into the liquid. If it does not dissolve easily and completely, add a little more water very gradually until the silicon dioxide is completely dissolved.
                            now that i think about it, i'm not sure, but no one ever tried growing quartz crystal using M-state Water?

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-31-2011, 06:56 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
                              I watched the video if the crytal found in the underwater pyrmid at the bimini wall. It seems that the round crystal is drawing unergy from all directions. But why it has that strange effect of weightlesness on metal, right above it, I do not know. This is merely conjecture of observation but it seems to repel the metal from all sides.
                              Doesn't it remind you of superconductivity:

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
                                I watched the video if the crytal found in the underwater pyrmid at the bimini wall. ....
                                ..... Just a thought. Here is another. I read somewhere in one of these posts about a scientist that applied a force to a crystal casing it to turn from milky white to clear. I beleive it was said that he bombarded it with high frequency but don't quote me on that because I am unsure it might have been electricity. However, this could be th 'milk' reffered to? Or if this gentleman was an alchemist then there is another possible answer. Maybe he was making his own crystal batterries on the stove like John Hutchison? There were specific mixtures of salt cystals cooked on the stove top until it was a specific color, milky in color. Once dry it would provide nonstop electricty at around 1.5 volts in a size just a lillte bigger than a double "A" battery. Just a thought.
                                talking about milky white from The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus

                                see the interpreted version:

                                Know that this matter I call the stone; but it is also named the feminine of magnesia or the hen, or the white spittle, or the volatile milk, the incombustible oil (electricity ) in order that it may be hidden from the inept and ignorant who are deficient in goodness and self-control; which I have nevertheless signified to the wise by one only epithet, viz., the Philosopher's Stone.
                                Include, therefore, and conserve in this sea, the fire and the heavenly bird , to the latest moment of his exit
                                note: The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus; golden could be a reference to the golden mean (ie:fractal )

                                i'm just pointing this out...
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

