to inspire you about the presence of fractal channels in quartz mixed/ Ice VI

Tesla + Quartz anyone 

What is a Lichtenberg Figure ? | Top Blog Posts :: Design & Technology News
Bert Hickman's TeslaMania Web Site - Tesla Coils, Lichtenberg Figures, and Quarter Shrinkers!
as above so below, from within so without....

Lichtenberg (pronounced Lich’-ten-beark) Figures are fractal-like branching patterns that have been permanently captured within crystal clear acrylic. They were created by carefully injecting and trapping multi-million volt regions of electrical charge deep inside acrylic using a particle accelerator.? The complex figures are created when the trapped charge suddenly escapes in a brief, lightning-like discharge. The intense spark discharges create a record of their passage, leaving behind permanent “fossilized” tree-like branching chains of microscopic fractures that reflect ambient light similar to microscopic mirrors. Lichtenberg Figures combine the technologies of particle beam and dielectric physics with the natural beauty of fractals.

What is a Lichtenberg Figure ? | Top Blog Posts :: Design & Technology News
Bert Hickman's TeslaMania Web Site - Tesla Coils, Lichtenberg Figures, and Quarter Shrinkers!
as above so below, from within so without....
