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Harvesting Energy From the Sun Using Crystals

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  • Thanks petar113507

    check out :

    start @ post#642

    new info on water

    don't forget the Mobius Fermat coil (within without )

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-19-2011, 02:21 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
      Thanks petar113507

      check out :

      start @ post#642

      new info on water

      don't forget the Mobius Fermat coil (within without )

      Don't forget Yn is Copper and yang is one iron coil and one copper coil

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • The following two info give you an idea about crystal and superconductivity

        possibly usable to break water (zno or quartz filament ) into HHO / or Heat water with ultrasound into HHO


        Originally posted by llynch View Post
        Amphoteric oxides can react as a base or acid. I haven't looked into the crystal structure of each but the behavior may be similar to the "Changeling" John mentioned. Then again maybe it's the polarity of the oxidation states that is the "Changeling".

        Now I just gotta figure out how to turn this Galena into powder. Muriatic acid and polar north?

        Apologies if someone has already submitted a link to this patent: (reminds me of acrylic that has had high voltage discharged into it)
        Process for forming ambient temperature superconducting filaments-4325795
        excellent info llynch

        Ronald Bourgoin: Ambient Temperature Bismuth Superconductor

        John V. Milewski -- Single Crystal Filament Light -- USP # 4864186, #5404836

        Abstract --- An electric light filament comprising a single crystal whisker is disclosed. In the preferred embodiment the whisker consists essentially of silicon carbide (SiC), preferably beta silicon carbide, doped with a sufficient amount of nitrogen to render the whisker sufficiently electrically conductive to be useful as a light bulb filament at household voltages. Filaments made of such materials are characterized by high strength, durability, and resilience, and have higher electrical emissivities than conventional tungsten filaments.
        Bourgoin's Method shows you how to create the filaments

        Adept Alchemy (Robert A. Nelson): Transmutations of Carbon

        Inspired by the pioneering work of Dr. Kervran, Dr. George Ohsawa sought to transmute sodium into potassium in vitro. The method revealed itself to him in a symbolic dream. Thus inspired, Dr. Ohsawa and Michio Kushi, et al., constructed an experimental electric discharge tube with copper (Yin) and iron (Yang) electrodes (and the egg is created )
        Yin and Yang in Chinese Mythology
        The Pangu* legend
        In the beginning there was nothing in the universe except a formless chaos. The chaos began to coalesce into a cosmic egg for eighteen thousand years. Within it, the perfectly opposed principles of yin and yang became balanced and Pangu, emerged from the egg.
        Yin - Yang - Chinese Customs


        I am reposting this vid so you can see it:

        induction heater levitation melting aluminum - YouTube

        do you see it now...
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Iv been looking at Floyd Sweet's vta, I believe he successfully separated the electric field from the magnetic field.
          It can be done and when done the magnetic field is cold.
          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
            Iv been looking at Floyd Sweet's vta, I believe he successfully separated the electric field from the magnetic field.
            It can be done and when done the magnetic field is cold.
            Rodin coil / Sweet's VTA? - YouTube

            now that i think about it ,Dave wouldn't a Rodin coil work as a primary in Don Smith's Set up (it is perfect as an antenna ); anyway just a thought inspired by the vid i posted
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-20-2011, 02:34 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Will post pictures as I get home. In class at school currently.

              Mobius fermat spiral froze very nicely.

              Also, magnet wire worked marvelously for wrapping the coils and holding their shape. Pancake coils produce an interesting ice structure as well.

              Have not put aluminum in the cups as a "ground" to see if I can direct the cracks. Will try that next. my freezer isn't too big -- that is actually the limiting factor on the ice experiments

              Best wishes,



              • 36 Point Rodin Coil Windings | Energy Research

                I think MM shared this site/pictures from this site before.

                I see the rodin making the intersecting (canceling) layer (blue line) -- and how the smith coil would also make a same layer.

                You keep referring to these two, in this configuration as an antenna. I thought antenna's were dealing with could only interceve the imbalanced state of electric waves -- making the "load", or whatever you wanted to power, also interceve that flux.

                Then it struck me, What if we aren't trying to get that flux? If our spine is also the "antenna" as the neutral center between the two halves of our body, and our two halves of our bodies are counterbalanced in action -- our consciousness would seem to use our body "puppets" through this type of signal.
                For that reason, I think the expression of energy we would be looking to use would be the balanced 6 and 9 of the rodin, using the neutral center as its fulcrum for the "real" power.

                Spike the smith coil, induce dielectric breakdown in the center -- and use the rodin as a "harvesting" coil, is one thing I'd like to see.

                Or, MM -- you've usually been one step ahead of me in the unfolding of this idea -- so, assuming (your suggestion) that we would pulse the rodin, and the smith coil at the same time -- the induced cancelling region would be the "shape" of our antennae?

                I am also seeing that you don't need very strong magnetic effects to polarize the structure of the ice.

                If the cancelled region gets sucked into the wire to produce a magnetic feild a "moment" after -- what happens when we "pump" the region where the Rodin coil draws its power from? (read: the rodin coil's fulcrum -- Still center )

                I think I would have to wind a very tight smith coil for the center to properly "pump" it.

                Anyways, If you don't feel like responding, as this is one of my "hunches", I understand.
                I mean that -- I must use my own consciousness to make decisions -- referring to others only for their technical skills, or encyclopedic information -- what we must DO with it is up to our consciousness. I beleive what you have been trying to avoid, is making the decisions for us -- as that would hinder our development. You have shared much information, and so I see you are provoking us in the direction to understand their inter-relations, and encouraging us to decide for ourselves. The purpose of providing such information -- is that we DO decide ourselves how to interpret it. Thank you

                With that, I have already decided on how to wind the smith -- we will be able to see both the coils in ice soon

                Last edited by petar113507; 09-20-2011, 06:09 PM.


                • The following relates to our work; but also the glue crystal battery

                  Save a Snowflake for Decades

                  Ever wanted to catch a snowflake and keep it forever? You can. This is a photograph of a snowflake that fell in January 1979, but it isn't a 27-year-old photo. It is a recent shot of a snowflake that's been sitting in chemist Tryggvi Emilsson's desk for 27 years, locked in a drop of that miracle of modern chemistry we call superglue. The 'super' in the thin, runny adhesive, which was invented during World War II, is the small molecules in it called cyanoacrylate monomers that penetrate and interlock with the microscopic forms of anything they touch. The glue hardens when the monomers link together, or polymerize, head-to-tail into long chains called polymers. This process is triggered by any minute trace of water or water vapor and progresses very quickly, which is why superglue hardens more rapidly on moist things, such as your fingers, than on the thing you're trying to glue.

                  The tendencies of superglue to seep into the tiniest nooks and crannies, harden on contact with water, and solidify rapidly make it perfect for taking an impression of something that is very small, made of water, and ephemeral, a fact that struck Emilsson during the winter of '79.

                  He'd been fascinated by Wilson A. Bentley's famous 1931 book Snow Crystals, which contains 2,453 snowflake photographs taken over 47 freezing Vermont winters. Bentley had to work quickly to get each shot before the radiant heat from his body melted the flake. Despite being from Iceland (or perhaps because of it), Emilsson wasn't about to endure long bouts of biting cold, so he came up with the superglue method described below, which lets you capture snowflakes outside and examine them later in the comfort of your living room. In front of a crackling fire, if you like.

                  Bentley could save just photographs, not the real snowflakes he longed as a child to take home to show his mother. One can only imagine what a collection he would have built if he'd had a few hundred tubes of superglue. Perhaps we'll see when a modern-day Bentley comes along. Who knows, maybe it's you.
                  the whole article, save it on your pc


                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • you can use the above method to reproduce the same experiments as was shown in the documentary on water

                    IndianaBoys, you do have a microscope, you could a drop freeze colloidal gold in water with this method

                    vortex water, magnetized water ect....
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-20-2011, 06:34 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                      you can use the above method to reproduce the same experiments as was shown in the documentary on water

                      IndianaBoys, you do have a microscope, you could a drop freeze colloidal gold in water with this method

                      vortex water, magnetized water ect....

                      What steps would you use in creating the sample?



                      • Cracked the glass, and the straw got pushed OUT of the coil

                        Ice froze up to here in the straw

                        And the ice in the straw froze the bubble cavities in this shape....

                        Looks like the center "<>" shape

                        Solid ice colum

                        Showing more he shape of the colum. The ice cracked between where the opposing wires were. Shape of coil was an effort to produce a solid pillar.
                        I'm gonna need a bigger freezing container.

                        Pancake coil made of magnet wire on the bottom of this cup, with a bifilar coil wrapped around the side.
                        Ice crack began, and went deepest into the ice, where the magnetic "null was" from the pancake coil -- coil around the sides didnt seem to have much effect.

                        So far I've only used a few different gauge wires, all of them only solid... Gauge wire might have effect on the shaping of fractures?



                        • Fantastic job petar113507 , I've had similar effect with the frozen caduceus...good thing

                          the tree image is perfect

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Showing more he shape of the colum. The ice cracked between where the opposing wires were. Shape of coil was an effort to produce a solid pillar.
                            I'm gonna need a bigger freezing container.
                            this one is proof of concept next up would be two opposing coil to see this :

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Hey guys glad to see your experimenting, something Iv been thinking,but havent tried yet,
                              hot water freezes faster than cold, why, I think its because the water is already in an expanded state try freezing the water hot it may stop busting your containers, like I said I havent tried this, but worth checking out
                              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                              • notice the A vector field
                                I froze one with no electrical input with copper screen covering everything but the ends, then fired up the coil overnight the vector field penetrated the ice at the ends where there was no screen, Im using copper screen because thats what I have but I think any metal screen will shield the coil, If we can shield the coil an make the vector field connect with the structured column I think it will eliminate bemf in the coil.
                                I havent been experimenting alot here lately, will get back to it soon
                                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question

