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Harvesting Energy From the Sun Using Crystals

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  • Yepp.

    I probably had it wrong.
    Ed's PMH is basically doing this, but with the magnetic component -- not the electric... The electric field is independent of the magnetic component in terms of when they are generated in the PMH -- but each can influence the other...
    MIT Physics Demo -- Dissectible Capacitor - YouTube

    (I wasn't thinking much about this one. I did not want you to think for me. Will do refresher on leedskalinin's experiments. )

    Sleep time soon,


    • Im trying to get ahold of BruceTPU on the other forum he's done alot of work on the TPU.
      Maybe get some more insight
      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


      • Originally posted by petar113507 View Post

        I probably had it wrong.
        Ed's PMH is basically doing this, but with the magnetic component -- not the electric... The electric field is independent of the magnetic component in terms of when they are generated in the PMH -- but each can influence the other...
        MIT Physics Demo -- Dissectible Capacitor - YouTube

        (I wasn't thinking much about this one. I did not want you to think for me. Will do refresher on leedskalinin's experiments. )

        Sleep time soon,
        A very interesting experiment, there is an electric field orbiting there somewhere, if I had to guess Id say its orbiting inside and outside the glass container notice one metal conductor is placed inside the glass and one outside when shorted the two electric fields combine to give the spark.
        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


        • You know the wimhurst machine could be made to go ou by placing a coil on the axle, then the windmill would be running in the electric field of the axial mounted coil like the Testika machine.
          I know the spelling is wrong
          Last edited by Dave45; 10-21-2011, 01:02 PM.
          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • MIT Physics Demo -- Dissectible Capacitor - YouTube
            Ya know Peter your vid brings up some interesting questions we know glass is an insulator, that electric fields will not conduct through it so it must conduct the magnetic field, if there is an electric field there has to be a magnetic field and if they run together then the glass must be conducting the magnetic field.
            This gives us something to think about.
            This reminds me of the pmh in a way they say you can remove the coils from the pmh and it still works, it still retains the keeper.
            The reason is is because you havent broken the magnetic field so both fields are still present and the same would be true in the vid, Id bet if you could separate the glass and put it back together the demo would cease to work.
            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


            • An interesting experiment or a continuation of this experiment would be to use a U shaped conductor and short the fields inside and outside the glass while it was still disassembled.
              Id be you get the same spark.
              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


              • You see the particles in the electric field are the same the only difference is their spin direction one is cw and one is ccw this causes opposite rotating fields and in a toroid or the glass container they orientate themselves in this manner

                When the two fields are combined we get electricity the two particles go into an orbit and make the electron and will run to a low potential.
                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • Hmm a tpu with a core made of glass this may solve the heat problem that SM had with his iron core.
                  Something to think on.
                  what ever is used must conduct a magnetic field well, and if we look at the leyden jar its seems glass does a pretty good job, if this is whats happening.
                  Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                  • I think the magneview film is a must for any serious researcher it shows the electric field not the magnetic field, I need to get some myself.
                    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                    • Notice at around 30 to 35 in this vid the electricity is attracted to the equatorial plane of the magnets electric field it defines it well.
                      Spark in spiral magnetic field - YouTube
                      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                      • The more I study the magnet and its fields Im starting to think its the electric field that is causing the attraction and repulsion not the magnetic field.
                        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                        • Experience is made before the law is formulated, both are related like cause and effect. Tesla.

                          looking forward to reading your results Dave and Peter
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Love the picture.

                            Froze the rodin coil in a plastic "Rock a Stax"-- essentially a child's plastic tube.
                            The tube, and coil float on water. The coil was floating atop the water, while the entire thing was in a huge pitcher of water. I wanted to see as much of the feilds as I could.
                            Couple of odd things that happened with the coil.

                            The white column in the center arranged itself in a "Fan out" like fashion.
                            If that picture in the "quote" above is accurate, The structured ice would seem to be contained or guided by the magnetic feild.

                            It wasn't a perfect cone -- like in the picture above. My best picture of it shows a thick "cone" form, that sort of looks like a trapezoid.

                            The "discharge" lines came out of each "Cancel" zone between each of the bifilar winds. Whatever the discharge is -- it either really likes to ground into the cancelling region, or really likes to discharge out of it.

                            This led to the discharge lines arranging themselves in a four (strong) pointed configuration. Kind of like a compass. Reminds me of leedskalinin, and Russell "Charge by NE, Discharge by SW" -- CW and CCW.

                            Respectively, CW, and CCW must be imagined in 3-D, superimposed on each other slightly -- not taken as a 2-D illustration to also see all the "compass" directions.

                            This one shows those four lines streaking all the way up the side.

                            This one shows one of the four main "compass" lines, all branching up into "finer" discharge branches. Looks like a tree. The where the "Leaves" are, incidently, are the "cancel" zones around the bottom of the rodin coil.

                            How it looks, sort of reminds me of how a lichtenburg (spelling) figure is made. The dielectric gets really charged up (as it is crystalizing) -- and then all at once, rapidly shown a ground-out path.

                            I'd say the discharges like to run away from the cancel zones -- the charge is "generated" or created where the magnetic feilds cancel -- those local regions get too high of an electric pressure to be stuck "charging" the dielectric (ice) there forever.

                            See where I'm pointing? The rodin coil was FLOATING when I put it on the water. For some reason -- as the ice is crystalizing, it seems to get "Sucked" towards that center "star" (see the quoted picture -- the dead center of the coil). I think, that if that center "star" is really an ELECTRIC charge -- it is contracting. I do not know exactly how -- but freezing into ice is also Cooling/Contracting the water more rapidly than the outside water.

                            I say this -- because If all the water on the surface froze at the same time, I think the rodin coil would still be "sitting" atop the ice, on an equal surface. I think the ice froze faster towards that center point, because if it froze faster -- then it would float on the surface of the rest of the water -- and get "pushed" or "sucked" towards that center point.

                            All of the discharge points led to the dead center of the coil. Reminds me of the "Eye of the hurricane".

                            I am pointing to one of the ridges that was surprisingly resilient against melting in very hot water. Incidently -- if you can see the discharge line going right to it. That line, was right underneath one of those bifilar intersections.

                            This made me really perplexed, because I thought ice that took longer to freeze, had more "stored energy" in it -- and took consequently took longer to melt. Rapidly crystalized ice seemed to have more air bubbles in it -- and seemed to also melt faster -- at least in my experience so far.

                            I'm open to some suggestions at this point, provided they are reasonable. I will at least take it into consideration, as I'm freezing more samples.

                            I hope people are still interested here.



                            • petar113507, nice looking experiment....
                              Still interested.......have you tried flipping the Rodin Coil and freezing it; to see if you'll get attraction or repulsion

                              now that you froze the entire coil....another possibility, which i ran using instead a Caduceus coil wrapped around a plastic tube filled with water and placed in the freezer....

                              the same can be done with a plastic tube placed in the center of the rodin coil
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Peter very interesting experiment, glad to see your still using the ice to see
                                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question

