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Harvesting Energy From the Sun Using Crystals

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  • #76
    Crystaline nature of Earth's Core

    Earth's core is composed of iron AND nickel, in a crystaline form. It is like a mini sun inside the earth. It is the transciever of interdimentional light that comes from our our sun and beyond. It emits light in the blue color spectrum. It is like a giant sentient computer, the heart of Gaia. It is where the light from the higher dimentions is received and transmitted to all life forms and everything on Earth.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Felix_the_cat View Post
      Earth's core is composed of iron AND nickel, in a crystaline form. It is like a mini sun inside the earth. It is the transciever of interdimentional light that comes from our our sun and beyond. It emits light in the blue color spectrum. It is like a giant sentient computer, the heart of Gaia. It is where the light from the higher dimentions is received and transmitted to all life forms and everything on Earth.
      Not only that but the core is also surrounded by water under extreme amounts of pressure. This pressurized water moves slowly like the contents of a lava lamp because of the temperature of the core. This water acts as an magnifier of the inter-dimensional light. The core does have anisotropic properties that pass sound waves through it faster at certain angles but this is nothing compared to the truth. The truth is that the core does emit an inter-dimensional light. This light passes through all substances but The ancient ones understood this and this is why they wrapped the pyramids in gold. If you want to catch rain in a cup you place the cup face up because the rain falls down from the sky. However, because the light is coming from within the earth it would make sense to place the pyramids(cups) upside down. The gold wrapped pyramid catches the inter-dimensional light funnels it toward the pyramid shaped crystal cap. The crystal takes that great amount of light and condenses it from a stream into a river. The crystal itself does not need to be wrapped in gold. It is the base pyramid structure below the crystal-shaped pyramid-cap that needs to be wrapped in gold. And the only reason they used heavy blocks was to support the weight of the gold and marbel together. Not all of the blocks were quarried out of some mountain. The majority of the larger blocks were built in place and are made up of an advanced concrete-like substance. The white marbel was cut by lasers and fit so tightly together that you can not slide a piece of paper between them. But the reason why they used white marbel is because it refracts the light and redirects it to run up the outer layer of gold much the same ways as water refracts sunlight. and of course it comes out of the crystal cap with such force that it would be extremely important to note where it is pointed. Keep in mind that this inter-dimensional light will flow through everything but gold and even has adverse effects when a condensed beam is pointed directly towards gold. The pyramid-shaped crystal, by itself, can not do much, the energy flowing through it is so minute that it is like sticking a thimble out in the rain and expecting its contents, once full, to quench your thirst. If you want real results build your model exactly as the original pyramids, you will see huge results in energy increase. I do not know the depth of the outer layer of gold that used to surround the pyramids but that also plays an important factor.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Felix_the_cat View Post
        Earth's core is composed of iron AND nickel, in a crystaline form. It is like a mini sun inside the earth. It is the transciever of interdimentional light that comes from our our sun and beyond. It emits light in the blue color spectrum. It is like a giant sentient computer, the heart of Gaia. It is where the light from the higher dimentions is received and transmitted to all life forms and everything on Earth.
        Indeed, the picture i showed you is just an example of metal ,and how it looks under SEM

        if you can find a picture of iron AND nickel under SEM, it would be great

        on a side note: did You know that recently 17 new pyramids have been detected using infrared satellite imagery

        Egyptologists discover 17 new pyramids | Human World | EarthSky

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-20-2011, 10:50 AM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • #79
          here is an interesting info for you, just found it and kind of made sense:

          USU geophysicist links quartz deposits to mountains and faults

          Geophysical measurements collected in the western United States reveal correlations between high concentrations of quartz and high temperatures deep in the Earth’s crust. USU geophysicist Tony Lowry says quartz is key to rock cycles resulting in large-scale deformation of continents. Image courtesy Tony Lowry, Utah State University.
          USU geophysicist links quartz deposits to mountains and faults | The Salt Lake Tribune

          see also post:

          ps: there has been a great discussion taking place at , i would encourage to check it out....

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-20-2011, 10:47 AM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • #80
            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            have you watched the Veda's documentary, please do, but with "Tesla's eyes wearing fractal glasses " if i may say so

            see ‪Greatness Of The Vedic Vedas Knowledge Perfect Science Part 3 of 6‬‏ - YouTube

            this relates to what we are talking about

            ps: at 1:15 it shows a "moe-joe cell"

            I would really like to hear some of your comments on the video
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • #81
              In relations to Paul Brown's nuBattery, What i'm about to write is just a way of showing you how you can turn a bad event into something good .

              ever since the Fukushima Incident, a lot of decaying radioactive material has been dumped into the sea, and reports points toward the pacific ocean showing radioactive pollution.

              What do we know about salt water as capacitor and Paul Brown's nu battery: (replace strontium with pacific salt water)

              The Beta Voltaic Effect may simply be defined as the conversion of ionizing radiation to electrical energy by a material or combination of materials. Radiation that is absorbed in the vicinity of any potential barrier, say a p-n junction, a metal-semiconductor contact or an electric field will generate separate electron-hole pairs which in turn flow in an electric circuit due to the voltaic effect. Of course, this occurs to a varying degree in different materials and geometries.
              I let you reflect on it....

              also applies to our current discussion, Dave45 ,very relevant you should read the article

              Paul M. Brown: Resonant Nuclear Battery (Nucell) ~ Beta Voltaic Effect ~ Collected papers & US Patent # 4,835,433
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-20-2011, 12:22 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • #82
                Now according to the info on quartz i just posted, wouldn't you think that Tesla was actually coupling with the Quartz Crystal system inside the earth and then transmitting energy across the world using quartz resonance, because i would think that all the quartz insinde the earth are al resonating to the same frequency forming one fractal system (water plays a major role here too)

                the wave spreads like a drop of water in flat water surface, except that it is fractal resonance
                think of a domino effect, where each fractal antenna passes on its excess energy to the next fractal antenna and so on

                a more visual example (i'm a bit inspired right now) is if you think of an ocean wave is made up of a multitude of little "fractal antenna", the excess energy is the surfer riding the wave

                (oops already posted this analogy before: see

                see also antigraviticsystems1 post

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-20-2011, 01:31 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • #83
                  don't forget that a fractal wave can travel through anything because of this simple fact:

                  The data reveals the shift of the resonance is positively correlated to the number of elements in the fractal form....
                  Wide Band survey
                  This data reveals how fractals can become nearly flat matches over considerable stretches of frequency.
                  Fractal Antennas

                  because a fractal wave has the same properties as a fractal antenna

                  example: sad but true: a Tsunami / or a dust storm


                  one more little detail that must be known and tends to be overlooked very often about Water, is that it is the only molecule that exist on earth in all three forms: Liquid, Solid and Gazeous

                  Water facts

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-22-2011, 01:20 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • #84
                    We agree on the fact that nature/universe is fractal, and I think everyone agrees that the human engine without water is a "dead human engine ". Then why would anyone think it is any different for the universe (Rhetorical question )


                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-20-2011, 07:28 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • #85
                      I found a little piece of jewel kind of information

                      there are ten thousand molecules of water per molecule of protein.
                      Quantum electrodynamics calls for the existence of long range electromagnetic fields that can be transmitted by large - hundreds of angstroms -coherent domains present in water (adapted from E. Del Giudice & E.Preparata, 1994, Journal of Biological Physics, vol. 20, p. 105).

                      Such long range EM fields would be capable of transmitting the EM message coming from molecules, thus generating a long distance specific attraction between two molecules with matching spectra, excluding non-resonating, unwanted random events

                      . The field resulting from the aggregation of the two coresonating molecules would obviously exhibit a different frequency which would then coresonate with the next molecule or cluster of molecules and so forth and so on..
                      an exponential domino effect or if you prefer a Golden Mean curve

                      Water facts

                      Does not this sounds like what i posted earlier:

                      see post:

                      now this just increases my suspicion that Tesla knew he needed water, when you think about it, he did not choose Colorado Springs by chance, if you do a little research you'll find out that Colorado Springs is a spot where water exist in all three forms year round more so at the time of Tesla (Pikes Peaks )....interesting

                      the existence of long range electromagnetic fields that can be transmitted by large - hundreds of angstroms -coherent domains present in water
                      Thanks to the Golden mean effect, he was charging water with his tower to make water in (the atmosphere and in the ground )resonate and the effect is more pronounced because of the presence of quartz inside the earth, and vice versa you can tap the energy produced by the quartz inside the earth (simply said not easily done )

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-20-2011, 11:07 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • #86
                        OMG, i can't believe i forgot to check but i already posted in the thread two experiments that would prove your suspicions Dave and mine as well Water + Quartz is the KEY

                        hold on to your seat and remember for the first experiment most labs use Quartz test tubes

                        in a fractal world, you always think as above so below, from within so without this should become your motto if you want to change the way you see the world

                        Luc MONTAGNIER DNA Teleportation (note: it took him 10 hours to build up the Fractal Resonance )


                        and next is:

                        Three Soviet scientists, S. STSCHURIN, V. P. and L. KAZNACHEJEU Michailova, confirmed after more....

                        add to it the following

                        and the USU geophysicist links quartz deposits to mountains and faults info


                        and it confirms what i had said about monks inside the test tube oops i mean the mountain under Schumann's resonance

                        It makes sense now when you think about it, why monks/hermit liked to seclude themselves in a mountain so as to achieve enlightenment. If i ask you to think of the hermit as a tiny coil/antenna ;what happens to a small coil when placed inside a larger coil? I let you ponder on that.

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-21-2011, 12:08 AM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • #87
                          a little side note i wanted to share with you, please know that i am not for nor against the ancient alien theory, but i keep an open mind....I have to if i believe in Tesla's writings, and his Contemporaries (Russell, Keely etc...)

                          Head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen in December 2010 had told an audience that there might be truth to the theory that aliens helped the ancient Egyptians build the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza.

                          On being further questioned by Mr Marek Novak, a delegate from Poland as to whether the pyramid might still contain alien technology or even a UFO with its structure, Dr Shaheen, was vague and replied “I can not confirm or deny this, but there is something inside the pyramid that is “not of this world”.

                          Before It's News

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • #88
                            I while back you asked me:

                            Originally posted by Felix_the_cat View Post
                            @ Monsieur M: are you aware of any scientist/experimenter that has worked with cristals to extact electrical energy?

                            I forgot to add the following post on the Caduceus Coil: The Magnetic Resonance Amplifier

                            barium titanate is a piezo-electric substance like quartz


                            i am going to run a simple experiment please read about it here:


                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-21-2011, 12:50 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                              a little side note i wanted to share with you, please know that i am not for nor against the ancient alien theory, but i keep an open mind....I have to if i believe in Tesla's writings, and his Contemporaries (Russell, Keely etc...)

                              Before It's News

                              They used sound frequencies to cut and levitate the stones. Just like Ed Leedskalnin did it. I remember reading an article where a huge collection of tuning forks, with a string, like a slingshot was hidden in a vault in a egiptian museum.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post


                                now we have a fractal system, i like the sound of that, thank you IndianaBoys for the info

                                The Isometric Crystal System

                                Keep in reminder that this was done inside a building. Ask yourself one question. Were these pyramids in sunlight? If not then the light was coming from below not above(as above...SO BELOW). Are these pyramids designed to catch the etheric light from above or below? It's abovious to me that if the light is emmananting/exiting from the top, then it is collecting it from below. You don't have to beleive if you don't want to? But then how can you say that the center of the earth is emmiting light and is like a small sun and truely beleive it? remember that this light does not effect anything but gold. It can melt gold but has absolutely no effect on rock(or any other material for that matter) and passes through it like gamma radiation. Given the right angle it will NOT melt gold but reflect off it and run along the surface like rain down a roof top.

