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Harvesting Energy From the Sun Using Crystals

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  • I did a quick search on Tycho Brahe

    ‪Carl Sagan on Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, and ellipses‬‏ - YouTube

    At 5:20, carl shows the principle of ellipse rotation around the sun, listen carefully what he says, and think of the perpetual wheel...hint hint

    our planetary system (a creation of nature) works on ellipse.....

    now here is the kicker: if according to the fractal law, or simply put "as above so below..."

    if you know how to translate them:

    Johannes Kepler: The Laws of Planetary Motion can be applied to a smaller scale type perpetual magnetic "planetary model"
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-01-2011, 11:46 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post

      Imagine iron pirite mixed into an M-state quartz crystal! Once polarized it should pass electricity far more efficiently than John Hutchisons crystal power cell. I might be wrong but if I'm right this mixture should be 1000 times more efficient.

      After watching the vid, i have to say that your idea kept popping in my head, and i think you are right, but i would substitute Pyrite with tourmaline "The Electric Stone" ( for better compatibility see link above)

      Abstract -- PURPOSE:To provide a semipermanent battery by putting far infrared radiation ceramic powder or a far infrared radiation ceramic powder pack in an inside electrolyte solution of a primary battery or a secondary battery, and naturally charging to recover the original potential. CONSTITUTION:Pulverized tourmaline fine powder belongs to far infrared radiation ceramics, and is put in an electrolyte of a battery as powder or being packed. It was found that even if the battery is discharged, the potential does not change. When a lithium battery was tested in the condition of 500mA discharge for 10 minutes and rest for 4 hours, voltage did not vary over 7 month. It is thought that the recess of an ionic crystal of the powder is charged positively and the other end is charged negatively to produce potential, dynamic energy such as temperature is converted into electric energy, and in addition by electromagnetic radiation from the far infrared radiation stone, oxidized electrolyte is reduced.
      Healing Properties of Tourmaline Quartz or Tourmalinated Quartz at Charms Of Light Healing Gemstone Jewellery

      Tourmaline Quartz, also known as Tourmalinated Quartz, is a variety of Clear Quartz with naturally occuring needle-like inclusions of Black Tourmaline, also known as Schorl.
      Crystal structure

      Tourmaline belongs to the trigonal crystal system and occurs as long, slender to thick prismatic and columnar crystals that are usually triangular in cross-section. The style of termination at the ends of crystals is asymmetrical, called hemimorphism. Small slender prismatic crystals are common in a fine-grained granite called aplite, often forming radial daisy-like patterns. Tourmaline is distinguished by its three-sided prisms; no other common mineral has three sides. Prisms faces often have heavy vertical striations that produce a rounded triangular effect. Tourmaline is rarely perfectly euhedral. An exception was the fine dravite tourmalines of Yinnietharra, in western Australia. The deposit was discovered in the 1970s, but is now exhausted. All hemimorphic crystals are piezoelectric, and are often pyroelectric as well.
      Tourmaline Quartz combines the properties of Tourmaline and Clear Quartz Crystal. Tourmaline purifies ones own energies and protects from negativity, while Quartz amplifies energies focused through it. This combination makes Tourmaline Quartz a powerful shield-stone that, depending on the desired intent of the wearer, can amplify and return negative energy, like a mirror spell, or can convert the negative energy into positive energy for the wearer.

      Understand the operation, therefore. Decoction lessens the matter, but the tincture augments it; because Luna (maybe moonstone ) , in fifteen days is diminished;
      Decoction lessens the matter :The process of boiling the matter to lessen it, or if you prefer the process of high frequency applied to matter/ Light (all is vibration see post )

      High frequency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      High Frequency Waves are Short Waves, if i'm correct

      the tincture augments it:

      tinc·ture (tngkchr)
      1. A coloring or dyeing substance; a pigment.
      2. An imparted color; a tint.
      3. A quality that colors, pervades, or distinguishes.
      4. A trace or vestige: "a faint tincture of condescension" (Robert Craft).
      5. An alcohol solution of a nonvolatile medicine: tincture of iodine.
      6. Heraldry A metal, color, or fur.
      tr.v. tinc·tured, tinc·tur·ing, tinc·tures
      1. To stain or tint with a color.
      2. To infuse, as with a quality; impregnate.

      Chemistry: KAlSi3O8 (Potassium Aluminum Silicate)
      Class: Silicates.


      Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-02-2011, 01:02 AM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • There is also a phenomenon known to scientist today, it is called the "nano size effect", which from what i can gather is when you reach a certain size (in the nano scale) certain element like tourmaline or quantum water have their properties exponentially increased, or hidden properties will appear...

        so maybe the crystal ball found in the Bimini Pyramid may have had some other element within the quartz (but at the nano size) so you could not visually detect it....

        search Nano size effect and magnetism
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-02-2011, 01:23 AM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Earlier, i talked about Moonstone and tourmaline, well look what i found in this patent: page 7 bottom of the page

          material suitable for generating negative ions are tourmaline, raw moonstone, salt crystal rocks,healstone

          Speaker vibrating member - Google Patents

          now Hermes is starting to make sense to me...a bit

          so how about a pinch of tourmaline with a pinch of moonstone
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
            i've been thinking about the design he uses, wondering if this would not work better (resonance being a important factor in this set up) if we combine the principles used in Hutchison Power Cell to create a "crystal ball "cell or semi sphere like in peter davey invention see:

            sonic boiler:

            for the moe joe cell replace the water with the quartz mix and let it grow inside (sounds familiar; hint: earth core )

            A - Initially, the Moe-Joe cell was not conceived as a hydrogen producer. It was created because it concentrates orgone energy, which can be used for combustion in internal combustion engines and also for healing. However, since some people have thought of using it as a HHO producer, it has shown some considerable results.
            Frequently asked questions about the Moe-Joe Cell

            Decoction lessens the matter :The process of boiling the matter to lessen it, or if you prefer the process of high frequency applied to matter/ Light (all is vibration see post )
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-02-2011, 02:20 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
              i've been thinking about the design he uses, wondering if this would not work better (resonance being a important factor in this set up) if we combine the principles used in Hutchison Power Cell to create a "crystal ball "cell or semi sphere like in peter davey invention see:

              sonic boiler:

              for the moe joe cell replace the water with the quartz mix and let it grow inside (sounds familiar; hint: earth core )

              Frequently asked questions about the Moe-Joe Cell

              I have dealt extensively with Cadmium telluride( CdTe) quantum Dots at around 700nanometers. It is a very deep red. The chemical itself when orginally mixed is clear. It is reactive when you shine Blue or Ultra Violet light at it. It down converts the wavelengths and re-emits them as red/infrared. This infrared light bears heat which has a phenominal effect on the solar panel to produce a current. Nearly any wavelength of light is sufficient to produce a decent amount of voltage but when it comes to infrared light this wavelength easily produces current while the other wavelengths struggle to do the same. Which reminds me of the golden tractate of hermes talking about waiting for the sun to set so that the heat like a coal could be felt. I Imagine it would be simple enough to mix this in with the crystal but it would only have an effect of producing red light. However if you mixed this in with the suggested Tourmaline which seems to be reactive to red light. Use Blue light as an exterior catalist and it should generate huge amounts of electricity of both voltage and current?


              • Sun-Free Photovoltaics: Materials Engineered To Give Off Precisely Tuned Wavelengths Of Light When Heated Are Key To New High-Efficiency Generating System.

                A new photovoltaic energy-conversion system developed at MIT can be powered solely by heat, generating electricity with no sunlight at all. While the principle involved is not new, a novel way of engineering the surface of a material to convert heat (or high frequency ) into precisely tuned wavelengths of light — selected to match the wavelengths that photovoltaic cells can best convert to electricity — makes the new system much more efficient than previous versions.

                A variety of silicon chip micro-reactors developed by the MIT team. Each of these contains photonic crystals on both flat faces, with external tubes for injecting fuel and air and ejecting waste products. Inside the chip, the fuel and air react to heat up (high frequency )the photonic crystals. In use, these reactors would have a photovoltaic cell mounted against each face, with a tiny gap between, to convert the emitted wavelengths of light to electricity.
                sound familiar

                Before It's News

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post

                  I have dealt extensively with Cadmium telluride( CdTe) quantum Dots at around 700nanometers. It is a very deep red. The chemical itself when orginally mixed is clear. It is reactive when you shine Blue or Ultra Violet light at it. It down converts the wavelengths and re-emits them as red/infrared. This infrared light bears heat which has a phenominal effect on the solar panel to produce a current. Nearly any wavelength of light is sufficient to produce a decent amount of voltage but when it comes to infrared light this wavelength easily produces current while the other wavelengths struggle to do the same. Which reminds me of the golden tractate of hermes talking about waiting for the sun to set so that the heat like a coal could be felt. I Imagine it would be simple enough to mix this in with the crystal but it would only have an effect of producing red light. However if you mixed this in with the suggested Tourmaline which seems to be reactive to red light. Use Blue light as an exterior catalist and it should generate huge amounts of electricity of both voltage and current?
                  I would tend to agree with you, as soon as i posted that idea of combining "MState water -Quartz Crystal "Mixture with MOe JOe Cell, the concept itself just kept "resonating in my head" ...this is one experiment i would love to see someone recreate or at least forward to John Hutchinson, he may like the idea

                  Could tourmaline be the coal in Hermes Tractate

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-02-2011, 11:27 AM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • The Recipe

                    For those interested in reproducing the experiment:

                    you'd need:

                    silicon dioxide: $10.19 bulk bag (Silicon Dioxide - Great American Spice Company )


                    Black Tourmaline Powder: US $20.00

                    1 Pound Black Tourmaline Powder 40 - 50 micron Schorl on eBay!


                    Raw Moonstone: (use file to remove fine amount of moonstone) $9.99

                    raw moonstone | eBay

                    Orpiment Rare Natural Nevada USA Orpiment Mineral Specimen #1 | eBay US $14.95


                    Mstate water: Water Vortex Magnetizer $36

                    This is the "Original" structured water device that is
                    used by "Joe Cell" and "Moe-Joe Cell" inventors
                    to create highly energized water for their hydrogen cells

                    Water Vortex Magnetizer and ORMUS M-State Concentrator


                    How to Grow Quartz Crystals |
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-09-2011, 11:51 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • we come to the expensive part

                      Moe-Joe Cell Water-Charging Kit: $250.00

                      Moe-Joe Cell Water-Charging Kit (...more info)

                      ‪Moe Joe Cell New Assembly Methods part1‬‏ - YouTube

                      if you want to run a far more cheaper experiment use Peter Davey setup to make a "crystal ball" power cell:you need the above mentioned quartz mix

                      Components used to build the heater: (1) Two aluminium (demagnetized metal would be better) ladles of 100 mm in diameter, (2) Pipe "multiskin" or "plex-alu" on sale in craft supermarkets, (3) 1.5 meters of square multilegged wires, (4) Rod of 50 mm to fix the intact hemisphere at the centre of pipe made of "multiskin" or "plex-alu", (5) Epoxy (green and white for metal) resistant to 125 degrees for fixing the rod, for isolating the end of pipe in the little hemisphere and for isolating the end of the rod in the intact hemisphere.
                      see: down 2/3 of page for results of experiments run by people that replicated it (Accomplishments of a hobbyist from Belgium who examined the heater described here for its duplicability and repetitiveness

                      Around my birthday in May 2008 I received an email from a hobbyist in Belgium who reported the success in constructing and in testing several working prototypes of the heater discussed here. The hobbyist uses the name Luc. He constructed several working prototypes of the heater. Two of these are shown in photographs from "Fig. #G1" below. I am repeating here the technical descriptions and data about his accomplishment, which he was kind to make available for us. In this way I hope to encourage other hobbyists to also replicate, test, and research this extraordinary heater, so that they assist the humanity in harvesting benefits which this heater offers to humans. (As I remember from my talks with the inventor, this was the main idea of his invention and efforts. Therefore by including his invention into the technical achievements of humanity we are honouring his wish and contribution.)
                      Shocking history of the revolutionary boiler which bits all possible records (in English)

                      and listen to this:

                      ‪Micheal Tellingenger on NZ Mans invention to Boil Water with Frequency‬‏ - YouTube

                      For the conspiracy buff...I have a little surprise for you....Peter Davey lived in Christchurch NZ

                      Strange "coincidents" which accompanied my meeting with Mr Davey at the beginning of February 2008 - means after over 15 years from mysterious termination of our previous contacts:

                      Amongst others I asked him about details of the person who "returned" to him the present model of the "sonic boiler", and I asked whether he remembers exactly when and in what circumstances he build the present model of the "sonic boiler" and gave this model to that person. I also asked how he explains the fact that the "sonic boiler" according to my understanding is constructed of aluminium, while he always stressed to me that the only material that is suitable for the construction of bowls of this heater is the stainless steel
                      Shocking history of the revolutionary boiler which bits all possible records (in English)

                      Peter Davey Heater

                      I believe it has been done over 100 years ago by people that saw music and electronics intimately related. If you've seen the Peter Davey videos you can see he's done it also. Water does not boil that fast even with 220v. I've tried it and a cup of water using a coiled up wire across to 110v mains takes at least 30 seconds to boil. It's actually pulling 2000W to do that. We have to see electronics and music as the same field of study. They are the same in terms of resonance. I will use the guitar again as an example. Tune the first and last string so that they are EXACTLY in tune with each other. If you strike the lower E string strongly without touching the higher E string and then stop the lower E string from vibrating you will hear the higher E string vibrating even though it was never touched. If you then detune (even a little bit) one of the 2 E strings so they are not in resonance with each other, then the effect stops.

                      This outer (or inner?) bell has to be tuned exactly to a harmonic of the oscillation of the AC mains. Then the bell will serve as an amplifier to the oscillation of the mains frequency.
                      sound similar to

                      John Hutchinson crystal power cell use, then drop it into liquid hydrogen to speed up the freezing process. If you stir the iron pirite and then drop it in it should freeze the mineral in place which should evenly distribute the electricity. Then polarize it with the 12 volt power supply.
                      i do believe these Mstate quartz if allowed to grow in the space between the two bells, once polarized, small power would be required to create Unity and plus....

                      let me know what you think
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-04-2011, 01:21 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Peter Davey Sonic Boiler Replacation experiment and data (2008 ):


                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          Peter Davey Sonic Boiler Replacation experiment and data (2008 ):

                          Shawn, i searched for Cadmium Telluride and if it was widely accessible but it does not seem to be , however, if you remember this post: , we could use instead Orpiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Now I remember where i heard Cadmium Telluride being used...CIGS...Thin film solar panels that's where i heard about them... Thanks Shawn

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-02-2011, 03:24 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • petar113507 has provided us with some good insight in his post:


                            , and as recommend by him, i looked for posts made by Power1, seeing that it was going to be a tedious work, i actually found a compilation of all his post: it's in pdf:

                            Power1.pdf - 429 Kb

                            Looks like we are pretty much on the same page

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-02-2011, 07:16 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • I would like to take a moment of your time, and share with you a little insight that i have long applied to my research:

                              Throughout the many years of research, just like you guys, i have discovered one little fact about information gathering, and that is, usually the answer to whatever subject you are searching, especially when you find yourself at a dead-end, is found not in the subject of research but outside of the beaten path...what I'm trying to say is as Randall Cole ROFFE says:

                              The application of the principles of one science into another is often neglected. Today we have a massive and growing volume of experimentally proven information that certainly does not always
                              find its every application
                              (this data was taken from a fractal construct, so logically its application is multidimensional... )
                              So if you ever find yourself stuck not quite knowing where to find the answer, don't forget that your are only exploring One Facet Of Gaea (be it physics, electromagnetic, biology etc...), and that there are other facet through which you can find your answer if you only know how to look for the right pattern within each field and your answer we'll pop as if it was self evident...

                              The finger can point to the moon's location. However, the finger is not the moon . To look at the moon, it is necessary to gaze beyond the finger, right?
                              I'll give a simple example at hand, we all talk about the existence of "radiant energy", it is like a conductor's baton, and nature is the learn from the Maestro

                              ‪Magic Maestro‬‏ - YouTube

                              from Power1 postings:

                              Everything is just ONE, you can not
                              dissect Conscious into different fields, that is how your are lost.
                              as i said earlier, we are on the same page ,(with different approach )

                              this is my little piece of wisdom
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-03-2011, 02:26 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • From I would like to relate a post made by Power1 in relations to Crystal Ball power Cell/Peter Davey design

                                What is a transducer?. It is just
                                a structured lattice of crystals tuned to a particular frequency
                                . You can buy or make your own
                                very easily. So why would you waste your time and efforts wandering far off topic with
                                distractions and speculations, all were working with here is Waves. Learn to know what
                                waves is, build different coils and observe. Learn the phases of elements, know their
                                properties. Combine different element to achieve desired property. Everything has already
                                been researched and published. I've already told you to oscillate DC with a toroid, with your
                                output AC, you amplify the frequency with a crysta
                                l. DC is pulsed at desired frequency/
                                oscillation, the lattice of the transducer crystals steps up oscillation and this allows atomizing
                                of water into fine molecules
                                Wave frequency in the water needs to be 43khz +.
                                now we know how to break water...43 khz is needed


                                Current nuclear is no match for water nuclear, it is more powerful,
                                abundant in supply very low cost and safe.

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-03-2011, 02:42 AM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

