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Harvesting Energy From the Sun Using Crystals

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  • to inspire you about the presence of fractal channels in quartz mixed/ Ice VI

    Lichtenberg (pronounced Lich’-ten-beark) Figures are fractal-like branching patterns that have been permanently captured within crystal clear acrylic. They were created by carefully injecting and trapping multi-million volt regions of electrical charge deep inside acrylic using a particle accelerator.? The complex figures are created when the trapped charge suddenly escapes in a brief, lightning-like discharge. The intense spark discharges create a record of their passage, leaving behind permanent “fossilized” tree-like branching chains of microscopic fractures that reflect ambient light similar to microscopic mirrors. Lichtenberg Figures combine the technologies of particle beam and dielectric physics with the natural beauty of fractals.
    Tesla + Quartz anyone

    What is a Lichtenberg Figure ? | Top Blog Posts :: Design & Technology News

    Bert Hickman's TeslaMania Web Site - Tesla Coils, Lichtenberg Figures, and Quarter Shrinkers!

    as above so below, from within so without....

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-09-2011, 11:43 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
      Dave, have you tested the Smith Coil ?
      Haven't had time my well went dry had to drop the pump sixty feet to get water, I just thank the Lord there was water there to get, you dont realize how precious water is till you dont have it.

      If you need to pull a pump out of a well and want to save money you can do it yourself, we rented five sets of scaffolds cost fifty dollars rigged up a twelve volt wench and pulled it ourselves, worked great. We saved about fifteen hundred dollars doing it ourselves

      Will be working on the project again soon
      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


      • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
        Haven't had time my well went dry had to drop the pump sixty feet to get water, I just thank the Lord there was water there to get, you dont realize how precious water is till you dont have it.

        If you need to pull a pump out of a well and want to save money you can do it yourself, we rented five sets of scaffolds cost fifty dollars rigged up a twelve volt wench and pulled it ourselves, worked great. We saved about fifteen hundred dollars doing it ourselves

        Will be working on the project again soon
        sorry about that, water is precious and we should stop treating her as we do today (water has memory like you and me )...i have the feeling that soon we will be thought a lesson that we would remember for generations to come...

        But stay positive, God/Karma rewards those who help themselves (and others ) and rely on their inventive spirit
        as a bonus you get to work out...Mens sana in corpore sano

        "A sound mind in a sound body."

        thank you for the update

        let me ask you a rhetoric question: do you think snowflakes are 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional ?

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-09-2011, 02:56 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • just found this info:

          Scientists create one-dimensional ferroelectric ice

          ( -- Everyone knows that when water freezes, it forms ice. But a lesser known fact is that there is not one, but many different kinds of ice, depending on the way the ice crystals are arranged. In a new study, a team of chemists has developed a new method for synthesizing a type of ferroelectric ice, which is crystallized so that all of its bonds line up in the same direction, producing a large electric field.
          Every water molecule carries a tiny electric field. But because water molecules usually freeze in a somewhat random arrangement, with their bonds pointing in different directions, the ice’s total electric field tends to cancel out. In contrast, the bonds in ferroelectric ice all point in the same direction at low enough temperatures, so that it has a net polarization in one direction that produces an electric field....
          ...As a result, the polarity of the ferroelectric ice can be reversed by reversing the external electric field, a property not seen in everyday water and ice.
          applicable to quartz polarization

          crystallized so that all of its bonds line up in the same direction
          Ferroelectric ice is thought to be extremely rare; in fact, scientists are still investigating whether or not pure three-dimensional ferroelectric ice exists in nature.
          as an answer to that:

          Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
          They can tell how much electricity is in a thunderstorm by the ice content, starting to see the picture yet

          They think its a piezoelectric effect but I think the ice crystals are interacting with the earths magnetic field.

          Job 38:22
          Peter Davey Power Crystal Ball anyone

          side note :

          “[The study] shows that the freezing of water can be greatly affected by the confinement and water/surface interaction,” Zeng said. “So knowledge and insights gained through research in this field will help scientists to control some properties of water through designing different confinements.
          Maybe Victor Schauberger Channels to carry logs should be studied at a nano level (see )

          or use MState Water to create ferromagnetic ice ;D

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-09-2011, 02:51 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
            They can tell how much electricity is in a thunderstorm by the ice content, starting to see the picture yet

            They think its a piezoelectric effect but I think the ice crystals are interacting with the earths magnetic field.

            Job 38:22
            based on what you said and according to this

            Every water molecule carries a tiny electric field. But because water molecules usually freeze in a somewhat random arrangement, with their bonds pointing in different directions, the ice’s total electric field tends to cancel out.
            I think that inside a cloud when it reaches a certain concentration of ice crystals (under the influence of earth magnetic field of course )there is a tiny imbalance that occurs which start small then accelerates reshaping the neighboring crystals until it reaches critical mass, as an illustration see post

            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Thanks for the link, I think we'r on the right track it will just take the right recipe. Sometimes I get off on the wrong track, get discouraged but then I think about the thunderstorm and that gives me encouragement to keep going.

              You know I think when its figured out it will be simple but the Lord says that He has held it in reserve so it wont be found until He is ready until then I learn.
              Not that I will be the one to find it but to just study His creation is rewarding most of the time I just stand in awe.

              22Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,

              23Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war?

              The sad part is when its found it will be in the last days the time of trouble and war.

              But could you imagine what the upper elite would do if they had unlimited power, they would leave this planet find another and we would live in a polluted slave planet that they polluted.

              I heard somewhere awhile back that stated that the oxygen in a snowflake was lined up in a sixty degree angle, the same as the path of the electron

              Thats why I have started experimenting with ozone, the ozone adds oxygen to the water.
              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


              • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                Not that I will be the one to find it but to just study His creation is rewarding most of the time I just stand in awe.

                22Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,

                Thats why I have started experimenting with ozone, the ozone adds oxygen to the water.
                WE have forgotten what it is like to just stand there and take five minutes to enjoy the spectacle nature unfolds before us...whatever your belief is, the universal beauty of nature/universe is awe inspiring...thank you for sharing your thoughts Dave

                about ozone, if you read about vortexing water (vortrap) the amount of oxygen present in the water increases, and i do think this is the most Natural way of doing it, as an example read the following post on how your heart functions and the formation of vortices in arteries


                and the following post on info about vortexed water i found on overunity, how to built a magnetic trap....


                only through dialogue and asking questions , as we are doing now in this forum, can we advance and learn from each other...and thank you for that

                this song says it all:

                Dailymotion - Solomon Burke & Blind Boys Of Alabama - None Of Us Are Free - une vidéo Music

                i could truly say that i am a little less ignorant than i was a few month back

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-09-2011, 08:03 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

                  The sad part is when its found it will be in the last days the time of trouble and war.


                  Being positive and all, i would rephrase it differently ;D

                  The good part is when its found it will be in the last days of trouble and war.

                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Pure speculation:

                    in light of post

                    what would happen if you freeze carbon nanotubes with Quantum water in it

                    "Quantum Water" Discovered in Carbon Nanotubes - Technology Review

                    Carbon nanotube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Band structures computed using tight binding approximation for (6,0) CNT (zigzag, metallic) (10,2) CNT (semiconducting) and (10,10) CNT (armchair, metallic).

                    Because of the symmetry and unique electronic structure of graphene, the structure of a nanotube strongly affects its electrical properties. For a given (n,m) nanotube, if n = m, the nanotube is metallic; if n − m is a multiple of 3, then the nanotube is semiconducting with a very small band gap, otherwise the nanotube is a moderate semiconductor. Thus all armchair (n = m) nanotubes are metallic, and nanotubes (6,4), (9,1), etc. are semiconducting.[39]

                    However, this rule has exceptions, because curvature effects in small diameter carbon nanotubes can influence strongly electrical properties. Thus, a (5,0) SWCNT that should be semiconducting in fact is metallic according to the calculations. Likewise, vice versa-- zigzag and chiral SWCNTs with small diameters that should be metallic have finite gap (armchair nanotubes remain metallic).[39] In theory, metallic nanotubes can carry an electric current density of 4 × 109 A/cm2, which is more than 1,000 times greater than those of metals such as copper,[40] where for copper interconnects current densities are limited by electromigration.

                    Multiwalled carbon nanotubes with interconnected inner shells show superconductivity with a relatively high transition temperature Tc = 12 K. In contrast, the Tc value is an order of magnitude lower for ropes of single-walled carbon nanotubes or for MWNTs with usual, non-interconnected shells
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-10-2011, 12:04 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • about the Lichtenberg (pronounced Lich’-ten-beark) Figures

                      here is a video explaining how they make them

                      ‪Making "Captured Lightning" (Multi-million volt Lichtenberg Figures)‬‏ - YouTube

                      really worth watching it, especially with a learning eye; ask yourself what information i could extract from this video, to apply and advance our subject

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-10-2011, 12:14 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • The good part is when its found it will be in the last days of trouble and war.

                        Ya know I hadnt thought of it that way, no more war, no more famine, a time of peace love. I like your way of thinking that statement helped my heart.

                        Here's an interesting form of ice crystals,
                        ‪Water Phase Change - Water to ice in 90 seconds using vacuum‬‏ - YouTube

                        This is probably what we would find in space.
                        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                        • What conditions do we find in a thunderstorm

                          the water composition varys - will get more into that later

                          if you think about whats happening with the ice its spinning and bobbing, so the field is being pulsed, well not the field but the ice, I would think it wouldn't matter.

                          there may be a slight vacuum due the higher altitude

                          there may be an interaction with the ozone layer- needs more reasearch

                          there may be an interaction with the inner van allen belts

                          I took koh mixed with distilled water put into a capacitor type cell wrapped that with a coil, ran 12 volts through the coil and the cap plates got some interesting results nothing spectacular but I think I'll run high voltage through the cap next time.

                          I accidentally left the koh in the cell when I went out of town, yep it ate through the glue joint, ruined my cell, but thats ok the next rig will be with the Smith coil.

                          So much to do
                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                          • A couple of pics of the ruined cell
                            Last edited by Dave45; 08-15-2011, 02:54 PM.
                            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                              Pure speculation:

                              in light of post

                              what would happen if you freeze carbon nanotubes with Quantum water in it
                              Iv thought of using carbon for the electrodes or cap plates whatever you want to call them, to extract the energy from the cell.
                              If it would bond with the ice, another interesting material is aluminum it will go into a superconductive state at the right temp and I think this is where it is headed, a magnetic field will cause magnetic evaporation that should take over as the electricity is pulled out of the system, once this happens there wont be a need for refrigeration.

                              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                                about the Lichtenberg (pronounced Lich’-ten-beark) Figures

                                here is a video explaining how they make them

                                ‪Making "Captured Lightning" (Multi-million volt Lichtenberg Figures)‬‏ - YouTube

                                really worth watching it, especially with a learning eye; ask yourself what information i could extract from this video, to apply and advance our subject

                                Thanks for the vid I have seen this before very interesting, there's another fractal
                                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question

