Gold has been brought up many times, it has been valued over other metals throughout history why.
It has some particular quality's one is it doesn't reflect the electrons it absorbs them ----- electrodes - receptors \.
If we use a crystal to catch and harness the electron we need a material that will accept the electron without reflecting it, an intermediary between the crystal and wire conductor
Now you know why gold is so valuable and has always been so.
a hint gold is found in quartz-it can meld with a crystal structure
It has some particular quality's one is it doesn't reflect the electrons it absorbs them ----- electrodes - receptors \.
If we use a crystal to catch and harness the electron we need a material that will accept the electron without reflecting it, an intermediary between the crystal and wire conductor
Now you know why gold is so valuable and has always been so.
a hint gold is found in quartz-it can meld with a crystal structure