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Harvesting Energy From the Sun Using Crystals

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  • Yes at first I thought it was a discharge so I tried to catch the discharge with a copper screen and copper wire but the vector field avoided both, thats when I realized the field was moving into the coil and not out.
    There is a lot more experimentation that needs to be done here
    Can you elaborate a little bit more on this? Into which coil? How could you tell it avoided the

    I've had a few fracks go towards copper coils when I had the wires holding up a pizeo (so the crack went towards the opposite polarity)
    Also -- you mentioned yourself -- gold in quartz:

    And I currently have one smith coil freezing into an aluminum screen ground. Maybe polarizing the ground to look like a better "funnell" (stronger polarity opposite).

    Do you think the charge in the middle is positive? I think it might be, because it seeks to discharge into its opposite polarity -- the lesser electric pressure (or lesser charge density) being "outside" the ice. Working with the "core sample" tube is very interesting, because the dielectric seems to halt the "breaking" of the ice, so the insulating ice around the "core sample" doesn't break....

    I'm just thinking out loud here -- this is a result of my observations...
    Dave, this theory is mostly put out there for you -- because I think you would understand how it practically applies the most (youv'e done experimenting too )

    What if the ice were transfering the charge from the battery/smith -- through the dielectric by coupling the charge to the magnetic feild, and by cancelling the magnetic field releases the charge (A-vector) in the middle of the ice, creating the higher electric pressure? The high electric pressure makes the ice crystalize differently in the middle of the tube, making it freeze slower. When too high a pressure develops in the ice as it is freezing -- it mechanically forces the ice upwards through the center tube, equalizing the water pressure on the inside of the the tube. This repeats for a lower electric pressure -- until the water freezes too rapidly, when towards the dead center of the tube the same pressures are developed, except instead of the mechanical forcing it "cracks" the ice in a discharge. The cracks appear in similar numbers to the top ice layers.

    I've taken the ice out of the freezer as it is freezing -- those clear tubes definitely help to observe how it freezes in LAYERS -- the bubble layers -- the dissolved gasses don't "like" to freeze -- if you were to freeze the water more slowly (at a lower temperature) you get more really clear "insulating" ice.
    The bubbles are evidence of a hasty crystalization, forced by a higher (pressure) level. When that pressure equalizes itself, it freezes clear, in layers.

    Maybe those layers are just the magnetic field preventing it from freezing.

    You have created a funnel like for water :
    This is exactly what I was hoping to do to the Field -- ground it out to "show it an easier path" to drain into. If I could make the cracks drain into a different coil then I would have a good way to tap the voltage spikes. So far -- too much voltage just makes the ice crack -- we definitely need a way to direct the flow.

    So "preferential conductors".....




    • Wait. Disregard that.

      This is huge.


      • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

        The A vector field and how it couples to the magnetic field
        The magnetic field is a neutral field until its coupled by the A vector field which gives it a spin direction
        This is a model of a galaxy if we are on the left side of the equatorial plane you can see what will happen as our solar system crosses over the equatorial plane, the gravitational forces and spin direction will be flipped.

        found this while browsing Tesla's patent

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-29-2011, 08:29 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by petar113507 View Post
          Wait. Disregard that.

          This is huge.

          huge .....
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by petar113507 View Post
            Wait. Disregard that.

            This is huge.

            If Im not mistaken you are wrapping your coils around the outside of the containers, in my experiments I put my coils inside the container, inside the water.
            Keep at it Petar
            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
              This is a model of a galaxy if we are on the left side of the equatorial plane you can see what will happen as our solar system crosses over the equatorial plane, the gravitational forces and spin direction will be flipped.
              found this while browsing Tesla's patent


              Notice the asymmetry of the set up, there is a reason....

              every system will seek equilibrium

              Tesla did not draw it just like that because it was esthetically pleasing

              Principle of Mentalism: The Universe is all Wave

              important read:
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-30-2011, 01:04 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by petar113507 View Post
                Wait. Disregard that.

                This is huge.
                Ok Petar
                We're waiting
                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • My bad dave. Was at school, and had to proof-read this before I posted it.

                  Anonymous: On the Philosophers' Stone (Alchemy)

                  But if the unctuous matter comes into places cold and impure, lead, or Saturn, is produced; if the earth be cold and pure, mixed with sulphur, the result is copper. Silver also is formed of this vapor, where it abounds in purity, but mixed with a laser degree of sulphur and not sufficiently concocted. In tin, or Jupiter, as it is called, it abounds, but in less purity. In Mars, or iron, it is in a lesser proportion impure, and mixed with an adjust sulphur.

                  Hence it appears that the First Matter of metals is one thing, and not many, homogeneous, but altered by the diversity of places and sulphurs with which it is combined. The philosophers frequently describe this matter.
                  Stay with me here. So, silver, gold, iron, tin, copper are all resulting METALS from the SEED (First matter). Think of how Stem Cells are the "seeds" of our bodies, taking purposeful form & structure based on their (relative) enviroments, and surrounding nutrients.

                  We have recently begun to try to "shock" skin cells, and nerve cells back into their "stem cell" state, to re-purpose them in human bodies. Let's say that "Stem Cells" are similar to the "First Matter" of Metals.

                  Skin Cells Converted to Stem Cells

                  It is not ridiculed in the medical field to repurpose cells -- why should it be so ridiculed in the sciences to have similar thoughts about metals?

                  The ridicule comes from the ASSUMPTION that metals are always in their same state -- and never change form in nature. To me, this shows how we have become disconnected from observing nature, and caught up in our artifical world of sustained appearances.

                  This flaw in thinking is similarly reflected in the concept of "botox" (or breast implants) where we inject plastics under our skin to hold the appearance of youth.

                  Okay, so slamming implants and botox aside -- what does all this have to do with ice, and quartz crystals, and the Phi feild...?

                  Dielectrics are the key to them all!

                  Now -- anything that I have mentioned in these forums -- are property of the OPEN SOURCE COMMUNITY. Three muskateers cheers -- All for one, and one for all!

                  This is why I said "this is huge" earlier. I did not mean the fractal key -- but instead the way in which we can spot where the energy gain comes from!

                  I am trying to understand how we can have a work-able theory, or premises to consistently target gaining the "fast electrons". Bedini does it through switching times and a delay in the core matieral.

                  Tesla did it with high voltages and spark gaps -- effectively the same things. Really abrupt electric pressure shifts.
                  Okay... Dielectric breakdown makes plasma.
                  I've got one of bedini's EFTV videos where he is showing his 10 coiler -- even his a little SSG -- defying diodes "check valve function" by flowing over the blocking diodes to the charging batteries.

                  And that got me thinking.....

                  So, I'm not sure if dielectric breakdown has been co-related with this before.....
                  Huge smoke ring generator. - YouTube

                  If the make/break rate is fast enough -- you basically create an electric smoke ring across the spark gap. Bedini says you can do the same thing with proper switching (which would be true, you'd just have to match the switching to have the same sudden "jerk" in rapidity to "blow a smoke ring" around the wire)

                  (get the same surface skin effect as the smoke ring. Basically, this clears up in my head how the energy might get transfered around the blocking diode on the charge battery -- instead of trying to force current through the P-N junction the way that current doesn't want to flow, it has a skin effect)

                  Interesting that using a spark gap with a magnetic field -- you get a significantly louder "pop" as the breakdown ocurrs across the spark gap -- sharper make/break time of the arc.

                  So, what's the difference between dielectrics and conductors?

                  According to conventional theory -- there is a net electron imbalance in conductors in their "outer shells", or a "hole" (a gap in the atomic structure where the electrons can jump into and be "contained" in) -- kinda like giving water a pipe to flow into.

                  Looking into some odd conductors -- boron doped diamond as a semiconductor. Transistors and other complex semiconductors basically have two different doping agents in them. I mention this one specifically because I've heard this one before when doped for superconductivity.
                  Look at Walter Russell's table. His charts basically show me which side of the wave to expect different charges from. If it is on the "outbreath" of the wave, the doping element in question would provide a "hole", whereas if it is on the "inbreath" of the wave, the element would have a "free electron".

                  When I was looking for the way to distinguish the P-N junction of a diode -- I'd been also been thinking about the Josephson Diode Tunneling I'd just read about in my book about superconductivity.
                  I was pretty blown away, because those two subjects definitely relate to each other.

                  Avalanche breakdown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  Materials conduct electricity if they contain mobile charge carriers. There are two types of charge carrier in a semiconductor: free electrons and electron holes. A fixed electron in a reverse-biased diode may break free due to its thermal energy, creating an electron-hole pair. If there is a voltage gradient in the semiconductor, the electron will move towards the positive voltage while the hole will "move" towards the negative voltage. Most of the time, the electron and hole will just move to opposite ends of the crystal and stop. Under the right circumstances, however, (ie. when the voltage is high enough) the free electron may move fast enough to knock other electrons free, creating more free-electron-hole pairs (ie. more charge carriers), increasing the current. Fast-"moving" holes may also result in more electron-hole pairs being formed. In a fraction of a nanosecond, the whole crystal begins to conduct.

                  Avalanche breakdown usually destroys regular diodes, but avalanche diodes are designed to break down this way at low voltages and can survive the reverse current.

                  The voltage at which the breakdown occurs is called the breakdown voltage. There is a hysteresis effect; once avalanche breakdown has occurred, the material will continue to conduct if the voltage across it drops below the breakdown voltage. This is different from a Zener diode, which will stop conducting once the reverse voltage drops below the breakdown voltage.
                  So basically -- the avalanche breakdown in the diodes is similar to the smoke ring effect.... The avalanche diodes seem to be made to break, and then continue to conduct. If this were to be illustrated at a smoke ring -- it would not have the sharp "break" rate.

                  So -- Something else with the same form...
                  Electric discharge in gases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  In cold cathode tubes, the electric discharge in gas has three regions, with distinct current-voltage characteristics:[1]

                  * I: Townsend discharge, below the breakdown voltage. At low voltages, the only current is that due to the generation of charge carriers in the gas by cosmic rays or other sources of ionizing radiation. As the applied voltage is increased, the free electrons carrying the current gain enough energy to cause further ionization, causing an electron avalanche. In this regime, the current increases from femtoamperes to microamperes for very little further increase in voltage. The voltage-current characteristics begins tapering off near the breakdown voltage and the glow becomes visible.
                  * II: glow discharge, which occurs once the breakdown voltage is reached. The voltage across the electrodes suddenly drops and the current increases to milliampere range. At lower currents, the voltage across the tube is almost current-independent; this is used in glow discharge voltage stabilizers. At lower currents, the area of the electrodes covered by the glow discharge is proportional to the current. At higher currents the normal glow turns into abnormal glow, the voltage across the tube gradually increases, and the glow discharge covers more and more of the surface of the electrodes. Low-power switching (glow-discharge thyratrons), voltage stabilization, and lighting applications (e.g. Nixie tubes, decatrons, neon lamps) operate in this region.
                  * III: arc discharge, which occurs in the ampere range of the current; the voltage across the tube drops with increasing current. High-current switching tubes, e.g. triggered spark gap, ignitron, thyratron and krytron (and its vacuum tube derivate, sprytron, using vacuum arc), high-power mercury-arc valves and high-power light sources, e.g. mercury-vapor lamps and metal halide lamps, operate in this range.
                  Townsend discharge, eh? Sounds like they're basically the same avalanche. Converting high electric pressure into a self-created current movment. Doughnuts .

                  So, what does the townsend discharge have to do with dielectrics?
                  Check out the further wiki link. Wiki helps me get aquainted with the modern electronic devices, and examine what the old "analouge" parts did, as well as how they complete the same purpose/function in modern electronics.

                  Basically -- this tells me what VISUAL effect I am looking for. (I think in pictures, am terrible at drawing, and need to SEE something in my imagination in order to understand how the concept works)

                  Just gotta play to our mental strengths somtimes.

                  It's funny how if you take advantage of the natural tendencies of people's thinking methods, they can balance themselves out pretty well to complete a certain function. Sort of like how if you understand how one doping agent works in a diode you can use different elements to do the same thing.

                  I'm teaching my room mates some of this stuff, and likewise being better organized on the construction of some of these things. "Nature has many ways of fulfilling the same function"


                  • Dielectrics:
                    From what I understand, there are two different waves counterbalancing each other in each atom of a dielectric. So, I knew that plastics were mostly really long carbon chains. Jetijs's thread about turning plastics into fuel was pretty nifty for his perspective on thermally cracking the ice.

                    What I did not realize, was that "dielectrics" meant that there were two opposing "spins" contained within the molecules. For instance, the carbon, or silicon molecule -- A dielectric's abillity to hold a certian ammount of charge until it breaks down, or its "dielectric constant" (its abillity to "condense" the the electric charge before breaking down) is directly related to its electric BALANCE. Its dielectric strength appears to be related to the ecliptic plane of spin -- the more sphere like it is (noble gasses).


                    Okay, so what does the high voltage "lateral cooling" have to do with temperature?
                    Why can the difference in voltage pressure cause a difference in physical temperature?

                    Now, I'm not suggesting to read Walter Russell at all....
                    But it totally helped me imagine the visual concepts at play here.
                    Aw, what the heck -- I quote him enough to illustrate that I use his conceptual understanding to sift through various meanings.

                    So, with that kind of introduction -- Russell says cold CONTRACTS & Generates, and heat RADIATES & Expands

                    If you have high "electric pressure", you also make it so that as you are "grounding" the electric pressure into the "cooled object", you are INCREASING its pressure -- which is another way to say you are forcing the "cooled object" to Contract.

                    Waitaminute. didn't I just say the same thing?

                    Okay, so get this.... Argon, on russell's table? Noble Gas. Balanced "electron shells", or however you perceive them -- life/death ratio is in balance.
                    Noble gas in a discharge tube = dielectric
                    Dielectric breakdown, anyone?

                    We can change what the charge potential inside the ice as its freezing sees as ground, by selecting different elements which may be locally present for us....

                    So, for instance --

                    It's nice to see that copper could be used as a "sink" for the charge to ground out to. More interesting that Zinc could be used as a ground -- as there was something in the tesla replication thread about using ZINC to amplify the effect. Why would Zinc amplify it, if it were just one potential positon away from the copper towards its "outbreath". Zinc has two "holes" for the charge to sink into, whereas copper has one....

                    Chapter 19. Electrical Properties
                    19.7 Electron Mobility

                    Electrons are accelerated in an electric field E, in the opposite direction to the field because of their negative charge. The force acting on the electron is -eE, where e is the electric charge. This force produces a constant acceleration so that, in the absence of obstacles (in vacuum, like inside a TV tube) the electron speeds up continuously in an electric field. In a solid, the situation is different. The electrons scatter by collisions with atoms and vacancies that change drastically their direction of motion. Thus electrons move randomly but with a net drift in the direction opposite to the electric field. The drift velocity is constant, equal to the electric field times a constant called the mobility m
                    Waitwait, did we not JUST see this before? Rodin coil's magnetic spin? Smoke rings? The charge isolates to the skin effect -- and when the feild has a constant supply (like the conditions that make current flow... Blehh)

                    If you were to stretch the rotation of a smoke ring along the surface of the conductor -- would that not only account for different "electric pressures"; pressures meaning as the charge gas effectively "squeezing" on the conductor -- also for the

                    Let's compare ion wind needles by putting them inside a rodin coil in our imagination. Relative to their pointed tip allows the charge feild to assume the exact center -- giving a cone-like discharge of ion wind. Sorta makes me wonder -- if you were to

                    "Change the impedance of the coil you change the coupling effect"

                    Impedance... Electrical impedance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    If you haven't looked up what impedance is.... Basically, it is the phase shift between voltage and current. See wiki for a more detailed definition.

                    I was more interested in reactance. I perked up at these words because I was listening carefully -- that was a key word I'd heard before, but I didnt exactly know why it was importance.

                    Electrical impedance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    "Inductive reactance is proportional to the signal frequency and the inductance."

                    "An inductor consists of a coiled conductor. Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction gives the back emf (voltage opposing current) due to a rate-of-change of magnetic flux density {B} through a current loop."

                    The back-emf is the source of the opposition to current flow. A constant direct current has a zero rate-of-change, and sees an inductor as a short-circuit (it is typically made from a material with a low resistivity). An alternating current has a time-averaged rate-of-change that is proportional to frequency, this causes the increase in inductive reactance with frequency."

                    So -- that reactance is based on the ammount of coil turns, multiplied by (Phi/RateofChange)

                    ------------ (divided by)
                    the rate of change

                    So basically, you can get quite a kick out as a reactive power pulse if you make make the switch closure (On/Off) fast enough...

                    Okay -- so we have the power "kick" we need. MM, you posted a link that I need to find again. Gaah. Something to do with a russian engineer who used a single wrapped coil around a torid core. The secondary was yellow -- and lit up a lightbulb.

                    How can we couple the energy transfer between coils?

                    Impedance matching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Oh. Hello Impedance.
                    If we match you, what kind of things can we do?
                    Transfer energy most efficently? Great.

                    See Complex Conjugate Matching.

                    "This is used in cases in which the source and load are reactive. This form of impedance matching can only maximize the power transfer between a reactive source and a reactive load at a single frequency."

                    Okay. So what is a Complex Conjugate?

                    For example, 3 + 4i and 3 − 4i are complex conjugates.

                    Oh. So if you transfer the meaning of -4, and +4, using zero as the Still center -- this makes perfect sense -- just opposites of the divine trinity. They're just trying to confuse you by throwing in numbers to scare you.


                    This is rediculous -- I've had to SERIOUSLY look for these little nuances around different books -- and when they bring up the concepts which actually are important for an OU effect they don't really tell you that there are some certain ways to manapulate -- and the only tests the academics will ever go into explaining are the ones which are suposed to lead you AWAY from the OU effects. If you use the matierals "as you're suposed to", you're NEVER going to see any OU.

                    This drives me nuts! If I didn't know that it was out there -- I wouldn't have fought to find it. It IS in the math -- it IS possible to calculate it without blindly experimenting.

                    But basically you've gotta look really long and hard for very specific effects, of very specific terms. You guys seriously don't know how many converstations I've ended with professors with

                    "P:You can't use that that way.
                    Me: Allright. But if I were to Improperly use it in this way, what would happen.....?
                    P: ......
                    Me: Maybe I'll just test it if you don't know.

                    (Changed my major after that... I'd never thought people actually actively tried to supress curiosity to investigate "what you shouldnt do" with dielectric breakdown....)"

                    Even the books that I've got at the library on superconductivity -- most haven't been checked out in the last thirty or so years. Even then -- they were perhaps checked out by TWO or THREE people. I'm not sure if that were for some report for a class, or something; but it's really un-nerving that so few have investigated the concept -- especially when superconductivity was suposed all in the news when I was a kid -- the 90's or something -- I remember freaking out in my imagination because I didn't understand how superconductors worked.

                    Bands, Bonds, and Doping

                    This is a page about LED's. I will show you how the deformation in the crystal latticue makes the "smoke ring" of electric pressure passing over the crystal structure's doped "hole", very rapidly bump "up down" through the hole -- sort of like a pothole you'd hit with one of your car tires. Very rapid "THUD" and out is ejected a photon.

                    Sort of like the farfield and near field -- this using doesn't actually create the wave it propagates -- it sets up the cancelling regions to induce a the far field wave. I think combining this, with being able to aim the cancelling fields through different coil construction, might be where it's at.... Notice that the cancelling regions for the waves.
                    File:FarNearFields-USP-4998112.PNG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    "The curl of the gradient of any scalar field [phi] is always the zero vector:"
                    Scalar potential - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    So basically -- the scalar potential will always void itself. Interesting. What are the ways in which we might be able to manapulate this? (The one cannot be divided -- it can SEEM to be divided) This math seems to reflect th rules of the "divine trinity"....

                    Scalar multiplication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    These are the parts which I think might be relevant to getting a "bigger output" than we input...
                    # Left distributivity: (c + d)v = cv + dv;
                    # Right distributivity: c(v + w) = cv + cw;
                    # Associativity: (cd)v = c(dv);

                    Adding, is putting the polarity directionally/spin "in-sync"
                    Multiplying -- is to ram two polarities against each other.

                    Del - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    I think it's also interesting that we have the mathmatical abstraction that scalar is the "real" thing. Interesting perspective because "god's still universe of light" is according to russell the only "real" reality.


                    • Stay with me here. So, silver, gold, iron, tin, copper are all resulting METALS from the SEED (First matter). Think of how Stem Cells are the "seeds" of our bodies, taking purposeful form & structure based on their (relative) enviroments, and surrounding nutrients.

                      We have recently begun to try to "shock" skin cells, and nerve cells back into their "stem cell" state, to re-purpose them in human bodies. Let's say that "Stem Cells" are similar to the "First Matter" of Metals.

                      Skin Cells Converted to Stem Cells

                      It is not ridiculed in the medical field to repurpose cells -- why should it be so ridiculed in the sciences to have similar thoughts about metals?

                      The ridicule comes from the ASSUMPTION that metals are always in their same state -- and never change form in nature. To me, this shows how we have become disconnected from observing nature, and caught up in our artifical world of sustained appearances.

                      This flaw in thinking is similarly reflected in the concept of "botox" (or breast implants) where we inject plastics under our skin to hold the appearance of youth.

                      you got me at stem cell

                      How do you reset "vortexing" it.....

                      botox and all those subterfuge are to hide an imbalance existing within and it reflects without

                      I'll be adding more comments as i read
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-30-2011, 08:35 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Petar you said a mouthful on that one I can tell there's alot on your mind.
                        Can semiconductors take us to ou, some can help such as a diode-valve but any semiconductor that would lead to ou is not on the market I promise you that. Now making your own semiconductors like with the ice crystals that may lead to ou.
                        What we need to do is collect all the energy put in plus the energy generated by the coil then we can reach ou and the ice battery may do that since it is contained in the ice-isolate pun intended
                        Right now all energy is collected when the magnetic field is pulsed, even mechanical generators, if we could collect all the energy from a coil without pulsing it we would have unlimited power.
                        There has to be a way to strip the magnetic field of electrons and collect the vector field plus what we put into a system, thats what got me into crystals in the first place.
                        I have learned how a magnet works, I can look at almost any system a tell how it works, and if you study the models you can too, all magnets and coils work the same, except for the toroid.
                        The toroid is an exceptional device it separates the electric field, one spin direction will move on the inside of the toroid and the other spin direction will move to the outside of the toroid and by doing this it will rectify current, thats why Don Smith incorporated it into his design to rectify the current and it also free's up the secondary's so they can move energy.
                        I believe it will also evaporate excess energy, if we have a generator that is putting out more energy than your using you need some way to release extra energy or the system will overload and drag this would be as much of a problem as not enough energy.
                        I'll quit for now
                        Keep up the good fight
                        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                        • So, I'm not sure if dielectric breakdown has been co-related with this before.....
                          Huge smoke ring generator. - YouTube
                          from the video, the concept of 6 3 9; i am transfering this info from

                          in this case 6 3 and invisible 9

                          Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          6 3 9 this is an amazing combination but if you pay attention it amazingly Fractal in its design but also how you can play with it:

                          or if you prefer playing with the perspective

                          6 3 9 = (3 3 ) 3 (3 3 3)
                          6 3 9 = 6 3 (6 3)

                          now graphically 6 and 9 are two opposing vortex that create 3, when 6 and 9 are joined i get 3 thus 3 can be broken up into 6 and 9...follow me so far

                          think of it this way

                          3 = ( 6 9 )

                          so we get

                          6 3 9 = 6 ( 6 9 ) 9

                          these statements are electromagnetically applicable...just use your imagination

                          and that is what you saw Farmhand

                          I just wanted to raise an important point about The 6 3 9 Fractal Engine

                          It is a system that will always be in Equilibrium; a good analogy for that would be a tubular balloon filled with air....if you squeeze it on one side it will compensate by inflating on the other we have as an example:

                          6 3 9

                          6 3 9

                          6 3 9

                          6 3 9


                          Remember this 6 3 9 is a Fractal Engine

                          it will always compensate on the other two elements

                          a good example of that is the above picture of the mountain...think on it...what do you see...

                          hint: think vibrational (you have one solid and )

                          note: in these various examples shown the 7 Principles are still respected...different laws have become higher for each case
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • now re read the following

                            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                            found this while browsing Tesla's patent

                            Notice the asymmetry of the set up, there is a reason....

                            every system will seek equilibrium

                            Tesla did not draw it just like that because it was esthetically pleasing

                            Principle of Mentalism: The Universe is all Wave

                            important read:[/QUOTE]
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-01-2011, 12:32 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Originally posted by petar113507 View Post
                              Can you elaborate a little bit more on this? Into which coil? How could you tell it avoided the

                              I've had a few fracks go towards copper coils when I had the wires holding up a pizeo (so the crack went towards the opposite polarity)
                              Also -- you mentioned yourself -- gold in quartz:

                              And I currently have one smith coil freezing into an aluminum screen ground. Maybe polarizing the ground to look like a better "funnell" (stronger polarity opposite).

                              Do you think the charge in the middle is positive? I think it might be, because it seeks to discharge into its opposite polarity -- the lesser electric pressure (or lesser charge density) being "outside" the ice. Working with the "core sample" tube is very interesting, because the dielectric seems to halt the "breaking" of the ice, so the insulating ice around the "core sample" doesn't break....

                              I'm just thinking out loud here -- this is a result of my observations...
                              Dave, this theory is mostly put out there for you -- because I think you would understand how it practically applies the most (youv'e done experimenting too )

                              What if the ice were transfering the charge from the battery/smith -- through the dielectric by coupling the charge to the magnetic feild, and by cancelling the magnetic field releases the charge (A-vector) in the middle of the ice, creating the higher electric pressure? The high electric pressure makes the ice crystalize differently in the middle of the tube, making it freeze slower. When too high a pressure develops in the ice as it is freezing -- it mechanically forces the ice upwards through the center tube, equalizing the water pressure on the inside of the the tube. This repeats for a lower electric pressure -- until the water freezes too rapidly, when towards the dead center of the tube the same pressures are developed, except instead of the mechanical forcing it "cracks" the ice in a discharge. The cracks appear in similar numbers to the top ice layers.

                              I've taken the ice out of the freezer as it is freezing -- those clear tubes definitely help to observe how it freezes in LAYERS -- the bubble layers -- the dissolved gasses don't "like" to freeze -- if you were to freeze the water more slowly (at a lower temperature) you get more really clear "insulating" ice.
                              The bubbles are evidence of a hasty crystalization, forced by a higher (pressure) level. When that pressure equalizes itself, it freezes clear, in layers.

                              Maybe those layers are just the magnetic field preventing it from freezing.

                              This is exactly what I was hoping to do to the Field -- ground it out to "show it an easier path" to drain into. If I could make the cracks drain into a different coil then I would have a good way to tap the voltage spikes. So far -- too much voltage just makes the ice crack -- we definitely need a way to direct the flow.

                              So "preferential conductors".....


                              This is exactly why I suggested placing a screen in the ice to absorb the electricity; much the same as there are veins that collect electricity in solar cells and converge them to a unified point. Only this has to be done in 3D so what I'm really talking about here is a grid of wires. When you place a coil in ice it is drawing the electricity in the ice toward the coil, which is in the center. However it has nowhere to go and bounces off striking the coil and flaring out through the path of least resistance like a lightening bolt. This is what is causing the cracks in the ice. There are great stores of electricty in ice and crystal but getting the electricity to flow is a difficult trick. The electrons need something to draw them and that is what your coil does. But your coil is also emmiting electricity so they are drawn and immediately repelled. instead of wrapping the screen around the exterior of the ice, wrap the screen around the coil, in the ice and then put a wire extending from the top and the bottom for polarity. Run electricity through the wire to polarize it so the elctricity has a direction of flow. Then turn on the coil. This will draw the electrons toward the screen, the electrons; once they hit the screen will flow in the direction of polarization. If you do not polarize the screen first the same thing will happen to the screen as the coil the cracks will emminate from the screen instead of the coil. polarization is extremely important.


                              • Shawn, this is what you did is create a primary and a secondary....principle of mentalism (all is wave ) a miniature Tesla coil would actually collect the energy from the ice

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-02-2011, 06:06 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

