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Harvesting Energy From the Sun Using Crystals

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  • here, had an idea for you guys.

    Hi everyone..I just made my account today and I've been reading a bunch of forums on "energetic forum" especially the ones regarding Nikola Tesla's works.

    When I was reading this particular thread on energy from crystals.. I was looking at the many pictures of people freezing water with coils in them to somewhat observe the fields.

    My idea came to me when I went to my room.. I was thinking..
    What if you were to take a water-pipe or a "bong" and insert a coil that fanned out in the bottom, then filled it with water and froze it. Upon taking it out of the freezer.. break the actual pipe off the outside so your left with the ice only, flip it over and It would be what looks to me like a Tesla coil made from ice.

    Just an idea.. I dont have superior electrical knowledge or training.. just very imaginative..

    Thank you everyone
    Last edited by IczerTesla; 11-06-2011, 06:53 PM. Reason: made a mistake stating i had training haha


    • Welcome IczerTesla, thank you for joining our discussion...your idea is sound, the copper pipe will act as shied and push the field inwardly
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Thank you for your reply MonsieurM.
        I think I may have not fully and clearly described my idea.. I was implying using a smoking device to act as a mold or form for the ice..not a copper water pipe hehe. Sorry about that.
        Here, Ill try to attach my attempt to visualize it in MS paint..
        Attached Files

