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Why Einstein's relativity theory is plain wrong

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  • #46
    Thank you Lamare for the info

    I would like to contribute this info:


    Subquantum Kinetics

    The continuous creation of physical reality from the transmuting ether as portrayed in the subquantum kinetics physics methodology

    It further proposes that the concentrations of the substrates composing this ether are the energy potential fields that form the basis of all matter and energy in our universe. The operation of these ether reactions causes wave-like field gradients (spatial concentration patterns) to emerge and form the observable quantum level structures and physical phenomena (e.g., subatomic particles with mass, charge, spin, and force field effects and electromagnetic waves).
    Scientific predictions made by subquantum kinetics

    Electro gravitics

    YouTube - TOAFN's Channel

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • #47

      Maye Einstein was not againt Aether at all, but somehow his proponents polluted his ideas. Remember that he had also worked on theory of everything and during that last period of life he was maybe supressed, because he couldn't said anything about it.

      Einstein's Aether and Relativity


      • #48
        Originally posted by boguslaw View Post

        Maye Einstein was not againt Aether at all, but somehow his proponents polluted his ideas. Remember that he had also worked on theory of everything and during that last period of life he was maybe supressed, because he couldn't said anything about it.

        Einstein's Aether and Relativity

        Manhattan Project oblige....
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • #49
          Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          Manhattan Project oblige....
          Nope,look at date of article...


          • #50
            If anyone is interested in an electric copy of Walter Russell's home study course 3rd edition or Michael Talbot's Holographic Universe PM me. Great ideas are being toyed with in this thread, I wish I could contribute to it a little more but I am quite busy. I'll post a bit later thoguh

            Scribd account;


            • #51
              Originally posted by Raui View Post
              If anyone is interested in an electric copy of Walter Russell's home study course 3rd edition or Michael Talbot's Holographic Universe PM me. Great ideas are being toyed with in this thread, I wish I could contribute to it a little more but I am quite busy. I'll post a bit later thoguh

              Look forward to hearing from ya!


              • #52
                Originally posted by boguslaw View Post

                Maye Einstein was not againt Aether at all, but somehow his proponents polluted his ideas. Remember that he had also worked on theory of everything and during that last period of life he was maybe supressed, because he couldn't said anything about it.

                Einstein's Aether and Relativity
                I was referring to his later part in life....
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • #53
                  I posted this on another thread a few days back:

                  Originally posted by lamare View Post

                  What I meant to say is that up to a certain degree, you can describe electro-magnetism using basically the same things as used in hydraulics. Some "thing", a fluid, flows trough some other "thing", a tube or water hose, a pump, etc. And actually 99% of electrical engineering uses this hydraulic analogy, where you can safely neglect the fact that underneath the surface, everything is really a wave (pattern), a very dynamic system.

                  And yes, you are right, you can also explain wave dynamics such that they can be understood to a degree without being too complicated, but only once you completely understand what is going on yourself.

                  What is very confusing with the current theory and thus the accompaning vizualisations is that we have been taught the electric field, the magnetic field and the gravitation field are three completely separate phenomena, which are connected in mysterious ways. In actual fact, they are not. This cymatic picture has told me very much:

                  You see some clear structure being formed as a result of just one phenomenon: sound waves in a liquid. If you imagine the little ball in the middle of the left picture being the earth and you know that the highlighted area's that form the structure in the cymatic picture are some kind of grains of some kind of material, it is clear that gravity must be a result of ether waves and not something mysterious. Of course, most of the structure is invisible in the real world, because you can only "see" the structure because of the grains in the liquid, but I am convinced the same kind of structure as seen on the picture actually surrounds the earth in the ether.

                  Finally, one comes to the following conclusion:
                  1. The gravity field is the pressure-variation of the ether
                  2. The electric field is the speed of the uni-directional movement of the ether
                  3. The magnetic field is the speed of the rotational movement of the ether

                  Then I remembered this post by Eric Dollard:

                  Originally posted by Dollard, E. P. (N6KPH) View Post
                  ...for those who’s minds have been polluted by the prevalent quantum goddess reality:



                  The air in the room; the room is filled with air and has atmospheric pressure of 2998 mB, your stereo is blasting away, the speakers are creating longitudinal waves having length and frequency and exert a oscillating force centered on 2998 mB (+ or – 10 mB)

                  RG is the air pressure, a scalar
                  XB is the sound of the stereo, a longitudinal wave

                  XG = RB, thus no transverse waves exist (XG – RB) = ZERO

                  Hence (RG + XB) is what is going on in the room, the disinformers have convinced you that this whole quantity (RB + XB) is scalar, RG is the only scalar component.

                  It is DC and has NO FREQUENCY, no WAVELENGTH and thus NO WAVE!

                  SCALER = NO WAVE - GET IT???

                  If people don’t get this fundamental concept – my time is better spent talking to my pet Coyote… I have nothing further to say…
                  And I was intrigued by this little problem put forth by Harold Aspden:
                  LESSON 02

                  In Lesson No. 1 we discussed the principles governing the motion of a particle of mass m when acted upon by a force. In this Lesson No. 2 the same approach based on energy conservation will be applied to the collision of two particles. We are, however, going to complicate the problem by declaring that all particles of matter are, at the truly fundamental level, not just something having a mass we can denote as m and then proceed by using Newtonian principles. Instead, we shall see them in their true form as being minute particles of electric charge concentrated into a small volume of space so as to have an energy which we know governs their mass.

                  Eventually we will need to explain how charge derives its polarity in terms of energy, space and time, in order to justify our master plan of reducing everything in fundamental physics to these three dimensions. However, we are obliged to proceed step by step and so we will accept that those fundamental charges each have the unitary charge e equal in magnitude to that of the electron. Indeed, I admit that I cannot, as yet, solve the riddle of charge polarity. It lies in unexplored territory and, apart from a few brief excursions into that territory, I see it as uncharted ground.

                  Though electricity is everywhere in us and around us, just as is the aether, the question of what determines whether an electric charge is positive or negative and why like polarity charges repel and unlike polarity charges attract is a mystery. Note that I could say that the measure of energy density is the square of field strength, that the polarity of the charge is the direction of that field and that, since there are positive and negative square roots to a positive energy density expressed as the square of field strength, so there must be two polarities of opposite sign. If that level of explanation satisfies your curiosity then we can move on without concern but, if you share my thoughts, you would still wonder whether there is an oscillation mode at the universal Compton electron frequency and whether phase relationships are the governing factor.

                  Indeed, I see that question of charge polarity as a challenge and possibly the final frontier of our conquest of physics. It surprises me that the subject is not even mentioned by physicists as something warranting research investigation. It seems that it is easier to explore what happened in the first moments of the 'Big Bang' than to look into what is happening within us and all around us here and now on Earth.

                  First back to my conclusion that gravity is the variation of pressure in the ether and the electric field is the speed of uni-directional movement of the ether. I think these are not completely accurate, but I am not sure how and why. I think we have to remember that there is a DC "pressure" component in the pressure of the ether as well as in the flows going trough it, so the difference between gravity and the electric field may be DC/steady flow vs. "vibration"/"waves".

                  Now if you look back to the left image of the cymatic pucture, you see some small highligted area's that look like some kind of channels. So, I'm beginning to think that if matter on a small scale as well as solar systems at a large scale are formed by wave phenomena and form these kind of "channels", then it could be that there is not only a flow in the ether because of the vibration, but also a DC flow.

                  If that is the case, you could have two kinds of charges. One where there is a DC flow in trough the "channels" and out trough the area's in between the "channels" and one the other way around.

                  Of course, this is just a hypothesis, but it makes sense to me, so I share the idea to see what you guys think.


                  • #54
                    side note: I have been talking about fractal for quite a while now, and hopefully convinced some of you, I just wanted your opinion for i think that Carl Sagan was already talking about the universe being fractal, just watch the first 10 min of this video.... pay attention to the choice of words

                    ‪Cosmos: A Personal Voyage - Episode 1 (Carl Sagan)‬‏ - YouTube

                    Btw: it was made in the 80's
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-15-2011, 03:39 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • #55

                      I have almost identical thoughts. Gravitation is difference of pressure in ether while magnetic field is vortex of flow in ether.
                      Don't know yet what is electric field but it tend to be just magnetic flow when not yet curled.

                      I may add that mass is empty space in ether - bubble but not static - oscillating like heart. I fully agree here with dynamic wave theory of matter. Basic particle is standing wave-bubble formed by two opposite ether flow (in and out).

                      Or rather ether is not flowing but there are waves in ether which do that all.

                      Prana i Akasha.

                      All MUST be simple, because God will not fool us. He want this knowledge to be available to ALL of us. Remember what happened in the Eden Garden ?


                      • #56
                        You know what?

                        Gravity and the electric field is one and the same thing!

                        Will post more tomorrow, posting this from my mobile.

                        There is an experiment in which you charge a capacitor using a long wire hung up in the air, which can deliver kVs of potential, IIRC. And Tesla once had the idea of generating high voltage power using balloons. So, apparantly there is a huge static potential difference between the ground and any point above it, which reaches millions of Volts at cloud hights, which is what actually powers lightning!

                        This is so obvious I can't believe I didn't think of this before.

                        And that also explains the TT Brown effect....


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by lamare View Post
                          You know what?

                          Gravity and the electric field is one and the same thing!

                          And that also explains the TT Brown effect....

                          Exactly, they belong to the same fractal engine... and water is its fuel....

                          see post:

                          Biefeld–Brown effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          for illustration purpose:

                          Behind every apparent law that governs the universe is a fractal/constructal system, and i would add that water is its fuel

                          Fractals.Similarities. Patterns. Design.the.Hidden.Dimension

                          ‪Benoit Mandelbrot - Hunting the Hidden Dimension Nova (2008)‬‏ - YouTube

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-15-2011, 10:40 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by lamare View Post
                            You know what?

                            Gravity and the electric field is one and the same thing!

                            Will post more tomorrow, posting this from my mobile.

                            There is an experiment in which you charge a capacitor using a long wire hung up in the air, which can deliver kVs of potential, IIRC. And Tesla once had the idea of generating high voltage power using balloons. So, apparantly there is a huge static potential difference between the ground and any point above it, which reaches millions of Volts at cloud hights, which is what actually powers lightning!

                            This is so obvious I can't believe I didn't think of this before.

                            And that also explains the TT Brown effect....
                            I believe this. I have believed this ever since I read this electric universe related post a few years ago:

                            Newton’s Electric Clockwork Solar System


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by 7imix View Post
                              I believe this. I have believed this ever since I read this electric universe related post a few years ago:

                              Newton’s Electric Clockwork Solar System
                              indeed, and so is the human body....

                              from within so without

                              think of the universe as an Xbox game in which you evolve, electricity/gravity (all the electromagnetic spectrum and all the forces governing the universe) are your rendering (i'm not a programmer so please correct me if i'm wrong ) but you'll need an engine to render all this: that is where fractal engine comes into play..... (btw this analogy is a self similarity to how the universe works...hmmmm )

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-15-2011, 11:01 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • #60
                                "Think not of what you see, but what it took to produce what you see.” -
                                Benoit Mandelbrot.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

