When trying to replicate the experiment, he couldn't prove it, and actually discovered something far greater...
No announcement yet.
Why Einstein's relativity theory is plain wrong
So in essence - Tesla - never found proof in his experiments, of the mathematical ideas that were being flaunted as proven.
To read it, tells me that he was frustrated with what he saw in experiments, verses what was said in Tech journals of the day. This kept troubling him!
Originally posted by SilverToGold View PostIf any of you guys want to really understand Tesla, you better understand one thing.
Until you can understand this simple fact that goes against most of modern science, you can NOT understand Tesla.
Read his article here that goes over this.
"The True Wireless" by Nikola Tesla
To quote the editor:
In this remarkable and complete story of his discovery of the "True Wireless" and the principles upon which transmission and reception, even in the present day systems, are based, Dr. Nikola Tesla shows us that he is indeed the "Father of the Wireless." To him the Hertz wave theory is a delusion; it looks sound from certain angles, but the facts tend to prove that it is hollow and empty. He convinces us that the real Hertz waves are blotted out after they have traveled but a short distance from the sender. It follows, therefore, that the measured antenna current is no indication of the effect, because only a small part of it is effective at a distance. The limited activity of pure Hertz wave transmission and reception is here clearly explained, besides showing definitely that in spite of themselves, the radio engineers of today are employing the original Tesla tuned oscillatory system. He shows by examples with different forms of aerials that the signals picked up by the instruments must actually be induced by earth currents—not etheric space waves. Tesla also disproves the "Heaviside layer" theory from his personal observations and tests. EDITOR.
This is where people like Bearden get it wrong. Smart guy for sure but too brainwashed by modern "science" to really convey the truth about Tesla.
In the end, Tesla didn't buy into Hertzian waves. When people try to combine EM wave theory with Tesla, they are showing a lack of basic understanding of Tesla.
Let's first make one thing clear: Tesla was a human being as far as I know, not a saint. And human beings do make mistakes, including Tesla. As much as I like Tesla's theories and as much as I regard him the greatest scientist and teacher in recorded history, I can not and will not regard his theories as infallible and perfect in every way.
Having said that, I am afraid I have to disagree up to a certain extent with Tesla on his complete rejection of the Herz wave theory. As it happens, I just read part of his article on the True Wireless in the train home.
As far as I can tell, Tesla regarded EM waves as being "just" transversal electro-magnetic waves, just like the kind of waves that travel on a pond when you throw a rock in there. If that is what he was rejecting, I totally agree with him, because you cannot have transversal waves inside a fluid. Not in water and also not in the ether. Only at the border of two media with a different density you can have classic transversal waves, IMHO. So, in that sense I agree with Tesla.
However, there is a third way waves can occur, both in fluids as in the ether, which are waves that literally run in circles, or, around the surface of some kind of vortex. So, you cannot have actual transversal waves inside the ether, but you can have localized standing waves making some kind of bubble inside the fluid. And such bubbles, vortexes, are actually what we call particles and which are the cause for the well known wave-particle duality, which forms the basis for Quantum Mechanics:
Introduction to quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1924, Louis de Broglie proposed the idea that just as light has both wave-like and particle-like properties, matter also has wave-like properties. The wavelength, λ, associated with a particle is related to its momentum, p. [...] The relationship, called the de Broglie hypothesis, holds for all types of matter. Thus all matter exhibits properties of both particles and waves.In the double-slit experiment as originally performed by Thomas Young and Augustin Fresnel in 1827, a beam of light is directed through two narrow, closely spaced slits, producing an interference pattern of light and dark bands on a screen. If one of the slits is covered up, one might naively expect that the intensity of the fringes due to interference would be halved everywhere. In fact, a much simpler pattern is seen, a simple diffraction pattern. Closing one slit results in a much simpler pattern diametrically opposite the open slit. Exactly the same behaviour can be demonstrated in water waves, and so the double-slit experiment was seen as a demonstration of the wave nature of light.
The diffraction pattern produced when light is shone through one slit (top) and the interference pattern produced by two slits (bottom). The interference pattern from two slits is much more complex, demonstrating the wave-like propagation of light.
The double-slit experiment has also been performed using electrons, atoms, and even molecules, and the same type of interference pattern is seen. Thus all matter possesses both particle and wave characteristics.
And actually, in the area just around a transmitter antenna the fields have different characteristics than further away from an antenna. Remember what I said about the possibility of having transversal waves at the border of two media? How about the border between antenna and the air?
This distinction is known as "near field" versus "far field":
Near and far field - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The "far-field", which extends from about two wavelengths distance from the antenna to infinity, is the region in which the field acts as "normal" electromagnetic radiation. The power of this radiation decreases as the square of distance from the antenna, and absorption of the radiation has no effect on the transmitter. By contrast, the "near-field", which is inside about one wavelength distance from the antenna, is a region in which there are strong inductive and capacitative effects from the currents and charges in the antenna, which do not behave like far-field radiation. These effects decrease in power far more quickly with distance, than does the far-field radiation power.
So, in essence, Tesla did not realise that there was such a thing as a near field and a far field. And actually, modern science literally makes "things" known as "virtual photons" up in order to hide the fact that they don't have the slightest idea what they are really talking about:
In the quantum view of electromagnetic interactions, far field effects are manifestations of real photons, while near field effects are due to a mixture of real and virtual photons. Virtual photons composing near-field fluctuations and signals, have effects which are far shorter range than do real photons.
Update: Prof. Meyl shows this very nicely in his "Wireless Tesla Transponder":
In the text books one finds the detachment of a wave from the dipole accordingly explained. If we regard the structure of the outgoing fields, then we see field vortices, which run around one point, which we can call vortex center. We continue to recognize in the picture, how the generated field structures establish a shock wave, as one vortex knocks against the next [see Tesla: 1].
Thus a Hertzian dipole doesn’t emit Hertzian waves! An antenna as near-field without exception emits vortices, which only at the transition to the far-field unwind to electromagnetic waves.
Update 2: here's a nice page on Vortexes:
With thanks to Cherryman:
http://www.energeticforum.com/renewa...tml#post146810Last edited by lamare; 07-06-2011, 09:15 PM.
I think you underestimate Tesla. I read JJ Thompsons work and he in 1893 said that matter was swirls in the ether. He stole this from Tesla I believe since the paper was in regards to Faraday's tube of force that transfered momentum through the ether.
Tesla was also a proponent of Walter Russell who said the same thing about vortexes in the ether.
I also believe Tesla said that all things are derived from the ether and will return to the ether.
So I think you are wrong in saying Tesla was never considered vortex swirls in the ether.
All these ideas that seem so new now are actually old ideas.
The double-slit experiment has also been performed using electrons, atoms, and even molecules, and the same type of interference pattern is seen. Thus all matter possesses both particle and wave characteristics.
So, there you are. Tesla was right in that there cannot be classic transversal waves trough the ether, but it appears he simply never considered the possibility that EM waves could actually consist of some kind of vortex-like structure along which standing electro-magnetic waves can and do propagate trough the ether."
Originally posted by SilverToGold View PostI think you underestimate Tesla. I read JJ Thompsons work and he in 1893 said that matter was swirls in the ether. He stole this from Tesla I believe since the paper was in regards to Faraday's tube of force that transfered momentum through the ether.
Tesla was also a proponent of Walter Russell who said the same thing about vortexes in the ether.
I also believe Tesla said that all things are derived from the ether and will return to the ether.
So I think you are wrong in saying Tesla was never considered vortex swirls in the ether.
All these ideas that seem so new now are actually old ideas.
I am aware that Tesla liked Russels work and that he advised Russel not to go public with it. So, he must indeed have considered vortex swirls in the ether at some point and he also was aware of Einstein's relativity theory at some point and surely was also aware of Quantum Mechanics at some point.
However, "The True Wireless" was written in 1919, while in WP quoted in my post, it says: "In 1924, Louis de Broglie proposed the idea that just as light has both wave-like and particle-like properties, matter also has wave-like properties." That suggests Tesla did not know about wave-particle duality at the time he wrote "The True Wireless" and therefore considered matter as vortexes, but EM waves, or as he called them at the time: "Herzian waves", as classic transversal waves.
And Russel wrote "The Universal One" in 1926 ( Walter Russell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ), which is also later than 1919.
So, it may very well be that he did not consider EM waves (in the far-field) as being vortexes in the ether at the time of writing this article, because if he did, he would not have completely rejected Herz theory, but would have written something along the lines I explained....Last edited by lamare; 07-06-2011, 10:14 PM.
Originally posted by Farmhand View PostI think this diagram explains sunspots, not sure though.
Seems plausable
I'll have to see if there are some more of his interveiws, he makes some sense to me.
Those guys at CERN annoy me. They should have read walters book they could have saved a lot of money.
I highly recommend that you read this blog, very interesting:
The Philosopher Stoned sums it up very well
All truth passes through 3 stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer
ps:Farmhand, awesome diagram collection
Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-06-2011, 10:24 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Originally posted by lamare View PostFirst of all: May I kindly request you guys to take it easy with the font size button? There's no need to yell, I hear ya....
Let's first make one thing clear: Tesla was a human being as far as I know, not a saint. And human beings do make mistakes, including Tesla. As much as I like Tesla's theories and as much as I regard him the greatest scientist and teacher in recorded history, I can not and will not regard his theories as infallible and perfect in every way.
Whether Dr Tesla was right or wrong in his theory is subject to debate, but you are missing the point, in order for us to understand How he succeeded in transferring energy wirelessly you have to look through his eyes, not yours
As long as you persist in viewing his experiments through your own referential, you are condemned to replicate his experiment for educational purpose (ie: garage tinkering). Modulate your mind to match his and I'm sure a world of inspiration awaits us. I am sure that his theory may show some discrepancies, but remember this, he was trying to explain what he observed in his experiments based on what he believed to be true not the other way around. From his own words:
Experience is made before the law is formulated, both are related like cause an effect. Nicholas TeslaLast edited by MonsieurM; 07-06-2011, 10:49 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Well said MonsieurM.
I think Lamare's thread is very interesting and I agree with the idea that Einstein is wrong, I just wanted to make a point that Tesla very clearly does not buy into this "modernism" brought about by Einstein. Tesla was very aware of all the works being done after him and he had already answered most of these questions for himself to quite a high level.
Who is right and who is wrong?
Well, let's see... Einstein's work is very open and out there for everyone to see. There has been a massive push of his stolen ideas. We are constantly inundated by his "genius". You can find any of his writings and he is praised by the main stream science. He is one of the father's of quantum mechanics and mainstream science ideas.
Tesla's work has been stolen and hidden away. The government confiscated his work and combed out all the really great stuff. His things were grabbed before his body was even cold and has never been released by the government by the office of Alien Property even though he WAS a US citizen at the time of his death. His stuff is classified above the nuclear bomb information. He has been marginalized and almost erased from science books. He had over 700 patents. You will not find even half that number available. Where are they?
So who do you guys really think knew what he was talking about?Last edited by SilverToGold; 07-07-2011, 01:58 AM.
OK I'll bite and I'm a little confused.
So are the hertz waves refered to the same as Transverse Electro Magnetic waves ? Theoretically.
So is it impossible for hertz waves to actually exsist ?
Then what powers my lights ?
When we use wire's do hertz waves travel the border between the wire and the air or the insulator.
The border of two media, water and air or wire and air. seems maybe even two layers of air of different densities, or metals.
Are two layers of air of different density considered different media.
Then can somebody describe the nature of the electricity that is flowing to my house from the grid system ?
Lets not get ahead of ourselves and make any rash deciscions here.
Makes me wonder how Tesla's system could be so different if there is no EM to be different from.
Could it be that tesla considered the "hertzian wave theory" and electromagnetic radiation to be different things? Even though people since the beginning of the theory have referred to electromagnetic waves as hertzian waves, tesla may not have conflated the two. He could have logically disagreed with Hertz's theory while at the same time understanding transverse electromagnetic waves.
Consider the following 1916 quote from "Tesla on his work with Alternating Currents"
Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents -- Chapter IV
Let's see if I understand this correctly.* If you have radiation or electromagnetic waves going from your system, the energy is wasted?
Absolutely wasted.* From my circuit you can get either electromagnetic waves, 90 percent of electromagnetic waves if you like, and 10 percent in the current energy that passes through the earth.* Or, you can reverse the process and get 10 percent of the energy in electromagnetic waves and 90 percent in energy of the current that passes through the earth.
I really don't see how the claim "tesla believed transverse electromagnetic waves did not exist" can be made when tesla himself talks about making them. At the same time I do see how tesla could have not agreed with the Hertzian wave theory.
Let's try to turn this a bit around (think of a Rubic Cube ); Let's assume that Einstein was wrong. the true question is then , what did Tesla believe in (I have my own little theory on that ) when he was conducting his experiments...“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
I'll Start:
Quite different conditions exist in my system in which the electromagnetic waves or radiations are designedly minimized. the connection of one of, the terminals of the transmitting circuit to the ground having, itself, the effect of reducing the energy of these radiations to about one-half, Under observance of 'proper rules and artifices the distance is of little or no consequence, and by skillful application of the principle of "individualization," repeatedly referred to the messages may be rendered both non-interfering and non-interferable. This invention, which I have described in technical publications, attempts to imitate, in a very crude way, the nervous system in the human body.' Nicolas Tesla“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Let's quote Eric Dollard on the Herzian waves matter:
Tuks DrippingPedia : Theory Of Wireless Power
Upon completion of these wireless plants in 1919 the U.S. government established the Radio Corporation Of America (R.C.A.) to take control of the plants constructed upon U.S. territory. R.C.A., Marconi Wireless Co., and others went on to develop wireless (now radio) communication based upon transverse, or Hertzian, waveforms. The culmination of the transverse wave antenna was the R.C.A. type "D" director, later to become the well known rhombic antenna, figure (2).
These developments firmly entrenched the use of Hertzian waves in the practice of wireless communication, thereby diverting interest from the waveforms discovered by Dr. Nikola Tesla. Tesla's progress in commercial development was further delayed by his absolute insistance upon establisihing a perfect system, the "World System", of wireless power and communication. The World System was much more costly and complex than the simple installations of Marconi. To quote Dr. Tesla's thoughts about the development of wireless at this point in history:
"The commercial application of the art has led to the construction of larger transmitters and multipilication of their number, greater distances had to be covered and it became imperative to employ receiving devices of ever greater sensitiveness. All these changes have co-operated in emphasizing the trouble and seriously impairing the reliability and value of the plants. To such a degree has this been the case that conservative business men and financiers have come to look upon this method of conveying intelligence as one offering but very limited possibilities, and the Government has deemed it advisable to assume control. This unfortunate state of affairs, fatal to the enlishment of capital and healthful competitive development, could have been avoided had electricians not remained to this day under a delusive theory and had the practical exploiters of this advance not permitted enterprise to outrun technical competence".
Dr. Tesla remained unswayed by these commercial developments and their impact upon scientific thought. Tesla understood that the transverse, or Hertzian, waveform was useless for the transmission of electric energy on an industrial scale. The scattering nature of these waves represents the primary limitation to efficient energy transfer, to quote:
"Nothing illustrates this better than the recent demonstrations of a number of experts with very short waves, which have created the impression that power will be eventually transmitted by such means. In reality, experiments of this kind are the very denial of the possibility of economic transmission of electric energy."
This of course brings to mind the recent proposal to transmit from a satellite in outer space megawatts of photo-voltaic energy via a micro-wave beam down to the earth's surface.
Now the essence according to Dollard:
Tuks DrippingPedia : Induction In The Dimension Of Time
The complimentary nature of magnetic and dielectric inductions led maxwell to discover the existance of a constant numerical proportion between the units of measure in magnetism and the units of measure in. dielectricity, this constant being numerically equal to the velocity of light squared. This famous discovery led Maxwell to the THEORY OF ELECTRO-MAGNETISM, this theory stating that electric waves are ident*ical to waves of light, and thereby gave the notion that magnetism and dielectricity are inseparable.
The Maxwell theory of electro-magnetism dominated research into electric waves, particularly after the experiments of H. Hertz. Nikola Tesla comment on this matter:
"I do not hesitate to say that in a short time it will be recognized as one of the most remarkable and inexplicable aberrations of the scientific mind which has ever been recorded in history."
Unfortunately this time has not yet arrived.
Prof. J.J. Thompson took a much less mathematical approach and more physical approach to Faraday's discoveries. Prof. Thompson considered Faraday's contiguous aether particles and lines of induction as CONCRETE PHYSICAL REALITIES, despite the shift in contemporary thought (cir 1900) back to what resembles action at a distance thru an aetherless, and now a spiritless, dead, space.
Thompson considered the propagation of magnetic inductions as dis*tinctly INDEPENDENT of each other, rather than these two inductions propagating cojointly as given by the theory of electro-magnetism. He conceived the propagation of magnetic induction, because of the lines being transverse to the direction of propagation, as being retarded by the broadside drag they encounter in their motion thru the aether; Whereas the propagation of dielectric induction, because of these lines being directed along the path of propagation, are not retarded, but glide smoothly thru the aether with little or no opposition to motion.
Analogously, the propagation of a parachute thru the atmosphere is akin to magnetic propagation and hence the effect of drag, whereas the prop*agation of a missile thru the atmosphere is akin to dielectric propagation. Hence, dielectric induction propagates faster and thus arrives sooner than the magnetic induction, and thus sooner than the electro-magnetic energy. This concept is of prime importance for the understanding of the works of Dr. Nikola Tesla.The velocity of dielectric propagation was experimentally verified by Prof. Wheatstone to be π/2 times faster than the velocity of light. Tesla also states this velocity in his writings on wave propagation.
In view of these scientific discoveries, and the fact that Oliver Heaviside developed a theory of faster than light electrons which was confirmed by Dr. Tesla, it is a wonder how the present notions of electro-magnetism and its limiting velocity as purported by Einstein an his follo*wers have dominated electric theory. It is of particular interest to note that C.P. Steinmetz did not consider Hertzian waves as transmission of energy but as energy loss by the hysteresis of the aether.
Tesla's Big Mistake?
Tesla was using the ground as a transmission line. He was correct when he insisted that he was producing longitudinal waves in the "natural medium." He was correct in saying that the ground was not just a voltage reference. In this case the "natural medium" is the population of mobile ions in the dirt and oceans which cause the Earth act as a conductor. He was converting the Earth's surface into a "G-line" conductor. Any electrical device could intercept a portion of that energy, as long as that device was connected to the ground and to an elevated metal object.
So, what was Tesla's big mistake? Initially he did not realize that the Earth's atmosphere was critically important for his system to work. If the Earth had acted like a perfectly-conducting metal ball hanging in a vacuum, then Tesla's system would not have worked. The waves would have travelled along the ground and then shot straight out into space. His system would have been like a "G-line" with a sharp bend in the middle: except for a bit of diffraction, the waves refuse to follow the bend and instead go right off the cable and are lost. Because of the "dielectric" effect of the atmosphere, and also because a conductive ionosphere was present, Tesla's system was feasible. Yet any scientist of the time would "correctly" see that Tesla's system totally violates well-known theory. If Tesla had started out from known theory, he would never have pursued the path he did. Tesla actually started out with empirical observations that the Earth resonated electromagnetically like a struck bell. The atmosphere and the ionosphere made this so, but Tesla only knew that it worked, and he really did not know why, at least at first.Last edited by lamare; 07-07-2011, 01:42 PM.
interesting thread, strong reasonings.
Tom Bearden said there are semi longitudinal waves.
As a pure sine wave takes on this kinetic component there
needs to be something observable. This " unobservable event "
was the real obstacle that allowed business, industry and power
to subdue tesla's effort. Naudin demonstrated scalar waves can
penetrate a faraday cage.
We are completely surrounded by transverse structured technology
as silver2gold reminds us how this developed. Another question is how to
bring the technology forward.